Repa performance versus lists - haskell

In the Numeric Haskell Repa Tutorial Wiki, there is a passage that reads (for context):
10.1 Fusion, and why you need it
Repa depends critically on array fusion to achieve fast code. Fusion is a fancy name for the
combination of inlining and code transformations performed by GHC when
it compiles your program. The fusion process merges the array filling
loops defined in the Repa library, with the "worker" functions that
you write in your own module. If the fusion process fails, then the
resulting program will be much slower than it needs to be, often 10x
slower an equivalent program using plain Haskell lists. On the other
hand, provided fusion works, the resulting code will run as fast as an
equivalent cleanly written C program. Making fusion work is not hard
once you understand what's going on.
The part that I don't understand is this:
"If the fusion process fails, then the
resulting program will be much slower than it needs to be, often 10x
slower an equivalent program using plain Haskell lists."
I understand why it would run slower if stream fusion fails, but why does it run that much slower than lists?

Typically, because lists are lazy, and Repa arrays are strict.
If you fail to fuse a lazy list traversal, e.g.
map f . map g
you pay O(1) cost per value for leaving the intermediate (lazy) cons cell there.
If you fail to fuse the same traversal over a strict sequence, you pay at least O(n) per value for allocating a strict intermediate array.
Also, since fusion mangles your code into an unrecognizable Stream data type, to improve analysis, you can be left with code that has just too many constructors and other overheads.

Edit: This is not correct--see Don Nelson's comment (and his answer--he knows a lot more about the library than I do).
Immutable arrays cannot share components; disregarding fusion, any modification to an immutable array must reallocate the entire array. By contrast, while list operations are non-destructive, they can share parts: f i (h:t) = i:t, for example, replaces the head of a list in constant time by creating a new list in which the first cell points to the second cell of the original list. Moreover, because lists can be built incrementally, such functions as generators that build a list by repeated calls to a function can still run in O(n) time, while the equivalent function on an immutable array without fusion would need to reallocate the array with every call to the function, taking O(n^2) time.


Haskell data structure that is efficient for swapping elements?

I am looking for a Haskell data structure that stores an ordered list of elements and that is time-efficient at swapping pairs of elements at arbitrary locations within the list. It's not [a], obviously. It's not Vector because swapping creates new vectors. Which data structure is efficient at this?
The most efficient implementations of persistent data structures, which exhibit O(1) updates (as well as appending, prepending, counting and slicing), are based on the Array Mapped Trie algorithm. The Vector data-structures of Clojure and Scala are based on it, for instance. The only Haskell implementation of that data-structure that I know of is presented by the "persistent-vector" package.
This algorithm is very young, it was only first presented in the year 2000, which might be the reason why not so many people have ever heard about it. But the thing turned out to be such a universal solution that it got adapted for Hash-tables soon after. The adapted version of this algorithm is called Hash Array Mapped Trie. It is as well used in Clojure and Scala to implement the Set and Map data-structures. It is also more ubiquitous in Haskell with packages like "unordered-containers" and "stm-containers" revolving around it.
To learn more about the algorithm I recommend the following links:
Data.Sequence from the containers package would likely be a not-terrible data structure to start with for this use case.
Haskell is a (nearly) pure functional language, so any data structure you update will need to make a new copy of the structure, and re-using the data elements is close to the best you can do. Also, the new list would be lazily evaluated and typically only the spine would need to be created until you need the data. If the number of updates is small compared to the number of elements, you could make a difference list that checks a sparse set of updates first, and only then looks in the original vector.

How can I obtain constant time access (like in an array) in a data structure in Haskell?

