JSF dynamic ui:include - jsf

In my app I have tutor and student as roles of user. And I decide that main page for both will be the same. But menu will be different for tutors and users. I made to .xhtml page tutorMenu.xhtml and student.xhtml. And want in dependecy from role include menu. For whole page I use layout and just in every page change content "content part" in ui:composition.
In menu.xhtml
<div class="menu_header">
<h:outputText value="#{msg['menu.title']}" />
<div class="menu_content">
<с:if test="#{authenticationBean.user.role.roleId eq '2'}">
<ui:include src="/pages/content/body/student/studentMenu.xhtml"/>
<с:if test= "#{authenticationBean.user.role.roleId eq '1'}">
<ui:include src="/pages/content/body/tutor/tutorMenu.xhtml" />
I know that using jstl my be not better solution but I can't find other. What is the best decision of my problem?

Using jstl-tags in this case is perfectly fine, since Facelets has a corresponding tag handlers (that are processed in the time of view tree creation) for the jstl tags and handles them perfectly. In this case c:if could prevent processing (and adding the components located in the included xhtml file) of the ui:include which leads to reduced component tree and better performance of the form.
One downside of using this approach is that you cannot update these form parts using ajax, i.e. you change the user role and refresh the form using ajax, because the ui:include for the other role is not part of the view anymore. In such case you have to perform a full page refresh.


p:layout content load with f:ajax causes form enclosed in content to submit only on second click [duplicate]

I'm just learning JSF 2 thanks to this site I had learned a lot in such a short time.
My question is regarding how to implement a common layout to all my JSF 2 pages and have only the content part of the page refresh not the whole page whenever I click a link/menu from a different panel. I am using the Facelets approach it does what I want except that each time I click a link from a panel (e.g. menu items from left panel) the whole page is refreshed. What I am looking for is a way to refresh only the content part of my page. To illustrate this below is my target pagelayout.
Did not post my code because I'm not sure if Facelets can do this . Are there other approach more suited for my requirement other than Facelets?
A straightforward approach would be the following view:
<h:panelGroup id="header" layout="block">
<h:panelGroup id="menu" layout="block">
<f:ajax render=":content">
<li><h:commandLink value="include1" action="#{bean.setPage('include1')}" /></li>
<li><h:commandLink value="include2" action="#{bean.setPage('include2')}" /></li>
<li><h:commandLink value="include3" action="#{bean.setPage('include3')}" /></li>
<h:panelGroup id="content" layout="block">
<ui:include src="/WEB-INF/includes/#{bean.page}.xhtml" />
With this bean:
public class Bean implements Serializable {
private String page;
public void init() {
page = "include1"; // Default include.
// +getter+setter.
In this example, the actual include templates are include1.xhtml, include2.xhtml and include3.xhtml in /WEB-INF/includes folder (folder and location is fully free to your choice; the files are just placed in /WEB-INF in order to prevent direct access by guessing the URL in browser's address bar).
This approach works in all MyFaces 2.x versions, but requires in case of Mojarra a minimum of 2.3.x. In case you're using a Mojarra version older than 2.3.0, then this all fails when the <ui:include> page in turn contains a <h:form>. Any postback will fail because it is totally missing the view state. You can solve this by upgrading to minimally Mojarra 2.3.0 or with a script found in this answer h:commandButton/h:commandLink does not work on first click, works only on second click. Or, if you're already using PrimeFaces and exclusively use <p:xxx> ajax, then it's already transparently taken into account.
Also, make sure that you're using minimally Mojarra 2.1.18 as older versions will fail in keeping the view scoped bean alive, causing the wrong include being used during postback. If you can't upgrade, then you'd need to fall back to the below (relatively clumsy) approach of conditionally rendering the view instead of conditionally building the view:
<h:panelGroup id="content" layout="block">
<ui:fragment rendered="#{bean.page eq 'include1'}">
<ui:include src="include1.xhtml" />
<ui:fragment rendered="#{bean.page eq 'include2'}">
<ui:include src="include2.xhtml" />
<ui:fragment rendered="#{bean.page eq 'include3'}">
<ui:include src="include3.xhtml" />
The disadvantage is that the view would become relatively large and that all associated managed beans may be unnecessarily initialized even though when they would not be used as per the rendered condition. See also JSTL in JSF2 Facelets... makes sense? for an in depth explanation on <ui:include src="#{...}"> vs <x:someComponent rendered="#{...}">.
As to positioning of the elements, that's just a matter of applying the right CSS. That's beyond the scope of JSF :) At least, <h:panelGroup layout="block"> renders a <div>, so that should be good enough.
Last but not least, this SPA (Single Page Application) approach is not SEO friendly. All the pages are not indexable by searchbots nor bookmarkable by endusers, you may need to fiddle around with HTML5 history in client and provide a server side fallback. Moreover, in case of pages with forms, the very same view scoped bean instance would be reused across all pages, resulting in unintuitive scoping behavior when you navigate back to a previously visited page. I'd suggest to go with templating approach instead as outlined in 2nd part of this answer: How to include another XHTML in XHTML using JSF 2.0 Facelets? See also How to navigate in JSF? How to make URL reflect current page (and not previous one).
If you only want to refresh part of the page, there are only 2 ways to go (for the web in general, not just JSF). You have to use frames or Ajax. JSF 2 supports ajax natively, check out the f:ajax tag to update just 1 component without reloading the entire page.
Netbeans provides a wizard that create the proposed layout with minimal effort using JSF. So, the best way to start is take a look at Facelets Template Wizard and look at the generated source.

When JSF including a page, it's not working but with direct values in include is working [duplicate]

I'm just learning JSF 2 thanks to this site I had learned a lot in such a short time.
My question is regarding how to implement a common layout to all my JSF 2 pages and have only the content part of the page refresh not the whole page whenever I click a link/menu from a different panel. I am using the Facelets approach it does what I want except that each time I click a link from a panel (e.g. menu items from left panel) the whole page is refreshed. What I am looking for is a way to refresh only the content part of my page. To illustrate this below is my target pagelayout.
Did not post my code because I'm not sure if Facelets can do this . Are there other approach more suited for my requirement other than Facelets?
A straightforward approach would be the following view:
<h:panelGroup id="header" layout="block">
<h:panelGroup id="menu" layout="block">
<f:ajax render=":content">
<li><h:commandLink value="include1" action="#{bean.setPage('include1')}" /></li>
<li><h:commandLink value="include2" action="#{bean.setPage('include2')}" /></li>
<li><h:commandLink value="include3" action="#{bean.setPage('include3')}" /></li>
<h:panelGroup id="content" layout="block">
<ui:include src="/WEB-INF/includes/#{bean.page}.xhtml" />
With this bean:
public class Bean implements Serializable {
private String page;
public void init() {
page = "include1"; // Default include.
// +getter+setter.
In this example, the actual include templates are include1.xhtml, include2.xhtml and include3.xhtml in /WEB-INF/includes folder (folder and location is fully free to your choice; the files are just placed in /WEB-INF in order to prevent direct access by guessing the URL in browser's address bar).
This approach works in all MyFaces 2.x versions, but requires in case of Mojarra a minimum of 2.3.x. In case you're using a Mojarra version older than 2.3.0, then this all fails when the <ui:include> page in turn contains a <h:form>. Any postback will fail because it is totally missing the view state. You can solve this by upgrading to minimally Mojarra 2.3.0 or with a script found in this answer h:commandButton/h:commandLink does not work on first click, works only on second click. Or, if you're already using PrimeFaces and exclusively use <p:xxx> ajax, then it's already transparently taken into account.
Also, make sure that you're using minimally Mojarra 2.1.18 as older versions will fail in keeping the view scoped bean alive, causing the wrong include being used during postback. If you can't upgrade, then you'd need to fall back to the below (relatively clumsy) approach of conditionally rendering the view instead of conditionally building the view:
<h:panelGroup id="content" layout="block">
<ui:fragment rendered="#{bean.page eq 'include1'}">
<ui:include src="include1.xhtml" />
<ui:fragment rendered="#{bean.page eq 'include2'}">
<ui:include src="include2.xhtml" />
<ui:fragment rendered="#{bean.page eq 'include3'}">
<ui:include src="include3.xhtml" />
The disadvantage is that the view would become relatively large and that all associated managed beans may be unnecessarily initialized even though when they would not be used as per the rendered condition. See also JSTL in JSF2 Facelets... makes sense? for an in depth explanation on <ui:include src="#{...}"> vs <x:someComponent rendered="#{...}">.
As to positioning of the elements, that's just a matter of applying the right CSS. That's beyond the scope of JSF :) At least, <h:panelGroup layout="block"> renders a <div>, so that should be good enough.
Last but not least, this SPA (Single Page Application) approach is not SEO friendly. All the pages are not indexable by searchbots nor bookmarkable by endusers, you may need to fiddle around with HTML5 history in client and provide a server side fallback. Moreover, in case of pages with forms, the very same view scoped bean instance would be reused across all pages, resulting in unintuitive scoping behavior when you navigate back to a previously visited page. I'd suggest to go with templating approach instead as outlined in 2nd part of this answer: How to include another XHTML in XHTML using JSF 2.0 Facelets? See also How to navigate in JSF? How to make URL reflect current page (and not previous one).
If you only want to refresh part of the page, there are only 2 ways to go (for the web in general, not just JSF). You have to use frames or Ajax. JSF 2 supports ajax natively, check out the f:ajax tag to update just 1 component without reloading the entire page.
Netbeans provides a wizard that create the proposed layout with minimal effort using JSF. So, the best way to start is take a look at Facelets Template Wizard and look at the generated source.

submit all form on the same page [duplicate]

I am using the Facelet Templating Technology to layout my page in a JSF 2 app that I am working on.
In my header.xhtml, primefaces requires that menubar be enclosed in h:form.
<p:menubar autoSubmenuDisplay="true">
Menu Items here!
So, in my contents pages, I will have another h:form or more.
Will it just work if I just place the h:form in my template.xhtml?
<div id="top">
<ui:insert name="header"><ui:include src="sections/header.xhtml"/></ui:insert>
<div id="left">
<ui:insert name="sidebar"><ui:include src="sections/sidebar.xhtml"/></ui:insert>
<div id="content" class="left_content">
<ui:insert name="content">Content</ui:insert>
<div id="bottom">
<ui:insert name="footer"><ui:include src="sections/footer.xhtml"/></ui:insert>
I am actually thinking of a use case where I need multiple h:form in a page.
You can safely use multiple forms in a JSF page. It's not different than when using plain HTML.
Nesting <form> elements is invalid in HTML. Since JSF just generates a bunch of HTML, it's not different in JSF. Nesting <h:form> is therefore also invalid in JSF.
<h:form> <!-- This is INVALID! -->
The browser behavior as to submitting a nested form is unspecified. It may or may not work the way you expect. It may for instance just refresh the page without invoking the bean action method. Even if you move the nested form (or a component that contains it) outside of the parent form with dom manipulation (or by e.g. using the PrimeFaces appendTo="#(body)"), it still won't work and there should be no nested forms at time of loading the page.
As to which forms you need to keep, having a single "god" <h:form> is actually a poor practice. So, you'd best remove the outer <h:form> from the master template and let the header, sidebar, content etc sections each define its own <h:form>. Multiple parallel forms is valid.
<h:form> <!-- This is valid. -->
Each form must have one clear responsibility. E.g. a login form, a search form, the main form, the dialog form, etc. You don't want to unnecessarily process all other forms/inputs, when you submit a certain form.
Note thus that when you submit a certain form, other forms are NOT processed. So, if you intend to process an input of another form anyway, then you've a design problem. Either put it in the same form or throw in some ugly JavaScript hacks to copy the needed information into a hidden field of the form containing the submit button.
Within a certain form, you can however use ajax to limit the processing of the inputs to a smaller subset. E.g. <f:ajax execute="#this"> will process (submit/convert/validate/invoke) only the current component and not others within the same form. This is usually to be used in use cases wherein other inputs within the same form need to be dynamically filled/rendered/toggled, e.g. dependent dropdown menus, autocomplete lists, selection tables, etc.
See also:
commandButton/commandLink/ajax action/listener method not invoked or input value not set/updated - point 2
What is <f:ajax execute="#all"> really supposed to do? It POSTs only the enclosing form
Understanding PrimeFaces process/update and JSF f:ajax execute/render attributes
<p:commandbutton> action doesn't work inside <p:dialog>
I was confounded by this issue for a while. Instead of a series of independent forms, I converted to a template, that is, rather than making a call to a xhtml with listed forms, usually as ui:include, I make a call to those formerly ui:included xhtml pages that ui:content captured in a parent template.

What should be the scope of forms when using ui:include?

In a situation where a number of sub-pages will be included using ui:include where should the h:form tag go?
The form should be in the parent (A.xhtml and B.xhtml)?
A.xhtml excerpt
<ui:include src="B.xhtml" />
<ui:include src="other.xhtml" />
B.xhtml exerpt
tag contents here
The form should be in each child (C.xhtml and D.xhtml)?
C.xhtml excerpt
<ui:include src="D.xhtml" />
<ui:include src="other.xhtml" />
D.xhtml excerpt
Bonus internet points if you can elaborate on how this works with the Richfaces variation of form and in the first example how regions might be used to isolate each sub-file.
Also, is nesting forms a possibility? It would be like having A.xhtml use D.xhtml.
The first thing is you can't nest forms. Otherwise it depends heavily on your page structure, logic and action buttons/links placement.
When action is triggered it will submit to the server content of the form it is contained in. Therefore it is good when form content corresponds to some business entity which makes sense to be sent together. An extreme approach is to create a single form for the entire page. It will submit all of your inputs at each user interaction. It may make sense in some cases but if your page contains several logically distinct areas I would rather make them into separate forms.
I don't think any extra rules apply when using ui:include, this is one of the possible composition techniques while form layout seems more business structure driven.

Is it a best practices to wrap a h:form tag in the jsf template page

<p><h:commandLink value="Apply Now" action="register" /></p>
when i writing code above, exception below throws:
[2/12/10 11:24:29:535 CST] 0000005f renderkit W Component j_id26 must be enclosed inside a form.
Is it a best practices to wrap a h:form tag in the jsf template page, and then every page using the template can just directly use the h:commandLink tag without hesitate on the h:form tag?
In my opinion <h:form> and <f:view> shouldn't be in the template page, because:
you can't customize their attributes, like (notably: enctype or beforePhase)
you may want multiple forms in a page.
you may at some point, in some places need to replace <h:form> with <a4j:form> (for example)
If you have many, very simple pages, then you can make an alternative template, which includes the main template, and which adds <f:view> and <h:form>.
