How to make all the tab indentation to align together in Vim - vim

I saw the following code in the DataMapper documentation, the Serial, String.. all align together, Can I do the same thing in Vim?
class Post
include DataMapper::Resource
property :id, Serial # An auto-increment integer key
property :title, String # A varchar type string, for short strings
property :body, Text # A text block, for longer string data.
property :created_at, DateTime # A DateTime, for any date you might like.

You can try Tabularize.vim plugin. Run this command:
:Tabularize /:\w\+,\|#/
What you need is a pattern to match the delimiters.
:\w\+, will match :id,, :title,, ...
# will match the comment sign


How set a standard format specifier to be used throughout a module when using f-strings?

I am using f-strings for formatting strings and injecting variable values into the string, is there a way to set a format-spec for an entire module in python?
I am aware of Standard Format Specifiers which can be used to specify formats for each string, but how do I do it at once for the whole module?
f""" Some random string {value1}, some more text {value2:.2f} ... """
Here I am specifying the format for value2, but I want to set a format for all globally.
f"""% profits are {profit}"""
Had I set format spec to {profit:.2f} this will be set to two decimal places, but I want to set that :.2f globally so that number decimal places can be changed with one variable update.
Something like format-spec = ':.2f' and all the f-string injected values should be displayed as floats with two decimals (if its a numbers).
If I understand you correctly, you want to define a string format one time that is usable throughout a script. I would create a function, callable from anywhere in your script that produces the formatted string as shown below:
def create_string(v_str: str, v_num: float) -> str:
return f""" Some random string {v_str}, some more text {v_num:.2f} ... """
You can then use the create_string function from anywhere in your script and produce the desired output as illustrated below:
print(create_string('Some words here', 2.56))
which yields:
Some random string Some words here, some more text 2.56 ...

SPLIT results with separator

I'm trying to split a string (separated with the HTML break tag), without deleting the break tag. I think it's pretty messy to add a break as string after splitting, so is there any function/possibility to keep the separator while "splitting"?
<HTML><BODY><p>some text<br/>some more text</p></BODY></HTML>
Expected result:
<HTML><BODY><p>some text<br/>
some more text</p></BODY></HTML>
As far as I know SPLIT removes the separator from the results and it doesn't seem like you can change that.
But you could create your own separator by first replacing your <br/> tag with <br/> plus an arbitrary string that is highly unlikely to ever appear in your HTML source, and then split the HTML using this arbitrary string as a separator instead.
begin of t_result,
segment(2000) type c,
end of t_result.
source type string,
separator type string,
brtag type string,
repl type string,
result_tab type standard table of t_result,
result_row TYPE t_result.
brtag = '<br/>'.
separator = '|***SEP***|'.
concatenate brtag separator into repl.
source = '<HTML><BODY><p>some text<br/>some more text</p></BODY></HTML>'.
replace all occurrences of brtag in source with repl.
split source at separator into table result_tab.
LOOP AT result_tab INTO result_row.
Output of that example report:
<HTML><BODY><p>some text<br/>
some more text</p></BODY></HTML>
The caveat of this solution is that your custom separator, if not chosen with some care, might appear in your HTML source on its own. I therefore would choose an arbitrary string with a special character or two that would be encoded in HTML (like umlauts) and therefore not appear in your source.
Just use the replace command. replace <br/> with <br/>CR_LF
The CR_LF refers to the carriage return linefeed character.
In more complex cases you can use regex expressions in abap.
class ZTEST_SO definition public create public .
public section.
methods t1.
data: my_break type string,
my_string type string
value '<HTML><BODY><p>some text<br/>some more text</p></BODY></HTML>'.
my_break = '<br/>' && CL_ABAP_CHAR_UTILITIES=>CR_LF.
replace all occurrences of '<br/>' in my_string with my_break in character mode.
"check my_string in the debugger :)
"<HTML><BODY><p>some text<br/>
"some more text</p></BODY></HTML>

How to specify more than one grokCustomPatterns in Athena?

I'm trying to use Grok expressions in Athena, mostly as a tool to debug Grok expressions in AWS Glue Classifiers.
This works:
myColumn string
'input.grokCustomPatterns' = 'DETAILS DET'
I would like to specify several custom patterns, but the documentation doesn't have an example, and none of the delimiters that I have tried, either inside or outside of the string, have worked.
For example, these do NOT work
New line delimited (with no leading spaces, those are just for this post):
'input.grokCustomPatterns' =
As a "json" array:
'input.grokCustomPatterns' = ['POSTFIX_QUEUEID [0-9A-F]{7,12}','HEADER HDR']
With multiple entries:
'input.grokCustomPatterns'='HEADER (HDR)',
'input.grokCustomPatterns'='POSTFIX_QUEUEID [0-9A-F]{7,12}',
Any assistance is appreciated,
AWS responded to the documentation improvement that I requested. A literal \n separates patterns.
To include multiple pattern entries into the input.grokCustomPatterns
expression, use the newline escape character (\n) to separate them, as
follows: 'input.grokCustomPatterns'='INSIDE_QS
([^\"])\nINSIDE_BRACKETS ([^\]])').
Grok Serde

Convert rows to lowercase in node-postgres

I'm currently using node-postgres to query my DB like so:
SELECT DISTINCT(name) FROM users.names ORDER BY name;
I want to return the lowercase of these names, so I've tried this:
SELECT DISTINCT(lower(name)) FROM users.names ORDER BY lower(name);
...but this just returns null in place of each name.
This solved it:
The key addition is obviously AS tag, otherwise the 'tag' field was renamed to 'lower' in the results set.

How to write properties file in Groovy without escape characters and single quotes?

I have something like:
def newProps = new Properties()
def fileWriter = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(propsFile,true), 'UTF-8')
def lineSeparator = System.getProperty("line.separator")
newProps.setProperty('SFTP_USER_HASH', userSftpHome.toString())
newProps.setProperty('GD_SFTP_URI', sftpHost.toString())
fileWriter.write(lineSeparator), null)
The problem is that store() method escapes ":" or "=" characters with backslash (). I don't want that because I store there some passwords and tokens and need to copy those values strictly in the key=value format.
Also, when I use the configSlurper, it stores the values with single quotes, like:
Is there any solution for that? Saving in unescaped key=value format to properties file in Groovy?
You could do this:
def newProps = new Properties()
newProps.setProperty('SFTP_USER_HASH', 'woo')
newProps.setProperty('GD_SFTP_URI', '')
propsFile.withWriterAppend( 'UTF-8' ) { fileWriter ->
fileWriter.writeLine ''
newProps.each { key, value ->
fileWriter.writeLine "$key=$value"
BUT, so long as you are reading the properties in with load, there should be no need for this as it should de-escape any escaped characters
The JDK's built in Properties class does that escaping by design. According to the Docs:
Then every entry in this Properties table is written out, one per
line. For each entry the key string is written, then an ASCII =, then
the associated element string. For the key, all space characters are
written with a preceding \ character. For the element, leading space
characters, but not embedded or trailing space characters, are written
with a preceding \ character. The key and element characters #, !, =,
and : are written with a preceding backslash to ensure that they are
properly loaded.
You can however, override this behavior by sub-classing the Properties class yourself. You'd need to override the load and store methods yourself and read/write yourself. It would be pretty straight forward; pretty good examples found here: Link
