Microsoft Dynamics 2011 SharePoint 2011 Integration Impersonation - sharepoint

When integrating SP 2010 in CRM 2011 the CRM Listwebpart uses the user account which was used while installing the WebPart.
That means every modified by or created by attribute relating to documents uploaded through the WebPart are tagged with the system account.
How can we impersonate the operation as the specific CRM user in SharePoint?
I can't find anything about it on the net.


CRM 2013 Sharepoint Integration

I'm out of answers here.
I have an online build of CRM 2013 which is integrated with SharePoint.
I can view, upload and edit files for an example Organisation (OrgA) but there is another for which I can't (OrgB). OrgA has a document location setup but OrgB does not so I used the Add Document Location wizard to create a folder, but it hangs at the creation part. I have browsed the ShapePoint client and the folder has not been created.
I have looked in Document Management Settings and the entity I want is ticked so I clicked next and I can see that the SharePoint URL is valid but I get the following warning
"Microsoft Dynamics CRM List component is not installed.
Install the List component to enable SharePoint to automatically create a hierarchical folder structure on SharePoint for Microsoft Dynamics CRM records. The List component also enables you to get the appearance and behavior of a Microsoft Dynamics CRM list."
If there is a missing component then how did my predecessor (this is only my 2nd day) set up the integration for OrgA and if it is not needed, why can't I create the folder for OrgB through CRM?
Thanks in advance
One of the limitations of CRM SharePoint integration is the ability integrate multiple CRM organizations with a SharePoint application in the same farm.
If you use Microsoft SharePoint 2013, for each SharePoint farm, only
one Microsoft Dynamics CRM organization can be configured for
server-based integration.
So in your case it is either OrgA or OrgB, can't have both integrated to the same SharePoint server.

SharePoint workflow 2010 platform works, but SharePoint workflow 2013 platform does not in SharePoint 2013

I have created simple email sending workflow in platform 2013 in SharePoint Designer 2013 and I have set it to start when item is created.
I've saved and published it. It was published successfully, but it does not work on SharePoint site.
I've created the same workflow in platform 2010 in SharePoint designer 2013. It was published successfully and works fine on the site. Email is also sent to the email address given in the workflow
Why workflow 2013 platform does not work in the site?
If you were able to publish SharePoint 2013 workflow, then it's probably configured correctly in your farm. Is this problem with all workflows or specific to sending emails?
There's a known limitation in SharePoint 2013 workflows and app model - you can only send mail to internal addresses (addresses of valid SharePoint users).
It's a security feature actually. It prevents apps from sending spam.
Workaround to this problem is using SharePoint 2010 workflows.

CRM 2013 Migraton: How to detect CRM 4 javascript

I am getting following error while migrating CRM 4 database to cRM 2013 via CRM 2011.
"Setup has detected that there are customizations or solutions that are using the Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 (2007) endpoint. This feature will no longer be supported in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013."
CRM was earlier developed by another vendor, so I need to find this javascript.Is there any tool or method to find out about this javascipt of CRM 4 which needs to be migrated.
You can use the Custom Code Validation Tool released by Microsoft. It will tell you the web resources not compatible with CRM 2013

How to connect SharePoint Online with Dynamics CRM Online using BDC?

I am trying to connect SharePoint Online with Dynamics CRM Online using BDC, but I'm not getting any results.
I am trying to use Accounts from CRM in SharePoint Online like a list.
When I have 100 accounts (customers) in CRM I want to export these accounts to SharePoint Online like a list. And when I will bed edited account in CRM the elements in the list will be updated (when I edited element on SharePoint list it will update in CRM).
Is there any possibility to connect in this way? If there is then what I should use - SharePoint Designer 2010, Visual Studio or do this on web interface?
Girish Raja provides a great overview on how to integrate CRM Online and SharePoint Point via BCS. His MSDN blog post includes a link to his video presentation from TechEd in May (go to minute 35 in video) along with a link to the source code/instructions. His demo uses SharePoint on-premise but mentions that it will work with SharePoint Online once BCS is enabled. (which it is now).
According to this:
Msdn Blog: Microsoft Dynamics CRM integration with SharePoint Online is here
... this is how to do it:
Your Microsoft Dynamics CRM System Administrator must install the Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 List Component
Once enabled, the Microsoft Dynamics CRM user can open an Account
Click on Documents – If the Account does not have a corresponding Document Library in SharePoint Online one is automatically created
Unfortunately this cannot be done at this time -
See codeulike's answer for more up to date information.

Microsoft Dynamics CRM integration SharePoint

Have any of you done a MS CRM 4.0 and SharePoint integration. Any Pointers? I am new to both the CRM and SharePoint.
After a little more research, Id like to refine my question. I basically want to use IFRAME to add a SharePoint tab that will show the SharePoint page that I have created. Any hints on how to do that?
Also how would I get access to the CRM data fields in SharePoint. i.e. if I add a file in SharePoint, I want it to have all the metadata from the CRM property page.
CRM <-> SharePoint integration is very common. The MS CRM blog is a good place to start for pointers:
MS CRM Blog post tagged with SharePoint
Also, the Dynamics CRM Virtual PC demo image has some SharePoint integration in it, where it shows pages from SharePoint in CRM. You can download the VPC from here:
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 Virtual Machine
Once you have the VPC started, as I recall there is SharePoint integration on the Account entity - have a look in the onload event of the Account form in Customizations.
Regarding your question in how to utilize IFrame to display custom .ASPX solution, you can refer to these posts :
Microsoft Dynamics CRM IFRAME Magic
Hope this helps
