Ambiguous type variable with HashMap - haskell

I recently starting to play with haskell and I came across a problem while using HashMap that can be illustrated by this toy example:
import Data.HashMap as HashMap
foo = HashMap.insert 42 53 HashMap.empty
Here is the error I get when I load my file in the interpreter or compile it:
Prelude List HashMap> :load TypeError.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( TypeError.hs, interpreted )
Ambiguous type variable `k0' in the constraints:
(Num k0) arising from the literal `42' at TypeError.hs:3:22-23
(Ord k0) arising from a use of `insert' at TypeError.hs:3:7-20
(Data.Hashable.Hashable k0)
arising from a use of `insert' at TypeError.hs:3:7-20
Possible cause: the monomorphism restriction applied to the following:
foo :: Map k0 Integer (bound at TypeError.hs:3:1)
Probable fix: give these definition(s) an explicit type signature
or use -XNoMonomorphismRestriction
In the first argument of `insert', namely `42'
In the expression: insert 42 53 empty
In an equation for `foo': foo = insert 42 53 empty
Failed, modules loaded: none.
Prelude List HashMap>
However if I define the exact same function directly in the interpreter, I get no error:
Prelude List HashMap> let foo = HashMap.insert 42 53 HashMap.empty
Prelude List HashMap>
Does anyone have any clue about this?

The reason is that ghci uses extended default rules, while the compiler uses (by default) the defaulting rules specified in the language report:
Ambiguities in the class Num are most common, so Haskell provides another way to resolve them—with a default declaration: default (t1 , … , tn) where n ≥ 0, and each ti must be a type for which Num ti holds. In situations where an ambiguous type is discovered, an ambiguous type variable, v, is defaultable if:
v appears only in constraints of the form C v, where C is a class, and
at least one of these classes is a numeric class, (that is, Num or a subclass of Num), and
all of these classes are defined in the Prelude or a standard library
The relevant rule is that per the report defaulting is only done if all involved classes are defined in a standard library, but the Hashable constraint on the key involves a class that doesn't meet that requirement.
Thus the compiler rejects it, because it can't resolve the ambiguous type variable arising from the key, while ghci defaults it to Integer, since ghci also defaults if other classes are involved.


Haskell: Loading a file with a definition fails, while doing it interactively in GHCi works well. Why?

I am using GHCi 8.10.2 on Win 10.
I have a source file named src\LoadAndInteractiveDiffer.hs containing only:
module LoadAndInteractiveDiffer where
testNothingIsNothing = Nothing == Nothing
When loading it into GHCi, I get:
Prelude> :l src/LoadAndInteractiveDiffer.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling LoadAndInteractiveDiffer ( src\LoadAndInteractiveDiffer.hs, interpreted )
src\LoadAndInteractiveDiffer.hs:3:24: error:
* Ambiguous type variable `a0' arising from a use of `=='
prevents the constraint `(Eq a0)' from being solved.
Probable fix: use a type annotation to specify what `a0' should be.
These potential instances exist:
instance Eq Ordering -- Defined in `GHC.Classes'
instance Eq Integer
-- Defined in `integer-gmp-'
instance Eq a => Eq (Maybe a) -- Defined in `GHC.Maybe' 22 others six instances involving out-of-scope types
(use -fprint-potential-instances to see them all)
* In the expression: Nothing == Nothing
In an equation for `testNothingIsNothing':
testNothingIsNothing = Nothing == Nothing
3 | testNothingIsNothing = Nothing == Nothing
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Failed, no modules loaded.
However, when I do the same thing interactively, the behavior is as expected:
-- Works fine:
Prelude> testNothingIsNothing = Nothing == Nothing
-- Works fine:
Prelude> testNothingIsNothing
What have I missed here?
You need to specify the type a of Maybe a. In ghci it makes a guess and will do type defaulting.
Here we can for example work with Integer, since Integer is a member of the Eq typeclass:
testNothingIsNothing = Nothing == (Nothing :: Maybe Integer)
GHCi has extended defaulting rules [haskell-report]. Since here there is only a type constraint Eq on a, it will normally work with Maybe (). For more information about type defaulting, you can reed this article named "Type defaulting in Haskell" of Kwang's Haskell blog.
You can enable the extended type defaulting for a file with a language pragma:
{-# LANGUAGE ExtendedDefaultRules #-}
testNothingIsNothing = Nothing == Nothing
In fact you can enable it for some files, and for others, you do not. For the interactive part of ghci, this is enabled.
Nothing has type Maybe a. a must be filled in to use the type, but there is nothing in your program to let GHc infer what the a might be, hence the error.
When GHCi encounters an ambiguous type variable at the prompt, it uses Defaulting rules to resolve them, So Nothing is defaulted to Maybe (). However, when it loads a module from a file, the normal GHC convention is followed (unless the extension ExtendedDefaultRules is enabled, in which case GHCi-style defaulting is always enabled).

