Why does my vim command-line path differ from my shell PATH? - vim

$ echo $PATH
$ vim
:! echo $PATH
I expected them to be the same. Why are they different?
If it makes a difference, here is my shell, vim version and OS version:
$ echo $SHELL
$ /usr/local/bin/zsh --version
zsh 5.0.0 (x86_64-apple-darwin12.0.0)
$ vim --version
VIM - Vi IMproved 7.3 (2010 Aug 15, compiled Jun 20 2012 13:16:02)
Compiled by root#apple.com
$ sw_vers
ProductName: Mac OS X
ProductVersion: 10.8.2
BuildVersion: 12C60
(Mountain Lion)

This is a known
problem introduced by
Apple in OS X 10.5 Leopard.
If you are using Bash or Zsh and are using non-interactive shells, you
are affected.
Running sudo chmod ugo-x /usr/libexec/path_helper will fix you up,
but you should take a look at the article to see why.
From this SO answer

There are many similar questions on stackoverflow and stackexchange.
Your shell executes different *rc files depending on the arguments its given at launch time. Therefore, you need to setup Vim so that it launchs your shell with the right arguments.
The following helps in bash, I'm almost certain there's a similar flag in zsh.
set shell=bash\ -i
See $ man zsh for the right flag and the right execution order.

I was not able to resolve this with zsh, and ended up using bash for my vim shell.
Here's what I did:
modified my .zshrc to work with bash
ln -s .zshrc .bashrc
added set shell=bash to my .vimrc file
and now my vim command-line PATH is equal to my zsh shell PATH.

I don't use mac or zsh (I am on linux), however I ran into this problem when I ran gvim from the MATE Menu.
I solved it by adding this to my .vimrc:
if $PATH !~ "\.rbenv"
let $PATH="/home/username/.rbenv/shims:/home/username/.rbenv/bin:" . $PATH
This avoids setting it if you run vim from a terminal, otherwise the rbenv paths would be included twice.
I tried setting the application to run via a terminal, but that didn't help.


Where can i find $PS that looks like this?

I have installed a Dracula Theme(https://draculatheme.com/iterm/) on my iTerm2, however, it doesn't seem to come with $PS parameters that give the exact same look for the prompt text with icons. I searched the internet to no avail...
The $PS parameters you see is a theme of Oh-My-Zsh.
Use command:zsh --version to see if you get zsh shell in your computer.
If it comes out the version, you have Zsh already.
Use command line to install Oh-My-Zsh:(You can go to the official website to geti the command line)
$ sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/master/tools/install.sh)"
Oh-My-Zsh is a tool to help you config Zsh.
Use command:chsh -s /bin/zsh to change your shell from Bash or other shells to Zsh.
Restart your terminal.
You will got Dracula Theme as you see in the picture, because it uses the default theme of Oh-My-Zsh.
You will find more themes of Oh-My-Zsh to change the $PS parameters. And you will learn how to edit the configuration files to change the $PS parameters.

How to make terminal recognize command "gvim" or "mvim"?

I am not sure I understand correctly from the readme file how to install vim onto my mac. After installation, I still cannot seem to open files while typing gvim HelloWorld.c into terminal. How can I permanently fix the gvim command for terminal to recognize all the time?
Mac OS X already ships with a slightly underpowered but perfectly working vim build so you only have to issue that command in your terminal:
$ vim filename
MacVim is a more featureful version that comes with a GUI and a CLI executable. Is that what you installed?
The archive you downloaded contains MacVim.app and a shell script called mvim.
If you don't plan to use Vim in or from your terminal, you don't need that mvim script at all.
If you do, the simplest solution is to put that script somewhere in your $PATH. To do so, check the value of $PATH with the following command:
$ echo $PATH
and copy the script into one of the listed directories:
$ cp /path/to/mvim /some/directory/mvim
After that's done, you can call the MacVim GUI from your terminal with:
$ mvim filename
or the MacVim CLI with:
$ mvim -v filename

How do I get Cygwin xterm to use bash and not sh?

Just updated cygwin to 1.7.28 on Windows 7.
Previously when starting X, the xterm would open with bash. For some reason it is now opening with sh?
What configuration changes do I need to make so that bash is the default shell again?
Not sure why this change happened.
The shortcut to open the xterm is the same as it was during my initial installation.
C:\cygwin\bin\run.exe /usr/bin/bash.exe -l -c /usr/bin/startxwin.exe
But it still starts with the default shell set to sh.
I don't understand what changed.
My passwd file is the same as it was before.
It appears that everything starts fine with the standard shortcuts, but the X and xterm startups are not sourcing /etc/profile
I had /etc/shells already (upgraded from ??? to 1.7.29), might have been new with upgrade, but still didn't work (xterm running sh instead of bash). Changed permissions on bash to fix.
It was 700 changed to 755
chmod 755 /bin/bash
xterm seems to need the /etc/shells file to be present to work. Add an /etc/shells file with the following contents:
# /etc/shells: valid login shells
Run following command to set bash as default shell.
set shell=C:/cygwin/bin/bash
Note path C:/cygwin/bin/bash may vary.
(Removed answer regarding /etc/passwd)
I tried your command on my cygwin and got the same behavior, i.e. xterm loaded with /bin/sh.
However, if I simply ran startxwin.exe directly, I get an xterm loaded with /bin/bash.
Dunno if this works for you, but, worth a try.
I had the same issue with sh launching, but managed a different workaround after having issues with /etc/shells
I also wanted to get rid of the default white /bin/sh xterm that startxwin.exe created.
It turns out there's a .startxwinrc that startxwin.exe sources, so I had it do this:
# Launch prettier xterms with bash
. ./.profile
# Exit the cruddy white xterm launched by startxwin
The dot-space syntax above is equivalent to "source" in bash, but is more shell-independent.

