Remove in linux - linux

hey so I have some code for the question bellow but I am stuck its not working and I don't really know what I am doing.
This script should remove the contents of the dustbin directory.
If the -a option is used the script should remove ALL files from the dustbin.
Otherwise, the script should display the filenames in the dustbin one by one and ask the user for confirmation that they should be deleted
echo " The files in the dustbin are : "
ls ~/TAM/dustbin
read -p " Please enter -a to delete all files else you will be prompted to delete one by one : " filename
read ans
if ["filename" == "-a"]
cat ~/TAM/dustbin
rm -rf*
ls > ~/TAM/dustbin
for line in `cat ~/TAM/dustbin`
echo "Do you want to delete this file" $line
echo "Y/N"
read ans
case "ans" in
Y) rm $line ;;
N) "" ;;
if test ! -f ~/TAM/dustbin/*
echo "this directory is empty"
for resfile in ~/TAM/dustbin/*
if test -f $resfile ; then
echo "Do you want to delete $resfile"
echo "Y/N"
read ans
if test $ans = Y ; then
rm $resfile
echo "File $resfile was deleted"
this works however Now I get one of 2 errors either
line 4 requires a binary operator or line 4: to many arguments

I see one obvious mistake:
rm -rf*
when it should be
rm -rf *
to be asked about every file deletion - add -i key
rm -rfi *

Many problems here:
A space missing before the * in rm. The space is needed so the shell can recognize the wildcard and expand it.
Do you really want to remove all the files in the current directory? If not, specify the path rm -rf /path/to/files/* or cd into the directory, preferably with cd /path/to/files || exit 1.
I do not understand the logic of the script. You show a dustbin, but if the user gives -a, you overwrite it with all the non-hidden files (ls > dustbin). Is that what you want?

First of all, case "ans" of just matches a string "ans" to other strings, which is obviously false, you need case $ans of to get the value of variable ans. if ["filename" == "-a"] is also comparison between two strings, which is always false. The first parameter of a script can be accessed as $1 (the second as $2 and so on).
Please read man 1 sh to get the basics of shell programming (all of the above notes can be found there).


How to write a bash shell script which takes one argument (directory name)

How to write a bash shell script called 'abc' which takes one argument, the name of a directory, and adds the extension ".xyz" to all visible files in the directory that don't already have it
I have mostly written the code which changes the filenames inside the current directory but I can't get the script to accept an argument (directory name) and change the filenames of that directory
case $# in
0) echo "No directory name provided" >&2 ; exit 1;;
1) cd "${1}" || exit $?;;
*) echo "Too many parameters provided" >&2 ; exit 1;;
for filename in *
echo $filename | grep "\.xyz$"
if [ "$?" -ne "0" ]
then mv "$filename" "$filename.old"
additional instructions include;
Within 'abc', use a "for" control structure to loop through all the non-hidden filenames
in the directory name in $1. Also, use command substitution
with "ls $1" instead of an ambiguous filename, or you'll descend into subdirectories.
EDIT: The top part of the question has been answered below, however the second part requires me to modify my own code according to the following instructions:
Modify the command substitution that's being used to create the loop values that will be placed into the "filename" variable. Instead of just an "ls $1", pipe the output into a "grep". The "grep" will search for all filenames that DO NOT end in ".xyz". This can easily be done with the "grep -v" option. With this approach, you can get rid of the "echo ... | grep ..." and the "if" control structure inside the loop, and simply do the rename.
How would I go about achieving this because according to my understanding, the answer below is already only searching through filenames without the .xyz extension however it is not being accepted.
Your description is a little unclear in places, so I've gone with the most obvious:
# validate input parameters
case $# in
0) echo "No directory name provided" >&2 ; exit 1;;
1) cd "${1}" || exit $?;;
*) echo "Too many parameters provided" >&2 ; exit 1;;
shopt -s extglob # Enables extended globbing
# Search for files that do not end with .xyz and rename them (needs extended globbing for 'not match')
for filename in !(*.xyz)
test -f && mv "${filename}" "${filename}.xyz"
The answer to the second part is this:
for file in $(ls -1 "$1" | grep -v '\.old$'); do
mv "$file" "$file.old"
I got it from somewhere

How to extract only file name return from diff command?

I am trying to prepare a bash script for sync 2 directories. But I am not able to file name return from diff. everytime it converts to array.
Here is my code :
DIRS1=`diff -r /opt/lampp/htdocs/scripts/dev/ /opt/lampp/htdocs/scripts/www/ `
for DIR in $DIRS1
echo $DIR
And if I run this script I get out put something like this :
Actually I just want to file name where I find the diffrence so I can take perticular action either copy/delete.
I don't think diff produces output which can be parsed easily for your purposes. It's possible to solve your problem by iterating over the files in the two directories and running diff on them, using the return value from diff instead (and throwing the diff output away).
The code to do this is a bit long, but here it is:
DIR1=./one # set as required
DIR2=./two # set as required
# Process any files in $DIR1 only, or in both $DIR1 and $DIR2
find $DIR1 -type f -print0 | while read -d $'\0' -r file1; do
if [[ ! -f "$file2" ]]; then
echo "'$relative_path' in '$DIR1' only"
# Do more stuff here
elif diff -q "$file1" "$file2" >/dev/null; then
echo "'$relative_path' same in '$DIR1' and '$DIR2'"
# Do more stuff here
echo "'$relative_path' different between '$DIR1' and '$DIR2'"
# Do more stuff here
# Process files in $DIR2 only
find $DIR2 -type f -print0 | while read -d $'\0' -r file2; do
if [[ ! -f "$file2" ]]; then
echo "'$relative_path' in '$DIR2 only'"
# Do more stuff here
This code leverages some tricks to safely handle files which contain spaces, which would be very difficult to get working by parsing diff output. You can find more details on that topic here.
Of course this doesn't do anything regarding files which have the same contents but different names or are located in different directories.
I tested by populating two test directories as follows:
echo "dir one only" > "$DIR1/dir one only.txt"
echo "dir two only" > "$DIR2/dir two only.txt"
echo "in both, same" > $DIR1/"in both, same.txt"
echo "in both, same" > $DIR2/"in both, same.txt"
echo "in both, and different" > $DIR1/"in both, different.txt"
echo "in both, but different" > $DIR2/"in both, different.txt"
My output was:
'dir one only.txt' in './one' only
'in both, different.txt' different between './one' and './two'
'in both, same.txt' same in './one' and './two'
Use -q flag and avoid the for loop:
diff -rq /opt/lampp/htdocs/scripts/dev/ /opt/lampp/htdocs/scripts/www/
If you only want the files that differs:
diff -rq /opt/lampp/htdocs/scripts/dev/ /opt/lampp/htdocs/scripts/www/ |grep -Po '(?<=Files )\w+'|while read file; do
echo $file
-q --brief
Output only whether files differ.
But defitnitely you should check rsync:

Bash scripting and comparing 2 directories - Beginner

My problem is that i have to check what files are included in the $directory, then i have to make a new file with name specified by me and compare if the name doesn't already exist in this directory (compare 2 directories).
Below is my code:
directory=$(pwd -L "/$nameProject")
read -p "Enter repo name: " nameRepo
# Check if repo name exists in $directory
if [$(find "$directory/$nameProject" -path "$directory/$nameProject/*")==$("$directory/$nameProject/$nameRepo")]; then
Thank you for any help!
Did you try
if [[ ! -d "$directory/$nameProject/$nameRepo" && ! -f "$directory/$nameProject/$nameRepo"]] ; then
mkdir "$directory/$nameProject/$nameRepo"
You can split the above if loop into two and print appropriate error by removing !
Spaces are important to the shell. So is quoting. You need spaces around [ and == and ] (though ]; is ok). (Also technically the comparison operator is = and not ==.).
Also find can return more than one result which will cause problems for your test.
If you want to test whether a directory (or file) with a given name exists then you don't need (or want) to use find. You can just use the -d and -f (and -e) tests of the [ test binary/built-in directly(spec, bashref).
if [ -d path/to/directory ]; then
echo "Was a directory"
echo "Was not a directory"

prompt list of files before execution of rm

I started using "sudo rm -r" to delete files/directories. I even put it as an alias of rm.
I normally know what I am doing and I am quite experience linux user.
However, I would like that when I press the "ENTER", before the execution of rm, a list of files will show up on the screen and a prompt at the end to OK the deletion of files.
Options -i -I -v does not do what I want. I want only one prompt for all the printed files on screen.
Thank you.
# Double-check files to delete.
delcheck() {
printf 'Here are the %d files you said you wanted to delete:\n' "$#"
printf '"%s"\n' "$#"
read -p 'Do you want to delete them? [y/N] ' doit
case "$doit" in
[yY]) rm "$#";;
*) printf 'No files deleted\n';;
This is a shell function that (when used properly) will do what you want. However, if you load the function in your current shell then try to use it with sudo, it won't do what you expect because sudo creates a separate shell. So you'd need to make this a shell script…
… same code as above …
# All this script does is create the function and then execute it.
# It's lazy, but functions are nice.
delcheck "$#"
…then make sure sudo can access it. Put it in some place that is in the sudo execution PATH (Depending on sudo configuration.) Then if you really want to execute it precisely as sudo rm -r * you will still need to name the script rm, (which in my opinion is dangerous) and make sure its PATH is before /bin in your PATH. (Also dangerous). But there you go.
Here's a nice option
Alias rm to echo | xargs -p rm
The -p option means "interactive" - it will display the entire command (including any expanded file lists) and ask you to confirm
It will NOT ask about the recursively removed files. But it will expand rm * .o to:
rm -rf * .o
rm -rf program program.o backup?... # NO NO NO NO NO!
Which is much nicer than receiving the error
rm: .o file not found
Edit: corrected the solution based on chepner comment. My previous solutions had a bug :(
This simple script prompts for a y response before deleting the files specified.
rmc script file:
read -p "ok to delete? " ans
case $ans in
[yY]*) sudo rm "$#" ;;
*) echo "Nothing deleted";;
Invoke thus
./rmc *.tmp
I created a script to do this. The solution is similar to #kojiro's.
Save the script with the filename del. Run the command sudo chmod a=r+w+x del to make the script an executable. In the directory in which you want to save the script, export the path by entering export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/the/del/executable in your '~/.bashrc' file and run source ~/.bashrc.
Here, the syntax of rm is preserved, except instead of typing rm ..., type del ... where del is the name of the bash script below.
#! /bin/bash
# Safely delete files
args=("$#") # store all arguments passed to shell
N=$# # number of arguments passed to shell
#echo $#
#echo $#
#echo ${args[#]:0}
echo "Files to delete:"
n=`expr $N - 1`
for i in `seq 0 $n`
if [ ${str:0:1} != "-" ]; then
echo $str
read -r -p "Delete these files? [y/n] " response
case $response in
rm ${args[#]:0}

Linux file deletion error

Every time I run this code I get the error File or directory doesn't exist. Why?
read -p "Enter the filename/path of the file you wish to delete : " filename
echo "Do you want to delete this file"
echo "Y/N"
read ans
case "$ans" in
Y) "`readlink -f $filename`" >>~/TAM/store & mv $filename ~/TAM/dustbin
echo "File moved" ;;
N) "File Not deleted" ;;
When I enter the file name/directory exactly and triple check its right I still get this error, but the readlink part works.
Paraphrasing/summarizing/extending my answer for a similar question:
I doubt you really meant to use & instead of && in your script.
"File Not deleted" is not a valid command on any Linux system that I have used. Perhaps you are missing an echo there?
You have to fix your variable quotation. If the filename variable contains whitespace, then $filename is expanded by the shell into more than one arguments. You need to enclose it into double quotes:
mv "$filename" ~/TAM/dustbin
I do not see your script creating the ~/TAM/ directory anywhere...
You are missing an echo and one &&.
Use echo "`command`" to pipe the result string of commands. Alternatively, you may directly use the command without backticks and quotes, (not storing the result in a string), in which case you do not need an echo because the command will pipe its result to the next command.
The single & will run the preceding command in the background (async.). To check for return values and conditionally execute you need && and ||.
Here is a complete solution/example (incl. some more logging):
# modified example not messing the $HOME dir.
# should be save to run in a separate dir
touch testfile #create file for testing
read -p "Enter the filename/path of the file you wish to delete : " filename
echo "Do you want to delete this file: $filename"
echo "Y/N"
read ans
touch movedfiles #create a file to store the moved files
[ -d _trash ] || mkdir _trash #create a dustbin if not already there
case "$ans" in
Y) readlink -f "$filename" >> movedfiles && echo "File name stored" &&
mv "$filename" _trash && echo "File moved" ;;
N) echo "File Not deleted" ;;
cat movedfiles #display all moved files
