nodejs active on boot with nvm $HOME/nvm/ - node.js

I installed node with nvm it works fine, but every new session i need to do source $HOME/nvm/ to get node active
How can I do to be active on boot so there is no need to type source $HOME/nvm/ in every sssh session
I try to add this command source $HOME/nvm/ to /etc/rc.local but I get the following error
> /etc/init.d/ 13: root/nvm/ Bad substitution
> /etc/init.d/ 78: root/nvm/ [[: not found
> /etc/init.d/ 78: root/nvm/ [[: not found
> /etc/init.d/ 129: root/nvm/ [[: not found
> /etc/rc.local: 14: /etc/rc.local: source: not found
But if i done that command on shell works normally
Any help is welcome

You should add the line below to the end of ~/.bashrc file:
[[ -s /home/$USER/.nvm/ ]] && . /home/$USER/.nvm/

The init script is running as root, not your user. If you want to source your own, you shouldn't use $HOME, but rather just use the absolute path like /home/vitor/nvm/ Also the init script is probably running under dash so you should not use the [[ construct. Just use [ instead as described in this dash as /bin/sh article
So I went and read the source code from
I don't think that is compatible with dash. So I suggest you leave elsewhere in the filesystem and in your init script just do
exec /bin/bash /root/nvm/
Starting with #!/bin/bash may also be sufficient.
You may also want to subscribe to issue 168 on github for nvm where others hit this error.

I expect your init script starts with #!/bin/sh when it needs to start with #!/bin/bash. Of course, there may be many good reasons not to write init scripts in Bash...


How to reload /etc/environment from shell script

So I have this shell script that checks and then concats an environmental variable to /etc/environment, then reloads the file without having to logout/login:
echo $portvar
grep -q $portvar /etc/environment && echo "EV already in" || echo $portvar >> /etc/environment
set -a; source /etc/environment; set +a;
When I run it, I get the error ./ 5: ./ source: not found. However, if I run set -a; source /etc/environment; set +a; directly in the terminal it updates the environmental variable just fine. I have no idea what the set command does, I just found it in another stack overflow question.
Any idea why it runs in the terminal directly but not in the .sh file?
/bin/sh on your system is likely some shell that isn't bash and doesn't implement the source command. On my Ubuntu 20.04 system /bin/sh is actually dash.
The source command is not defined by POSIX as part of the shell command language nor is it one of the required special built-in utilities. It's a non-standard feature provided by bash. However, the . command, which does the same thing, is specified by POSIX.
So you can use . instead, e.g. . /etc/environment. Or if you want to keep using source, then you need to have your script run by bash or some other shell that supports it, by changing the shebang line to #!/bin/bash.
There is a tool called checkbashisms that can help you find unintentional uses of bash-specific features in your scripts. When run on your script, it flags this:
possible bashism in line 5 (should be '.', not 'source'):

(oh-my-)zsh behaviour: `$ command_name` at home directory results in `cd command_name` effect

I'm currently using zsh with oh-my-zsh, and I've run into an annoying shell behaviour.
I must have done a subtle yet breaking change in the $PATH export while editing my .zshrc, because the following thing happens:
At the shell prompt while in ~/, issuing, for example, the flutter command...
$ flutter
...results in:
$ ~/flutter/
(as if calling $ flutter had been interpreted as $ cd flutter)
However, issuing $ flutter in any other directory, including $ ~/flutter results in the correct execution of the flutter command. Same thing for go and others.
Line 2 on my .zshrc exports $PATH in the following fashion:
export PATH=$HOME/bin:$HOME/.emacs.d:$HOME/flutter/bin/cache/dart-sdk:$HOME/flutter/bin/cache/dart-sdk/bin:$HOME/.pub-cache/bin:$HOME/.composer/vendor/bin:$HOME/.cargo/env:$HOME/.platformio/penv/bin:$HOME/flutter/bin:$PATH
I've been comparing .zshrc versions with other backups, and I may be missing something, but no differences were found.
What seems off, in your opinion?
If you've encountered this annoyance before, how did you correct it?
It'a feature called AUTO_CD.
If a command is issued that can’t be executed as a normal command, and the command is the name of a directory, perform the cd command to that directory.
AUTO_CD is enabled by oh-my-zsh in file oh-my-zsh/lib/theme-and-appearance.zsh.
setopt auto_cd
setopt multios
setopt prompt_subst
[[ -n "$WINDOW" ]] && SCREEN_NO="%B$WINDOW%b " || SCREEN_NO=""
Append the following command in ~/.zshrc after oh-my-zsh is loaded to disable this feature.
unsetopt AUTO_CD

How to solve bash error "syntax error at line 3: 'CYBER_UNAME=$' unexpected"?