How to run windows gvim from cygwin?

I am not able to run gvim from cygwin. When I try to open a new file with :
gvim filename
gvim opens a file with 'No name' and displays error as :
Error detected while processing command line
E492: Not editor command: C:\cygwin\home\chandan\l
Press enter or type command to continue
More problematic is that I can't open existing file in the path
>which gvim shows /usr/bin/gvim
I have put alias gvim=/cygdrive/c/Program\Files\(x86\)/Vim/vim73/gvim.exe still
I wrote cyg-wrapper.sh for this sole purpose.
It supports:
symbolic links
options that must not be interpreted as pathnames (see -c with gvim, or any flags starting with a minus sign).
In other words, it enables us to type:
gvim /etc/profile -c /PS1 -c "echo 'correctly opened'"
# or even:
cd ~/tmp ; ln -s ~/bin/cyg-wrapper.sh
gvim -d http://hermitte.free.fr/cygwin/cyg-wrapper.sh cyg-wrapper.sh
explorer -e
explorer "$vim"
explorer http://hermitte.free.fr/
Note: I use the following function in my .profile to run gvim with cyg-wrapper.sh
gvim() {
if [ `expr "$*" : '.*tex\>'` -gt 0 ] ; then
opt='--servername LATEX '
cyg-wrapper.sh "C:/Progra~1/Edition/vim/vim73/gvim.exe" --binary-opt=-c,--cmd,-T,-t,--servername,--remote-send,--remote-expr --cyg-verbose --fork=2 $opt "$#"
EDIT: Currently (Sept 26 2014, using Vim 7.4), Windows gVim uses C:\Windows\gvim.bat to launch gVim from the command line. Replacing the gvim.exe path in the gvim() function with this script allows launching gvim without changing the path to match the current Vim version (which may actually be in Progra~2); however, it appears to also open a superfluous cmd.exe window.
Found this thread, I find the answer from jens unacceptable. We're not asking to be told not to do it. I didn't like the other answers either there was always some quirk, like settings not used or an extra command line window popping up. I Did some digging and this works for me. No extra command line box for nothing and it uses my proper gvim settings.
alias gvim='HOME=/cygdrive/p/ cygstart /cygdrive/c/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/Vim/vim74/gvim.exe'
You simply need to alter the HOME to your own. To find out what to put there run gvim from windows then put in ":echo $HOME" and hit enter in my case it shows P:\ so that translates to /cygdrive/p/
Also if your gvim.exe is in a different directory/version you'll need to adjust.
Now when I type 'gvim script.sh' at a cygwin command prompt it launches gvim with the file, all nice and neat!
I found a slightly better way to do this. Using the alias was tying up my session that I ran the gvim from, I wanted it to launch as a separate process, using "gvim &" is inelegant as it lists job number when launching and displays a "done" line when completed. I'm too fussy so I figured out how to get that all tidy by using a function.
Just add this to your .bash_functions file, it builds on the previous section regarding home directory and backslash use.
gvim() {
/cygdrive/c/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/Vim/vim74/gvim.exe $1 & disown
} 2>/dev/null
UPDATE 2 for babun users!
Ok since having wrestled with this originally I have ended up scrapping the original cygwin install in favor of babun which seems to be a less troublesome setup for those wanting linux functionality in windows without a full blown virtual. Of course my gvim launch script broke, and I had to do the following in my .zshrc file (babun uses zsh, at first I resisted and switched it to bash but then relented as I figured they must have reason, and they did, I like it)
gvim() {
export HOME=/cygdrive/c/Users/gmitchell/
export VIMRUNTIME="C:\Program Files (x86)\VIM\vim74"
TARGET=$(cygpath -w $1)
(/cygdrive/c/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/Vim/vim74/gvim.exe $TARGET &)
*Note: the surrounding curved braces ( ) stops the job id from messing up your clean shell, and you no longer need the "disown"
P.S. The only remaining annoyance with this now is that you cannot "exit" the babun shell until all gvim instances you've launched are closed. Maybe someone can figure that own out. I've tried. When you type exit it just hangs there until you've exited all gvims.
Do yourself a favor, don't attempt to run a windows gvim from cygwin. The set of environment variables is likely completely different, and the pain of backslash directory separators, blanks in filenames, inability to understand /cygwin paths makes this an exercise in futility.
Then, what? Install the cygwin version of gvim and forget about all these problems.
Here is all you need to do:
alias gvim="run.exe /cygdrive/c/Programming/Tools/Vim/vim74/gvim.exe"
Works also with Notepad++, like so:
alias np="run.exe /cygdrive/c/Programming/Tools/Notepad++/notepad++.exe"
I have the same problem
because of the $SHELL var
so, I simple do like this
alias gvim='cmd /c "set SHELL=cmd & start gvim"'
It works for me, may be this will be help you too.
and maybe you want use the same alias for vim.
I put the following function in my .bashrc:
function gvim
if [[ -z "$1" ]]
$GVIM_CMD `cygpath -w $1`
This allows me to launch gVim from anywhere.
It works fine for files with spaces, too...
This is a take off on low351's answer. I was unhappy with leaving HOME changed in the cygwin terminal, since I use that locally for a cygwin HOME, not my windows home. But gvim is all setup using Windows HOME. I added this to my .zshrc:
# run windows gvim from command line
gvim() {
local TARGET=$(cygpath -w $1)
/cygdrive/c/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/Vim/vim74/gvim.exe $TARGET & disown
} 2>/dev/null
really, just storing and restoring HOME. Being local, OLD_HOME goes away when the function returns, so it doesn't pollute the environment. If you're editing a cygwin file, running it through cygpath -w will make it a file path that windows gvim understands. It also lets you use window paths (e.g. C:/tmp/foo.txt) but w/ unix '/' separators, so you can dispense with /cygdrive/c. I believe this is all compatible w/ bash. This gives the following output:
> gvim
[2] 5060
It seems like the main problem is the HOME and VIM variables which are appropriate to the cygwin environment get exported when running Windows gvim, causing problems because Windows gvim knows nothing of cygwin. This fixes it:
alias gvim='env -u HOME -u VIM /cygdrive/c/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/Vim/vim74/gvim.exe'
I have Windows gvim set as the default application (in Windows) for many filetypes, so Windows gvim frequently gets opened via the open alias. This fixes that use case:
alias open='env -u HOME -u VIM cygstart'
I just renamed gvim.bat which comes with the standard Win32 vim installation to gvim and put it into /usr/bin.
I am also sharing settings beetween Win32 GVim and Cygwin VIM referring to this article:
This way i can have both Vim and Win32 Gvim running with the same plugins and settings.
Since I've tried all of these and had issues I'll show what I'm using. I wrote it in ruby and it handles everything I throw at it (files, directories, or nothing) without any errors/popups/etc.
I saved it as gvim in ~/Dropbox/bin/cygwin/ (which is in my PATH)
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
if arg
if File.exist? arg
if File.file? arg
args+="--remote-tab-silent "
filepath=`cygpath -w '#{arg}'`.strip
exe="'/c/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/vim/vim73/gvim.exe' #{args} #{filepath}"
spawn exe
Here's the script I use for ~/bin/gvim. It runs it as if I called gvim FOO from the "Run" dialog (thanks to the batch file being invoked by explorer.exe). Can't play too nicely with the command line, but a self-deleting batch file comes to the rescue.
TEMPFILE_NAME=gvim-`date +%s`-${RANDOM}.bat
TEMPFILE_W=`cygpath --windows --absolute --long-name "$TEMPFILE"`
if [ "$1" = "" ] ; then
TARGET=`cygpath --windows --absolute --long-name "."`
TARGET=`cygpath --windows --absolute --long-name "$#" | tr '\n' ' '`
WIN_GVIM=`where gvim.exe | tr -d '\r\n'`
WIN_GVIM=`cygpath "$WIN_GVIM" --windows --absolute --long-name`
unix2dos > $TEMPFILE << EOF
start "gvim" "$WIN_GVIM" $TARGET
DEL %~f0
chmod +x $TEMPFILE
explorer.exe "$TEMPFILE_W"
Special thanks to this answer for the explorer.exe technique.

$PATH in vim is different from which in shell? (Mac OSX)

As you know that the ctags in OSX is a basic version, and I install a full version of ctags using homebrew, but when I wanna use it in Vim's command mode, it always ran the basic one. So I checked the $PATH var in Vim's command mode, like !echo $PATH, and it showed that /usr/local/bin followed the /usr/bin, which was different from the shell environment $PATH, so please kindly tell me how to fix this, many thanks!.
BTW, I changed the $PATH in vimrc file, but it only affected the $PATH if I type the command echo $PATH in Vim's command mode, not !echo $PATH.
Unfortunately, MacVim won't be affected by paths you set in .profile or .bashrc.
You can set paths affecting all programs on Mac OS X by using the /etc/paths and /etc/paths.d/ mechanisms. More detailed explanation here:
