How can I grep nth column of tab delimited file in Groovy? - groovy

My source file is tab delimited and I need to grep the 4th column of values. How can I do this in Groovy? Here's my code which doesn't work. Is it even close?
def tab_file = new File('')
tab_file.eachline { line -> println line.grep('\t\t\t\t'}

You could split by tab character, that would give you an array you can index into to get the column:
groovy:000> s = "aaa\tbbb\tccc\tddd\teee";
===> aaa bbb ccc ddd eee
groovy:000> s.split("\\t")[3]
===> ddd

Something like the following should work:
tab_file.eachLine { line ->
println ((line =~ /([^\t]*\t){3}([^\t]*)/)[0][2])
The =~ operator creates a java.util.regex.Matcher object using the pattern on the right-hand side. Groovy lets you then implicitly execute find() via the array subscript operator. If your regex has groups in it, this results in a List for each result. This list has the whole matched area as element 0, then the groups as further elements. So [0][2] is the first match of the regex (zero-indexed), specifically the 2nd group match. (Btw, if there were no groups in the regex, the result is just a string with the match). Details/Examples here.
I was just looking into the grep() fxnality added to Object, as I was curious. I'm not sure I see the utility outside of collection types, but when applied to Strings, it doesn't do as you might expect - it appears to loop through the characters in the string, and compares each character against the passed-in String (collecting matches in a list). If your passed-in String is >1 character, you'll never get a match, as the character under inspection per iteration will never equal the whole string passed-in (in your example, any \t != "\t\t\t\t")


Regex Pattern Matching -a substring in words in CSV File

I have this data set. I need to know how many drop words are there and print them.
Or similarly for any word like mattend and print those.
I tried using findall but I think that's not correct
I assume we can use or re.match.
How can I do it in RegEx?
You can use len() on re.findall() to get the length of the returned list:
import re
with open('example.csv') as f:
data =
I think re.findall should be correct.
From python re module documentation:
Scan through string looking for the first location where this regular expression produces a match, and return a corresponding match object.
If zero or more characters at the beginning of string match this regular expression, return a corresponding match object.
Return all non-overlapping matches of pattern in string, as a list of strings. The string is scanned left-to-right, and matches are returned in the order found. If one or more groups are present in the pattern, return a list of groups; this will be a list of tuples if the pattern has more than one group. Empty matches are included in the result.
I tried it on your example and it worked for me:
re.findall("drop", str)
If you want to see digits after it you can try something like:
re.findall("drop\d*", str)
If you want to count the words you can use:
len(re.findall("drop\d*", str))

How to match a part of string before a character into one variable and all after it into another

I have a problem with splitting string into two parts on special character.
For example:
I have 5-7 characters in first part separated with "#" from second part, where are another data (characters,numbers, doesn't matter what)
I need to store two parts on each side of # in two variables:
x = 12345
y = data
without "#" character.
I was looking for some Lua string function like splitOn("#") or substring until character, but I haven't found that.
Use string.match and captures.
Try this:
s = "12345#data"
a,b = s:match("(.+)#(.+)")
See this documentation:
First of all, although Lua does not have a split function is its standard library, it does have string.gmatch, which can be used instead of a split function in many cases. Unlike a split function, string.gmatch takes a pattern to match the non-delimiter text, instead of the delimiters themselves
It is easily achievable with the help of a negated character class with string.gmatch:
local example = "12345#data"
for i in string.gmatch(example, "[^#]+") do
See IDEONE demo
The [^#]+ pattern matches one or more characters other than # (so, it "splits" a string with 1 character).

AWK - enclose found strings with symbols in one command

I have a large body of text and I print only lines that contain one of several strings. Each line can contain more than one string.
Example of the rule:
I want to mark the found string for making the result easier to read.
Example of the result I want:
New record: Two New York houses under contract for nearly $5 million each.
New record: Two New York #house#s under contract for nearly $5 million each.
I know I can find the location, trim, add marker, add string etc.
I am asking if there is a way to mark the found string in one command.
gsub(ere, repl[, in])
Behave like sub (see below), except that it shall replace all occurrences of the regular expression ...
sub(ere, repl[, in ])
Substitute the string repl in place of the first instance of the
extended regular expression ERE in string in and return the number of
substitutions. An ampersand ( '&' ) appearing in the string repl shall
be replaced by the string from in that matches the ERE ...
r = "house|mall|building"
s = "Two New York houses under contract for nearly $5 million each."
gsub(r, "#&#", s)
print s

