Polling portlet issue in IBM Websphere Portal - multithreading

I have a problem diagosing an production issue at work. Basically we have an Intranet Portal site running on IBM Websphere Portal (Version 5 or 6). So pages are pretty much built on composition of different portlets, i.e. News portlet, generic links portlets, graphic image portlets etc. We also have a Polling portlet created for internal users to vote on specific questions. However, there's being an issue with this polling portlet causing an outage of the entire Portal when (I was told) multiple users voting at the same time (or configuring the portlet at the same time) that builds up the number of running threads. I've being trying to duplicate the problem on QA/Test environment with load testing tools (e.g. Fiddler) but failed to reproduce the issue. There's limited amount of information I've being given when they approach me for finding the root cause of the problem in the code. Without being able to duplicate the issue there's no way I'm able to ensure I have fixed the problem.
Could anyone advice what other ways I can go in reproducing the issue? Has anyone ever come across with similar issue before? How did you go about reproducing it?
I'm sorry I can't provide much information apart from describing the problem to you. Cheers

I suspect that what you were told about the Portal outage has to do with Portal Server running out of Web Threads.
WebSphere Portal is merely an application built on top of WebSphere Application Server. WebSphere Application Server provides the JavaEE runtime itself. To make a long story short, WebSphere Application Server maintains thread pools for certain tasks.
One of the thread pools is the "Web Container" thread pool. If the value is set to X, then at most X Web requests can be processed at the same time; the X+1th request will have to wait.
An outage can occur if the thread pool is max'd out and there's a backlog of requests waiting for a thread to be available.
You should check the size of the Web Container thread pool and take it from there.


Diagnosing ASP.NET Azure WebApp issue

since a month one of our web application hosted as WebApp on Azure is having some kind of problem and I cannot find the root cause of that.
This WebApp is hosted on Azure on a 2 x B2 App Service Plan. On the same App Service Plan there is another WebApp that is currently working without any issue.
This WebApp is an ASP.NET WebApi application and exposes a REST set of API.
Effect: without any apparent sense (at least for what I know by now), the ThreadCount metric starts to spin up, sometimes very slowly, sometimes in few minutes. What happens is that no requests seems to be served and the service is dead.
Solution: a simple restart of the application (an this means a restart of the AppPool) causes an immediate obvious drop of the ThreadCount and everything starts as usual.
Other observations: there is no "periodicity" in this event. It happened in the evening, in the morning and in the afternoon. It seems that evening is a preferred timeframe, but I won't say there is any correlation.
What I measured through Azure Monitoring Metric:
- Request Count seems to oscillate normally. There is no peak that causes that increase in ThreadCount
- CPU and Memory seems to be normal, nothing strange.
- Response time, like the others metrics
- Connections (that should be related to sockets) oscillates normally. So I'd exclude something related to DB connections.
What may I do in order to understand what's going on?
After a lot of research, this happened to be related to a wrong usage of Dependency Injection (using Ninject) and an application that wasn't designed to use it.
In order to diagnose, I discovered a very helpful feature in Azure. You can reach it by entering into the app that is having the problem, click on "Diagnose and solve problems" then click on "Diagnostic tools" and then select "Collect .NET profiler report". In that panel, after configuring the storage for the diagnostic files, you can select "Add thread report".
In those report you can easily understand what's going wrong.
Hope this helps.

How do I confirm whether Application Warm-Up plugin works?

I have a web application that's consuming a WCF service. Both are slow on warmup after IIS reset or app pool recycle. So, as a possiible solution I installed Application Warm-Up for IIS 7.5 and set it up for both web site and wcf service.
My concern is, it doesn't seem to make any difference - first time I hit the site it still takes long time to bring it up. I checked event logs, there are no errors. So I'm wondering if anything special needs to be done for that module to work.
In IIS manager, when you go into the site, then into Application Warm-Up, the right-hand side has an "Actions" pane. I think you need the following two things:
Click Add Request and add at least one URL, e.g. /YourService.svc
Click Settings, and check "Start Application Pool 'your pool' when service started"
Do you have both of these? If you don't have the second setting checked, then I think the warmup won't happen until a user hits the site (which probably defeats the purpose of the warmup module in your case).
There is a new module from Microsoft that is part of IIS 8.0 that supercedes the previous warm-up module. This Application Initialization Module for IIS 7.5 is available a separate download.
The module will create a warm-up phase where you can specify a number of requests that must complete before the server starts accepting requests. Most importantly it will provide overlapping processes so that the user will not be served by the newly started process before it is ready.
I have answered a similar question with more details at How to warm up an ASP.NET MVC application on IIS 7.5?.
After you have fixed possible software/code optimizations allow me to suggest that each and evey code needs processing via hardware cpu. And our server skyrocketed in performance when we went to a multicore cpu and installed more GIGS of ram and connected UTP-6 cable insetad of standard UTP 5e cable onto the server... That doesnt fix your problem but if you are obsessed with speed as much as us, then you will be interested in the various dimensions that bottleneck speed.