Why such different behaviour with `Ambiguous type..` error (in ghci)?

This example works with ghci, load this file:
import Safe
t1 = tailMay []
and put in ghci:
> print t1
But if we add analogous definition to previous file, it doesn't work:
import Safe
t1 = tailMay []
t2 = print $ tailMay []
with such error:
* Ambiguous type variable `a0' arising from a use of `print'
prevents the constraint `(Show a0)' from being solved.
Probable fix: use a type annotation to specify what `a0' should be.
These potential instances exist:
instance Show Ordering -- Defined in `GHC.Show'
instance Show Integer -- Defined in `GHC.Show'
instance Show a => Show (Maybe a) -- Defined in `GHC.Show' 22 others
That is 3rd sample for ghc with the same error:
import Safe
t1 = tailMay
main = do
print $ t1 []
print $ t1 [1,2,3]
Why? And how to fix the second sample without explicit type annotation?
The issue here is that tailMay [] can generate an output of type Maybe [a] for any a, while print can take an input of type Maybe [a] for any a (in class Show).
When you compose a "universal producer" and a "universal consumer", the compiler has no idea about which type a to pick -- that could be any type in class Show. The choice of a could matter since, in principle, print (Nothing :: Maybe [Int]) could print something different from print (Nothing :: Maybe [Bool]). In this case, the printed output would be the same, but only because we are lucky.
For instance print ([] :: [Int]) and print ([] :: [Char]) will print different messages, so print [] is ambiguous. Hence, GHC reject it, and requires an explicit type annotation (or a type application # type, using an extension).
Why, then, such ambiguity is accepted in GHCi? Well, GHCi is meant to be used for quick experiments, and as such, as a convenience feature, it will try hard to default these ambiguous a. This is done using the extended defaulting rules, which could (I guess) in principle be turned on in GHC as well by turning on that extension.
This is, however, not recommended since sometimes the defaulting rule can choose some unintended type, making the code compile but with an unwanted runtime behavior.
The common solution to this issue is using an annotation (or # type), because it provides more control to the programmer, makes the code easier to read, and avoids surprises.

Haskell function composition confusion

I'm trying to learn haskell and I've been going over chapter 6 and 7 of Learn you a Haskell. Why don't the following two function definitions give the same result? I thought (f . g) x = f (g (x))?
Def 1
let{ t :: Eq x => [x] -> Int; t xs = length( nub xs)}
t [1]
Def 2
let t = length . nub
t [1]
No instance for (Num ()) arising from the literal `1'
Possible fix: add an instance declaration for (Num ())
In the expression: 1
In the first argument of `t', namely `[1]'
In the expression: t [1]
The problem is with your type signatures and the dreaded monomorphism restriction. You have a type signature in your first version but not in your second; ironically, it would have worked the other way around!
Try this:
λ>let t :: Eq x => [x] -> Int; t = length . nub
λ>t [1]
The monomorphism restriction forces things that don't look like functions to have a monomorphic type unless they have an explicit type signature. The type you want for t is polymorphic: note the type variable x. However, with the monomorphism restriction, x gets "defaulted" to (). Check this out:
λ>let t = length . nub
λ>:t t
t :: [()] -> Int
This is very different from the version with the type signature above!
The compiler chooses () for the monomorphic type because of defaulting. Defaulting is just the process Haskell uses to choose a type from a typeclass. All this really means is that, in the repl, Haskell will try using the () type if it encounters an ambiguous type variable in the Show, Eq or Ord classes. Yes, this is basically arbitrary, but it's pretty handy for playing around without having to write type signatures everywhere! Also, the defaulting rules are more conservative in files, so this is basically just something that happens in GHCi.
In fact, defaulting to () seems to mostly be a hack to make printf work correctly in GHCi! It's an obscure Haskell curio, but I'd ignore it in practice.
Apart from including a type signature, you could also just turn the monomorphism restriction off in the repl:
λ>:set -XNoMonomorphismRestriction
This is fine in GHCi, but I would not use it in real modules--instead, make sure to always include a type signature for top-level definitions inside files.
EDIT: Ever since GHC 7.8.1, the monomorphism restriction is turned off by default in GHCi. This means that all this code would work fine with a recent version of GHCi and you do not need to set the flag explicitly. It can still be an issue for values defined in a file with no type signature, however.
This is another instance of the "Dreaded" Monomorphism Restriction which leads GHCi to infer a monomorphic type for the composed function. You can disable it in GHCi with
> :set -XNoMonomorphismRestriction

