Not able to ssh to port 443 on a Amazon ec2 server - linux

I am running ssh on Amazon EC2 (linux) machine on Port 443.
Yet i am unable to ssh it, as i am behind a firewall.
When i do
http:// host:443
Following message is displayed:
That means ssh is clearly listening on port 443, and the port is even reachable (via browser).
But yet when i do ssh from my desktop command-line (or putty), it just doesn't work.
Is it that firewall is examining packets and blocking it?
Any ideas?

Are you doing ssh -p 443 host? Sorry to state te obvious... but sometimes the obvious is what eludes us.

The putty also required proxy entries :)


Connecting to host from inside a docker container on linux requires opening firewall port

Background: I'm trying to have XDebug connect to my IDE from within a docker container (my php app is running inside a container on my development machine). On my Macbook, it has no issue doing this. However, on linux, I discovered that from within the container, the port I was using (9000) was not visibile on the host gateway (Using sudo nmap -sT -p- where is my host gateway in docker).
I was able to fix this issue by opening port 9000 on my development machine (sudo ufw allow 9000/tcp). Once I did this, the container could see port 9000 on the host gateway.
My Question: Is this completely necessary? I don't love the idea of opening up a firewall port just so a docker container, running on my machine, can connect to it. Is there a more secure alternative to this?
From what you've told us, opening the port does sound necessary. If a firewall blocks a port, all traffic over that port is blocked and you won't be able to use the application on the container from the host machine.
What you can do to make this more secure is to specify a specific interface to open the port for as specified here:
ufw allow in on docker0 port 9000 proto tcp
Obviously replace docker0 with the docker interface on your machine. You can find this by looking at the output of ip address show or by following the steps here if the interface name is not obvious.

SSh remote tunnel, am I missing something?

I want to make a local port that serve a python http.server accessible to the internet without messing around with port-forwarding on my home router, tunnelling it on a digital ocean vps.
My local port is 8080, the port on the remote vps 4444, just for example
ssh -i .ssh/mykey -R 4444:localhost:8080 root#myvpsip
But still http://myvpsip:4444 is not accessible
ufw is disabled on the vps..What am I missing?
For the forwarded port to listen on any address (and not just localhost) you need to prepend an additional : to the forward specification.
ssh -i .ssh/mykey -R :4444:localhost:8080 root#myvpsip
Additionally, you must have GatewayPorts yes or GatewayPorts clientspecified on the server-side sshd configuration.

Runs on localhost:4000 but not on ec2-ip:4000

I have a nodejs app running on port 4000. I have developed it in my Vagrant box running Ubuntu 16.04 where I am able to curl both http://localhost:4000 and http://vagrant-IP:4000.
However, when I replicate the same set-up on an EC2 instance, I am able to curl only on http://localhost:4000 and not on http://ec2-public-IP:4000.
In both cases server is listening on and CORS is enabled. (Here, vagrant-IP and ec2-public-IP are actual IPv4 addresses). How can I fix this?
I would expect this is a firewall problem - you need to punch a hole through the Amazon firewall to allow the incoming request.
This link should help: Authorizing Inbound Traffic for Your Linux Instances

SSH Tunnel to Ngrok and Initiate RDP

I am trying to access my Linux machine from anywhere in the world. I have tried originally port forwarding and then ssh'ing in; however, I believe my school's WiFi won't allow port forwarding (every time I ran it, it would tell me connection refused). I have setup an account with ngrok and I can remotely SSH in, but now I am wondering if it is possible to RDP. I tried connecting via the Microsoft Remote Desktop app on Mac, but it instantly crashes. I have also looked at trying to connect with localhost, but it's not working. So far, I have tried (with xxxx being the port):
ssh -L xxxx:localhost:xxxx
ssh -L xxxx:localhost:xxxx <user>
but my computer won't allow it and after about 2 or 3 times, it warns me of a possible DNS Spoofing. Is there anyway that I can run a remote desktop of my linux machine that I have ssh tunneled to (from my mac) on ngrok? Thank you!
First you'll need to sign up with ngrok if you haven't already and you'll be given an authtoken. You'll need to install this by running
./ngrok authtoken <insert your token here>
This will save your token to a file located ../username/.ngrok/ngrok.yml
Then you'll need to ask ngrok to create a TCP tunnel from their servers to your local machine's Remote Desktop port which should be 3389 by default
ngrok tcp 3389
Give it 30 seconds or so then jump to http://localhost:4040/status to see what the tcp address ngrok has allocated you. It should look something like tcp://
Now you should be able to remote into your machine using address

Not able to access apache server on centos using ip address

I am trying to setup a remote apache server on centos. I have installed httpd and it is listening to port 80 as it is supposed to. And I am able to connect to the remote system through ssh. but when I try to access the apache server on website using the ip address browser is giving 'Could not connect to error".
My iptable looks like this
I have tried solutions from this question and none of them are working.
Could you have something using NAT in between ? If yes then you have to configure port forwarding.
If you disabled the SELinux using:
setenforce 0
then your server may be behind a firewall, or NAT, and port 80 need to be enabled there.
