Having trouble converting this Jade to EJS - node.js

I am attempting to utilize the JShare module for Node/Express.
The example given on Github says:
Next, you need to make a call out to the JShare helper method in your layout file:
title= title
link(rel='stylesheet', href='/stylesheets/style.css')
body!= body
So, this example is in Jade. I am using EJS, and for the life of me, I can't figure out how to implement the helper method... This seems so simple, but I'm not sure what !{} does in Jade, or how to replicate it in EJS.

!{var} is unescaped interpolation in jade. You should be able to get the same thing in ejs by doing:
<%- includeJShare() %>
This should write in a <script> tag.
If ejs tries to parse include, submit a patch request to https://github.com/brooklynDev/JShare/issues (or to ejs) and in the meantime go into node_modules/JShare/jshare.js and change res.locals.includeJShare to just res.locals.JShare and then use JShare() in your ejs.


Why res.render() doesn't send local variables to the client without template engine?

I need to access the variable user in my client-side that sent by
res.render('home.html', { user: req.user });
without using template engines like pug or ejs
Is that possible?
HTML is not a templating language, so it can't be used to send variables.
res.render() function compiles your template , inserts locals there, and creates html output out of those two things. The syntax is as follows -
res.render(view [, locals] [, callback])
The view argument is a string that is the file path of the view file to render. For this to work, you need a template or view engine .
In html, you can't dynamically pass/insert data variables. That's the main use case for templating engine. They put runtime/dynamic value in html which is what you are probably looking for.
In short, its better to use any template engine like pug,jade,ejs, etc most of which would have almost similar syntax with html to render dynamic html pages. I don't think there's any method (atleast simple enough) to send variables dynamically from server to client in an html page. Using a template engine would be the best choice in your use case.
For eg. you are passing user from server side and most probably want the passed variable to be rendered on the client side. You can just install an view engine like ejs - npm install ejs, set your view engine in app.js - app.use('view engine','ejs'); , and just add this line in the html page where you want to send the variable to client side like - <p> <%= user %> </p> and that's it. Keep your html file in view folder and this would do it.

can you use jade to only render the dynamic part of your html...and not mess with rest of your html

Or can you render partially and render rest later. So lets say when app starts up it renders most of the html. But when user abc wants to see his profile jade renders name to abc and merge it with regular pre rendered html and then you send it etc.
Rendering whole html pages at every request seems like a waste.
Converting all static html to jade seems like a annoyance that can be avoided. Slowly css became LESS and html became JADE?
I am lost on how to use jade I am learning express.
You can use Jade's compileClient function to create a function that will render predefined Jade code on the fly. (See the API reference.)
So, if you create a Jade file with the dynamic HTML, and compile that for the client, you can then call that function at a later time, and insert the resulting HTML string to the DOM.

Custom tag or custom attributes

I would like to know the possibility to develop custom html tags or custom html attributes to node.js , rather in jade, html or another html template enginer. I was looking at PhantomJS and I don't realize any example that accomplish it, either Cheerio as well. My goal is to make some components to easily usage in any kind of popular html engines. Any direction will be very helpful. Thanks!
Node.js is just a webserver, You need something to parse the custom tags, so its either the template engine that will convert it to valid html, or client side with JavaScript (aka AngularJS directives)
You can write your own filter similar to the example
Woah! jade _and_ markdown, very **cool**
we can even link to [stuff](http://google.com)
That would give you
<p>Woah! jade <em>and</em> markdown, very <strong>cool</strong> we can even
link to stuff

how to render multiple jade templates

I am trying to understand how JADE works when there are several templates.
I worked by this tutorial:
But, I got this:
$ curl http://localhost:3000
<h1> Franz Enzenhofer</h1>
It seems that the command "res.render('index.jade',..." only took the index.jade template, but didn't insert it into the layout.jade template as should happen...
I assume you are using partials. They were removed with express v3. See the View System Changes part for more information.
From express v3 on you should use blocks. For example:
extends my-layout
block head
block content
h1 My page
doctype 5
title My title
block head
block content

How to include html code in a view?

I'm using express.js and EJS as template engine.
I don't understand how to use partials, I have seen at the examples but the author used JADE template engine, so I don't know how to apply it with EJS.
I have a simple view named: test.ejs and another .ejs file named part1.ejs
I need to show part1.ejs inside test.ejs.
I tried putting <% partial('part1', {}) %> (into test.ejs) but nothing happen, It does not include that file.
Could someone give me an example?
Thank you!
The correct code in your situation would be:
<%- partial('part1') %>
If you want to include unescaped HTML use <%- and if you want to escape HTML (unlinkely though when including a partial) you can use <%=.
Node.js - EJS - including a partial
Its an old thread, but here is how you do it in the newer version of EJS.
<% include part1 %>
given part1.ejs contains the html you wish to include.
