How to encrypt my web application on a Linux server - linux

My company wants to make private deployment for our web application on a LAN network for a client. I want them to have access to the database since it is all their data, but I do not want them to have access to the code since it has our companies propriety and access tokens for various accounts. It would be easy to limit their access if it was on a far away server, but since they have the physical machine I am worried they could hack the hard disk.
Is there a way to encrypt my application yet still make it run normally when in operation? If yes how and what are the tools to do this? I am using Rails and Apache Passenger if it matters.

You need to find a byte code compiler. A good example is Ruby Encoder


How to "hide" top-secret data that need to be fed to the app

Let say I have an application that should run on a VPS. The app utilizes a configuration file that contains very important private keys, in a sense that no one should ever have access to! I know VPS providers can easily access my files. So, how may I "hide" the sensitive data from malicious acts while still have them usable for the app?
I believe encryption will be of no help, since the decryption should be done on the same machine! Also, I know running my own private server is a no-brainier; but, that's not an option, unfortunately.
You cannot solve this problem. Whatever workaround you can find, there will be a way for someone with access to repeat the same steps. You can only solve this if you have full control over the server (both hardware and software), otherwise, it's a lost battle.
Some links:
You can browse security SE for some direction, and ask a more target question.
This problem is mitigated with using your own servers, using specialized hardware for key storage, trusting to your host provider or cloud, and using well-designed security protocols.
But the VPS provider doesn't know how your app will decrypt the keys in the file? Perhaps your app has a decrypt key embedded in it, or maybe it is something even simpler. Without decompiling your app they are no closer to learning the secrets. Of course if your "app" is just a few scripts then they can work it out.
For example if the first key in the file is customerID, they don't know that all the other keys are simply xor'ed against a hash of your customerID - they don't even know the hashing algorithm you used.
Ok, that might be too simplistic of you used one of the few well known hashes, but if there are only a few clients, it can be enough.
Obviously, they could be listening to the network traffic your app is sending, but then that should be end-to-end encrypted already, if you are that paranoid.

How safe are "secret" keys in Windows 8 (WinJs) apps?

I'm doing a hobby project Windows 8 app in WinJS. As I'm calling an external api, which requires an api key and oauth authentication, I've got a number of keys that I need to keep "secret".
I've seen places around the web with detailed descriptions on how to get access to and also modify the source code for WinJs (and C#) apps on your computer. But I think those were in the beta/preview time frame?
My Google skills don't seem to be able to tell me if this has been fixed since, does anyone know?
If it wasn't fixed, how do people handle these situations?
Any tips and suggestions welcome :)
You have a couple options here.
Integrate Azure Mobile Services and have it do the oAuth if possible. Your keys remain secret in the cloud.
Store the main key encrypted in your WinJs application. The secret then is also encrypted and stored locally. I use and have a slight revision that when I get the key back I store it in the credential manager.
Any local application compiled from any computer language can be tampered with, all you need is a debugger. If you encrypt everything I in theory can just load up a debugger, attach to the http stack library and watch the data go out (excluding even easier techniques like Fiddler to watch this data) and extract whatever I want - fairly easily. So the question is what are you trying to prevent?
If your app could be facilitated to launch a man-in-the-middle attack, you should not keep confidential data in plain form for a long time, in memory or on disk. Also, storing encrypted data locally, alongside with the algorithm and the algorithm key/hash is a recipe for security incidents.
There is no silver bullet to protect your code or data from probing by the end user (or someone who has physical access to the end user's machine), see the amount of game save editors and game trainers out there. Don't put your business logic or important data (e.g. in-app purchases) in plain text or similar, at least add some obfuscation

