Unicode characters (Arabic letters) show up as question marks in IDE console - jsf

I am using JSF 2.0 and I have text field as
<h:inputText value="#{myBean.myValue}" />
<h:commandButton value="Submit" action="#{myBean.printMe()}" />
public void printMe() {
System.out.println("first line==" + myValue + "==");
System.out.println("second line==يشسيبشسيبشسيبشيس==");
When I run this project and enter يشسيبشسيبشسيبشيس in textbox, in IDE console I see as below.
INFO: first line==????????????????==
INFO: second line==????????????????==
Any idea why this is happening?

This is caused by using the wrong console encoding.
The line
System.out.println("My Data is " + fullName);
prints to the standard output (stdout). You need to configure it to use UTF-8 as well. Assuming that you're using Eclipse, then you need to change the stdout encoding to UTF-8 by Window > Preferences > General > Workspace > Text File Encoding.
If you're using Netbeans, which I can't answer from top of head, head to this answer: hebrew appears as question marks in netbeans which contains a link to this Netbeans Wiki which mentions the following:
To change the language encoding for a project:
Right-click a project node in the Projects windows and choose Properties.
Under Sources, select an encoding value from the Encoding drop-down field.
See also:
Unicode - How to get the characters right?
Unrelated to the concrete problem, those lines in the filter are unnecessary
They defaults in case of JSF2/Facelets to proper values already. Remove those lines.

If the data comes from a DB, please check the field datatype is nvarchar.


SQL Error (1366): Incorrect string value: '\xE3\x82\xA8\xE3\x83\xBC...'

Hi I am trying to upload data to the Heidi SQL table, but it returned "SQL Error (1366): Incorrect string value: '\xE3\x82\xA8\xE3\x83\xBC...'".
This issue is prompted by this string - "エーペックスレジェンズ" , and the source data file has a number of special characters. Want to know if there's a way to override this, so that all forms of character could be uploaded?
My default setting is utf8 and I have also tried utf8mb4, but neither of them would work.
That happens when you select the wrong file encoding in HeidiSQL's open-file dialog:
Never select "Auto-detect" - I wrote that auto-detection, and I can tell you it often detects the wrong encoding. Use the right encoding instead, which is mostly utf-8 nowadays.

Xamarin Forms Android Label displaying extra characters

I am pulling text from an embedded .txt file and then displaying it in a label. iOS is fine, but Android shows extra characters. I am missing something simple but not sure what. Thanks for the help.
This (in a .txt file):
- Fixed spelling errors
- Added version number in slide-out menu
- Squashed bugs
- Database Change Log Added.
- Bug Fixes.
- Bug Fixes
Turns into this:
The space characters are bring shown. How do I prevent this?
Retrieving the text:
var assembly = typeof(MainMenuViewModel).GetTypeInfo().Assembly;
Stream stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("ReleaseNotes.txt");
var text = "";
using (var reader = new StreamReader(stream))
text = reader.ReadToEnd();
ReleseNotesText = text;
The Label:
<Label Text="{Binding ReleseNotesText}" HorizontalTextAlignment="Start" HorizontalOptions="Fill" VerticalOptions="CenterAndExpand" TextColor="{DynamicResource TextColor}" FontSize="18" />
More likely your newlines are \n in the embedded text file stream
Just convert them to the correct environment newline. Newline character(s) may vary depending on the running platform... in .NET you have the handy Environment.NewLine, thus:
ReleseNotesText = text.Replace("\n", Environment.NewLine);
Edit: after taking a look at the exact text file in the comments, it looks like it was using the U+2028 unicode sequence for newlines. The correct replacing code would be:
ReleseNotesText = text.Replace("\u2028", Environment.NewLine);

Defining scope for custom Sublime Text 2 snippets

While trying to write my own snippets for Sublime Text 2, I ran into the following two problems:
Finding scope keys. I figured out that I can look through my packages one by one and find references to a declared "scope" property. For example in ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages/JavaScript/Comments.tmPreferences (a file in my HTML package) there's these two lines:
So if I want my current snippet to work on javascript files, I define my scope like:
I'm assuming all these scope keys are defined on-the-fly based on what Packages I have installed. Does Sublime Text build a list anywhere that I can more easily reference? Perusing through a bunch of package files seems overly tedious.
Defining multiple scope properties. This I've figured out, and the following line allows my snippet to work in both HTML and JavaScript files.
<scope>text.html, source.js</scope>
Here is a list of scopes to use in Sublime Text 2 snippets -
ActionScript: source.actionscript.2
AppleScript: source.applescript
ASP: source.asp
Batch FIle: source.dosbatch
C#: source.cs
C++: source.c++
Clojure: source.clojure
CoffeeScript: source.coffee
CSS: source.css
D: source.d
Diff: source.diff
Erlang: source.erlang
Go: source.go
GraphViz: source.dot
Groovy: source.groovy
Haskell: source.haskell
HTML: text.html(.basic)
JSP: text.html.jsp
Java: source.java
Java Properties: source.java-props
Java Doc: text.html.javadoc
JSON: source.json
Javascript: source.js
BibTex: source.bibtex
Latex Log: text.log.latex
Latex Memoir: text.tex.latex.memoir
Latex: text.tex.latex
LESS: source.css.less
TeX: text.tex
Lisp: source.lisp
Lua: source.lua
MakeFile: source.makefile
Markdown: text.html.markdown
Multi Markdown: text.html.markdown.multimarkdown
Matlab: source.matlab
Objective-C: source.objc
Objective-C++: source.objc++
OCaml campl4: source.camlp4.ocaml
OCaml: source.ocaml
OCamllex: source.ocamllex
Perl: source.perl
PHP: source.php
Regular Expression(python): source.regexp.python
Python: source.python
R Console: source.r-console
R: source.r
Ruby on Rails: source.ruby.rails
Ruby HAML: text.haml
SQL(Ruby): source.sql.ruby
Regular Expression: source.regexp
RestructuredText: text.restructuredtext
Ruby: source.ruby
SASS: source.sass
Scala: source.scala
Shell Script: source.shell
SQL: source.sql
Stylus: source.stylus
TCL: source.tcl
HTML(TCL): text.html.tcl
Plain text: text.plain
Textile: text.html.textile
XML: text.xml
XSL: text.xml.xsl
YAML: source.yaml
If anything is missing, add it in this gist https://gist.github.com/4705378.
View Current Scope of Cursor Position
Place your cursor in the file where you wish to know the scope.
Use this keyboard-shortcut:
Windows: ctrl+shift+alt+p
Mac: ctrl+shift+p
The current scope will be displayed in the left side of the status bar on Windows, or in a popup window on Mac.
Use these as the <scope> key in your foo.sublime-snippet file.
The returned scopes are listed generic to specific. Choose the scope(s) which best "scoped" the snippet to where it should be available to tab trigger.
There's a package called Scope Hunter, by Isaac Muse, which is really helpful for this.
It can show you the scope under any cursor in a document, which I've found really helpful when debugging my own snippets. Sometimes it's very detailed; a sample scope from my frontmost document:
Scope: text.tex.latex
(Wrapped for ease of reading)
I wouldn't have been able to find that if I spent a week picking SL2 apart, but this package gets it in seconds. Highly recommended.
This level of detail also means that you can define snippets in a very granular way, if you want. For example, the meta.function.environment.list.latex corresponds broadly to lists in LaTeX, so I have a snippet that inserts a new \item when I press super+enter in a list environment, but nobody else. I can target snippets much more effectively than with blind guesswork.
The source code is in Github, or you can install it through Package Control.
Actually, you can use the Ctrl+Alt+Shift+P (without using Scope Hunter) and it will show you the scope on the bottom bar on the left side right after the Col/Line information. It's pretty small print but it's there.
To answer, #1, look in the syntax's .tmLanguage file, look for the key: scopeName. This is what the syntax uses for the snippet's scope value.
For example, an excerpt from nathos / sass-textmate-bundle
So you would use source.sass in your snippet.
Here is more info on defining a syntax

How can I syntax highlight a custom self closing script tag in vim?

