To training a Decision Tree model, what is the better way to deal with attributes represented by a vector? - decision-tree

In most of instruction discussing Decision Tree, the attributes are represented by a single value, and then these values are concatenated as a feature vector. It makes sense since normally the attributes are independent to each other.
However, in practice, some attributes can only represented as vector or matrix, for example, a GPS coordinate (x,y) in 2D map. If x and y are correlative, (nonlinear dependence e.g.), it is not a good a solution to concatenate them with other attributes simply. I wonder if there are some better techniques to deal with them?


why do object detection methods have an output value for every class

Most recent object detection methods rely on a convolutional neural network. They create a feature map by running input data through a feature extraction step. They then add more convolutional layers to output a set of values like so (this set is from YOLO, but other architectures like SSD differ slightly):
pobj: probability of being an object
c1, c2 ... cn: indicating which class the object belongs to
x, y, w, h: bounding box of the object
However, one particular box cannot be multiple objects. As in, wouldn't having a high value for, say, c1 mean that the values for all the others c2 ... cn would be low? So why use different values for c1, c2 ... cn? Couldn't they all be represented by a single value, say 0-1, where each object has a certain range within the 0-1, say 0-0.2 is c1, 0.2-0.4 is c2 and so on...
This would reduce the dimension of the output from NxNx(5+C) (5 for the probability and bounding box, +C one for each class) to NxNx(5+1) (5 same as before and 1 for the class)
Thank you
Short answer, NO! That is almost certainly not an acceptable solution. It sounds like your core question is: Why is a a single value in the range [0,1] not a sufficient, compact output for object classification? As a clarification, I'd say this doesn't really have to do with single-shot detectors; the outputs from 2-stage detectors and most all classification networks follows this same 1D embedding structure. As a secondary clarification, I'd say that many 1-stage networks also don't output pobj in their original implementations (YOLO is the main one that does but Retinanet and I believe SSD does not).
An object's class is a categorical attribute. Assumed within a standard classification problem is that the set of possible classes is flat (i.e. no class is a subclass of any other), mutually exclusive (each example falls into only a single class), and unrelated (not quite the right term here but essentially no class is any more or less related to any other class).
This assumed attribute structure is well represented by an orthonormal encoding vector of the same length as the set of possible attributes. A vector [1,0,0,0] is no more similar to [0,1,0,0] than it is to [0,0,0,1] in this space.
(As an aside, a separate branch of ML problems called multilabel classification removes the mutual exclusivity constrain (so [0,1,1,0] and [0,1,1,1] would both be valid label predictions. In this space class or label combinations COULD be construed as more or less related since they share constituent labels or "basis vectors" in the orthonormal categorical attribute space. But enough digression..)
A single, continuous variable output for class destroys the assumption that all classes are unrelated. In fact, it assumes that the relation between any two classes is exact and quantifiable! What an assumption! Consider attempting to arrange the classes of, let's say, the ImageNet classification task, along a single dimension. Bus and car should be close, no? Let's say 0.1 and 0.2, respectively in our 1D embedding range of [0,1]. Zebra must be far away from them, maybe 0.8. But should be close to zebra fish (0.82)? Is a striped shirt closer to a zebra or a bus? Is the moon more similar to a bicycle or a trumpet? And is a zebra really 5 times more similar to a zebra fish than a bus is to a car? The exercise is immediately, patently absurd. A 1D embedding space for object class is not sufficiently rich to capture the differences between object classes.
Why can't we just place object classes randomly in the continuous range [0,1]? In a theoretical sense nothing is stopping you, but the gradient of the network would become horrendously, unmanageably non-convex and conventional approaches to training the network would fail. Not to mention the network architecture would have to encode extremely non-linear activation functions to predict the extremely hard boundaries between neighboring classes in the 1D space, resulting in a very brittle and non-generalizable model.
From here, the nuanced reader might suggest that in fact, some classes ARE related to one another (i.e. the unrelated assumption of the standard classification problem is not really correct). Bus and car are certainly more related than bus and trumpet, no? Without devolving into a critique on the limited usefulness of strict ontological categorization of the world, I'll simply suggest that in many cases there is an information embedding that strikes a middle ground. A vast field of work has been devoted to finding embedding spaces that are compact (relative to the exhaustive enumeration of "everything is its own class of 1") but still meaningful. This is the work of principal component analysis and object appearance embedding in deep learning.
Depending on the particular problem, you may be able to take advantage of a more nuanced embedding space better suited towards the final task you hope to accomplish. But in general, canonical deep learning tasks such as classification / detection ignore this nuance in the hopes of designing solutions that are "pretty good" generalized over a large range of problem spaces.
For object classification head, usually cross-entropy loss function is used which operates on the probability distribution to compute the difference between ground-truth(a one hot encoded vector) and prediction class scores.
On the otherhand, you are proposing a different way of encoding the ground-truth class labels which can be further used with certain custom loss function say L1/l2 loss function, which looks theoretically correct but it might not be as good as cross-entropy function in terms of model convergence/optimization.

Random Index from a Tensor (Sampling with Replacement from a Tensor)

I'm trying to manipulate individual weights of different neural nets to see how their performance degrades. As part of these experiments, I'm required to sample randomly from their weight tensors, which I've come to understand as sampling with replacement (in the statistical sense). However, since it's high-dimensional, I've been stumped by how to do this in a fair manner. Here are the approaches and research I've put into considering this problem:
This was previously implemented by selecting a random layer and then selecting a random weight in that layer (ignore the implementation of picking a random weight). Since layers are different sizes, we discovered that weights were being sampled unevenly.
I considered what would happen if we sampled according to the numpy.shape of the tensor; however, I realize now that this encounters the same problem as above.
Consider what happens to a rank 2 tensor like this:
[[*, *, *],
[*, *, *, *]]
Selecting a row randomly and then a value from that row results in an unfair selection. This method could work if you're able to assert that this scenario never occurs, but it's far from a general solution.
Note that this possible duplicate actually implements it in this fashion.
I found people suggesting flattening the tensor and use numpy.random.choice to select randomly from a 1D array. That's a simple solution, except I have no idea how to invert the flattened tensor back into its original shape. Further, flattening millions of weights would be a somewhat slow implementation.
I found someone discussing tf.random.multinomial here, but I don't understand enough of it to know whether it's applicable or not.
I ran into this paper about resevoir sampling, but again, it went over my head.
I found another paper which specifically discusses tensors and sampling techniques, but it went even further over my head.
A teammate found this other paper which talks about random sampling from a tensor, but it's only for rank 3 tensors.
Any help understanding how to do this? I'm working in Python with Keras, but I'll take an algorithm in any form that it exists. Thank you in advance.
Before I forget to document the solution we arrived at, I'll talk about the two different paths I see for implementing this:
Use a total ordering on scalar elements of the tensor. This is effectively enumerating your elements, i.e. flattening them. However, you can do this while maintaining the original shape. Consider this pseudocode (in Python-like syntax):
def sample_tensor(tensor, chosen_index: int) -> Tuple[int]:
"""Maps a chosen random number to its index in the given tensor.
tensor: A ragged-array n-tensor.
chosen_index: An integer in [0, num_scalar_elements_in_tensor).
The index that accesses this element in the tensor.
NOTE: Entirely untested, expect it to be fundamentally flawed.
remaining = chosen_index
for (i, sub_list) in enumerate(tensor):
if type(sub_list) is an iterable:
if |sub_list| > remaining:
remaining -= |sub_list|
return i joined with sample_tensor(sub_list, remaining)
if len(sub_list) <= remaining:
return tuple(remaining)
First of all, I'm aware this isn't a sound algorithm. The idea is to count down until you reach your element, with bookkeeping for indices.
We need to make crucial assumptions here. 1) All lists will eventually contain only scalars. 2) By direct consequence, if a list contains lists, assume that it also doesn't contain scalars at the same level. (Stop and convince yourself for (2).)
We also need to make a critical note here too: We are unable to measure the number of scalars in any given list, unless the list is homogeneously consisting of scalars. In order to avoid measuring this magnitude at every point, my algorithm above should be refactored to descend first, and subtract later.
This algorithm has some consequences:
It's the fastest in its entire style of approaching the problem. If you want to write a function f: [0, total_elems) -> Tuple[int], you must know the number of preceding scalar elements along the total ordering of the tensor. This is effectively bound at Theta(l) where l is the number of lists in the tensor (since we can call len on a list of scalars).
It's slow. It's too slow compared to sampling nicer tensors that have a defined shape to them.
It begs the question: can we do better? See the next solution.
Use a probability distribution in conjunction with numpy.random.choice. The idea here is that if we know ahead of time what the distribution of scalars is already like, we can sample fairly at each level of descending the tensor. The hard problem here is building this distribution.
I won't write pseudocode for this, but lay out some objectives:
This can be called only once to build the data structure.
The algorithm needs to combine iterative and recursive techniques to a) build distributions for sibling lists and b) build distributions for descendants, respectively.
The algorithm will need to map indices to a probability distribution respective to sibling lists (note the assumptions discussed above). This does require knowing the number of elements in an arbitrary sub-tensor.
At lower levels where lists contain only scalars, we can simplify by just storing the number of elements in said list (as opposed to storing probabilities of selecting scalars randomly from a 1D array).
You will likely need 2-3 functions: one that utilizes the probability distribution to return an index, a function that builds the distribution object, and possibly a function that just counts elements to help build the distribution.
This is also faster at O(n) where n is the rank of the tensor. I'm convinced this is the fastest possible algorithm, but I lack the time to try to prove it.
You might choose to store the distribution as an ordered dictionary that maps a probability to either another dictionary or the number of elements in a 1D array. I think this might be the most sensible structure.
Note that (2) is truly the same as (1), but we pre-compute knowledge about the densities of the tensor.
I hope this helps.

Finding vertex arrays for common objects

Where can I find 3d vertex data of some common objects? Consider the teapot for example. If possible, model with vertex colors are favoured.
This question does not strictly belong here. If necessary, move it.

Binary space partition tree for 3D map

I have a project which takes a picture of topographic map and makes it a 3D object.
When I draw the 3D rectangles of the object, it works very slowly. I read about BSP trees and I didn't really understand it. Can someone please explain how to use BSP in 3D (maybe give an example)? and how to use it in my case, when some mountains in the map cover other parts so I need to organize the rectangles in order to draw them well?
In n-D a BSP tree is a spatial partitioning data structure that recursively splits the space into cells using splitting n-D hyperplanes (or even n-D hypersurfaces).
In 2D, the whole space is recursively split with 2D lines (into (possibly infinite) convex polygons).
In 3D, the whole space is recursively split with 3D planes (into (possibly infinite) convex polytopes).
How to build a BSP tree in 3D (from a model)
The model is made of a list of primitives (triangles or quads which is I believe what you call rectangles).
Start with an initial root node in the BSP tree that represents a cell covering the whole 3D space and initially holding all the primitives of your model.
Compute an optimal splitting plane for the considered primitives.
The goal of this step is to find a plane that will split the primitives into two groups of primitives of approximately the same size (either the same spatial extents or the same count of primitives).
A simple splitting strategy could be to chose a direction at random (which will be the normal of your plane) for the splitting. Then sort all the primitives spatially along this axis. And traverse the sorted list of primitives to find the position that will split the primitives into two groups of roughly equal size (i.e. this simply finds the median position from the primitives along this axis). With this direction and this position, the splitting plane is defined.
One typically used splitting strategy is however:
Compute the centroid of all the considered primitives.
Compute the covariance matrix of all the considered primitives.
The centroid gives the position of the splitting plane.
The eigenvector for the largest eigenvalue of the covariance matrix gives the normal of the splitting plane, which is the direction where the primitives are the most spread (and where the current cell should be split).
Split the current node, create two child nodes and assign primitives to each of them or to the current node.
Having found a suitable splitting plane in 1., the 3D space can be now be divided into two half-spaces: one positive, pointed to by the plane normal, and one negative (on the other side of the splitting plane). The goal of this step is to cut in half the considered primitives by assigning the primitives to the half-space where they belong.
Test each primitive of the current node against the splitting plane and assign it to either the left or right child node depending on whether it in the positive half-space or in the negative half-space.
Some primitives may intersect the splitting plane. They can be clipped by the plane into smaller primitives (and maybe also triangulated) so that these smaller primitives are fully inside one of the half-spaces and only belong to one of the cells corresponding to the child nodes. Another option is to simply attach the overlapping primitives to the current node.
Apply recursively this splitting strategy to the created child nodes (and their respective child nodes), until some criterion to stop splitting is met (typically not having enough primitives in the current node).
How to use a BSP tree in 3D
In all use cases, the hierarchical structure of the BSP tree is used to discard irrelevant part of the model for the query.
Locating a point
Traverse the BSP tree with your query point. At each node, go left or right depending on where the query point is located w.r.t. to the splitting plane of the node.
Compute a ray / model intersection
To find all the triangles of your model intersecting a ray (you may need this for picking your map), do something similar to 1.. Traverse the BSP tree with your query ray. At each node, compute the intersection of the ray with the splitting plane. Also check the primitives stored at the node (if any) and report the ones that intersect the ray. Continue traversing the children of this node that whose cell intersect your ray.
Discarding invisible data
Another possible use is to discard pieces of your model that lie outside the view frustum of your camera (that's probably what you are interested in here). The view frustum is exactly bounded by six planes and has 6 quad faces. Like in 1. and 2., you can traverse the BSP tree, check recursively which cell overlaps with the view frustum and completely discard the ones (and the corresponding pieces of your model) that don't. For the plane / view frustum intersection test, you could check whether any of the 6 quads of the view frustum intersect the plane, or you could conservatively approximate the view frustum with a bounding volume (sphere / axis-aligned bounding box / oriented bounding box) or even do a combination of both.
That being said, the solution to your slow rendering problem might be elsewhere (you may not be able to discard a lot of data with a 3D BSP tree for your model):
62K squares is not that big: if you're using OpenGL, you should however not draw these squares individually or continously stream the geometry to the GPU. You can put all the vertices in a single static vertex buffer and draw the quads by preparing a static index buffer containing the list of indices for the squares with either triangles or (better) triangle strips primitives to draw the corresponding squares in a single draw call.
Your data is highly structured (a regular grid with elevation). If you happen to have much larger data sets (that don't even fit in memory anymore), then you need not only spatial partitioning (that exploits the 2.5D structure of your data and its regularity, like a quadtree) but perhaps LOD techniques as well (to replace pieces of your data by a cheaper representation instead of simply discarding the data). You should then investigate LOD techniques for terrain rendering. This page lists a few resources (papers + implementations). A simplified Chunked LOD could be used as a starting point.

RayTracing: When to Normalize a vector?