Haskell bitwise operators in Data.Bits

I am new to Haskell and am trying to use bitwise operations from Data.Bits. Every time I try I get an error message
Prelude Data.Bits> 1 `shiftL` 16
Ambiguous type variable `t' in the constraint:
`Bits t' arising from a use of `shiftL' at <interactive>:1:0-12
Probable fix: add a type signature that fixes these type variable(s)
This happens for a number of operations, I also tried .|. and .&.
I must be missing something very simple, please let me know if you can spot the problem
In the interactive session, Haskell can't infer the types of 1 and 16. The solution then, is to give a hint:
> :m +Data.Bits
> let a = 1 :: Int
> let b = 16 :: Int
> a `shiftL` b
ghci doesn't know what type to choose. However, that shouldn't be so:
Prelude Data.Bits> 1 `shiftL` 16
From the expression entered at the prompt, the constraint Bits t is inferred (also Num t, but Num is a superclass of Bits, hence implied; and since it is to be displayed by the interpreter, also Show t).
Now, since one of the constraints is a numeric class and all of the classes are defined in the Prelude or the standard libraries, the ambiguous type variable t is eligible for defaulting. In the absence of explicit default declarations, the ambiguity is resolved by choosing Integer as the type.
Off the top of my head, I can't think of a language extension that would prevent the resolution of the ambiguity by defaulting, so the conclusion is that your ghci is old. The Bits class was not in the standard libraries as defined by the Haskell98 report, so a Bits constraint was not eligible for defaulting in compilers adhering to that standard, for example GHC < 7.
In that case, the immediate workaround is to specify a type signature,
Prelude Data.Bits> 1 `shiftL` 16 :: Int
and the fix to your problem is to upgrade your GHC to a version adhering to the newer Haskell2010 standard.

Ambiguous type variable `p0' in the constraints

I get the error
Ambiguous type variable `p0' in the constraints:
(Show p0) arising from a use of `print' at cwqr_0003.hs:31:6-10
(Ord p0) arising from a use of `PSQ.lookup'
from the code below.
I have no idea how to analyze this. Could this be a problem in GHC or in one of the modules?
If I try putStr in place of print then I get an error related to the expected type being a string rather then maybe p0. When I try fromMaybe it gives me an error related to the default value literal zero that I send to fromMaybe
import qualified Data.PSQueue as PSQ
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Label
import Control.Category
import Prelude hiding ((.))
--some tested code omitted here
let r = PSQ.lookup test' q
--putStr (show (r :: String))
print (r)
The error message actually means exactly what it says: You have an ambiguous type. How does that happen? Usually, because you have something that produces a polymorphic result, then apply a function that takes a polymorphic argument to that result, such that the intermediate value's type is unknown.
In simple polymorphic types, the ambiguity doesn't matter: If you produce a list of something, then take the length, we don't need to know what the type of the list elements is.
If the ambiguity involves using a type class such as Show, however--which print does--GHC is stuck, because it has no way to know what instance it should pick.
Sometimes this can also arise because a particular definition is forced to be monomorphic (unless you specifically say otherwise), which forces a single type to be chosen instead of retaining the polymorphism. I suspect that might be your problem, but I can't tell without the context you've removed.
To illustrate the latter, the following definition:
foo = print
...with no type signature, causes an error like this:
Ambiguous type variable `a0' in the constraint:
(Show a0) arising from a use of `print'
Possible cause: the monomorphism restriction applied to the following:
foo :: a0 -> IO () (bound at Test.hs:12:1)
Probable fix: give these definition(s) an explicit type signature
or use -XNoMonomorphismRestriction
In the expression: print
In an equation for `foo': foo = print