worker process in IIS shared hosting

Can anyone tell me, is there a way to run a process in IIS shared hosting service.
Suppose, the scenario is like "I want to send emails to a list of email id's after everywhere 3 hrs", so the challenge here is the process should not be invoked by a HTTP link. It should be automatic.
I think we can do this by IIS worker processes.
Also this all will be happening on a shared server(like GoDaddy) in IIS7, .NET 3.5
Please anyone give me a direction.
Thanks in advance.
This question was asked ages ago, but for what it's worth - I ended up using Hangfire to handle my long running tasks in my ASP app.
You can easily configure it for shared hosting and then for a dedicated server if you can scale up / out according to your needs.
It's super easy to use, just follow the doc step by step.
You should write and run this as a Windows service, assuming you have access to install a service.
You could run a background worker thread from your asp.net code-behind but the problem is that IIS will terminate the thread after it is idle for a relatively short period of time. I tried going this route, trying to geocode a list of addresses (800+, from a SharePoint list) and IIS kept timing out my thread and stopping it. We ended up going with adding events to the SharePoint list that would geocode when the item was changed/added to the list.
One other option you could look into is using Windows Workflow API, it was designed for this kind of thing.

Sharepoint W3WP.EXE Process Consuming 100% CPU - Corrective Action?

We have a Windows Server 2003 web server, and on that server runs about 5-6 top level Sharepoint sites, with a different application pool for each one.
There is one W3WP process that keeps pegging 100% for most of the day (happened yesterday and today) and it's connected (found by doing "Cscript iisapp.vbs" at the command line and matching ProcessID) to a particular Sharepoint site...which is nearly unusable.
What kind of corrective action can I take? These are the following ideas I had
1) Stopping and restarting the Web Site in IIS - For some reason this didn't stop the offending W3WP process??? Any ideas why not?
2) Stopping and restarting the associated Application Pool.
3) Recycling the associated Application Pool.
Any of those sound like the right idea? If not what are some good things to try? I can't do an iisreset since I don't want to alter service to the other, much more heavily used, Sharepoint sites.
If I truly NEED to do some diagnostic work please point me in the right direction. I'm not the Sharepoint admin guy (he's out of town so I'm filling in even though I'm just a developer) but I'll do my best.
If you need any information just let me know and I'll look it up (slowly though, as that one process is pegging the entire machine).
It's not an IISReset that you need. You have a piece of code that is running amok with your memory. Most likely it's not actually a CPU problem but a paging problem. I've encountered this a few times with data structures in memory that grow too large to page in/out effectively and eventually the attempt to page data just begins consuming everything. The steps I would recommend are:
1) Go get the IIS Debug Diagnostics tools. And learn how to use them.
2) If possible, remove the session state from InProc to a state server or a sql server (since this requires serialization of all classes that go into session this may not be possible). This will help alleviate some process related memory issues.
3) Go to your application pool and adjust the number of worker processes upward. Remove Rapid fail protection (this will allow the site to continue serving pages even if rapid catastrophic errors occur).
The IIS debug diagnostics will record a LOT of data, but you can specify specific "catch" alerts that will detect hangs, excessive cpu usage etc. It will capture gigs of data, so be ready for a long wait when attempting to view the logs.
Turns out someone tried to install some features that went haywire.
So he wrote a stsadm script to uninstall those features
Processor was still pegging.
I restarted the IIS Application Pool for that IIS process, didn't fix it.
So then I restarted IIS for that site and that resolved the processor issue.

IIS Service Disruption: What all causes them?

I haven't found a definitive list out there, but hopefully someone's got one going or we can come up with one ourselves. What causes disruptions for .NET applications, or general service disruption, running on IIS? For instance, web.config changes will cause a recompilation in JIT (while just deploying a single page doesn't affect the whole app), and iisresets halt everything (natch, but you see where I'm going). How about things like creating a new virtual directory under a current web app?
It's helpful to know all the cases so you know if you can affect a change to a server without causing issues with the whole thing.
EDIT: I had IIS 6 in mind when I asked, but of course a list of anything different in other versions would be helpful as well to people.
It depends on what exactly you are talking about with disruptions. IISReset can cause a Service Unavailable message to display for a short time as IIS is shutdown and re-started.
Changes to the web.config, or adding a .dll file to the bin directory of an application causes a recycle of the application domain but that is not a disruption exactly, more of a "delay" in responding, the user will NOT see an error just a delayed response from the server. You can also get that from changing any files in App_Code or .vb files on non WAP developed sites.
You can also get IIS Worker Process Shutdowns due to inactivity, default setting is 20 minutes. Again this is a delay, not a lack of service.
