node jitsu cannot find local modules - node.js

I have an application successfully working locally so I know the code works. However when I go to deploy to node jitsu I get an error that it cannot find a local module. Here is what I have:
File Setup:
var cfg = require('./config/config.js');
When trying to deploy node jitsu is giving me an error:
Error: Cannot find module './config/config.js'
Since all this code works locally I do not believe this is a coding issue. I am under the impression that local modules do not need to be included in package.json but perhaps they do for node jitsu? I read their documentation but cannot find anything special for local modules.

Local modules like this should work properly.. so long as you don't have it in .gitignore or .npmignore.
Modules in the node_modules directory require that you add it to the bundledDependencies array in your package.json file.
An easy way to check for whether the file is included in your deploy is to run tar -tf $(npm pack).

I had this exact same error on deploy, but caused by a different root cause. In case anybody stumbles into the same problem:
File Setup:
app.js require statement:
var target = require('./public/data/TargetData.js');
My local Mac OSX environment allowed the capitalization difference of /data/ vs. /Data/ - the Nodejitsu server did not.


how to fix "Error: Cannot find module '/home/container/index.js'", I've tried everything

So the host that I use for my discord bot died so I downloaded all the code and tried hosting it on my PC. But I get the following error.
Error: Cannot find module '/home/container/index.js
I've tried everything I can:
updated nodejs
reinstalled all my packages
Changed package.json
How can I fix this?
Cannot find module means you are trying to run non-existent file.
Ensure there is index.js in your working directory. If not,
Use cd to go to the directory where it is (usually it's src near the package.json)
Run node ./index.js
Many time people have just the problem of command line to run file,
as windows and linux have
different syntax to run .js file
i.e. node ./index.js for linux
and node .\index.js for windows

Node package dependencies on IBM Cloud Foundry - require/module is not defined (Package not loading)

I am working on an application via the toolchain tool on IBM Cloud and editing the code via the Eclipse Orion IDE. As I am not accessing this through my local cli, my understanding is that in order to so call npm install {package}, I would just need to include the package in the package.json file under dependencies and require it in my app. However, when I load the application, I get the require is not defined indicating that the package has not been installed. Moreover, the require() is being used in the app.js file with the application being launched but not from files in my public directory.
After playing around further, it seems it might have to do with the way the directory tree is being traced as the error is only thrown in subdirectories. For example, require('express') works in app.js which is in the main directory ./ but fails when it is called in test.js in ./subdirectory/test.js. I feel like I'm missing something painfully simple like configuration of endpoint or something.
I've been searching around but I can't seem to find how to get the packages loaded, preferably without using the cli. Appreciate any pointers. Thanks!
Update: After playing around further, I am also getting module is not defined error when trying to require from another file in the same directory. For example module.exports = 'str' returns this error. While trying to require('./file') returns the require is not defined. It might have to do with how node is wrapping the functions?
Update 2: Tried "start": "npm install && node app.js" in package.json but no luck. Adding a build stage which calls npm install before deployment also does not work
Update 3: After adding npm install build stage, I am able to see that the dependencies have been successfully built via the logs. However, the require is not defined error still persists.
Update 4: Trying npm install from my CLI doesn't work as well even though all packages and dependencies are present
Update 5: Running cf restage or configuring cache via cacheDirectories does not work as well
Opened a related question regarding deployment here
Found out my confusion was caused due to me not realizing that require() cannot be used on the client side unless via tools such as Browserify.

