Deployment specific files in NodeJS - node.js

I am running my NodeJS project on DotCloud. Sadly, DotClouds deployment is "project-intrusive" that is it requires a supervisord.conf file to reside in the app-root. My deployment setup looks like this (using git repos).
project-deploy.git/prod/project -> project.git
(/prod/project use project.git as a submodule to access the code)
Now, my though of this is that I eventually would end up having different environments like this, e.g. dev, test and stage. The dev environment wouldn't even have a dotcloud.yml file since it is expected to run everything locally.
Well this works pretty well. But the problem is the supervisord.conf file which is just for deployment to dotcloud, now it resides in the project.git repo, but it doesn't belong there since it is just for deployment.
Are there any modules or NodeJS scripts that let you put deployment configuration files elsewhere, and maybe even specify what the target environment is, e.g. node deploy.js --production, or something like that?

There is a way to get rid of supervisord.conf. Assuming that you want to run e.g. node app.js, you can put the following in dotcloud.yml:
type: nodejs
process: node app.js
Now, of course, it doesn't solve the problem of the dotcloud.yml file itself; but at least it reduces clutter a little bit -- removing it from the approot.


How to start up the code i found in a git repo

I have this code i found on a git repo i want to work on, but cant get it started am currently left with this error when i run node index, on the terminal
throw new Error(Config validation error: ${error.message});
Error: Config validation error: child "JWT_SECRET" fails because ["JWT_SECRET" is required]
this is the link to the repo
As this commit suggests:
Create a file backend/.env
While it might be a bit sloppy to not have it documented, at least it's understandable because you never want your .env files to be committed to your git repo (because it contains secrets).
When it comes to working with a code found on github
Always look for the node_modules folder(dependencies), because node modules get too big in size and people never want such a big file to be committed to their repo.
npm -i
Have a look in its package.json file to find traces that project uses .env files or you need to have a look in code like connection strings, password key,api keys (values which people don't want to be exposed on Github!!) if it uses .env files
then locally prepare a .env file with appropriate key-values

How to deploy an heroku application and ignore a file?

I am building a web application for an online "build your own" card game. In the application, I have a cards.json file that holds custom card data. This file is changed with fs whenever a user creates a card. Whenever I push local changes, the cards.json file gets overwritten on deploy. That means all the remote data gets lost on every deploy. How can I include a cards.json file remotely but not change the file whenever I push changes using git push heroku master?EDIT: I guess for clarification reasons, I have tried using a .gitignore as well as removing the file from the staging area. I'm not entirely sure, but I think the issue is that when the application is deployed the file is overwritten there.
So I just found out that the data created during runtime will always be deleted/reset.
I guess the best fixes for anyone else who has this same issue are:
a) Look into Databases and Heroku Add-ons, or
b) This is very workaround, and there might be better ways to do it, but:
// Go into a new directory, and use
$ heroku ps:copy <FILENAME> --app <APPNAME>
// Then, copy+paste the data from this file into your main repo.
/* Now, each time you do this, you need to make sure you delete that file from the
* extra directory you created as ps:copy only works when the file doesnt exist locally.
I think git fetch doesn't work in this instance, as it only pulls that unchanged file, rather than the changed one from the dyno.
Look up the .gitignore file in git, seems to me that's exactly what you're looking for.
If it doesn't recognize .gitignore properly at first:
git add [uncommitted changes you want to keep] && git commit
git rm -r --cached .
git add .
git commit -m "fixed untracked files"
In .gitignore add the cards.json along with the path .
eg. src/test/resources/testdata/cards.json

AWS Elastic beanstalk - My deployed app can't seem to write pdf's into this directory i've set up in my project folder

I am currently using nodejs that is deployed in ebs on aws. I have a function that will write a pdf and then email it off but it says the file path can't be found. I've verified the project file seems to be /var/app/current/, but changing the reference of the file path doesn't seem to remove the error. Any idea how to go about fixing this?
The /var/app/current/ does not exist initially. Its only created at the very last stage of your deployment.
The deployment happens in /var/app/staging/ folder, and at the very last, once everything finishes, /var/app/staging/ is moved into /var/app/current/.
Thus, I would not recommend using absolute paths in your project or config files. Its better to use relative path or container_commands for config scripts:
The specified commands run as the root user, and are processed in alphabetical order by name. Container commands are run from the staging directory, where your source code is extracted prior to being deployed to the application server.

