Linux Ubuntu Desktop vs Server [closed] - linux

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I want to host a Webserver on my PC mainly to run Wordpress on it. But I am going to use VMWare Workstation for running it along with Windows.
Now, what I'd like to know, do I need Ubuntu Server to host the site or can I use Ubuntu Desktop for the Job?. Note that the server is not for high traffic, is mainly for testing by myself and maybe a few other people...
Thank you

Ubuntu Desktop can handle the job just fine, you'll just have to install a web server, an SQL server, etc., via aptitude. The main difference between Desktop and Server is that Server comes without GUI and other 'features' -- thus if you want to run a more lightweight instance, Server might be favorable.

They are slightly different, but one can be converted to another without reinstall.
Server comes with some packages like apache preinstalled, but no GUI.
Desktop comes with GUI and office-related packages like LibreOffice preinstalled.
Server has server kernel which is in package linux-image-server, and desktop has desktop kernel linux-image-generic.
You can convert for example desktop into server by executing
sudo apt-get install linux-image-server
and then you need to tweak grub.cfg such that new kernel is booted by default.
Biggest difference for server kernel is that it gives less priority to interactive tasks and more to serving background server tasks.


My LAMP server is always running- isn't this a waste of resources? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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On my Windows and Mac boxes, the WAMP and MAMP servers (respectively) are started and stopped manually, but on my Linux box the LAMP stack is always available without the need for starting and stopping.
Isn't this a waste of resources?
Yes, it kinda is :)
Anyway, I expect it to go to "sleep" when not in use, so it wouldnt use much resources (except maybe the database)
Also, on all linux distros, you have commands to start and stop these just as you have on Windows and Macs
You can start or stop it using the follwing command
"sudo service apache2 stop" assuming you are using Debian based distribution like Ubuntu or mint , it works also for much more distributions
, and "sudo service apache2 start" to start the service , however it is not resource consuming as apache do adapt its CPU usage depending on the traffic in case of no traffic you will have an extremely low CPU usage .
You can also change what services to start or stop in Linux , the method changes from one distribution to another
Please state you Linux distro

SSH into Linux and Open GUI [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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So i know how to SSH into a box and create/modify directories etc. However I do want to know how I can open the exact GUI (For instance I want the Fedora environment that I have on my virtual machine) to open up. Meaning I need to be able to simply see my linux environment. Would anyone know how I can achieve this?
I am using a mac.
I'm presuming you want to see the gui you are running on the vm, which won't really help you here. You have a couple of options:
If you are running linux (or an X server like xceed) on the machine you are actually using, then you can enable X forwarding in ssh (-X on the command line) and then run your window manager from there.
Alternatively, you could look at installing a vnc server on your linux machine (I'd recommend tightvnc) and your host and connecting that way.
Either way this would be getting you a fresh desktop rather than what is visible on the console of the machine.
For the specific case of a virtual machine, as you mentioned, both vmware and virtualbox (I'm guessing you are using one of those) provide either vnc or rdesktop head support; you can then use either a vnc client or windows remote desktop client to connect to the actual console. In this instance this is probably what you want to do.
Set up a VNC server on your Linux machine, it can provide you with a desktop environment.

Full Apache config migration [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I searched alot and didn't find an applicable answer.
I have a working LAMP setup on Ubuntu machine and I have to migrate to a new server in a different country.
The old server is 11.10, the new server is 12.04LTS.
My problem is that I simply can not remember the steps I followed when I configured the current server which is not the basic LAMP install.
It is Apache with FastCGI, SuEXEC, a GD library, worker MPM and all sitting on top of a mhddfs system. There are also other configs I've changed and I can not recall what they are.
Because of the complexity of the setup, my attempts to migrate to the new server fail. I get permissions errors, cgi problems etc.
Therefore my question is :
Is there a sane way to simply tar a full backup of the current web server installation, including MySQL, Php amd the apache server with all configs, and then move it to the new machine?
I shall be forever thankful on any advise. So far non of thise I found here gave me an answer.

Ubuntu remote backup software like Windows Home Server [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I'm running Ubuntu 10.04 Desktop on a headless machine to act as a server and a laptop dual-booting W7 and Ubuntu 10.04. I have a network setup so I can vnc, ssh from the laptop to the server.
My question is what is some good software to run on the server that can perform scheduled full backups of clients within the network. It should be close to what windows home server does, which literally makes an image of the entire hard drive so that restoration restores even the OS. It'd also be nice, as with windows home server, to be able to restore by booting to a CD with software on it to connect to the server and initiate the restore.
Do you want to backup windows or linux clients?
It's tricky to do a full disk image 'pull' of a windows client entirtely from the Linux server without anything on the windows box. The easiest way is to run something like periodically on windows saving to the remote server's drive networked with samba.
It's much less common to do full image backups of Linux clients, it's generally enough to backup your /home tree and a list of installed packages - then simply reinstall a fresh machine from the net.
Well, if you want to schedule backups from your server, you can use a program called Rsync. But, if you want to create images of your computer and save them to your server, you will want to use a live cd called Clonezilla. This will create an image of your computer on the server and you can restore the image from your server onto your laptop.

Is there Any Windows Terminal Service like for Linux? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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We have some codebar scanners based on Windows CE that run remote applications located on some servers via Windows Terminal Service.
Given that we are migrating our server applications to UNIX based operating systems, I was wondering is there any reliable RDP based solution that can be considered ?
vnc is the main unix alternative for a graphical session other than that you could run some commands over ssh.
Not RDP, there is X-windows. it's not like terminal services, but it might solve your problem (the app runs on the server, only the graphics on the client).
You run the app on the server, and re-route the display to your device.
VNC and NX are the two things that perform the same functionality as RDP.
Linux supports many different ways of remoting applications, since you probably want to detach and re-attach to the session then ssh X11 forwarding is out of the picture, which leaves:
NX: the advantage here is the speed and the fact that you can get seamless sessions. There are many wrappers around the NX libraries, the most popular ones are: x2go and winswitch - don't bother with FreeNX and NeatX which are unmaintained.
Xpra: does seamless sessions like NX, not full desktops.
VNC: TigerVNC, TurboVNC, TightVNC, ... I would go with the one that ships with your distro. Full desktops only, not seamless.
RDP (there are RDP servers for Linux too although I would not recommend them), the RDP clients are fine, although I could not get seamless sessions to work with them...
I have put up a more detailed comparison here - it also explains what seamless sessions are, etc.
