HTACCESS RewriteRule changes URL OK but gives 404 page - .htaccess

I'm building a new site using Joomla and I've selected 'Search Engine Friendly URLs' and 'Use URL rewriting' in the Global Configuration which gives good SEF URLs but not quite perfect!
If a link to a page doesn't have a menu item associated to it the URL would look like this:
I want to remove the numbers and the hyphen using htaccess so it looks like:
I've made Rewrite Rule's in my htaccess file that looks like this:
RewriteRule ^([0-9]+)-(.*)/([0-9]+)-(.*)$ /$1$2/$3$4 [R=301,L]
RewriteRule ^([0-9]+)(.*)/([0-9]+)(.*)$ /$2/$4 [R=301,L]
The browsers address bar now shows the URL I want, but the page shows a 404 error!
Is it something to do with the Joomla SEF?
What am I doing wrong?
The first RewriteRule which removes the hyphen only works OK by itself, I only receive the 404 error page when both RewriteRule's are active.

This is a blind guess, Joomla probably needs those numbers to know which content to serve. It cannot just tell by the name of the category or article (in fact in most of these cases you can even leave it out), but it's the number that's important.
So when you're rewriting the URL without the numbers, you're requesting pages that Joomla has no idea how to handle, and it'll give you a 404. The only solution would be to write a plugin or something that maps the names of categories and articles to the corresponding IDs, but that's not going to be easy.
Concerning SEO, I don't think the number in the url is that much of a negative effect. If the rest of your website's SEO is good then this won't matter.


htaccess redirect pretty URLs to ugly ones

So, I'm trying to make my URL's a bit more pretty and sharable. I have a website with some items that users can currently access with However, I'd like users to be able to write instead.
This means I'd have to do some redirection with htaccess. I want to redirect all URL's to itself, but keep the URL the same. To clarify, an example:
User types The server shows the content of, but keeps the URL as (alternatively, it can change the URL to, then I can simply read the URL with javascript and change it back to in the adress bar).
So far, this is the best I could do:
RewriteRule ^/([^\/]+)$ /index.php?i=$1 [NC,L]
The idea is to capture the requests that don't have slashes after the first one (like, and then read the file at The problem is, when I load a page like, the page displays what the value of i is with php; it should be niceItem, as the link is supposed to be, but the value of i is actually the string index.php. Not quite what I wanted. Also, I'd expect the following to work
RewriteRule ^/([^\/]+)$ /?i=$1 [NC,L]
but this actually causes an internal server error.
So, the question is, why do those not work, and how would I be able to achieve what I'm trying to achieve?
PS. Actually, this website I'm talking about is a subdomain of So, I have which maps to, and I need the URL's to be prettyfied like or As I mentioned, the format of the URL isn't that big of a deal as long as the itemName part is in there. I'll be able to read the URL with javascript and change it to whatever I want once the page has loaded.
Use RewriteCond
If i is the only query argument that will be passed then
RewriteCond "%{QUERY_STRING}" "(\?i=)(.*)$"
RewriteRule "(.*)/?$" "$1/%2"
If you need to extract i only but keep other query args
RewriteCond "%{QUERY_STRING}" "(.*(?:^|&))i=([^&]*)&?(.*)&?$"
RewriteRule "(.*)/?$" "$1/%2?%1%3"
Most every framework provides this sort functionality. It is best not to reinvent the wheel when possible. This is a fragile setup, and it will probably cause you headaches in the future.

Redirect dynamic url to new dynamic URL which is also prettified in htaccess

I have a website which has dynamic URLs and they're not currently prettified. I have re-worked the site and included pretty URLs, but the real dynamic folder structure/filename has also changed.
To better explain, the current dynamic URLs look like
The new dynamic url for the same page is
I use the following:
RewriteRule ^shows/(199[5-9]|200[0-9]|20[0-1][0-7])/?$ /shows/show-list.php?year=$1 [L]
To enable the use of pretty URLS like
So what I'm trying to do is if anyone followed a link of the original dynamic URL, they'll end up on the new clean URL. So far I've just got
RewriteRule ^liveguide/year.php /shows/show-list.php [R=301,L]
Which redirects to the correct page, but you're left with the ugly URL in the address bar. How could I do it so that the new, pretty URL is in the address bar?
Ie someone visits
They end up on, and see in their address bar
You just need to match the query string, which is in a separate variable, and used in a RewriteCond, which capture to %1, %2 etc. Like this:
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^year=(\d{4})$
RewriteRule ^liveguide/year\.php$ /shows/%1? [R=301,L]
While we are here, do you really need to only match just those exact years? Would it matter if /shows/1234 also got rewritten? Probably not, you can just return a 404 from your PHP, so a simpler rule would be ok, like the above just saying any four numbers. It will also work for future years without changing it.
RewriteRule ^shows/(\d{4})/?$ /shows/show-list.php?year=$1 [L]
The goal is usually not to match exactly what you want, and only that, but rather to ensure nothing else (other parts of the site) will be matched that shouldn't be. Simpler rules are easier to maintain and review later. Your script must already be able to handle bad data anyway, so just let it handle the detailed checking without duplicating it unnecessarily.
Hope this helps.

