Equal class misunderstanding - haskell

I have my own data type to represent nodes and edges of a graph as follows:
data Node a = Node a deriving (Show, Eq)
data Label a = Label a deriving (Show)
data Cost = CostI Int | CostF Float deriving (Show)
data Edge label node = Edge (Label label, (Node node,Node node), Cost) deriving (Show)
Now, I create a function to check whether an edge contains 2 nodes or not as follows:
isEdge:: (Eq n) => (Edge l n) -> (Node n, Node n) -> Bool
isEdge (Edge (_, (n1,n2), _)) (n3, n4) = result
where result = (n1 == n3) && (n2 == n4)
The function works well, the problem here is if I remove (Eq n) from the function, it fails. So, why is that, even though in the declaration above I declared Node as deriving from Eq class?
data Node a = Node a deriving (Show, Eq)

The Eq instance GHC derives for Node a is something like this:
instance Eq a => Eq (Node a) where
(Node x) == (Node y) = x == y
(Node x) /= (Node y) = x /= y
You can view the generated code by compiling with -ddump-deriv. The Eq a constraint is needed for obvious reasons. So, GHC couldn't infer an instance of Eq for, say, Node (a -> b) since functions can't be compared.
However, the fact that GHC can't infer an instance of Eq for Node a for some a doesn't mean it will stop you from constructing a values of type Node a where a isn't an equality type.
If you wanted to stop people from constructing non-comparable Nodes, you could try putting a constraint like this:
data Eq a => Node a = Node a deriving (Eq, Show)
But now GHC tells us we need a compiler pragma:
Illegal datatype context (use -XDatatypeContexts): Eq a =>
OK, let's add it to the top of our file:
{-# LANGUAGE DatatypeContexts #-}
Now compile:
/tmp/foo.hs:1:41: Warning: -XDatatypeContexts is deprecated: It was widely
considered a misfeature, and has been removed from the Haskell language.
The problem is that now every function using Nodes will need an Eq class constraint, which is annoying (your functions still need the constraint!). (Also, if your user wants to create Nodes using a non-equality type but never tests them for equality, what's the problem?)
There's actually a way to get GHC to do what you want, however: Generalized Algebraic Data Types (GADTs):
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, StandaloneDeriving #-}
data Node a where
Node :: Eq a => a -> Node a
This looks just like your original definition, except that it emphasizes the Node value constructor (the one formerly on the right hand side of the data declaration) is just a function, which you can add constraints to. Now GHC knows that only equality types can be put into Nodes, and unlike our earlier attempted solution, we can make new functions that don't need a constraint:
fromNode :: Node a -> a
fromNode (Node x) = x
We can still derive Eq and Show instances, but with a slightly different syntax:
deriving instance Eq (Node a)
deriving instance Show (Node a)
(Hence the StandaloneDeriving pragma above.)
For this to work, GHC also requires us to add a Show constraint to our GADT (if you look at the generated code again, you'll see the constraints are now gone):
data Node a where
Node :: (Eq a, Show a) => a -> Node a
And now we can take the Eq constraint off isEdge, since GHC can infer it!
(This is definitely overkill for such a simple situation -- again, if people want to construct nodes with functions inside them, why shouldn't they? However, GADTs are extremely useful in pretty similar situations when you want to enforce certain properties of your data types. See a cool example).
EDIT (from the future): you can also write
data Node a = (Eq a, Show a) => Node a
but you still need to enable GADT extensions and derive instances separately. See this thread.

When you add a deriving clause to a data declaration, the derived clause will include any necessary constraints for the type variable in scope at the declaration. In this case, deriving Eq will create essentially the following instance:
instance Eq a => Eq (Node a) where
(Node a) == (Node b) = a == b
(Node a) /= (Node b) = a /= b
Any derived Eq instance will depend upon the Eq instance of types that appear to the right of the data constructor.
This is because there's really no other way to derive an Eq instance automatically. Two values are equal if they have the same type and all their components are equal. So you need to be able to test the components for equality. In order to generically test a polymorphic component for equality, you need an Eq instance.
This is true not just for Eq, but for all the derived classes. For example this code
toStr :: Edge l n -> String
toStr = show
won't work without adding the constraint (Show l, Show n). Without that constraint, the function to show an Edge doesn't know what to call to show its internal Labels and Nodes.