Installing a Web Server for Node.js

I'm trying to follow a book I purchased called "Pro Angular JS", and I am having trouble getting a web server pointed to the right port. So I go to the command line, run Node, and the first error I get is this, when trying to install connect:
npm should be run outside of the node repl, in your normal shell.
(Press Control-D to exit.)
Ok, fair enough. So I do as the command specifies, and I get it to install just as the user, and it ends up adding a folder called node_modules in my user root folder. Ok, seems like everything still makes sense.
Now, the book tells me to create a server.js file within the Node.js installation folder. There is no Node.js installation folder actually created on my user. I see the node_modules folder for sure. So I'm guessing the root directory of my user is where node.js was installed but maybe it's hidden or something? I believe when I used the Mac installer for Node, it said it was created at usr/local/bin. But I have no idea if that is my user on my computer, or even more root access to my computer.
Lastly, back to this server.js I created it with a text editor, containing this code:
var connect = require('connect');
And of course they want me to add this file to the directory where my Node is installed. Currently, it's sitting where my current user (user is kst001) root directory is. This is also where my node_module folder was created when I installed it using the npm install connect line in the shell. They also wanted me to create a folder called angularjs, where I would store my app, and said to place it in the root directory where node.js was installed. Once again, sitting in the root directory with everything else. Yet, when I try and fire up my test document in port 5000 (localhost:5000/test.html), I get a "could not find page" error.
Already tried using this link to solve my problem, which seems dead on for my issue, but it resolved nothing:
Node / connect issue Object function createServer has no method static
I'm using a Mac, by the way. Any ideas, guys? Any help would be much appreciated.
The reason why connect.static() does not work is that the latest major version of connect (3.x) no longer contains all of the middleware that connect was bundled with in 2.x.
The readme for connect has a list of middleware references that show you the name of the module on npm that gives you the old functionality for each middleware (e.g. static is now broken out into its own module serve-static).
I'm following the same book/example and the following works. I claim no credit, it is from another Stack Overflow answer about setting up a simple server plus the contents of a comment on the same answer (question 24346161 link to it from here: nodejs connect cannot find static)
Because I used it in exactly the same learning context (book I also purchased called "Pro Angular JS") and I have been around the houses for 3 hours trying to sort this out (yes a complete novice), I thought I would post it here.
firstly from your node installation directory
npm install serve-static
secondly, your node server.js code for a simple static server to serve your angularjs directory contents in a localhost:5000 browser window, on a Windows 7 machine should be (as at July 2015) ...
var connect = require('connect'),
serveStatic = require('serve-static');
var app = connect();
I just stuck a simple index.html file in the angularjs directory to begin with containing
connection working
to test it and it worked a treat.

Node.JS Express Authentication App Creation TypeError

I'm working through a tutorial on Node.js that begins with a simple authentication program. This is the second time I'm doing this tutorial, and the first time, everything worked fine. However, upon uninstalling node and starting from scratch (installing node.js and express via npm), the instantiation of authentication errors out as below.
program.confirm('destination is not empty, continue? ', function(ok){
TypeError: Object #<Command> has no method 'confirm'
at C:\Users\Kyle\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\express\bin\express:251:15
at C:\Users\Kyle\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\express\bin\express:382:5
at Object.oncomplete (fs.js:107:15)
I'm on a windows machine, running Node.js v0.10.20 and express v3.4.1.
Is this a result of the inconsistent -g flag install referenced here?
EDIT: Express initializes apps fine in other directories, even those with the subdirectory Node.js. The path to this problem folder is C:\dev\Node.js\ ...any idea why Express refuses to initialize something in this folder?
Remove your directory
Install node module "commander 1.3.2" globally.
Command line: $ npm install -g commander#1.3.2
Run "express" again.
It seems to be the problem referred to the new version(2.0.0) of the commander module.
It works on my mac.
Good luck~
I had the same problem. Rather than fix the problem, you can fix the source of the problem (not specifying an empty directory). In my case I was specifying an empty directory, but it was associating that with the previous switch.
I had to change:
node_modules/.bin/express -s -e -c ./server
node_modules/.bin/express -s -e -c css ./server
Otherwise it thought the server path was the type of css to use and was setting the code path to '.'

nodejs module.js:340 error: cannot find module

I installed nodejs in C:\Program Files (x86)\nodejs
then I created a .js file and saved it in my desktop just to output 'hello world' in the console:
console.log('hello world');
When I tried to run the file from the command prompt:
C:\Users\Laura>cd desktop
C:\Users\Laura\Desktop>node nodeTest.js
I get:
throw err;
Error: Cannot find module 'C:\Users\Laura\Desktop\testNode.js'
at Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.js:338:15)
at Function.Module._load (module.js:280:25)
at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:497:10)
at startup (node.js:119:16)
at node.js:901:3
I read many other related questions, and some of them recommend to run the install, and so I did.
C:\Users\Laura>npm install -g express
But no luck, still getting the same error message.
EDIT: This answer is outdated. With things like Yarn and NPM 5's lockfiles it is now easier to ensure you're dependencies are correct on platforms like Heroku
I had a similar issue related to node_modules being modified somehow locally but the change was not reflect on Heroku, causing my app to crash. It's relatively easy fix if this is your issue:
# Remove node_modules
rm -fr node_modules
# Reinstall packages
npm i
# Commit changes
git add node_modules
git commit -m 'Fix node_modules dependencies.'
git push heroku master
Hope that helps for others with a similar issue.
I was having the same problem with a server someone had written a while back. It turns out I didn't have a few things installed that the script required.
This question was helpful to me.
I ended up being able to use:
npm install yourMissingDependency
Although in your instance it may just be a file that it doesn't have a path to.
You could try putting that file in the same folder you are running the node script from.
I think the issue is the NODE_PATH environment variable. I had the same problem but once I issued (on Windows)
set NODE_PATH=C:\Users\MyUser\node_modules
then all worked ok.
Restart your command prompt and check your path variable (type: path).
If you can't find find nodejs installation dir from output add it to the path variable and remember to restart cdm again...
I had a nearly identical issue, turned out my JS file wasn't actually in the folder I was calling it from, and I had gone one folder too deep.
I went up one directory, ran the file, it recognized it, happily ever after.
Alternatively, if you go one folder up, and it gives you the same error, but about a different module, take that same file in your parent folder and move it into the subfolder you were previously trying to run things from.
TL;DR- your file or its module(s) is not in the folder you think it is. Go up one level
Try typing this into the Node command-line environment:
.load c:/users/laura/desktop/nodeTest.js.
It should work for what you're trying to do.
If you want to call the file directly, you'd have to have it in the root directory where your Node installation resides.
Hi fellow Phonegap/Cordova/Ionic developers,
I solved this issue by doing the following
1. C: drive -> Users -> "username" eg. john -> AppData -> Roaming
2. Inside the "Roaming" folder you need to delete both "npm" and "npm-cache"
3. Now build your project, and it should work
Happy coding!!!
I faced the same problem. I just copied the testNode.js file(that contain the test code) and pasted into the root of nodejs directory manually. I tried this command C:\Program Files (x86)\nodejs>node testnode.js
Bingo! I received this message.
Then I typed this url in a browser and received the message "Hello World".
Hope this help somebody.
You need to:
Remove the tick of Hide extensions for known file types from Windows Explorer folders option
Your file will appear as testNode.js.txt
Remove the trailing .txt so as the file to be resolved as JS file
That's it, now it works!
I had the same problem then I found that I wasn´t hitting the node server command in the proper directory where the server.js is located.
Hope this helps.
Try npm install --production and then npm start.
Easy way for this problem
npm link e
I also got this issue and this was due to wrong path that we mention while running. Check your file path and also make sure that there is no space between the name of your directory name.
Try npm start in Node.js Command Prompt.
Look at the end of the messages - it gives you the path of log file in "Additional Logging Details ..." something like c:\users\MyUser\npm-debug.log
Open this file in Notepad and find the real address of Node.exe :
something like C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\\\node.exe
Try cd to this path
Call node.exe + <full path to your server file.js>
Server is listening on port 1337 !
I had the same problem, but finally I tried copying the Node_modules folder in the same project folder, and it worked.
I executed following command and it works for me.
PM> npm install ee-first ee-first#1.1.0 node_modules\ee-first
While i tried to run my first node application i had encountered the same issue but when i tried to see what the issue might be it was the path of the file. I was running the node .js from different location and hence encountered the issue. When i fixed the path this worked fine.
In my case, i got this error because i was just in the wrong directory. So node couldnt find the module that i wanted to run. Just be sure your node file is in your Desktop directory.
If you are using a framework like express, you need to put the package.json file into the folder you are using and don't forget change main name.
Remove the fs extra from the path -
path: 'D:\\FrontEnd Dev\\Git projects\\Appname-master\\node_modules\\webpack-manifest-plugin\\node_modules\\fs-extra\\package.json',
requestPath: 'fs-extra'
And run the command npm i
Make sure you saved the file as JavaScript. Un check 'Hide extensions for all known type' check box in Folder Options window will show you the correct file extension(Folder>>view>>Option).
Faced the same problem while trying to run node-red.
node <directory structure where js is located>/red. js
In my case it was :
node AppData/Roaming/npm/node_modules/node-red/red.js