.htaccess rewrite url that has already been changed

I am upgrading my site which involves new scripts and a different URL
structure. There are currently a few thousand pages so I want to
basically move them in to a subdirectory so that they are not lost.
I am not very confident with htaccess so can someone please confirm that
the first part I have done is correct:
Old URL:
RewriteRule ^article/?$ [R=301,NC,L]
To achieve this:
Search engines will see the above as a permanent move and in the address bar
it will show the new url. Is this right?
The second part is on the new script - the url's could be improved but I am
unable to change all the script so thought about using htaccess again but am
not sure if it can be achieved like this.
At the moment the url looks like this:
In the htaccess the current rewrite rule for this type of url looks like this:
RewriteRule ^category/(.*)/(.*)$ category.php?id=$1&slug=$2
Is it possible to change this so that in the url address bar I end up
with this:
Basically I don't want to see either the number or category/ in the resulting
url as it will be easier for visitors to use - is that possible??
Thanks in advance for any help.
The second question related to passing in URI components for querystring redirect and then hiding those components in the URL I don't think would be easy, if even possible, using RewriteRules.
For the first question though. Given the sample URLs you mentioned, the RewriteRule would need to include capture and backreference if you want to preserve the full URL in the redirection. For example:
RewriteRule ^article/?(.*)$$1 [R=301,NC,L]

mod_rewrite so a specific directory is removed/hidden from the URL, but still displays the content

I'd like to create a rewrite in .htaccess for my site so that when a user asks for URL A, the content comes from URL B, but the user still sees the URL as being URL A.
So, for example, let's say I have content at I want users to be able to ask for, still see that URL in their address bar, but the browser should display the content from
I've looked through several .htaccess rewrite tips and FAQs, but unfortunately none of them seemed to present a solution for exactly what I've described above. Not everything on my domain will be coming from the /projects/ directory, so I'd imagine the rewrite should check to see if the page exists first so it's not appending /projects/ to every url. I'm really stumped.
If a rewrite is not exactly what I need, or if there is a simple solution for this problem, I'd love to hear it.
This tutorial should have everything that you need, including addressing exactly what you are asking: . It may just be a matter of terminology.
So, for example, let's say I have content at I want users to be able to ask for, still see that URL in their address bar, but the browser should display the content from
With something like:
RewriteRule ^project-example$ /projects/project-example [L]
When someone requests and the URI /project-example gets rewritten internally to /projects/project-example. Note that when this is in an .htaccess file, the URI /project-example gets the leading slash removed when matching.
If you have a directory of stuff, you can use regular expressions and back-references, for example you want any request for to map to /internal/stuff/:
RewriteRule ^stuff/(.*)$ /internal/stuff/$1 [L]
So requests for,, etc. get rewritten to /internal/stuff/file1.html, /internal/stuff/image1.png, etc.

using mod_rewrite to create SEO friendly URLS

I've been searching google for this but can't find the solution to my exact needs. Basically I've already got my URL's named how I like them i.e. ""
What I'm trying to achieve (if it's possible!) is to use rewrite to alter the existing URLS to: ""
The problem I've come across is I've found examples that will do this if the user enters "" into the broweser which is great, however I need it to work for the existing links in google as not to loose traffic, so incoming URLS "" are directed to "".
The 1st example (Canonical URLs) at the following is pretty much what you want:
This should do the trick, rewriting requests without .php to have it, invisible to the user.
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^/blog/([^.]+)$ /blog/$1.php
You will need to write a rewrite rule for mapping your old url's to your new url as a permanent redirect. This will let the search engine know that the new, seo friendly url's are the ones to be used.
RewriteRule blog/page1.php blog/page1 [R=301,L]
