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Please advise me how to effectively browse codebase in SASS with VIM.
Tagbar not showing SASS tree, neither I can fold style declarations hierarchically.
So, the question is - how to use tagbar and/or folding with SASS/SCSS/CSS files?
Maybe you can suggest me other way of effectively browsing SASS?
Thank you!
With set foldenable and set foldmethod=indent in your ~/.vimrc, you are able to fold away all the definitions with zM and go back to normal with zR. Use zj and zk to jump from fold to fold. See this answer for a very cool tip that I'm going to use right now and :help fold for more info about folding.
See this q/a for a limited ctags-based solution. And this Gist for an approach using TagBar. That's what you need to try first if you want a hierarchical tree with your classes, ids and tagnames.
You won't get a hierarchical tree or an outline with it but cscope is a great code indexer that may be useful for jumping directly to a known selector. Do $ cscope -R *.scss and search for classes, ids and tagnames. Hit <CR> on a match to open your $EDITOR at the correct line.
I personnaly use the "limited ctags-based solution" above with CtrlP's :CtrlPBufTag and :CtrlpTag with great success. But I only do basic CSS.
In Zsh, I can use filename completion with slashes to target a file deep in my source tree. For instance if I type:
vim s/w/t/u/f >TAB<
zsh replaces the pattern with:
vim src/wp-contents/themes/us/functions.php
What I'd like is to be able to target files the same way at the Vim command line, so that typing
:vi s/w/t/u/f >TAB<
will autocomplete to:
:vi src/wp-contents/themes/us/functions.php
I'm trying to parse the Vim docs for wildmode, but I don't see what settings would give me this. It's doing autocompletion for individual filenames, but not file paths. Does Vim support this natively? Or how can I customize the autocomplete algorithm for files?
Thanks for any advice!
I couldn't find a plugin to do this, so I wrote one. It's called vim-zsh-path-completion. It does what you're looking for, although via <C-s> rather than <Tab>. You can use it with <Tab> for even more control over what matches, though.
It's got bugs, but for basic paths without spaces/special characters, it should work. I think it's useful enough in its current state to be helpful. I hope to iron out the bugs and clean up the code, but I figured I'd start soliciting feedback now.
Thanks for the idea!
Original (wrong) answer, but with some useful information about Vim's wildmode.
Put the following in your .vimrc:
set wildmenu
set wildmode=list:longest
That will complete to the longest unique match on <Tab>, including appending a / and descending into directories where appropriate. If there are multiple matches, it will show a list of matches for what you've entered so far. Then you can type more characters and <Tab> again to complete.
I prefer the following setting, which completes to the first unique match on <Tab>, and then pops up a menu if you hit <Tab> again, which you can navigate with the arrow keys and hit enter to select from:
set wildmode=list:longest,list:full
Check out :help wildmenu and :help wildmode. You might also want to set wildignore to a list of patterns to ignore when completing. I have mine as:
set wildignore=.git,*.swp,*/tmp/*
Vim doesn't have such a feature by default. The closest buil-in feature is the wildmenu/wildmode combo but it's still very different.
A quick look at the script section of didn't return anything but I didn't look too far: you should dig further. Maybe it's there, somewhere.
Did you try Command-T, LustyExplorer, FuzzyFinder, CtrlP or one of the many similar plugins?
I use CtrlP and fuzzy matching can be done on filepath or filename. When done on filepath, I can use the keysequence below to open src/wp-contents/themes/us/functions.php (assuming functions.php is the only file under us that starts with a f):
,f " my custom mapping for the :CtrlP command
In thinking about a possible solution I'm afraid I was a little myopic. I was focused on your exact requirements but Vim has cool tricks when it comes to opening files!
The :e[dit] command accepts two types of wildcards: * is like the * you would use in your shell and ** means "any subdirectory".
So it's entirely possible to do:
:e s*/w*/t*/u*/f*<Tab>
or something like:
:e **/us/f<Tab>
or even:
:e **/fun<Tab>
Combined with the wildmode settings in Jim's answer, I think you have got a pretty powerful file navigation tool, here.
I scoured Google and SO for an answer but really couldn't find one, probably because I don't know the real name of these things.
annoying gutter
These gutters indicate nesting levels and folding options with little pluses and minuses and are completely useless to me, and take up a lot of spaces especially when working in split viewports.
Do you know how to get rid of them?
FYI I'm using the Janus distribution
That "gutter" is the fold column. You can turn it off via
:set foldcolumn=0
However, this usually is set by a plugin or a filetype plugin, so it will probably reoccur. You can find out who did this via
:verbose set foldcolumn?
If it's been set up by a filetype plugin foo, you can put the command to turn it off into .vim/after/ftplugin/foo.vim. If it's a plugin, read up on its documentation. (That's the downside of pre-made Vim distributions like Janus!)
Over the years, I thought I'm a Vim master! Recently I visited a real Vim master! oops! My knowledge is awfully superficial!
For example I didn't know it's possible to add a \c to make search case insensitive. (instead of :set ignorecase)
I clearly remember when how I'm surprised when I found SuperTab or TagList plugins first time. Vim's official site says "Vim isn't an editor designed to hold its users' hands. It is a tool, the use of which must be learned.", so naturally it should have many undiscovered features.
So I'm asking, what are your favorite features of Vim? What are things you can do with it that you can't or are more difficult in the other editors?
Of course there's some same topics about other editors:
Hidden Features of Eclipse
Hidden Features of TextPad
About the "hidden" part... Try these:
:help 42
It took me a few years before I learned about text objects
:help text-object
:nmap cw ciw
:nmap cW ciW
Also nice are ci" and ci (when I want to change a string or function args).