I am rewriting my ray tracer and just trying to better understand certain aspects of it.
I seem to have down pat the issue regarding normals and how you should multiply them by the inverse of the transpose of a transformation matrix.
What I'm confused about is when I should be normalizing my direction vectors?
I'm following a certain book and sometimes it'll explicitly state to Normalize my vector and other cases it doesn't and I find out that I needed to.
Normalized vector is in the same direction with just unit length 1? So I'm unclear when it is necessary?
You never need to normalize a vector unless you are working with the angles between vectors, or unless you are rotating a vector.
That's it.
In the former case, all of your trig functions require your vectors to land on a unit circle, which means the vectors are normalized. In the latter case, you are dividing out the magnitude, rotating the vector, making sure it stays a unit, and then multiplying the magnitude back in. Normalization just goes with the territory.
If someone tells you that coordinate system are defined by n unit vectors, know that i-hat, j-hat, k-hat, and so on can be any arbitrary vector(s) of any length and direction, so long as none of them are parallel. This is the heart of affine transformations.
If someone tries to tell you that the dot product requires normalized vectors, shake your head and smile. The dot product only needs normalized vectors when you are using it to get the angle between two vectors.
But doesn't normalization make the math "simpler"?
Not really -- It adds a magnitude computation and a division. Numbers between 0..1 are no different than numbers between 0..x.
Having said that, you sometimes normalize in order to play well with others. But if you find yourself normalizing vectors as a matter of principle before calling methods, consider using a flag attached to the vector to save yourself a step. Mathematically, it is unimportant, but practically, it can make a huge difference in performance.
So again... it's all about rotating a vector or measuring its angle against another vector. If you aren't doing that, don't waste cycles.
tl;dr: Normalized vectors simplify your math. They also reduce the number of very hard to diagnose visual artifacts in your images.
Normalized vector is in the same direction with just unit length 1? So
I'm unclear when it is necessary?
You almost always want all vectors in a ray tracer to be normalized.
The simplest example is that of the intersection test: where does a bouncing ray hit another object.
Consider a ray where:
p(t) = p_0 + v * t
In this case, a point anywhere along that ray p(t) is defined as an offset from the original point p_0 and an offset along a particular direction v. For every increment of parameter t, the resulting p(t) will move another increment of length equal to the length of the vector v.
Remember, you know p_0 and v. When you are trying to find the point where this ray next hits another object, you have to solve for that t. It is obviously more convenient, if not always obviously necessary, to use normalized vector vs in that representation.
However, that same vector v is used in lighting calculations. Imagine that we have another direction vector u that points towards a lighting source. For the purpose of a very simple shading model, we can define the light at a particular point to be the dot product between those two vectors:
L(p) = v * u
Admittedly, this is a very uninteresting reflection model but it captures the high points of the discussion. A spot on a surface is bright if reflection points towards the light and dim if not.
Now, remember that another way of writing this dot product is the product of the magnitudes of the vectors times the cosine of the angle between them:
L(p) = ||v|| ||u|| cos(theta)
