Debugging WCF services in Visual Studio 2012 - visual-studio-2012

How can I tell which of my services is the one that I am trying to debug?
Using the Visual Studio 2010 debugger I would just look for the w3wp (or whatever the heck it was) that was running under the app pool username that my service was running under.
But now in my attach to processs window I have 3 msvmnon.exe processes and I don't see any wcf services running? What am I missing?

What I wasn't doing was checking the show processes from all users.

Set your WCF services project as startup in VS 2010. Then run the project, you will get a window with all services defined on the left side. Click on the service you wish to execute and pass parameters if any


Azure Service Debugging hangs on attach to process how can I trouble shoot this?

I'm trying to debug a deployed Azure Worker Role. I have the service published from visual studio and confirmed it is running on my Azure dashboard. In visual studio I right click the Instance of the role (only 1 is there) and select debug. After 5+ minutes I get the process dialog box and I select the WaWorkerHost.exe process. After that nothing is happening - I have a visual studio dialog that says "A remote operation is taking longer than expected". It has been 25 minutes so far.
1) I need to be able to debug my service and I'd like to do it vs the Azure published version. How can I debug this hanging operation?
2) 30+ minutes is not reasonable to wait for a debugger to attach. Is there any way to improve the process?
To be able to debug your Azure cloud service, you first need to make sure it is built with the Debug configuration and that the remote debugger feature is enabled, then you'll be able to attach to the role from Visual Studio as if you were running it locally.
You can follow these steps to enable the debugger and attach to the service:

SharePoint 2010 Web Front End Application Server dll deployment

We have a SharePoint farm configured with one SQL server, an Application server and one Web Front End. All assemblies run from the GAC on the WFE, except one. This one dll has to be forced (using gacutil) into the GAC on the App server in order to see changes in our SharePoint application.
My question is, what determines that this dll must run on the App server and not with the rest on the WFE? I assume because of this, I cannot debug in Visual Studio from the WFE. Do I have to install Visual Studio on the App server as well?
When setting up a timer job, it's possible to use the constructor to specify a specific server. That's likely how things got set up for this solution and associated .dll file. More info on that here:
As for adding Visual Studio to servers on your farm, if this is your production farm I do not recommend doing this. If you really need to debug in production (you really, really should have a development box set up for this), do it via remote debugging.

Debugging Azure: Error attaching the debugger to the IIS worker process

I have a web application to deploy to Windows Azure. I try to run it on local first. But when debugging, I catch this error from VS2010:
"There was an error attaching the debugger to the IIS worker process
for URL '' for role instance
Unable to start debugging on the web server ......."
I've search so hard to find the solution for this problem but there's nothing seems work for me. I'm a newbie in Windows Azure, it's really a big trouble with me.
I had similar problem with Windows 8, debuging a cloud application with Visual Studio 2012 RTM and Azure SDK 1.71, when trying to launch the application into the compute emulator. It was a very simple app, but I used Azure diagnostics. At the end these are two things I have changed that have work for me, both turning on Windows 8 features (so go to Win8 and open 'Turn Windows Features On/Off'.
Activate the checkboxes for:
Internet Information Services Hostable Web Core
Internet Information Services > World Wide Web Services > Application Development Features > ASP.NET 4.5
Internet Information Services > World Wide Web Services > Health and Diagnostics > Tracing
Internet Information Services > Web Management Tools > IIS Management Scripts and Tools
That worked for me, it makes sense, as I'm using Visual Studio 2012 and trying to get some trace information using diagnostics in Azure.
I hope this will work for you or give some tip about the problem. In the case of being useful information, remember to vote as response or as value tip.
This usually happens when there's a problem with the project to be deployed to the emulator (WindowsAzureProject2 in your case).
Try the following:
Check %UserProfile%\AppData\Local\dftmp\IISConfiguratorLogs\IISConfigurator.log file for the error messages. See more details in this answer.
Make sure your project can be started without the emulator. It's a web project, so just try to start it as a regular web project. Or publish it to the separate folder and try to create a website in IIS of it.
Check your *.csdef and *.cscfg files to make sure all the configuration is correct.
Make sure that the build output of your project is not empty. You can do this by going to IIS, find the site with the name similar to deployment16(6).WindowsAzureProject2.WebApplication3_IN_0, right click --> Explore.... Make sure that this folder is not empty and contains all the files required to start a web project successfully.
BTW, there's a similar question: Debugger can't connect when starting local azure project
Follow step 11 from Worked for me on Windows 8 with Oct 2012 SDk
I just have today the same problem trying to Debug locally with Azure Storage Emulator in Windows 7. So in the Azure project properties, in Web tab, I checked the radio button 'Use IIS Express' and it debugged without problem. I hope this helps someone.
I encountered this exact same problem when I upgraded an existing Azure solution to the Azure SDK 2.1. After some hunting around I uncovered that the upgrade had automatically set the "Local Development Server" setting to "Use IIS Web Server".
Changing the "Local Development Server" setting to "Use IIS Express" fixed the problem immediately.
To access this setting right-click the Azure cloud project file in your solution, select the "Properties" option, tab down to "Web" and you'll see the following setup.
Also, make sure you run Visual Studio as administrator
Please check the version of emulator you have installed. If your code is created in older sdk and you have a new emulator installed it will give you this error.
Check the version of Azure APIs in your project, go to Project > references and right click on Azure dlls to check the version, same sdk version must be installed on the system, higher are optional as azure 2.x are not backward compatible.

How do I profile an Azure app running in the Compute Emulator?

I think profiling an application deployed to Azure is not a big deal
I'd like to do the same locally, in the Compute Emulator. It looks like this is currently difficult at best, at least with the native VisualStudio 2010 profiler.
Am I missing a simple way to do this? Are there any third-party tools that make this fairly easy to do?
I'm using the Azure SDK 1.4 and Azure Tools for Visual Studio 2010 1.3
For later versions of the SDK you can refer to this article in the Windows Azure documentation, where it is explained how to do CPU sampling for both worker roles and web roles: for the latter case, you should attach to the WaIISHost.exe process.
As also indicated in the answer from Marcus Jansson, you may need to attach to the w3wp.exe process. For example, when I'm debugging one of the web sites contained in a web role I need to explicitly attach to the w3wp.exe process that is hosting that site, since Visual Studio does not attach automatically to all relevant IIS instances.
UPDATE 2013-01-10 19:03 UTC I was unable to profile web roles using the linked instructions. I discovered that:
it is useless to attach to WaIISHost.exe, since it seems that it doesn't contain the role code;
I cannot attach to w3wp.exe instances from Visual Studio 2010 (I receive an error message with code VSP1449).
Since I'm using Windows Azure SDK 1.8, I then tried to run my web role under IIS Express (see this post for further details) and then I attached to the iisexpress.exe process. This way I was able to profile my web site.
If you run the web role in IIS, you can just attach to the process w3wp.exe.
I think it depends on what you're trying to profile.
The link you included in your question is for profiling memory for a web role, and yes it looks a little involved.
If you're looking to profile a worker role, it's much easier. You can simply start the worker role through Visual Studio (or using the method mentioned in the post you linked to if you're worried about the effect of the debugger on the profiling) and select Analyze -> Profiler Attach/Detach -> WaWorkerHost. From there it should look just like profiling any other application.

How can I debug a SharePoint EventReceiver with Remote Debugger?

I have written an SharePoint EventReceiver (Windows SharePoint Services 3.0) and want to debug it with Visual Studio 2008 SP1, which runs on a different computer. I have tried the following steps:
Installing the event receiver (I know that this works because a log file proves that the code is executed).
Registering my event receiver class library in the GAC of the SharePoint server (built in Debug mode).
Starting Visual Studio Remote Debugging Monitor on SharePoint server.
Attaching to process w3wp.exe on SharePoint server from local machine.
Unfortunately Visual Studio tells me that the breakpoint I set will not be hit. I guess that when installing the assembly to the GAC the debug symbols (or whatever is needed for debugging) are lost.
What can I do to debug my event receiver? As far as I know the only way to extend SharePoint by custom assemblies is to deploy them to GAC - am I missing here something?
Best Regards
Oliver Hanappi
you could try manually copying your assembly's debug (.pdb) file to the c:\windows\assembly\MSIL\ASSEMBLYNAME\VERSION folder on the target machine and restart IIS.
I just ran into this issue this morning. I was getting the same error about breakpoints not being hit. In my case, it was because I attached to the wrong w3wp.exe process. If you have multiple w3wp.exe processes running on the server - make sure you're attaching to the correct process for debugging.
As an aside - you don't mention running iisreset anywhere in your steps. After you copy your custom event received assembly to the GAC - make sure you run an iisreset so that the web server is picking up your changes.
Hope that helps!!
This question is very old but I just want to share the following command that will assist in picking the right w3wp.exe process.
Assuming you have deployed and enabled your event receiver.
Execute this command on the commandline
%windir%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe list wp
This will print the PID and an indication of which site it is for eg.
C:\Windows\system32>%windir%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe list wp
WP "11632" (applicationPool:4a8cbf60637942ff9a2486d0e682ac54)
WP "16800" (applicationPool:SharePoint Central Administration v4)
WP "23648" (applicationPool:teams)
Now you can attach you Visual Studio debugger to the right process easily.
For example for the SP site teams I will attach to PID 23648