I know that normal script tags can't self close, and I know less of vimscript than I might. I have been working with a custom XML templating language quite similar to HTML, and have been using the HTML mode along with the file ~/.vim/after/syntax/html.vim:
syn region javaScript start=+<is:PageComponents:Script[^>]*>+ keepend end=+</is:PageComponents:Script>+me=s-1 contains=#htmlJavaScript,htmlCssStyleComment,htmlScriptTag,#htmlPreproc
syn region htmlScriptTag contained start=+<is:PageComponents:Script+ end=+>+ contains=htmlTagN,htmlString,htmlArg,htmlValue,htmlTagError,htmlEvent
The problem that I am experiencing is "spillover" of the highlighting region until the end of the file or the next closing script tag.
I have attempted changing start to: +<is:PageComponents:Script[^>]*\(\\\)\#<!>+, and +<is:PageComponents:Script[^>]*[^\\]>+, neither of which make a difference. As far as I understand regexes, the negative lookbehind should have been an ideal solution, and the one character match should have forced the greedy star to back off one character, resulting in failure. Replacing the * with \{-} for ungreedy behavior has the same result. What am I missing?
In case it's relevant, I'm running vim in Cygwin's mintty (type is xterm-256color), shell is bash, color scheme is solarized.
Edit: Adding sample of our markup language
<is:PageComponents:Template title="Page Title" controller="controller">
<is:PageComponents:Script src="/path/jsfile.js" />
<is:PageComponents:Style src="cssfile.css" />
<is:Containers:Box label="Box Label">
<is:DataGridComponents:DataGrid id="data_grid_id" data_provider="data_provider" keep_state="true">
<is:DataGridComponents:DataGridHeader />
<is:DataGridComponents:Columns strip_placeholders="false" id="%%id%%_row">
<is:DataGridComponents:Column header_title="Links Header">
<span class="popup-link popup-link-type1" id="type1_%%id%%">Type 1</span> |
<span class="popup-link popup-link-type2" id="type2_%%id%%">Type 2</span>
<is:DataGridComponents:Column header_title="Data1">%%data1%%</is:DataGridComponents:Column>
<is:DataGridComponents:Column header_title="Data2">%%data2%%</is:DataGridComponents:Column>
<is:DataGridComponents:Pager id="pager_id" data_provider="pager_data_provider" for_component="data_grid_id" />
<is:Containers:Box id="footer_box_id" data_provider="footer_box_data_provider">Text: %%data%%</is:containers:box>
<is:PageComponents:Script location="onready">
// Insert literal JavaScript code here for the page
{include file="path/file1.tpl"}
{include file="path/file2.tpl"}
Both of my patterns worked correctly when I switched to using / instead of \ in my match.
The corrected patterns are:
+<is:PageComponents:Script[^>]*\(/\)\#<!>+ and

%2B decoding to a space instead of a plus

We have a problem in a specific server. All plus signs posted to the application are replaced with spaces - that's in POST and GET, and on all pages on that site.
As a test case I have this little page (it's an ASP server):
<form method="post">
<input type="text" name="Plus" id="Plus" />
<input type="submit" />
Previous Value: <%= request("Plus") %><br />
Query String: <%= request.querystring %>
On every other server this works well, but on one server pluses are replaced with spaces.
Example: for the input "1 2+3" - request("Plus") is "1 2 3", and the Query String is "1+2+3". No good. Other characters seem to be decoding correctly.
It should be said someone had tried to 'harden' this server against attacks, so obscure IIS options may be turned on (though we did remove the ISAPI filter).
It turns out there's another filter installed, the SQL Injection Filter ISAPIClipSQLInjection.dll from http://www.codeplex.com/IIS6SQLInjection .
The filter is buggy - it replaces valid characters from POST and GET:
Plus signs are replaced with spaces: "1%2B2" -> "1+2", same as "1 2"
Semicolons are replaced with Commas: "hello;" -> "hello,"
A newer version of the filter (2.0b) does not fix this, but allows to exclude certain pages. Since it is installed in production we decided not to remove the filter, we used javascript to change all pluses to "&#43 " (with space and not a semicolon).
Not the optimal solution, but that's what the boss wanted.
Consider Ascii Code. In the place of a plus sign use its ascii code.It would be chr(43). Both asp and sql would understand this.
here is a table with all ascii codes.
Well, this also confused me. till I saw this post: Server.URLEncode started to replace blank with plus ("+") instead of percent-20 ("%20")
in short:
RFC-1866 (around 1995), declared that blank " " should be parsed to "+" in request body.
RFC-3986 (2005, Jan) declared that blank " "should be parsed to "%20"
and in ASP framework, it supports the RFC-1866, and sometimes mixed RFC-3986(seems) , so the parameter %2b firstly converted to + (normal ascii/urldecode rule , then it converted to ( RFC-1866 rule )
This is my guess, I don't care old-dead tech, for more details, see