If u and v are of unit length (normalized), then the equation will evaluate to be proportional to the angle between the two vectors. However, if v is not of unit length, say because you didn't bother to normalize after reflecting the vector in the ray model above, now your lighting model has a problem. Spots on the surface using a larger v will be much brighter than spots that do not.
It is necessary to normalize a direction vector whenever you use it in some math that is influenced by its length.
The prime example is the dot product, which is used in most lighting equations. You also sometimes need to normalize vectors that you use in lighting calculations, even if you believe that they are normal.
For example, when using an interpolated normal on a triangle. Common sense tells you that since the normals at the vertices are normal, the vectors you get by interpolating are too. So much for common sense... the truth is that they will be shorter unless they incidentially all point into the same direction. Which means that you will shade the triangle too dark (to make matters worse, the effect is more pronounced the closer the light source gets to the surface, which is a... very funny result).
Another example where a vector might or might not be normalized is the cross product, depending on what you are doing. For example, when using the two cross products to build an orthonormal base, then you must at least normalize once (though if you do it naively, you end up doing it more often).
If you only care about the direction of the resulting "up vector", or about the sign, you don't need to normalize.
I'll answer the opposite question. When do you NOT need to normalize? Almost all calculations related to lighting require unit vectors - the dot product then gives you the cosine of the angle between vectors which is really useful. Some equations can still cope but become more complex (essentially doing the normalization in the equation) That leaves mostly intersection tests.
Equations for many intersection tests can be simplified if you have unit vectors. Some do not require it - for example if you have a plane equation (with a unit normal) you can find the ray-plane intersection without normalizing the ray direction vector. The distance will be in terms of the ray direction vectors length. This might be OK if all you want is to intersect a bunch of those planes (the relative distances will all be correct). But as soon as you want to compare with a different distance - calculated using the normalized ray direction - the distance values will not compare properly.
You might think about normalizing a direction vector AFTER doing some work that does not require it - maybe you have an acceleration structure that can be traversed without a normalized vector. But that isn't relevant either because eventually the ray will hit something and you're going to want to do a lighting/shading calculation with it. So you may as well normalize them from the start...
In other words, any specific calculation may not require a normalized direction vector, but a given direction vector will almost certainly need to be normalized at some point in the process.
Vectors are used to store two conceptually different elements: points in space and directions:
If you are storing a point in space (for example the position of the camera, the origin of the ray, the vertices of triangles) you don't want to normalize, because you would be modifying the value of the vector, and losing the specific position.
If you are storing a direction (for example the camera up, the ray direction, the object normals) you want to normalize, because in this case you are interested not in the specific value of the point, but on the direction it represents, so you don't need the magnitude. Normalization is useful in this case because it simplifies some operations, such as calculating the cosine of two vectors, something that can be done with a dot product if both are normalized.
