Using GPUImage to extract frames from video - gpuimage

I am using GPUImage, and would like to extract a few frames from the video feed [GPUImageVideoCamera] and save as images to review when a button is clicked.
What is the best way to do this?

This is how you can get the current frame from the filter you are using.
UIImage *currentVideoFrame = [filter imageFromCurrentlyProcessedOutput];


Sprite Image reference using TTML

Can I use TTML to create cue that link thumbnail image file coordinates to a range of time the thumbnail represent.
I would like to use TTML to create the cue reference of the thumbnail sprite image created for a duration of the video.
I am aware that this can be done using webvvt, but wanted to check whether this can be done for TTML.

How to put a Binding on a video

I've stored a video to a BitmapImage and want the user to be able to replay it. However, when I run my program it treats my BitmapImage like it's empty when it's not. I've tried doing the same thing with a picture saved to a BitmapImage and any picture will appear and fill the screen like I tell it to, but videos just don't show up. Why is this?
You cant store a video in a bitmapimage. Videos should be stored in StorageFile.
Use in your dictionary:
<MediaElement x:Key="Video1" Source="ms-appx:///Assets/Videos/Video.mp4"/
and then on page:
<MediaElement Source="{StaticResource Video1}"/>
remember to start width AutoPlay="True".

Object Detection by giving an input image using opencv

I'm new to opencv .My requirement is that in a video by giving an input image it should tag every occurence of the image in the video using opencv. Any help would be much appreciated.
You can try with OpenCV Template Matching
where you have to extract each frame your video and apply Template Matching.
You can see OpenCV video tutorial here. Also see OpenCV documentation Reading and Writing Images and Video.
Load the input image in a global cv:Mat.
Scale this image appropriately, make this the template image(or Mat).
First load the video, then extract each frame out of it and store in a local cv::Mat.
Run template matching as suggested in the tutorial given by Harris with the local frame.
If match found, mark the frame and position using some GUI or color whatever.
Repeat process for next frame.

Extract image frame from video in c#

I trying to create media player in window form application us C#. I want to get thumbnails of video file in order to show them in the playing list, Can any body help me to figure out the code or refer me some links. i am really stuck at this point

Video Recording in j2me

I am doing task in j2me which record the video and save in memory card and displaying it in the canvas. The problem is I want to take snap shoot for displaying the video properly, to be clear for a thumbnail, I used the code
public Image getScreenShot() {
screenshot = Image.createImage(getWidth(),
Graphics g = screenshot.getGraphics();
return screenshot;
It gives a null pointer exception. Now my problem is, Is it possible to get a thumbnail for a video in j2me, Anybody suggest some other ways for it??
Assuming you are using VideoControl class from can save of of the frames while processing it (before you display it on the screen) with:
byte[] raw = videoControl.getSnapshot(null);
Image image = Image.createImage(raw, 0, raw.length);
Before displaying the image on the form with
Just save it to the storage.
Full source code for running a video (captured tho) can be found here and using VideoControl to play recorded videos here