Azure Websites Git Deployment dropping "/" in SCM_BUILD_ARGS

We are in a current project based on MVC4/Umbraco using Azure Websites to host it.
We are using SCM_BUILD_ARGS to change between different build setups depending on which site in Azure we deploy to (Test and Prod).
This is done by defining an app setting in the UI:
SCM_BUILD_ARGS = /p:Environment=Test
Earlier we used Bitbucket Integration to deploy and here this setting worked like a champ.
We have now switched to using Git Deployment, pushing the changes from our build server when tests have passed.
But when we do this, we get a lovely error.
"MSB1008: Only one project can be specified."
Trying to redeploy the same failed deployment from the UI on Azure works though.
After some trial and error I ended going into the deploy.cmd and outputting the %SCM_BUILD_ARGS% value in the script.
It looks like the / gets dropped from SCM_BUILD_ARGS but only when using Git deploy, not Bitbucket Integration or redeploy from UI.
As workaround I have for now added a / to the deploy.cmd script in front of the %SCM_BUILD_ARGS%, but this of course breaks redeploy, since we then have //p:Environment=Test in the MSBuild command when the value of %SCM_BUILD_ARGS% has been inserted.
:: 2. Build to the temporary path
:: Added / to SCM_BUILD_ARGS
) ELSE (
Anyone know of a better solution for this problem or is it possibly a bug in Kudu?
We would love to have both deploy from Git and Redeploy working.
Could you try changing from "/" to "-"? For instance, AppSettings from /p:Environment=Test to -p:Environment=Test, see if it helps.
-p:Environment=Test did not work for me, the setting which worked for me at the time of this writing (September 2015) was
There is clearly a Kudu bug in there, and you should open an issue on But for now, I can give you a workaround.
Instead of using an App Setting, include a .deployment file at the root of your repo, containing:
SCM_BUILD_ARGS = /p:Environment=Test
I think this will work in all cases. I suspect the bug has to do with bash messing up the environment in post receive hook scenarios, which only apply to direct git push but not to Bitbucket and Redeploy scenarios.
UPDATE: In fact, it's easy to see such weird bash behavior. Try this:
Open cmd.exe
Run: set foo=/abc to set a variable
Run bash
From bash, run cmd to launch a new cmd on top of bash (so cmd -> bash -> cmd)
Run set foo to get the value of foo
FOO=C:/Program Files (x86)/git/abc
So the value gets completely messed up. The key also gets upper cases, though that's mostly harmless. Strange stuff...

Compile less files in node.js project on Windows Azure

I have a node.js project that compiles less files to css when I start the app. I do this by modifying the start script in package.json like so:
// omitted for brevity
start: { lessc public/stylesheets/styles.less > public/stylesheets/styles.css; node app.js; }
This works nicely locally, but not at all on my Windows Azure instance. Either because less needs to be installed globally on the machine for this to work, or because Azure doesn't run npm start. Or both. Either way, I need another solution!
I thought custom deployments was the answer (I'm using git remote deployment) and I tried modifying the deploy.cmd to include
call "lessc public/stylesheets/styles.less > public/stylesheets/styles.css;"
No joy. I even tried
call "%SITE_ROOT%/node_modules/less/bin/lessc %SITE_ROOT%/public/stylesheets/styles.less > %SITE_ROOT%/public/stylesheets/styles.css;
Am I coming at this the wrong way? How can I keep the compiled css files out of my source control and compile them on the server after deployment to Azure?
OK, I finally have this going, I think.
For some reason, even though the physical file is on the disk (I can see them with my FTP client), Azure is not letting me run lessc in the \node_modules\less\bin folder, but it does let me run the version in the \node_modules\.bin folder.
In the end, I added the following lines to my deploy.cmd file, and it worked!
call %LESS_COMPILER% %DEPLOYMENT_TARGET%\public\stylesheets\styles.less > %DEPLOYMENT_TARGET%\public\stylesheets\styles.css