Overlapping instance for Show

Suppose we have the following:
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
module Sample where
newtype A a =
A a
deriving (Show)
newtype L a =
L [a]
class ListContainer l where
getList :: l a -> [a]
instance ListContainer L where
getList (L l) = l
instance (Show a, ListContainer l) => Show (l a) where
show = const "example"
With this code, ghc complains:
warning: [-Wdeferred-type-errors]
• Overlapping instances for Show (A a)
    arising from a use of ‘GHC.Show.$dmshowList’
  Matching instances:
    instance (Show a, ListContainer l) => Show (l a)
      -- Defined at /.../src/Sample.hs:18:10
    instance Show a => Show (A a)
      -- Defined at /.../src/Sample.hs:7:13
• In the expression: GHC.Show.$dmshowList #(A a)
  In an equation for ‘showList’:
      showList = GHC.Show.$dmshowList #(A a)
  When typechecking the code for ‘showList’
    in a derived instance for ‘Show (A a)’:
    To see the code I am typechecking, use -ddump-deriv
  In the instance declaration for ‘Show (A a)’
warning: [-Wdeferred-type-errors]
• Overlapping instances for Show (A a)
    arising from a use of ‘GHC.Show.$dmshow’
  Matching instances:
    instance (Show a, ListContainer l) => Show (l a)
      -- Defined at /.../src/Sample.hs:18:10
    instance Show a => Show (A a)
      -- Defined at /.../src/Sample.hs:7:13
• In the expression: GHC.Show.$dmshow #(A a)
  In an equation for ‘show’: show = GHC.Show.$dmshow #(A a)
  When typechecking the code for ‘show’
    in a derived instance for ‘Show (A a)’:
    To see the code I am typechecking, use -ddump-deriv
  In the instance declaration for ‘Show (A a)’
I can understand that it thinks type a can either derive Show, or derive ListContainer, which may result in Show.
How do we avoid that?
I understand that there exists a function showList, but its signature is a bit foreign. I do already have a function that I intend to use to display certain lists, which returns String directly.
I can understand that it thinks type a can either derive Show, or derive ListContainer, which may result in Show.
That is not what it thinks.
When Haskell chooses class instance, it doesn't look at instance constraints at all. All it considers when choosing an instance is the instance head (the thing that comes right after class name).
In your Show instance, the instance head is l a. This instance head matches A a (by assuming l = A). It also matches a lot of other things by the way - for example, it matches Maybe a (where l = Maybe), and Either b a (with l = Either b), and Identity a, and IO a - pretty much every type with a type parameter, come to think of it. It doesn't matter that neither A nor Maybe nor IO have an instance of ListContainer, because like I said above, Haskell doesn't look at constraints when choosing instances, only at instance heads.
It is only after finding a matching instance (by matching on its head) that Haskell will check if that instance's constraints are in fact satisfied. And will complain if they aren't. But it will never go back and try to pick another instance instead.
So coming back to your example: since A now has two matching Show instances - its own derived one and the Show (l a) one that you wrote, - the compiler complains that they are overlapping.
In your example you can just remove instance (Show a, ListContainer l) => Show (l a) and add deriving (Show) to L definition.
Alternatively you can remove deriving (Show) from A definition.
If you want you code behave as it is now remove deriving (Show) and implement it explicitly
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} Show a => Show (A a)
show (A a) = "A " ++ show a

Set specific properties for data in Haskell

Let us say I want to make a ADT as follows in Haskell:
data Properties = Property String [String]
deriving (Show,Eq)
I want to know if it is possible to give the second list a bounded and enumerated property? Basically the first element of the list will be the minBound and the last element will be the maxBound. I am trying,
data Properties a = Property String [a]
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Bounded (Properties a) where
minBound a = head a
maxBound a = (head . reverse) a
But not having much luck.
Well no, you can't do quite what you're asking, but maybe you'll find inspiration in this other neat trick.
{-# language ScopedTypeVariables, FlexibleContexts, UndecidableInstances #-}
import Data.Reflection -- from the reflection package
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
import Data.Proxy
-- Just the plain string part
newtype Pstring p = P String deriving Eq
-- Those properties you're interested in. It will
-- only be possible to produce bounds if there's at
-- least one property, so NonEmpty makes more sense
-- than [].
type Props = NonEmpty String
-- This is just to make a Show instance that does
-- what you seem to want easier to write. It's not really
-- necessary.
data Properties = Property String [String] deriving Show
Now we get to the key part, where we use reflection to produce class instances that can depend on run-time values. Roughly speaking, you can think of
Reifies x t => ...
as being a class-level version of
\(x :: t) -> ...
Because it operates at the class level, you can use it to parametrize instances. Since Reifies x t binds a type variable x, rather than a term variable, you need to use reflect to actually get the value back. If you happen to have a value on hand whose type ends in p, then you can just apply reflect to that value. Otherwise, you can always magic up a Proxy :: Proxy p to do the job.
-- If some Props are "in the air" tied to the type p,
-- then we can show them along with the string.
instance Reifies p Props => Show (Pstring p) where
showsPrec k p#(P str) =
showsPrec k $ Property str (NE.toList $ reflect p)
-- If some Props are "in the air" tied to the type p,
-- then we can give Pstring p a Bounded instance.
instance Reifies p Props => Bounded (Pstring p) where
minBound = P $ NE.head (reflect (Proxy :: Proxy p))
maxBound = P $ NE.last (reflect (Proxy :: Proxy p))
Now we need to have a way to actually bind types that can be passed to the type-level lambdas. This is done using the reify function. So let's throw some Props into the air and then let the butterfly nets get them back.
main :: IO ()
main = reify ("Hi" :| ["how", "are", "you"]) $
\(_ :: Proxy p) -> do
print (minBound :: Pstring p)
print (maxBound :: Pstring p)
./dfeuer#squirrel:~/src> ./WeirdBounded
Property "Hi" ["Hi","how","are","you"]
Property "you" ["Hi","how","are","you"]
You can think of reify x $ \(p :: Proxy p) -> ... as binding a type p to the value x; you can then pass the type p where you like by constraining things to have types involving p.
If you're just doing a couple of things, all this machinery is way more than necessary. Where it gets nice is when you're performing lots of operations with values that have phantom types carrying extra information. In many cases, you can avoid most of the explicit applications of reflect and the explicit proxy handling, because type inference just takes care of it all for you. For a good example of this technique in action, see the hyperloglog package. Configuration information for the HyperLogLog data structure is carried in a type parameter; this guarantees, at compile time, that only similarly configured structures are merged with each other.

Why constraints on data are a bad thing?

