Stash : Conditional Content - expressionengine

First off, a caveat ... I am brand new to Stash. I've heard a lot about it but this is my first time actually playing with it. I get the concept, but am having a hard time figuring this one thing out.
I have a main "wrapper" file and everything within that wrapper stays the same. I would like the option however, to be able to toggle the sidebar on and off if I need to.
I wouldn't think I would need a totally separate layout wrapper would I?
Is there a way to use a boolean variable within stash? (e.g. 2col=TRUE) or am I thinking about it wrong?
Thanks in advance for your help!

Generally what I'd do here is setup multiple Stash gets within the wrapper. Then in your individual templates you can set both the sidebar and the main content area. For parts where you might be repeating content, like the opening and closing divs of a sidebar, you can always drop some snippets inside the stash.
You can also use exp:stash:not_empty [docs] to wrap around the div or container for your sidebar within the wrapper.

I usually use one wrapper for every template. It'll contain an {exp:stash:get name="content"} tag, like yours, which contains the only variable content within.
In my individual templates, I embed the wrapper at the beginning using a regular EE embed ie. {embed="includes/wrapper"}.
Then I stash the content to be inserted into the wrapper using the {exp:stash:set name="content"} tag.
This seems like what you're doing anyway.
If I want to conditionally show a sidebar, I might just pass a variable into the embed.
eg. {embed="includes/wrapper" show_sidebar="yes"}
In my wrapper I would do this:
{if embed:show_sidebar}
Sidebar stuff.


EE alternative to WordPress shortcodes?

Any way in Expression Engine to simulate Wordpress' shortcode functionality?
I want to abide by community rules, and there's a disclaimer when clicking in the "answer" section of an existing question that says I should actually ANSWER the question, not respond to other answers.
As such, I have the same question as the one above. I am a dev with roots in WordPress and I would like to mimic the behavior of WP shortcodes in Expression Engine. All I want to do is save a snippet of code as a template that can be re-used all across my site.
For example, if I want to use an accordion menu on several pages, I could just click click while editing a page and the code appears with placeholder content that the user/dev can then replace with real content). Do I need a graphic slideshow? Click click, define the images/headings/text overlays.
As I'm posting this, I'm about to scour the EE plug-ins library but since I haven't found anything before, I wanted to post here first.
I cover an approach that I've used before in along with a couple of other examples of using Stash.
Short answer: there is not such a thing ... yet. The Shortcode add-on is currently in beta.
Long answer for now: use custom fields. Example: a Matrix field for your accordion, with your columns defined, and add as many row as you like. Then add tags for that in your template.
Same with a Gallery - create a Gallery field (Matrix works great for this again), then add the code to your template to build the gallery.
If these fields are made optional, then they only appear on the front-end when used.
If you want to get fancy and inject these chunks of content into your main content area, you can use NSM Transplant to do so.
Here's a simplified snippet of code I use on one site to acheive this:
{exp:nsm_transplant:content id="media_{row_count}"}
<figure class="{alignment}">
{exp:ifelse parse="inward"}
{if image}
{if "{alignment}" == "aligncenter"}
{exp:ce_img:make src="{image:resized}" width="860" quality="80" output='<img src="{made_url}" alt="" />'}
{exp:ce_img:make src="{image:resized}" width="430" quality="80" output='<img src="{made_url}" alt="" />'}
{if:elseif video}
{if "{alignment}" == "aligncenter"}
{exp:antenna url="{video}" max_width="860"}
{exp:antenna url="{video}" max_width="430"}
{if:elseif gallery}
{gallery}{embed="galleries/_embed" entry_id="{entry_id}"}{/gallery}
{if caption}<figcaption>{caption}</figcaption>{/if}
In this case authors use {media_1}, {media_2} etc, to embed photos, videos, and galleries inside the content.
Another solution you can look at is Content Elements, which allows a more freeform method of populating an entry with a single custom field.
Hope that helps!
You can also use global variables within EE templates. You cannot use EE tags inside templates, but global variables do work. So anything that you can save as a global variable (possibly including variables made with the addon Low Variables, but I have not verified that) can be included into an EE template.
So if you need static HTML, or images, or whatever, you can absolutely mimic quite a bit of shortcode functionality by creating global vars and invoking them using the ordinary {global_var_name} syntax inside an entry field. Note that EE tags inside global variables will not get parsed, though, so you cannot use this to do an end run around parsing restrictions!

Content scripts on prerendered pages?

Are Content Scripts ( injected into prerendered pages (document.webkitVisibilityState== 'prerender') ?
I’ve been reading and, and am trying to figure out how Content Scripts work with page prerendering/prefetching.
TheZ, tomdemuyt: I’m afraid you guys are missing the point. ‘run_at’ specifies whether the content script is injected before or after the DOM is constructed.
However, I am talking about document.webkitVisibilityState, which can be ‘prerender’ (when the page is in a background/invisible tab), ‘hidden’, or ‘visible’. Note that webkitVisibilityState can transition from ‘prerender’ to ‘hidden’ or ‘visible’, or back and forth between ‘hidden’ and ‘visible’, without any changes being made to the DOM. (In order to better understand this, read the articles linked in my original post.)
I think I’ve been able to determine that content scripts ARE injected into prerendered pages. Here’s the problem, however: let’s say my content script does something that should not occur on a prerendered page. For instance, it does pageview count, or adds animation, neither of which should begin until the user is actually viewing the page. So it seems that my content script should do something like what’s shown in the code examples on - check document.webkitVisibilityState, and also listen to the ‘webkitvisibilitychange’ event, and only do pageview count/start the animation when document.webkitVisibilityState is, or has transitioned to, ‘visible’.
I may have just answered my own question, but I just wanted to make sure that I was on the right track.
As TheZ mentioned, you should ues the run_at setting.
Link to docs :

