Replicating SCP command in Shell script in linux? - linux

Hi I have been given a task of copying files from a given server to local machine. Even I can do it manually using the command line but I need to write a script to automate it. I dont have any clue how to do it using shell, how to give the password which we would have done manually. I went through other posts but did not get the precise answer.
Are there better ways than using SCP command?
Thanks in advance

The preferred + more secure way to do this is to set up ssh key pairs
That being said, if there's a specific need to supply passwords as part of your shell script, you can use pscp, which is part of putty-tools:
If you are on ubuntu, you can install it by:
sudo apt-get install putty-tools
(Or use equivalent package managers depending on your system)
Here's an example script of how to use pscp:
pscp -scp -pw $password $login#$IP:$src_dir/$src_file_name $dest_folder
This copies /var/log/abc.txt from the specified remote server to your local /home/username/temp/


Automatic Synchronization with rsync

I am developing a script that will automatically keep a folder on two workstations synchronized using rsync. So far, I have gotten everything to work but I have one small thing I haven't figured out. Once, the rsync command is executed, it prompts for the password of the other workstation. However, I haven't been able to find a way to automatically enter that password once prompted in the terminal. I tried using the expect command, but that didn't work as the command didn't execute until after I enter the password.
Is there a solution to this?
Here is my script. I have two instances of the same VM, hence the same usernames
RSYNC_OPTIONS="-avh --progress /home/rams/Documents/ rams#"
while true
inotifywait -e modify $LOCAL
Solution shown here:
TL;DR - Use an SSH keygen to generate a keyfile that will authenticate upon using the rsync command and the password is prompted.

copy file from one server to another in linux

how to run commands like ftp or sftp or scp in background? Also how to setup password less connection for running these command?
Look for manual pages for scp or rsync, which both can do this job well, if not being forced you don't want to use sftp or even the non encrypted ftp file transfer!
something like the following, for example:
rsync [some other parameters] -e ssh SOURCE TARGET
Assuming these commands are coming from a bash script , you would need to make sure that the two (or more ) systems have ssh certificates generated that allow you to access said systems without providing a "password" per se.
Briefly, you could do it by running this command on one system:
following through, this will generate a key. Then run:
ssh-copy-id user#some-remote-system
to copy it to the remote system, which will allow passwordless access, enabling scripts to go about their business without stalling for password prompts.

linux or windows shell script to upload a file and copy it to another server

I am struggling with a problem. I have:
ServerA (is closer to me and much faster)
ServerB (is my website where I want the final file to stay)
so what I want to do with the shell script (either Windows batch or linux, I have cygwin installed) is, passing the filename as parameter:
1) upload with FTP a file to ServerA
2) login with ssh on serverB and wget the file from serverA
I managed to do 1 with a shell script, but I don't understand how to do step2 in the shell?
I would recommend using scp to accomplish step 2. You can use the syntax:
scp path/to/file serverb#hostname:/path/to/destination.
You can read more about the syntax for scp here:
You could use TeraTerm which has a powerful scripting language to automate both tasks.

to transfer files in linux fedora 12 by giving password at command prompt

I am fully aware that this question has been asked many times but I cant able to find any solution which satisy my requirement.
Task -> I need to transfer files from machine A to machineB and remotely execute scripts on Machine B. Due to my limitation I cant able to use keygen, expect utility or any other utility which requires to install packages. To Transfer the file I need to give password and I want to give password in Url. as this will run inside bash script and requires no user interference .
My investigation- I thought of using scp but realise, its not possible to give password at command prompt. So i wondering , if there is any other alternative from rsync .
below is the small attempt
if ping -c 1 -W 1 $MACHINE_B
echo "There is machine b as well"
echo " cheking to transfer file to machine b"
Thanks and regards,
I have tried various option mentioned above ,, but unfortunately none of them works in my case. But I would like to thanks everyone for helping me and surely I have learned few new things specially rsync.
In my case, I have to rely on ssh keys to make it work.
From the rsync man page:
Some modules on the remote daemon may require authentication. If so, you will receive a password prompt when you connect. You can avoid the password
prompt by setting the environment variable RSYNC_PASSWORD to the password you want to use or using the --password-file option. This may be useful
when scripting rsync.

Linux bash shell script with password hide for truecrypt

I try to create my own linux bash script that calls truecrypt for mounting. As option a need to set the password for the truecrypt file. I can do this inside the bash script but if someone open it, they can see the password. The script will later run automatically.
My question: Is there some safe way to hide/encrypt the password?
truecrypt --mount --password="testing" /home/username/ /home/username/mount/
Thanks for any help!
Use SHC. It encrypts shell scripts using RC4 and makes an executable binary out of the shell script which you can run.
Download SHC( and install it.
Create a shell script with in "truecrypt --mount --password="testing" /home/username/ /home/username/mount/" andsave it as "".
Now, run the command :
shc -f
The switch "-f" specifies the source script to encrypt. The above command will create two files: and
The program "shc" creates C source code out of your shell script then encrypts it ( The encrypted shell script is: Run that binary and it executes your commands:
There is no safe way to store the password without someone being able to read it. The only options you have are to use user rights to limit who can see it. You can make the script readable only to the user who's password is in it as one options. Another is to have the script read the password from a file which has a similar permission set (this just gives you more flexibility with updating the script and such).
Ultimately though any admin/superuser can read the file anyways so this isn't something you can do safely. The thing most people suggest is to have the script run automatically and present a GUI for the user to input their password. These vary based on your distribution but they are usually there.
