I want to select a date in access - c#-4.0

select date from table1 where date <=(select Format(date,'mm/##/yyyy') as dates from table 2).
This query returns "02/##/2011".
I want to make a list like "02/02/2011","02/03/2011" etc.

I think the problem is with your query, if its a query. change your query by putt star (*) instead of hash(#).


Syntax for DISTINCT query on one column in MS Query

I have an Excel spreadsheet which I use as a relational database for my milk round. I query this database using MS Query in Excel (Mac 2011 Version) to generate my delivery routes. One of the columns is the customer address and I'd like to have this shown once per order i.e. have a distinct query for just this column while displaying multiple other rows. It's purely for cosmetic purposes to make the spreadsheet less cluttered.
The main spreadsheet I use as my database has column headings which I have screenshotted, complete with some sample data:
From this main spreadsheet I use MS Query to generate my delivery route which looks like this:
As you can see there is a lot of repeated data in the route generated from the query. What I'd like to do is have just one instance of the address per customer's order, it would help with the legibility of the route when opened in an iPad. I hide other columns that aren't really necessary to help in that regard.
From isolated's comments below, here's a screenshot of ideally how the data returned from the query should look:
I've manually deleted the repeated info in the name & address column to achieve the desired result. I've also hidden some columns that aren't really necessary and I use some conditional formatting rules to help distinguish each customer's order.
I have tried using a group by clause and the following window function but can't get it to work:
SELECT “All Orders”.”Route ID”,
“All Orders”.Name,
“All Orders”.Address
ORDER BY “All Orders”.Address DESC) AS row_number
FROM “All Orders”
) AS rows
WHERE row_number = 1;
Whenever I try to run the query I get an error message regarding syntax. Hopefully someone can tell me where I'm going wrong!
I don't know MS Sql at all, but you could do something with a formula in excel. If you don't like this solution, simply put a comment below that you would still like a sql route and I can get you a query to try to adapt to ms sql.
Create another column and call it address2 (or several more columns if your address field is multiple columns).
Then use this/these formula and adjust as needed:
Column F (address2): =IF(A2=A1,"",C2)
Column G (town2): =IF(A2=A1,"",D2)
You can then hide columns C and D.
Here's a method that works in many dbms such as postgres, but I don't know how to adapt [rank() over (partition by...] to excel sql.
select account,
when prod_rank = 1 then address
else ''
end address
from (
rank() over (partition by account order by item) as prod_rank
from table1
order by account, item
I tried a few variations in excel sql and finally got this one to work.
select a.Account,
Iif(a.product = b.min_item,a.address,'') as [address]
FROM table1 as a
min(z.Product) as min_item
FROM table1 as z
group by z.Account ) as b
where b.account = a.Account
order by a.account, a.product

query does not include the specified expression 'ColB' as part of an aggregate function

I am using this query and it is working perfect but in excel as a database, it is giving me an error of aggregate function -
solution: once I add all column in the group by I don't get sum and Group by doesn't work.
select ColA,ColB,ColC,ColdD,SUM(ColE),ColF,ColG FROM automate GROUP BY ColA
One picture indicates table structure:
Another one is expected output:
Please help me if someone knows- MS-Access / excel as database
Every field in your SELECT part must be either GROUPed BY or aggregated. If all values are guaranteed to be the same or if you don't care which value will be picked use FIRST(), otherwise use the appropriate aggregate function (MIN, MAX, FIRST, LAST, SUM, etc.)

Continuous dates in Cognos

I need some suggestion to generate a continuous dates in between a specified selected date range in Cognos. I can create a separate Data item for this but I don't know what to do after that. Looking for a quick help
You need to get your list from a Calendar table which joins to your query in framework, or create a seperate Query Subject that pulls in the date list from a Calendar table or custom SQL. For more info on generating a range of dates using SQL see this: Generate a range of dates using SQL
Once you have a query subject with a date field that contains 1 record per date you want, create a dummy field to use to join it to your main query. A simple data item named 'join1' with the value '1' will work. Create the same field in your main query. Join the two Query Subjects together on the 'join1' field. This is going to result in your data getting multiplied out into the date range. IE. If you have a main query that lists 1 record per employee, the result after the join will be 1 record per employee per date in your date range.

How can I get the Current Date in a Cognos query expression?

I have a query expression in Cognos where I need to compare a past date to the current date. I don't see one in the functions list and I'm otherwise unsure how to put the query date inside a query object.
How can I use the current date in a query?
Depending on your Database software, the object will be either be current_date (SQL Server) or SYSDATE{} (Oracle). If you don't know which you have, just make an expression of just the function and press the Validate button; if you get an error, you used the wrong function for your database.
You can then use this object like any other Date query object, so you can add/compare it to dates in your query or display it somewhere on the page.
The best way is to use current_date. This method is data source agnostic and will be converted to the appropriate data source equivalent at run-time.
You can use something like this with your query:
FIELD2 = current_date
Asumming that FIELD2 has a date format

Cognos-how to create a end report for a calendar with aggregation

I would like to create an end report, which shows a calendar(month) with aggregation for the specified data.
I am working on cognos 8.4, I have a requirement where I have to show the statistics of the month in a calendar form. The report should be dynamic and it should display the details of the particular month.
Any help or advice is highly appreciated.
Have you tried creating a crosstab? I would create an SQL view of your data to get something like this:
select amount, DayNumber, DayofWeek, MonthName, MonthNumber, YearNumber, Weeknumber
from your_view
Within Report Studio filter on YearNumber and MonthName (ordering by Monthnumber). Then create a crosstab where columns would be DayofWeek and rows would be Weeknumber. Inside the crosstab drag the amount field.
Remember Cognos auto-sumarize everything by default unless you override that behavior.
One thing I cannot think to figure it out is how to display the DayOfMonth within the crosstab. That one is tricky since the data is string and it is not groupable in any calculation (MAX, SUM, AVG, etc). If you can find a solution for that, please let me know. Cheers.
You can use a repeater table, and the table will use a query which gives you the dates, you can apply the filter in that query for the user-selected month. After you have that part working, you can pull a list into the repeater table and then use master-detail relationship from the date query to the list query, then you can design your list inside the table.