This error happens when I run a software containing bash script with beggining like this:
#! /bin/sh
CYBER_UNAME_M=$(uname -m)
I tried to execute these two commands in terminal and it works fine. This error only happens when I run the shell script. What should I do?
The result of 'uname' is SunOS. This shell script cannot be modified since it's protected on our server.
The line
#! /bin/sh
should read:
So, that script will probably never really work.
If you cannot modify the script in situ, you might want to copy it to your local directory and correct it.
tail +2 scriptname|/bin/bash
might work.

Program runs fine from the terminal, but does not work from a shell script

I am on Linux Mint.
I have program called samtools, and it is stored in a folder on my desktop. I've added path to the executable into $PATH variable. In other words my local ~/.bashrc file has a line:
export PATH="~/Desktop/samtools/samtools-1.1:$PATH"
Executable file named samtools is in this folder.
So when I try to launch it from a command line like a simple command, by just typing "samtools" it works. It also works when I type direct path to the executable in the command line.
However when I try to launch it from a shell script, it does not launch and says either No such file or directory or not found.
Actually, I am trying to use another software which uses some shell scripts to preprocess some data. The error I am getting looks like this:
./RD_capture// 17: ./RD_capture// samtools: not found
./RD_capture// 20: ./RD_capture// samtools: not found
Piling up...
./RD_capture// 23: ./RD_capture// samtools: not found
Shell code looks like this:
echo "Indexing..."
samtools index $INPUTDIR/$sample.bam
#Then we sort them
echo "Sorting..."
samtools sort $INPUTDIR/$sample.bam $TMPDIR/$sample.sorted
#Finally we pile them up
echo "Piling up..."
samtools mpileup $TMPDIR/$sample.sorted.bam | cut -f 1-4 > $OUTPUT/$(basename $sample .bam).pile
Can anyone help me to solve this problem?
It looks like Linux is not able to find samtools.
To solve this use:
Declare this in the beginning (change pwd with the path that leads to executable from pwd)
export set CURRENT_DIR=`pwd`
and while calling samtools use
Note 1: you are responsible to tell the exact path to shell script as shell scripts execute from /usr/bin/sh. try echoing the path on the console with the command, if this does not help, as follows:
echo `pwd`
Note 2: the use of back quote above that is located on left hand side top corner of your keyboard.
Note 3: the export set is used to store global variables in a shell script so that commands that appear after this command can use this variable and update it when ever required.

Lost in Nodester Installation

I am trying to install my own version of Nodester. I have tried on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and now with CentOS. I am not the most skilled Linux user (~2 months use) so I am at a loss at this point.
The instructions are located at They ask you to "export paths (to make npm work)" with the lines necessary to accomplish this.
cd ~
echo -e "root = ~/.node_libraries\nmanroot = ~/local/share/man\nbinroot = ~/bin" > ~/.npmrc
echo -e "export PATH=3d9c7cfd35d3628e0aa233dec9ce9a44d2231afcquot;\${PATH}:~/bin3d9c7cfd35d3628e0aa233dec9ce9a44d2231afcquot;;" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
I can accomplish all of this until I get to the source ~/.bashrc line. When I run that, I get the following:
[root#MYSERVER ~]# source ~/.bashrc
-bash: /root/.bashrc: line 13: syntax error near unexpected token ';;'
-bash: /root/.bashrc: line 13: 'export PATH=3d9c7cfd35d3628e0aa233dec9ce9a44d2231afcquot;${PATH}:~/bin3d9c7cfd35d3628e0aa233dec9ce9a44d2231afcquot;;
I have tried changing the quot; to " and that didn't help. I tried changing quot; to colons and that didn't help. I also removed that and it didn't help (I am sure many of you at this point are probably wondering why I would even try those things). Does anyone have any insight as to what I need to do to get this to run properly?
This looks more like a documentation error than your failing to understand anything. Created issue 409 for it on Github.
In the meantime, going back through the wiki page's history, I found the following which may help. It certainly looks more reasonable though I won't be able to confirm for some time.
Export paths (to make npm work):
> cd ~
> echo -e "root = ~/.node_libraries\nmanroot = ~/local/share/man\nbinroot = ~/bin" > ~/.npmrc
> echo -e "export PATH=\"\${PATH}:~/bin\";" >> ~/.bashrc
> source ~/.bashrc
From commit d71e66b4c96f04c13467ede5f6469d6d4dd17059