I know this question has been asked and answered lots of times but I still don't really understand why putting constraints on a data type is a bad thing.
For example, let's take Data.Map k a. All of the useful functions involving a Map need an Ord k constraint. So there is an implicit constraint on the definition of Data.Map. Why is it better to keep it implicit instead of letting the compiler and programmers know that Data.Map needs an orderable key.
Also, specifying a final type in a type declaration is something common, and one can see it as a way of "super" constraining a data type.
For example, I can write
data User = User { name :: String }
and that's acceptable. However is that not a constrained version of
data User' s = User' { name :: s }
After all 99% of the functions I'll write for the User type don't need a String and the few which will would probably only need s to be IsString and Show.
So, why is the lax version of User considered bad:
data (IsString s, Show s, ...) => User'' { name :: s }
while both User and User' are considered good?
I'm asking this, because lots of the time, I feel I'm unnecessarily narrowing my data (or even function) definitions, just to not have to propagate constraints.
As far as I understand, data type constraints only apply to the constructor and don't propagate. So my question is then, why do data type constraints not work as expected (and propagate)? It's an extension anyway, so why not have a new extension doing data properly, if it was considered useful by the community?
Use GADTs to provide implicit data contexts.
Don't use any kind of data constraint if you could do with Functor instances etc.
Map's too old to change to a GADT anyway.
Scroll to the bottom if you want to see the User implementation with GADTs
Let's use a case study of a Bag where all we care about is how many times something is in it. (Like an unordered sequence. We nearly always need an Eq constraint to do anything useful with it.
I'll use the inefficient list implementation so as not to muddy the waters over the Data.Map issue.
GADTs - the solution to the data constraint "problem"
The easy way to do what you're after is to use a GADT:
Notice below how the Eq constraint not only forces you to use types with an Eq instance when making GADTBags, it provides that instance implicitly wherever the GADTBag constructor appears. That's why count doesn't need an Eq context, whereas countV2 does - it doesn't use the constructor:
data GADTBag a where
GADTBag :: Eq a => [a] -> GADTBag a
unGADTBag (GADTBag xs) = xs
instance Show a => Show (GADTBag a) where
showsPrec i (GADTBag xs) = showParen (i>9) (("GADTBag " ++ show xs) ++)
count :: a -> GADTBag a -> Int -- no Eq here
count a (GADTBag xs) = length.filter (==a) $ xs -- but == here
countV2 a = length.filter (==a).unGADTBag
size :: GADTBag a -> Int
size (GADTBag xs) = length xs
ghci> count 'l' (GADTBag "Hello")
ghci> :t countV2
countV2 :: Eq a => a -> GADTBag a -> Int
Now we didn't need the Eq constraint when we found the total size of the bag, but it didn't clutter up our definition anyway. (We could have used size = length . unGADTBag just as well.)
Now lets make a functor:
instance Functor GADTBag where
fmap f (GADTBag xs) = GADTBag (map f xs)
Could not deduce (Eq b) arising from a use of `GADTBag'
from the context (Eq a)
That's unfixable (with the standard Functor class) because I can't restrict the type of fmap, but need to for the new list.
Data Constraint version
Can we do as you asked? Well, yes, except that you have to keep repeating the Eq constraint wherever you use the constructor:
{-# LANGUAGE DatatypeContexts #-}
data Eq a => EqBag a = EqBag {unEqBag :: [a]}
deriving Show
count' a (EqBag xs) = length.filter (==a) $ xs
size' (EqBag xs) = length xs -- Note: doesn't use (==) at all
Let's go to ghci to find out some less pretty things:
ghci> :so DataConstraints
DataConstraints_so.lhs:1:19: Warning:
-XDatatypeContexts is deprecated: It was widely considered a misfeature,
and has been removed from the Haskell language.
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( DataConstraints_so.lhs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: Main.
ghci> :t count
count :: a -> GADTBag a -> Int
ghci> :t count'
count' :: Eq a => a -> EqBag a -> Int
ghci> :t size
size :: GADTBag a -> Int
ghci> :t size'
size' :: Eq a => EqBag a -> Int
So our EqBag count' function requires an Eq constraint, which I think is perfectly reasonable, but our size' function also requires one, which is less pretty. This is because the type of the EqBag constructor is EqBag :: Eq a => [a] -> EqBag a, and this constraint must be added every time.
We can't make a functor here either:
instance Functor EqBag where
fmap f (EqBag xs) = EqBag (map f xs)
for exactly the same reason as with the GADTBag
Constraintless bags
data ListBag a = ListBag {unListBag :: [a]}
deriving Show
count'' a = length . filter (==a) . unListBag
size'' = length . unListBag
instance Functor ListBag where
fmap f (ListBag xs) = ListBag (map f xs)
Now the types of count'' and show'' are exactly as we expect, and we can use standard constructor classes like Functor:
ghci> :t count''
count'' :: Eq a => a -> ListBag a -> Int
ghci> :t size''
size'' :: ListBag a -> Int
ghci> fmap (Data.Char.ord) (ListBag "hello")
ListBag {unListBag = [104,101,108,108,111]}
Comparison and conclusions
The GADTs version automagically propogates the Eq constraint everywhere the constructor is used. The type checker can rely on there being an Eq instance, because you can't use the constructor for a non-Eq type.
The DatatypeContexts version forces the programmer to manually propogate the Eq constraint, which is fine by me if you want it, but is deprecated because it doesn't give you anything more than the GADT one does and was seen by many as pointless and annoying.
The unconstrained version is good because it doesn't prevent you from making Functor, Monad etc instances. The constraints are written exactly when they're needed, no more or less. Data.Map uses the unconstrained version partly because unconstrained is generally seen as most flexible, but also partly because it predates GADTs by some margin, and there needs to be a compelling reason to potentially break existing code.
What about your excellent User example?
I think that's a great example of a one-purpose data type that benefits from a constraint on the type, and I'd advise you to use a GADT to implement it.
(That said, sometimes I have a one-purpose data type and end up making it unconstrainedly polymorphic just because I love to use Functor (and Applicative), and would rather use fmap than mapBag because I feel it's clearer.)
import Data.String
data User s where
User :: (IsString s, Show s) => s -> User s
name :: User s -> s
name (User s) = s
instance Show (User s) where -- cool, no Show context
showsPrec i (User s) = showParen (i>9) (("User " ++ show s) ++)
instance (IsString s, Show s) => IsString (User s) where
fromString = User . fromString
Notice since fromString does construct a value of type User a, we need the context explicitly. After all, we composed with the constructor User :: (IsString s, Show s) => s -> User s. The User constructor removes the need for an explicit context when we pattern match (destruct), becuase it already enforced the constraint when we used it as a constructor.
We didn't need the Show context in the Show instance because we used (User s) on the left hand side in a pattern match.
The problem is that constraints are not a property of the data type, but of the algorithm/function that operates on them. Different functions might need different and unique constraints.
A Box example
As an example, let's assume we want to create a container called Box which contains only 2 values.
data Box a = Box a a
We want it to:
be showable
allow the sorting of the two elements via sort
Does it make sense to apply the constraint of both Ord and Show on the data type? No, because the data type in itself could be only shown or only sorted and therefore the constraints are related to its use, not it's definition.
instance (Show a) => Show (Box a) where
show (Box a b) = concat ["'", show a, ", ", show b, "'"]
instance (Ord a) => Ord (Box a) where
compare (Box a b) (Box c d) =
let ca = compare a c
cb = compare b d
in if ca /= EQ then ca else cb
The Data.Map case
Data.Map's Ord constraints on the type is really needed only when we have > 1 elements in the container. Otherwise the container is usable even without an Ord key. For example, this algorithm:
transf :: Map NonOrd Int -> Map NonOrd Int
transf x =
if Map.null x
then Map.singleton NonOrdA 1
else x
Live demo
works just fine without the Ord constraint and always produce a non empty map.
Using DataTypeContexts reduces the number of programs you can write. If most of those illegal programs are nonsense, you might say it's worth the runtime cost associated with ghc passing in a type class dictionary that isn't used. For example, if we had
data Ord k => MapDTC k a
then #jefffrey's transf is rejected. But we should probably have transf _ = return (NonOrdA, 1) instead.
In some sense the context is documentation that says "every Map must have ordered keys". If you look at all of the functions in Data.Map you'll get a similar conclusion "every useful Map has ordered keys". While you can create maps with unordered keys using
mapKeysMonotonic :: (k1 -> k2) -> Map k1 a -> Map k2 a
singleton :: k2 a -> Map k2 a
But the moment you try to do anything useful with them, you'll wind up with No instance for Ord k2 somewhat later.

