Shared Sessions between Node Apps? - node.js

I currently have two separate node apps running on two different ports but share the same backend data store. I need to share users sessions between the two apps so that when a user logs into through one app, their session is available and they appear to logged into the other app. In this case, its' a public facing website and an administrative backend.
Our setup is the following:
node with express
passport is being used to handle auth with Local Strategy
we're using connect-redis to allow us to share sessions via redis.
our domains look like this: and
The config for for session stuff (and redis) is the same for both apps:
session: {
options: {
secret: "my secret",
cookie: {
domain: "",
redis: {
host: 'my host',
maxAge: 86400000,
secret: "my secret"
The config for session stuff in app.js looks like this:
if ( app.settings.env === "production" ) { = new RedisStore(session.redis);
app.use(passport.session({ secret: 'a different secret' }));
What I expect it to do: Allow us to see the same session id in the cookie between the two apps.
So my question is: How do I set up express, redis and passport so that you can have sessions shared across different subdomains?

Maybe a bit outdated, but at this time, Express-session can recognise domain option for cookie. According to source:
function session(options){
var options = options || {}
// name - previously "options.key"
, name = || options.key || 'connect.sid'
, store = || new MemoryStore
, cookie = options.cookie || {}
And this is for setting cookie:
var Cookie = module.exports = function Cookie(options) {
this.path = '/';
this.maxAge = null;
this.httpOnly = true;
if (options) merge(this, options);
So, something like this will work for current 1.10.1 master:
secret: "my secret",
cookie: {
domain: "",

Express-session does not seem to recognize the "domain" option for cookies hence your problem. The cookie storing the session id is automatically tied to the domain for each app and so it cannot be shared.
One option is to write your own single-sign-on module to share sessions across webapps. It would probably live in an app.use() declaration fairly early in the execution order and would simply create a separate cookie (which would be cross-domain), create a separate SSO session id, and store the SSO id in this new cookie. Afterwards, you simply cross-populate req.session and req.sso-session as needed.


cookie confusion with session storage

I am using the following Node.js code to create a 'session store' to keep user information. These text files are kept in a folder called "session-store":
var session = require('express-session');
var FileStore = require('session-file-store')(session);
store: new FileStore({path: './session-store'}),
// using FileStore with express-session
// as the store method, replacing the default memory store
secret: 'secret_key',
name: 'myadmin',
resave: false,
saveUninitialized: false,
cookie: { maxAge: 60000, httpOnly: true, secure: false }
app.get('/', function (req, res) {
if (req.session.views) {
} else {
req.session.views = 1;
My text file which contains the session information seems to generate properly. However I have some confusion regarding its proper usage. In my cookie (.txt) file, it reports the "views" correctly, such as ""views":1". However if I define another variable, such as "req.session.broadcast = String(req.body.usr);" I do not see this information in my text file...why would this not be inclusive? Is this because the .txt file containing the cookie session storage information is generated only on the initial 'route' (i.e. the "app.get('/', function (req, res) { stuff}") and no other place in the Node.js code? (NOTE: I have "req.session.broadcast" set in a different route other than the 'homepage' route...which I guess is when the cookie file gets generated...possibly?).
I am simply attempting to properly manage users...therefore I want to be able to have certain session variables properly set and tracked for each unique user browser.
Are the "req.session.user" and/or req.session variable(s) 'hard coded' variables? I believe they get set when the browser is directed at the webpage, however how can they be used to terminate a session? Do they automatically become null if the user closes their browser (using the "x" in the right top corner) OR if the user directs their browser to another webpage...?
Any help with these questions and any other advice would be GREATLY appreciated.

multiple Session requests getting overwritten in nodejs application

I am trying to implement session using nodejs. However i am unable to handle multiple requests in sessions.
If user1 login, data loads.
If user2 login, user 1 data is getting overwritten with user2.
So on refreshing user1 page, again user2 data getting loaded.
var session = require('express-session');
secret: "secterd13",
resave: false,
saveUninitialized: true,
cookie: { secure: true }
//Set the session data in login page.
sessionObj = req.session;
sessionObj.Location = "Location1";
//Get in dashboard.
Where you do sessionObj = req.session you are creating a global variable and reassigning it on every user. The last user to connect to your server will always overwrite this. If you plan to pass the session data to a template engine, you can use 'res.render('view', { session: req.session })simply and the session variable will be available in your template. Or you can set the session as global usingres.locals.myVariable = req.sessionandmyVariable` will be available in your template.
I encountered the same issue and I used req.session for solving it.
I assigned unique_id to each request when it arrives at the server. It worked successfully for me.
Here's my solution:
var user_count = 0;
/*********** Authentication request ***********/
var handleAuthRequest = function(req, res) {
var unique_id = ++user_count;
/********* setting unique id to each request session *********/
req.session.unique_id = unique_id;
app.get("/home/get_data", handleAuthRequest);

Logging in to one Express app destroys session in other (same server)

I have two separate Express 4.x apps running on the same server machine (different ports), sharing a MongoDB instance. They both use different databases and have different session secrets.
I am able to log into application A or B individually without issue. My session is maintained and all is well. However, if I am logged into A and then log into B, my session in A is destroyed (and vice versa).
Both applications have near-identical local auth. Their serializeUser and deserializeUser is very primitive (following the Passport docs almost to the tee).
It seems that when logging into A then B, req.session.passport is destroyed, causing req.user to not serialize properly on app A and the session is considered invalid.
I'm starting to think it has to do with the fact both apps run on the same machine (thus domain), differing only by a port.
express-session : Simple session middleware for Express in Node.js. To use this you have to include this package like this.
var session = require('express-session');
To install this package, run the following command:
$ npm install express-session
How to use this in Express, following code is given:
secret: 'secretkey',
resave: false,
saveUninitialized: true,
cookie: { secure: true }
By default, the name of the session ID cookie to set in the response (and read from in the request) is connect.sid. To overwrite this use the following :
name: 'cookiename',
secret: 'secretkey',
resave: false,
saveUninitialized: true,
cookie: { secure: true }
For more reference see this link -
Note:- Put your express-session statement in your application app.js before app.use(passport.session()) statement.
Hope this will help to solve your query !!
const mongoose = require('mongoose'),
timestamps = require('mongoose-timestamp');
var Schema = mongoose.Schema;
const Sessions = new mongoose.Schema({
expires : {
type : String,
default : ""
session : {
type : Schema.Types.Mixed,
default : {}
}, { collection: 'sessions' })
module.exports = mongoose.model('sessions', Sessions);
//require schema
const Sessions = require('sessions');
//remove session by id
you have to mention the different names for each session in different projects while running at different ports. by default, it will be connect.sid for all projects.
for example:-
project A running in port 3000 -
project B running in port 5000 -
while running these projects at the same time by default, they will have the same session name so they will get clashes in the authentication. so you must use different session names for each project.

NodeJS - Framework for stateless sessions?

Is there a framework to support fully client-managed sessions? In other words, instead of storing just the signed pid in the cookie (as Express does), store all context... so that you can manage state across clusters without the requirement to persist.
There is express middleware which supports this:
Provides cookie-based sessions, and populates req.session. This middleware takes the following options:
name - cookie name defaulting to "session"
keys - list of secret keys to prevent tampering
secret - used as single key if keys are not specified
options - additional options such as secure, httpOnly, maxAge, etc.
var cookieSession = require('cookie-session')
name: "my_session_cookie",
secret: "dont_tell_anybody_the_secret_and_change_it_often",
options: { ... }
app.use((req, res, next) => {
// set options on req.session before your response goes out
req.session.viewCount = (req.session.viewCount || 0) + 1;
res.end(`You viewed the page ${req.session.viewCount} times.`);
To clear a cookie simply assign the session to null before responding:
req.session = null

Not cookie based session management in node.js

I am looking for a non-cookie based session management in node.js, something like pass a parameter in the URL like &session_id=. It will know that a session has expired when a request comes with an session_id. I've looked at connect library, but it looks that it is cookie based only.
Passing the session id as a GET parameter is considered bad practice. Why? It is dangerous because people don't usually care about session id and they will probably publish/share links with their session ids inside.
It's also a problem because when a user clicks an external link on your web, and goes to another site, that new site will be able to see the session_id in the referrer link.
So I don't think it is a good idea. Cookies are more secure.
Have a look at: Session Hijacking
For every request you receive, you will get all of the client cookies accordingly.
You can also set client cookies in the response HTTP headers using "Set-Cookie."
Using a GET parameter is unsafe. Any user could accidently share their session ID, but if you want 100% security, I'd share session IDs via cookies, and I would use HTTPS to prevent snoopers from stealing cookies.
You can use localstorage or sessionStorage..
almost same as cookie
not a cookie
better than a cookie!
More info:
It's very -very- easy to use... in Js for example:
// check if Storage is avaible
if(typeof(Storage)!=="undefined") {
// Save data to local storage (no exiparion date)
localStorage.setItem("name_always", "bxx");
// Save data to the current session (removes when the tab is closed)
sessionStorage.setItem("name_now", "bxx");
} else {
// No Storage support...
// Access to stored data
alert( "For only now, my name is: " + sessionStorage.getItem("name_now"));
alert( "Every day, my name is: " + localStorage.getItem("name_always"));
Tags: javascript html5 local-storage session-storage
You can use sessions with a store in node.js. For example, you have express application and want to use session like system in your webapp. You can use connect-mongo module for this. This will let you store your session in db. In your app.js
var express = require('express'),
, mongoStore = require('connect-mongo')(express);
var app = express();
app.configure('all', function () {
secret: "terces",
cookie: { maxAge: 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 },
store: new mongoStore({
url: your_db_url
app.use(function(req, res, next) {
res.locals.session = req.session;
With basic code above, you have session in express that you can use it in your controllers and views directly. In your controller;'/blog/create/?', function(req, res, next) {
if (!req.session.user) {
next("You need to login in order to create blog!");
In your view, you can use session.user in order to generate profile menu for example.