Options for Securing Connection Strings

Just a general architecture question.
I know that for web sites, one can use the features built in to IIS to encrypt the connection string section. However, what I am not certain of is this... If I do this and then copy the web.config to another project, will the new project still be able to decrypt the connection strings section in the config file?
Where this becomes an issue is production database access. We don't want anyone to be able to copy the config file from production into their project and have carte blanche access to the production database.
Currently the way my company does it is to store the encrypted connection string in the registry of the server, then use a home-grown tool to read the registry and decrypt the value on the fly. This prevents someone from just looking into the registry or web config to see the connection string.
Further, for thick client (WinForms, WPF, etc.) applications, this could be a little more problematic because once again, I am unsure if the IIS encryption trick will work since the applications would not be running on IIS. We currently have a kludgy solution for this which involved the same home-grown application, but reading the encrypted string from a binary file and decrypting on the fly.
It just seems very patched together, and we are looking for a better way to do it (i.e., industry standard, current technology, etc.)
So, a more general question is this...
What approaches have you used for securing your connection strings? Especially when it comes to multiple application types accessing it, encryption, etc.
A quick Google search will show you other people's attempts at encrypting some or all of an application configuration file (i.e. Google "ecnrypting application configuration files").
But more often than not, I find that the better answer is properly securing the resource that you are concerned about (usually a database). Windows authentication is always preferred of SQL authentication, that way passwords do not need to be stored in the config file, though this may not always be an option. If you want to prevent access to a resource (especially if it's usually accessed through any sort of web layer, like a web service or a website itself), then host the resource on a different server (which is preferred anyways) and don't allow access to it from outside your internal network. If the attacker has access to your internal network, then there's usually bigger concerns than this one resource you are trying to protect.
If you are concerned about a malicious person performing an action that even your application can't perform (like dropping a database), then ensure that the credentials the application is using doesn't have that type of permission either. This obviously doesn't prevent an attack, but it can reduce the amount of damage that is done from it.
Securing information stored in a configuration file that is located on the user's machine is generally not worth the time, IMHO. At the end of the day, the machine itself will need to be able to decrypt the information, and if the machine has the means to do it, then so does the user. You can make it hard for the user to do it, but it's usually still doable.
This isn't really a direct answer to your question, but I hope it gets you thinking down a different path that may lead to an acceptable solution.
From my understanding the protection of encrypted connection strings as for example presented in the article Importing and Exporting Protected Configuration RSA Key Containers protected the connection string on a user-level.
This means that only the account running IIS (NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE) can access the cryptographic keys for decrypting the connection string. Therefore this protected only against users who are able to log-on onto the server holding the web.config file. But it can be extended to limit access to certain application.
Regarding the fat client there may be a way to narrow down the interface a bit:
Define all SQL commands as stored procedures on the server and change the settings for the used user account to only allow executing those stored procedures. This would limit access to the database to operations that can be performed using the SQL login credentials.
I would use the SQL DB account management features, with specific permissions only (e.g. at it's most abstract - allow the execution of read only SQL commands) and only from allowed hosts and/or realms.

What is the (most?) secure way to handle database connections in a web application?

I have a web application written in Perl using PostgreSQL.
When accessing the PostgreSQL database I need to supply both username and password. In order to have the password available for unattended start-ups of the system I need have that password embedded in my application or in a configuration file or as an environment variable configured in Apache.
In either case I have to have the password in clear text format somewhere.
How is it done in real web sites?
The most secure way to do it is to have a configuration file, and put that outside the public folders.
Make sure the password is somewhere the web server is never going to serve. If possible put it outside the webroot; if that's not possible,
Make sure the file containing the password is readable only by the user the web server runs as, and not writeable by anyone
Rotate it regularly, to minimise the impact if it does somehow leak
Make sure that the database user you're using has minimal permissions. Eg, for a Wordpress installation, create an account just for Wordpress to use, and give it access only to the databases it actually needs
Configure the database to only accept connections from the web server, to minimize the impact of a leak by preventing the attacker from being able to use that password from just any old random node on the net
You can "trust" your Web server's IP (or the localhost, if it's the same node) in your PostgreSQL's pg_hba.conf, and use no password at all. At least, I don't think it's less secure than storing the database password somewhere in the file system of your Web server.
Of course, you can try encrypting and obfuscating the password somehow. But this security through obscurity is not really a barrier for someone who has managed to get into your Web server, especially when all the Perl source code is there to read.
You can store the password in ~/.pgpass (for the web server user, of course). This is obviously not safe in shared hosting where the same user is used for many different websites, but if you have a dedicated setup it often works very well. See
The important thing is to store it outside the general web tree.
Use Firewall IP:port filter at PostgreSQL Server and limit the access to only IPs of your web-server.

Which subversion server type is best?