Defining an algebra module using constructive-algebra package

The package constructive-algebra allows you to define instances of algebraic modules (like vectorial spaces but using a ring where a field was required)
This is my try at defining a module:
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeSynonymInstances #-}
module A where
import Algebra.Structures.Module
import Algebra.Structures.CommutativeRing
import Algebra.Structures.Group
newtype A = A [(Integer,String)]
instance Group A where
(A a) <+> (A b) = A $ a ++ b
zero = A []
neg (A a) = A $ [((-k),c) | (k,c) <- a]
instance Module Integer A where
r *> (A as) = A [(r <*> k,c) | (k,c) <- as]
It fails by:
Overlapping instances for Group A
arising from the superclasses of an instance declaration
Matching instances:
instance Ring a => Group a -- Defined in Algebra.Structures.Group
instance Group A -- Defined at A.hs:9:10-16
In the instance declaration for `Module Integer A'
No instance for (Ring A)
arising from the superclasses of an instance declaration
Possible fix: add an instance declaration for (Ring A)
In the instance declaration for `Module Integer A'
Failed, modules loaded: none.
If I comment the Group instance out, then:
No instance for (Ring A)
arising from the superclasses of an instance declaration
Possible fix: add an instance declaration for (Ring A)
In the instance declaration for `Module Integer A'
Failed, modules loaded: none.
I read this as requiring an instance of Ring A to have Module Integer A which doesn't make sense and is not required in the class definition:
class (CommutativeRing r, AbelianGroup m) => Module r m where
-- | Scalar multiplication.
(*>) :: r -> m -> m
Could you explain this?
The package contains an
instance Ring a => Group a where ...
The instance head a matches every type expression, so any instance with any other type expression will overlap. That overlap only causes an error if such an instance is actually used somewhere. In your module, you use the instance in
instance Module Integer A where
r *> (A as) = A [(r <*> k,c) | (k,c) <- as]
The Module class has an AbelianGroup constraint on the m parameter¹. That implies a Group constraint. So for this instance, the Group instance of A must be looked up. The compiler finds two matching instances.
That is the first reported error.
The next is because the compiler tries to find an AbelianGroup instance for A. The only instance the compiler knows about at that point is
instance (Group a, Ring a) => AbelianGroup a
so it tries to find the instance Ring A where ..., but of course there isn't one.
Instead of commenting out the instance Group A where ..., you should add an
instance AbelianGroup a
(even if it's a lie, we just want to make it compile at the moment) and also add OverlappingInstances to the
{-# LANGUAGE #-} pragma.
With OverlappingInstances, the most specific matching instance is chosen, so it does what you want here.
¹ By the way, your A isn't an instance of AbelianGroup and rightfully can't be unless order is irrelevant in the [(Integer,String)] list.
This type checks without obnoxious language extensions.
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeSynonymInstances #-}
module A where
import Algebra.Structures.Module
import Algebra.Structures.CommutativeRing
import Algebra.Structures.Group
newtype A = A [(Integer,String)]
instance Ring A where
A xs <+> A ys = A (xs ++ ys)
neg (A a) = A $ [((-k),c) | (k,c) <- a]
A x <*> A y = A [b | a <- x, b <- y ]
one = A []
zero = A []
instance Module Integer A where
r *> (A as) = A [(r <*> k,c) | (k,c) <- as]
It is a little confusing that <+> <*> and neg are defined independently in Ring and Group; they are completely separate symbols, but then they are brought together in the general instance that makes all Rings Groups, so if Ring is defined, Group mustn't be defined, since it's already spoken for. I'm not sure this is forced on the author by the way the type class system works. Module requires Ring or rather CommutativeRing. CommutativeRing is just basically renaming Ring; nothing further is to be defined. It is supposed to commit you to what is in Haskell an uncheckable assertion of commutativity. So you are supposed to "prove the CommutativeRing laws", so to speak, outside the module before making the Module instance. Note however that these laws are expressed in quickcheck propositions, so you are supposed to run quickcheck on propMulComm and propCommutativeRing specialized to this type.
Don't know what to do about one and zero, but you can get past the point about order by using a suitable structure, maybe:
import qualified Data.Set as S
newtype B = B {getBs :: S.Set (Integer,String) }
But having newtyped you can also, e.g., redefine Eq on A's to make sense of it, I suppose. In fact you have to to run the quickcheck propositions.
Edit: Here is a version with added material needed for QuickCheck http://hpaste.org/68351 together with "Failed" and "OK" quickcheck-statements for different Eq instances. This package is seeming pretty reasonable to me; I think you should redefine Module if you don't want the Ring and CommutativeRing business, since he says he "Consider[s] only the commutative case, it would be possible to implement left and right modules instead." Otherwise you won't be able to use quickcheck, which is clearly the principal point of the package, now that I see what's up, and which he has made it incredibly easy to do. As it is A is exactly the kind of thing he is trying to rule out with the all-pervasive use of quickcheck, which it would surely be very hard to trick in this sort of case.