This is not exactly a hidden feature but it's a little known feature.
If you type :X then you can encrypt your file with a password.
You can check the correctness of the text using line:
:set spell
Recently I've been trying my hand at using vim instead of TextMate and one of the features that I've missed most in VIM is TextMate's jump to method function (CMD + Shift + T for those who don't know). From looking around I havn't seen any particular way to emulate this functionality and was wondering if anyone here has had experience with this sort of functionality in VIM.
Thanks in advance for any answers
You're looking for vim's 'tags' functionality ... I answered a similar question about tags here: How to implement own tag jump in VIM with CTRL-]?
This functionality has been implemented in fuzzyfinder using :FufBufferTag. See the ticket
I'd love to hear good suggestions as I use Vim all the time but haven't used TextMate. I do the following things which slightly overlap.
Search for d-e-f-space-<first few letters of function name>. So to go to function foo (in Python or Ruby, and within the same file of course), I type /def fo and I'm there. I also have incremental search enabled in Vim.
Use marks for functions which I visit often. So I'll ma at the function definition and then 'a back to it later. I know it's not function definitions but it is a crutch.
you can create a tags file with ctags
basically $ctags -R
Then once you're in vim :set tags=/path/to/tagsfile
this will also be any tag so not just class names, methods, etc. In normal mode ctrl-] on the method/class/ and it will jump to that position.
You can also use the taglist plugin which will display current tags in a side window. ctags
I had pretty much the same problem and I found a quick and dirty solution (paste this in your .vimrc and call by typing :LS)
function! s:ListFunctions()
vimgrep /function/j %
command! -bar -narg=0 LS call s:ListFunctions()
If you require more functionality then Exuberant Ctags will do better for you
I'm using CommandT for file searching, then / to search for a particular function. However, the real issue is with CSS. Cmd Shift T in Textmate enable quick jumps to a particular CSS class, and that is a huge time-saver.
CTags doesn't support CSS parsing, unless you re-compile with a patch (found via google), but I'm not even sure if we can do fuzzy searching for CSS classes like in Textmate. I really miss the Cmd Shift T feature.
I've written a TextMate Bundle command (you can easily assign it to Ctrl+] for example) that lookup for the definition of the class or method under the caret and displays it in a tooltip, along with the file name and the line where it was find.
Check it out: Add a shortcut to TextMate to lookup a class or method definition in a tooltip
Hope you'll find it useful!
The feature described in this question has many different names depending on the IDE/Editor:
In Resharper it's called "Goto File member"
In Sublime Text 2 it's called "Goto Symbol"
In PyCharm it's called "Goto Symbol"
The feature is essentially the same though in all of the above implementations (and I assume it's very similar in TextMate as well). The feature brings up an interactive list of methods/functions (and potentially also includes member variables/properties).
The list allows interactive filtering by typing the name of a methods/functions/etc. The list also usually allows the use of arrow keys to select a method/function/etc. Hitting the enter key with a method/function/etc selected navigates to the line in the current file where the selected method/function/etc is defined.
Of all the existing answers in this question the only one that I see which seems to provide a reasonably similar implementation of this feature is to use the command:
in vim's FuzzyFinder plugin.
The answer which suggests using the taglist plugin is not a good solution, because the functionality offered by the taglist plugin is quite different from the feature. The taglist plugin offers similar functionality - the ability to view an outline of methods in the currently file, but it does not offer an interactive way to filter that list in realtime. The taglist plugin does allow you to search the tag buffer, but that's not nearly as convenient as the "Goto symbol" functionality offered in other editors.
I wanted to provide an alternative suggestion here, which is to use the command:
in the excellent Ctrlp vim plugin. In my opinion this by far the best implementation of the "Goto Symbol" feature currently available in vim.
I am in a project with 3 people. We need to have the same folds in Vim for each member. How can I share my folds?
I understood one important thing: Google ignores signs, such as {{{, so please google "VIM three braces" to find help about the marker-method. It becomes much easier to practise, as you can quickly find relevant information.
In order to use the the marker-method (suggested by Adam Bellaire), please note that you have to set the method:
:set foldmethod=marker
Thanks for your answers!
Probably the easiest way is to just use fold markers (e.g. {{{1), making sure to include the vim:fdm=marker setting in the file itself. For example, here's a shell script which contains both the setting to use fold markers and two levels of fold:
# vim:fdm=marker
echo This file contains fold markers.
#Top Level Fold {{{1
echo This is a top-level fold.
#Second Level Fold {{{2
echo This is a second-level fold.
Opening this file in vim will show the first four lines and then a fold, which if expanded will reveal the second fold. Just make sure to put a space between your comment syntax and the vim:fdm=marker line or vim won't see it. For example, in C you could use:
// vim:fdm=marker
Folds in files ?
Well, same settings should result in same folds.
Vim can fold in several ways: manually, by indent, by expression, by syntax, and by markers (by default, I believe are curved brackets, 3 of them).
So if you have the same vim version, and they haven't changed their syntax and indent files, let them check out your vimrc for foldmethod and foldmarker options, and copy them to their vimrc files. That should do it.
I haven't shared VIM folds with someone before, but if you're working on the same machine perhaps you can use VIM sessions, which will save your current state (including folds). Run the following command in VIM:
mks! /path/to/session_file
Then your friend can load up the session file:
vim -s /path/to/session_file
Ancient history, I know, but this may have appeared since the version of vim present in '09, and since I don't have an adequate reputation to comment yet, here we go.
The good news is that saving a view for the file should save manual folds as well, even nested folds.
The bad news is that I found it didn't produce consistent results under vim 7.0 (RHEL 5.5). This may have been fixed in a subsequent update that, sad to say, we aren't allowed to install.