Install NodejS application Globally - node.js

It's really easy to install a Node module from NPM with:
sudo npm install -g ModuleName
But how about doing the same from a Node application code that is on the same machine?
How can it be installed globally? I want to be able to execute it without entering the full path and without publishing it to NPM.

Thanks Chad, that's correct. I can just go inside the application and run sudo npm install -g.


Problems installing Vue js

I am trying to install vue.js with no success, yet npm is up to date.
When I run vue init webpack vueapp I get this error:
No command 'vue' found, did you mean:Command 'vpe' from package 'texlive-latex-extra' (universe)
vue: command not found
I have already installed the cli using npm install vue-cli.
Try to use npm install -g #vue/cli and then vue ui to start client in your browser.
You'll want to use npm install -g #vue/cli. Restart your terminal to make sure it shows up.
Also, make sure you have node 8.9+
From the docs:
Warning regarding Previous Versions
The package name changed from vue-cli to #vue/cli. If you have the previous vue-cli (1.x or 2.x) package installed globally, you need to uninstall it first with npm uninstall vue-cli -g or yarn global remove vue-cli.
Node Version Requirement
Vue CLI requires Node.js version 8.9 or above (8.11.0+ recommended). You can manage multiple versions of Node on the same machine with nvm or nvm-windows.
For me sudo helps to solve it.
Try to use this command in terminal:
sudo yarn global add #vue/cli
Then you can check the version and all will work correctly.
vue --version
Have you installed view?
Can you check vue --version
Try to use sudo npm install -g #vue/cli instead of npm install -g #vue/cli
You need to use sudo.
The vue-cli documentation at states that:
To install the new package, use one of the following commands. You
need administrator privileges to execute these unless npm was
installed on your system through a Node.js version manager (e.g. n or
npm install -g #vue/cli
# OR
yarn global add #vue/cli
Just run npm install -g pnpm for the missing packages.
Then you can run npm install -g #vue/cli
Now you can ckeck the vue --version
sudo npm install -g #aws-amplify/cli --unsafe-perm=true
It works for my situation.

NPM Install is not installing dependencies

I'm attempting to install the Ushahidi V3 Client. I've been following the install process up until when I need to build the project from the source repo using npm and gulp - both of which I've had zero experience with. Whenever I run sudo npm install in the project directory, the process runs without complaints. However, when I run npm ls to verify that dependencies have been downloaded, I get a bunch of dependencies listed out as being missing.
How do I get npm to resolve all of these dependencies?
System Details
OS Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty)
Node JS v0.12.9
NPM v3.5.1
What I've tried
Removing node_modules folder and re-running sudo npm install as referenced in this SO answer for a similar question: npm Gulp dependencies missing, even after running npm install
Uninstalling and reinstalling node and npm
#Strainy, as your research :D
It was a combination of running as sudo and not having the build-essentials.
That's why you should not use sudo npm
Follow these steps:
try npm uninstall. and then try npm install.
Also If it still doesn't work.
npm install -g npm-install-missing
For further reading, click here.

Node.js package installation error

I had install Node.js 4.2.2
i am trying to install package using npm install
but the npm installer just keep running with no error output in console after 30min..
Try to install some another package, mongoose for example. If it also fails try to reinstall npm by
npm install -g npm
Try the following:
npm install -g npm
npm cache clean
npm install
Also check if you permission to create node_modules folder in the directory you run npm.
You can downgrade your nodejs to v.4.2.1 for example, don't forget to clean npm cache after that, and then run npm install command.
First try to remove these packages and then install. Like
npm remove
npm install
may be the incomplete installed files are blocking it to install properly
You need to update your npm anyway.
Try from link install:
curl -L | sh
Or you can compile it with make if you clone sources from github

phonegap - nothing happend on npm install -g phonegap

I've been trying to install phonegap with no luck.
I've already installed nodejs using:
sudo apt-get install node
But when I tried to run the following, nothing was outputted to the terminal. See attached image.
sudo npm install -g phonegap
Package name should be "nodejs" not "node".
Also make sure npm is installed by typing :
npm -v
in terminal.
Please read Installing Node.js via package manager for Node.js & NPM installation.

installing grunt locally as under privileged user

I'm using node/grunt for deploying to a shared hosting server.
I have node installed in $HOME/opt/node
I don't know where npm install -g grunt is going to install it to, or how to tell npm to install global files to $HOME/some/path.
I ran npm install grunt -g and it seemed to work, but I cannot find the grunt binary anywhere.
If you want the grunt command in your server's shell, you'll need to install the Grunt CLI.
npm install grunt-cli -g
Global modules are located here:
