qemu installation in ubuntu ? shows some error - linux

I'm installed qemu in my ubuntu 12.04, in both ways [through source and from the software center in ubuntu] it shows same error. It does not pop up the qemu window. when i'm given a dummy filesystem,kernel,initrd, it simply shows some "VNC SERVER listening" screen and hangs no more response. Please give me the installation steps and needful libraries to run simple qemu for x86.

Try to include SDL support to QEMU and add option -sdl to run it. VNC is by default probably means you don't have SDL devel lib. Install libsdl-dev with apt.


Virtual machine "pc1" Netkit error?

I've just installed a networking simulator Called Netkit. On Debian stretch stable. Using the official installation guide here.
After setting the correct paths and installing. I then run the check_configuration.sh script.
Everything is checked OK, and it has found the terminal emulator xterm which is needed for netkit. And recieve the complete message.
[ READY ] Congratulations! Your Netkit setup is now complete!
Enjoy Netkit!
The Problem
Running netkit using the command:
vstart pc1
The xterm netkit-kernel emulator starts running. However I'm getting an infinite loop of the same error message:
ubda: can't open "home/foo/netkit/pc1.disk" failed, errno= 13
So im guessing it's because the file is missing? if so how do i obtain it? and if not, what is causing this error. I've followed the install guide completely.
I'm assuming your system is not a 32bit system. Netkit is only supported on the 32-bit architecture(unless the compatibility libraries are installed). Hence I would suggest you download a 32-bit VM(instead of installing the libraries) and run Netkit on the same(worked fine for me).
Check position of your lab-folder..

How to install VirtualBox Guest Addition on TinyCore

When I run "sudo sh VBoxLinuxAdditions.run" just like on Ubuntu or CentOS, TinyCore throws errors and failed, and the /var/log/vboxadd-install.log shows that:
/tmp/vbox.0/Makefile.include.header:97: *** Error:
unable to find the sources of your current Linux kernel.
Specify KERN_DIR=<directory> and run Make again. Stop.
I have used tce tools installed some packets such as gcc, make, linux-kernel-sources-env.tcz, linux-3.16.2_api_headers.tcz, and then the VBoxLinuxAdditions.run can get the KERN_DIR, but no KERN_INC at this time.
If anybody has done this before could you please give me some points? I really don't know which packages should be installed in TinyCore to make VBoxAdditions work. My VBox and TinyCore is up to date. Thanks.
Found a repo for this issue, but have yet to verify:
Prior to that, I attempted to follow this tutorial, but it is incomplete:
Prior to that, attempted to build the kernel headers (/lib/modules/5.15.10-tinycore) with no luck.
Copying the Guest Additions to home folder and running sudo VBoxLinuxAdditions.run returns "Kernel headers not found for target kernel 5.15.10-tinycore. Please install them and execute /sbin/rcvboxadd setup"
Basically you have to install the package linux-headers-${kernel_version}
# apt-get install linux-headers-3.16.0-4-amd64
This solved my problem on Debian linux.
To check the version of your kernel, you should run the command:
# uname -a
# Linux debian 3.16.0-4-amd64 # SMP Debian

Installing another version of linux on my system

I need to build locally a driver for "precise" Ubuntu edition (uname -r for that system returns 3.2.0-33-generic-pae).
My local host is Ubuntu 13.10 'sausy'.
But I fail to install the linux headers( what should I do to set up the environment I need?)
I downloaded the image from here: from packages.ubuntu but what my next steps should be?
Actually I don't need exact steps but pointing the right direction would be great!
Thanks in advance :)
If you want to just build the driver (with out installing/testing)
then you will just have to download the kernel source of the preferred version (in this case it is 3.2.0-33) from kernel.org, build it with config from your host PC, and then compile your driver/module against that.
If you plan to install/test then after building the kernel source of the preferred version,
install the same to your host PC, then you will be able to insmod the driver you built

Problems running MPI (OpenMPI) app on Linux on ARM

I am trying to follow this tutorial for building and running an MPI application on an ARM based Ubuntu 11.10 system.
When installing open-mpi environment on my PC machine, the sample program runs well. However, trying the same on the ARM machine, the terminal hangs up and I need to kill the MPI process from a second terminal in order to release it.
The MPI packages I installed using apt-get, on both machines, were mpi-default-dev and mpi-default-bin, so I assume that the packages are as updated as they can be.
The first sample program in the tutorial makes every process prints a "hello" message with some info. On the PC I get messages from all 8 processes (although running on a single core) and then the program ends. On the ARM, I get no output at all. The program is just stuck immediately after launch.
Any idea on what's wrong? I am not sure even where to start to debug this?
Update: I tried removing the OpenMPI package and install the alternative MPICH2 package - but the result is just the same.
Ubuntu 11.10 did not ship with a functional Open MPI implementation for ARM (although it may have shipped with a nonfunctional one). Ubuntu 12.04 did.
I would recommend building your own Open MPI from source - available at http://www.open-mpi.org/software/ompi/v1.6/, unless you can update to a more recent version of Ubuntu.
Alternatively, you could rebuild the 11.10 package using the fixes pointed out in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openmpi/+bug/949044.

Is CUDA in installed correctly on my Ubuntu 10.04? Some samples don't run.

I am trying to install CUDA on a server running Ubuntu 10.04.
I followed the NVDIA instructions and installed the "CUDA toolkit for Ubuntu Linux 10.04", "GPU Conputing SDK code samples",and "Developer Drivers for Linux (260.19.26) (64 bit)", my system is 64 bit. This installation seems successful. everything downloaded from http://developer.nvidia.com/object/cuda_3_2_downloads.html#Linux
According to the messages of the installation packages, I added /usr/local/cuda/bin to PATH, /usr/local/cuda/lib64:/usr/local/cuda/lib to LD_LIBRARY_PATH
Then, I tried to run the sample programs. The strange things is, some of them can be run, and some of them don't even through they can be made with no problem.
For example,
- convolutionSeparable will just stop there without any message, I can kill it by ctrl + c.
matrixMul outputs a line
Device 0: "Quadro 5000" with Compute 2.0 capability
and stop there, again can be killed by Ctrl+C
clock works, outputs
time = 12574
Press ENTER to exit...
simpleMultiCopy outputs PASSED
MonteCarlo outputs PASSED
simpleZeroCopy outputs PASSED
bandwidthTest stops there with blinking cursor for ever.
What is wrong with this?! How can I check if my CUDA installation is successful ? What is wrong with those programs don't run? They don't even have a error message.
I would start by upgrading the driver to 260.19.36, which can be found here. Then I would suggest running nvidia-smi -a to see if the driver is happy. Then I second the suggestion to run deviceQuery to see if the CUDA Toolkit 3.2 is working.
If deviceQuery output appears nominal, then I would start adding printf's to see where things go awry in matrixMul.
What does deviceQuery say? Also check the output of dmesg right after you run that program to see if you can figure out whats up.
Another tip, if you still are having issues, is try running:
strace ./deviceQuery 2> out.txt
Then check out.txt to see if you can find any clues why this error is occuring.
I have similar problem but solved by updating kernel and drivers.
install newer kernel on 10.04
download the latest nvidia driver
from http://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx?lang=en-us
install the latest CUDA (at moment 4.0) from
CUDA Toolkit for Ubuntu Linux 10.10 32-bit
CUDA Tools SDK 32-bit
GPU Computing SDK code samples
then I passed all SDK example tests.
ThinkPad w520 Quadro 1000 on Ubuntu 10.04