Inserting a news-feed widget to a page

I have a page I'd like to embed a news-feed widget into (so that the feed from some remote site will be displayed in my site).
While there are quite a few free news-feed widgets available out there (a partial list is here:, They all require insertion of complex code into the html page, while all the parameters are hard-coded into the generated code, which looks something like this:
insertedWidgetText = "<script id=\"scrnewsblock10795953\" type=\"text/javascript\">...script specific parameters go here...</script>"
let feedWidget = toWidgetBody [hamlet|#{preEscapedText insertedWidgetText}|]
This doesn't integrate well with Yesod's approach as it requires specifying to Hamlet that the content is preEscapedText, which in turn disables the ability to use Hamlet's processing to alter parameters of the widget dynamically (So in case I want the widget to use a different source, for example, I need to statically change the quoted text and cannot use Hamlet's variable substitution).
Of course I could do some text manipulation myself, tailor built for the widget I'm using, but that doesn't seem like the "right" solution (especially if I want to have the embedded text in some external file and not in the middle of my code as in the example above).
Can the above mentioned issue have a better solution than the one I thought about?
Is there an implementation of a news-feed widget in Haskell/Yesod that I can use as a plugin?
Note: I'm a very poor javascript programmer, but solutions in that direction are also welcomed.

Expression Engine 2 Next/Previous Entry Linking with Full Entries List

I want to use the Next/Previous Entry Linking technique in EE2:
<p>Next entry: {title}</p>
<p>Previous entry: {title}</p>
When this works, I'm on a single entry ie., I can click page through the entries in that channel.
Is it possible to ALSO display a full list of the entries on this page while I'm looking at one article? I want to be able to show the list of entries as a way to navigate to a particular article.
Think of it like the way {pagination_links} builds links:
First Page < 1 2 3 > Last Page except instead of numbers I want to display parts of that entry, rather than just a number.
What bothers me is that {paginate} generates ugly URLs ie., I'd rather have exp:channel:next_entry/prev_entry preserves the URL_title!
Is there a plug-in that can handle this kind of thing?
Embedding a template is the way to go.
Create a new template with an {exp:channel:entries} loop. Within that you can dump out the entries you want and display any info you want from them.
One thing to make sure of is to use the dynamic="no" parameter within the {exp:channel:entries}. It'll go something like this:
In your article page, embed another template:
And within the article/full_list template use a loop like:
{exp:channel:entries dynamic="no" channel="[YOUR CHANNEL]" LIMIT="10"}

Web accessibility and h1-h6 headings - must all content be under these tags?

At the top of many pages in our web application we have error messages and notifications, 'Save' and other buttons, and then our h1 tag with the content title. When making a web application accessible, is it ever acceptable to have content above the top-level structure tag like we do here?
As a screen reader user I don't like content above the main heading. Normally I navigate by headings so would miss the error message. A better solution is to output an h1 heading above the error message, then leave the rest of your headings in tact giving you two h1 headings.
Yes (you can put stuff above them). The H simply means Heading. It's a question of what the heading relates to I guess.
My only caveat is, H2 shouldn't really be above H1, and H3 Shouldn't be above H2. But I don't think it's an actual rule.Websites have menus, warning, notifications. It's acceptable to put them above the rest of your content. I don't see how it would affect accessibility as long as your content is ordered logically. Look at the page CSS turned off. Does it look logical? That's the most important part of accessibility.
Although some people do go that extra mile and have the menu as the last item in the markup and use CSS to bring it back to the top. Personally, I find that solution counter productive. The menu is still important, it belongs at the top of the page.
Yes, just consider it is in that order that the user will get the information. So, if you just did an operation it sounds like a good idea to get any message related to it as the first thing. If it is a notification that appears on any page unrelated to what you are doing, I wouldn't put it above, as it might be a little weird.
Also you can use a text browser that doesn't use styles, it should look like a document with appropriate headers.
Heading tags are used to indicate the hierarchy of the content below it. You should only have one h1 tag and it should be the first content to appear on your page (this is usually the name of the site). Also, you shouldn't skip heading tags when drilling down through different tiers of content.
In your case, you can still use CSS to position items above the h1 tag as long as it is in the correct order in the html.
I assume the elements above the heading are used by JavaScript. In that case, it's preferable if they are created by JavaScript, not included in the source of the page.
To return to your original question, it is probably best that they be at the foot of the page. However, if they are hidden using the CSS "display: none;" or "visibility: hidden;" properties then they will not be seen by most (perhaps all?) screenreaders or by many other assistive technologies, and so should not be an issue. I've written a fairly detailed explanation of why accessibility technology ignores such elements.
Of course if somebody disables CSS things are going to look pretty messy. If there is content on the page that can be used even when CSS and/or JavaScript are disabled, then putting those elements at the bottom of the page will at least make things less cluttered.