Haskell Ord instance with a Set

I have some code that I would like to use to append an edge to a Node data structure:
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
data Node = Vertex String (Set Node)
deriving Show
addEdge :: Node -> Node -> Node
addEdge (Vertex name neighbors) destination
| Set.null neighbors = Vertex name (Set.singleton destination)
| otherwise = Vertex name (Set.insert destination neighbors)
However when I try to compile I get this error:
No instance for (Ord Node)
arising from a use of `Set.insert'
As far as I can tell, Set.insert expects nothing but a value and a set to insert it into. What is this Ord?
In GHCi:
> import Data.Set
> :t insert
insert :: (Ord a) => a -> Set a -> Set a
So yes, it does expect Ord. As for what Ord means, it's a type class for ordered values. It's required in this case because Data.Set uses a search tree, and so needs to be able to compare values to see which is larger or if they're equal.
Nearly all of the standard built-in data types are instances of Ord, as well as things like lists, tuples, Maybe, etc. being instances of Ord when their type parameter(s) are. The most notable exception, of course, are functions, where no sensible concept of ordering (or even equality) can be defined.
In many cases, you can automatically create instances of type classes for your own data types using a deriving clause after the declaration:
data Foo a = Foo a a Int deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
For parameterized types, the automatic derivation depends on the type parameter also being an instance, as is the case with lists, tuples, and such.
Besides Ord, some important type classes are Eq (equality comparisons, but not less/greater than), Enum (types you can enumerate values of, such as counting Integers), and Read/Show (simple serialization/deserialization with strings). To learn more about type classes, try this chapter in Real World Haskell or, for a more general overview, there's a Wikipedia article.
Haskell sets are based on a search tree. In order to put an element in a search tree an ordering over the elements must be given. You can derive Ord just like you are deriving Show by adding it to your data declaration, i.e.:
data Node = Vertex String (Set Node)
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
You can see the requirement of Ord by the signature of Data.Set.insert
(Ord a) => a -> Set a -> Set a
The part (Ord a) => establishes a constraint that there is an instance of the typeclass Ord for a. The section on type classes in the haskell tutorial gives a more thorough explanation.
