can't call method 'on' in - node.js

i got this error while i trying the first step to write a code, i'm actually following the guide in the officially web of and then when i run my code, in my terminal show up the error "cannot call method 'on' of undefined" in line 18. why that's happen?? i was installed the correctly before. and here is the screenshot in here
any suggest and advice will be appreciate it so much and thanks in advance.

Your screenshot indicates that io.socket doesn't exist. From that examples page and a quick look at the source it would appear that perhaps you meant io.sockets?
io.socket doesn't appear to exist, hence the "cannot call method 'on' of undefined" error.


How to integrate twilio sms verification into my Node.js application

As I am integrating Twilio into my website. It is first of all not working. My code is this
and app crashes. my userController where I am implementing the code is here
I am not getting what I want. This is what I am getting on my front UI
You see the error because you didn't supply a to parameter. This probably happens when the first function argument of sendSms() is null or undefined.
You call sendSms(User.newphone) which is probably the mistake as you call the property of what I assume is a class but instead you should try sendSms(user.newphone) or sendSms(newphone).
Tip: Don't use the same variable name to avoid this in the future.

Getting error "Login Error TypeError: Cannot read property 'register' of undefined"

I am trying to register a user using nestjs . when I tried to register my user I have an error like this. I spend hours to find out what went wrong, but I ca;t found a thing.I really need your help with this one.
This is my error :
As discussed on our Discord, you forgot to add the #Injectable() decorator to your AuthenticaitonService class, which made the DI service not understand that something was supposed to be injected and thus caused the error

Node.js Issues with TwitterBot

I created a twitter bot via the instructions here:
I keep getting an error "Cannot read property 'id_str' of undefined Query String". I don't know much about node.js and just want this thing to work. I googled the error and didn't find much help. I left a comment on the post and haven't received any response there. Any help?

Cannot display an overview of this response error in nexmo

i tried to run the code present in the below link
but i am getting cannot display overview of this response.warning Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in NexmoMessage.php on line 228.
or else please suggest some api to be used to send sms to phone using php which could be implemented easily
Check out for a list of libraries Nexmo recommends. Personally I'm a fan of since I wrote it, but I'm sure is great too. If you try the fillup/nexmo library and have any issues let me know, will be glad to help.

Chrome Extension: Port Error

first of all I'm at first approach with Chrome Extension.
I'm trying to make a communication between the contentscript.js and the background.html but I get this error:
Port error: Could not establish connection. Receiving end does not exist. miscellaneous_bindings:235
Here are the pieces of code:
I don't get why the port error occures and looking on the development section of chrome I don't even find info about sendRequest, but just sendMessage... is sendRequest deprecated?
I've read about the inline JS not executed and changed the manifest bust still got the error.
Mind that this is a piece of code not written by me, but I'm playing with it to learn how to make extensions.
Thank you in advance!
Replaced the sendRequest with sendMessage and onRequest with sendRequest and everything works!