split string by char

scala has a standard way of splitting a string in StringOps.split
it's behaviour somewhat surprised me though.
To demonstrate, using the quick convenience function
def sp(str: String) = str.split('.').toList
the following expressions all evaluate to true
(sp("") == List("")) //expected
(sp(".") == List()) //I would have expected List("", "")
(sp("a.b") == List("a", "b")) //expected
(sp(".b") == List("", "b")) //expected
(sp("a.") == List("a")) //I would have expected List("a", "")
(sp("..") == List()) // I would have expected List("", "", "")
(sp(".a.") == List("", "a")) // I would have expected List("", "a", "")
so I expected that split would return an array with (the number a separator occurrences) + 1 elements, but that's clearly not the case.
It is almost the above, but remove all trailing empty strings, but that's not true for splitting the empty string.
I'm failing to identify the pattern here. What rules does StringOps.split follow?
For bonus points, is there a good way (without too much copying/string appending) to get the split I'm expecting?
For curious you can find the code here.
See the split function with the character as an argument(line 206).
I think, the general pattern going on over here is, all the trailing empty splits results are getting ignored.
Except for the first one, for which "if no separator char is found then just send the whole string" logic is getting applied.
I am trying to find if there is any design documentation around these.
Also, if you use string instead of char for separator it will fall back to java regex split. As mentioned by #LRLucena, if you provide the limit parameter with a value more than size, you will get your trailing empty results. see,%20int)
You can use split with a regular expression. I´m not sure, but I guess that the second parameter is the largest size of the resulting array.
def sp(str: String) = str.split("\\.", str.length+1).toList
Seems to be consistent with these three rules:
1) Trailing empty substrings are dropped.
2) An empty substring is considered trailing before it is considered leading, if applicable.
3) First case, with no separators is an exception.
split follows the behaviour of
That is split "around" the separator character, with the following exceptions:
Regardless of anything else, splitting the empty string will always give Array("")
Any trailing empty substrings are removed
Surrogate characters only match if the matched character is not part of a surrogate pair.

How to split a string into a list of words in TCL, ignoring multiple spaces?

Basically, I have a string that consists of multiple, space-separated words. The thing is, however, that there can be multiple spaces instead of just one separating the words. This is why [split] does not do what I want:
split "a b"
gives me this:
{a {} {} {} b}
instead of this:
{a b}
Searching Google, I found a page on the Tcler's wiki, where a user asked more or less the same question.
One proposed solution would look like this:
split [regsub -all {\s+} "a b" " "]
which seems to work for simple string. But a test string such as [string repeat " " 4] (used string repeat because StackOverflow strips multiple spaces) will result in regsub returning " ", which split would again split up into {{} {}} instead of an empty list.
Another proposed solution was this one, to force a reinterpretation of the given string as a list:
lreplace "a list with many spaces" 0 -1
But if there's one thing I've learned about TCL, it is that you should never use list functions (starting with l) on strings. And indeed, this one will choke on strings containing special characters (namely { and }):
lreplace "test \{a b\}"
returns test {a b} instead of test \{a b\} (which would be what I want, every space-separated word split up into a single element of the resulting list).
Yet another solution was to use a 'filter':
proc filter {cond list} {
set res {}
foreach element $list {if [$cond $element] {lappend res $element}}
set res
You'd then use it like this:
filter llength [split "a list with many spaces"]
Again, same problem. This would call llength on a string, which might contain special characters (again, { and }) - passing it "\{a b\}" would result in TCL complaining about an "unmatched open brace in list".
I managed to get it to work by modifying the given filter function, adding a {*} in front of $cond in the if, so I could use it with string length instead of llength, which seemed to work for every possible input I've tried to use it on so far.
Is this solution safe to use as it is now? Would it choke on some special input I didn't test so far? Or, is it possible to do this right in a simpler way?
The easiest way is to use regexp -all -inline to select and return all words. For example:
# The RE matches any non-empty sequence of non-whitespace characters
set theWords [regexp -all -inline {\S+} $theString]
If instead you define words to be sequences of alphanumerics, you instead use this for the regular expression term: {\w+}
You can use regexp instead:
From tcl wiki split:
Splitting by whitespace: the pitfalls
split { abc def ghi}
{} abc def {} ghi
Usually, if you are splitting by whitespace and do not want those blank fields, you are better off doing:
regexp -all -inline {\S+} { abc def ghi}
abc def ghi