Subversion has multiple server types:
svnserve daemon
svnserve via xinetd
svn over ssh
http-based server
direct access via file:/// URLs
Which one of these is best for a small Linux system (one to two users)?
very flexible and easy for administration
no network problems (Port 80)
3rd party authentication (eg. LDAP, Active Directory)
Unix + Win native support
webdav support for editing without svn client
slow, as each action triggers a new http-action approx. 5-8 times slower than svn://
especially slow on history
no encryption of transferred data
same as http
encryption of transferred data
fastest transfer
no password encryption in std. setup: pw are readable by admin
firewall problems as no std.port is used
daemon service has to be started
no encryption of transferred data
nearly as fast as svn://
no windows OS comes with build in ssh components, so 3rd party tools are essentiell
no daemon service needed
encryption of passwords
encryption of transfer
1 of those options is definitely a 'worst' one: file access. Don't use it, use one of the server-based methods instead.
However, whether to use HTTP or Svnserve is entirely a matter of preference. In fact, you can use both simultaneously, the write-lock on the repo ensures that you won't corrupt anything if you use one and then use another.
My preference is simply to use apache though - http is more firewall and internet friendly, it is also easier to hook into ldap or other authentication mechanisms, and you get features like webdav too. The performance may be less than svnserve, but its not particularly noticeable (the transferring of data across the network makes up the bulk of any performance issues)
If you need security for file transfers, then svnserve+ssh, or apache over https is your choice.
Check out FLOSS Weekly Episode 28. Greg Stein is one of the inventors of the WebDAV protocol for SVN and discusses the tradeoffs. My takeaway is that SVN: is faster but the http/webdav implementation is just fine for almost all purposes.
I've always used XInetD and HTTP.
HTTP also had WebDAV going on, so I could browse the source online if I wanted (or you can require a VPN if you wanted encryption and a dark-net type thing).
It really depends on what restrictions (if any) you're under.
Is it only going to be on a LAN? Will you need access outside of your LAN?
If so, will you have a VPN?
Do you have a static IP address and are you allowed to forward ports?
If you aren't under any restriction, I would then suggest going with xinetd (if you have xientd installed, daemon if you don't) and then (if you need remote access) use http-based server if you need remote access (you can also encrypt using HTTPS if you don't want plain text un/pw sent across).
Most other options are more effort with less benefit.
It's an SVN Repo -- you can always pack your bags and change things if you don't like it.
For ease of administration and security, we use svn+ssh for anything that requires commit access. We have set up HTTP based access for anonymous (read only) access to some open-source code, and it is much faster; the problem with svn+ssh is that it has to start up an ssh connection and a whole new svnserve for each user for every operation, which can get to be pretty slow after a while.
So, I'd recommend:
http for anonymous connections
svn+ssh if you need something secure and relatively quick and easy (assuming your users already have ssh set up and your users have access to the server)
https if you need something faster, secure, and you don't mind the extra overhead of administering it (or if you don't already have ssh set up or don't want to deal with Unix permissions)
I like sliksvn runs as a service in Windows, 2mins to setup and then forget about it.
It also comes with the client tools but download tortoise as well.
If you are going to be using the server only on the local machine and understand unix permissions, using file:// urls will be fast, simple and secure. Likewise, if you understand unix permissions and ssh and need to access it remotely, ssh will work great. While I see somebody else mentions it as "worst", I'm pretty sure that's simply due to the need to understand unix permissions.
If you do not like or understand unix permissions, you need to go with svnserve or http. I would probably choose to run it in xinetd, personally.
Finally, if you have firewall or proxy issues, you may need to consider using http. It's much more complicated, and i don't think you're going to see the benefits, so I'd put it last on your list.
I would recommend the http option, since I'm currently using svn+ssh and it appears to be the red-headed stepchild of the available protocols: 3rd-party tool support is consistently worse for svn+ssh than it is for http.
I've been responsible for administering both svnserve and Apache+SVN for my development teams, and I prefer the http-based solution for its flexibility. I know next to little about system administration, I'm a software guy after all, and I liked being able to hand authentication and authorization over to Apache.
Both tines the teams were about 10~15 people and both methods worked equally well. If you're planning for any expansion in the future, you might consider the http-based solution. It's just as easy to configure as svnserve, and if you're not going to expose the server to the Internet then you don't have to worry too much about securing and administering Apache either.
As a user of SVN, I prefer the http-based integration with Apache. I like being able to browse the repository with my web browser.
I am curious why NOT FSFS?? Important information - I am managing Windows systems.
I have done many projects with SVN and almost all of them were running from FSFS. Biggest repository was around 70GB (extreme), biggest ammount of repositories was around 700.
We never had any issues, even though we hosted it on Windows, NetApp and many other storage systems. Most of the time when I asked why NOT using FSFS only problem was that people simply didn't trust it.
No backend required (or dedicated server)
Fast and reliable
Hook scripts are supported
NTFS permissions are used
Easy to understand, easy to support, easy to manage
Not so easy access from outside your network (VPN)
Permissions only on repository-level (Read, Read/Write)
Hook scripts are running under current user credentials (which is sometimes advantage, sometimes disadvantage)