I'll get straight to it - is there a way to have a dynamically sized constant-time access data-structure in Haskell, much like an array in any other imperative language?
I'm sure there is a module somewhere that does this for us magically, but I'm hoping for a general explanation of how one would do this in a functional manner :)
As far as I'm aware, Map uses a binary tree representation so it has O(log(n)) access time, and lists of course have O(n) access time.
Additionally, if we made it so that it was immutable, it would be pure, right?
Any ideas how I could go about this (beyond something like Array = Array { one :: Int, two :: Int, three :: Int ...} in template Haskell or the like)?
If your key is isomorphic to Int then you can use IntMap as most of its operations are O(min(n,W)), where n is the number of elements and W is the number of bits in Int (usually 32 or 64), which means that as the collection gets large the cost of each individual operation converges to a constant.
a dynamically sized constant-time access data-structure in Haskell,
etc etc.
For associative structures you can choose between:
Log-N tree and trie structures
Hash tables
Mixed hash mapped tries
With various different log-complexities and constant factors.
All of these are on hackage.
In addition to the other good answers, it might be useful to say that:
When restricted to Algebraic Data Types and purity, all dynamically
sized data structure must have at least logarithmic worst-case access
Personally, I like to call this the price of purity.
Haskell offers you three main ways around this:
Change the problem: Use hashes or prefix trees.
For constant-time reads use pure Arrays or the more recent Vectors; they are not ADTs and need compiler support / hidden IO inside. Constant-time writes are not possible since purity forbids the original data structure to be modified.
For constant-time writes use the IO or ST monad, preferring ST when you can to avoid externally visible side effects. These monads are implemented in the compiler.
It's true that you can't have constant time access arrays in Haskell without compiler/runtime magic.
However, this isn't (just) because Haskell is functional. Arrays in Java and C# also require runtime magic. In Rust you might be able to implement them in unsafe code, but not in safe Rust.
The truth is any language that doesn't allow you to allocate memory of dynamic size, or that doesn't allow you to use pointers is going to require runtime magic to implement arrays.
That excludes any safe language, whether object oriented, or functional.
The only difference between Haskell and eg. Java with respect to Arrays, is that arrays are far less useful in Haskell than in Java, but in Java arrays are so core to everything we do that we don't even notice that they're magic.
There is one way though that Haskell requires more magic for arrays than eg. Java.
With Java you can initialise an empty array (which requires magic) and then fill it up with values (which doesn't).
With Haskell this would obviously go against immutability. So any array would have to be initialised with its values. Thus the compiler magic doesn't just stretch to giving you an empty chunk of memory to index into. It also requires giving you a way to initialise the array with values. So creation and initialisation of the array has to be a single step, entirely handled by the compiler.

Looking for an efficient array-like structure that supports "replace-one-member" and "append"

As an exercise I wrote an implementation of the longest increasing subsequence algorithm, initially in Python but I would like to translate this to Haskell. In a nutshell, the algorithm involves a fold over a list of integers, where the result of each iteration is an array of integers that is the result of either changing one element of or appending one element to the previous result.
Of course in Python you can just change one element of the array. In Haskell, you could rebuild the array while replacing one element at each iteration - but that seems wasteful (copying most of the array at each iteration).
In summary what I'm looking for is an efficient Haskell data structure that is an ordered collection of 'n' objects and supports the operations: lookup i, replace i foo, and append foo (where i is in [0..n-1]). Suggestions?
Perhaps the standard Seq type from Data.Sequence. It's not quite O(1), but it's pretty good:
index (your lookup) and adjust (your replace) are O(log(min(index, length - index)))
(><) (your append) is O(log(min(length1, length2)))
It's based on a tree structure (specifically, a 2-3 finger tree), so it should have good sharing properties (meaning that it won't copy the entire sequence for incremental modifications, and will perform them faster too). Note that Seqs are strict, unlike lists.
I would try to just use mutable arrays in this case, preferably in the ST monad.
The main advantages would be making the translation more straightforward and making things simple and efficient.
The disadvantage, of course, is losing on purity and composability. However I think this should not be such a big deal since I don't think there are many cases where you would like to keep intermediate algorithm states around.

Is it possible to make fast big circular buffer arrays for stream recording in Haskell?

I'm considering converting a C# app to Haskell as my first "real" Haskell project. However I want to make sure it's a project that makes sense. The app collects data packets from ~15 serial streams that come at around 1 kHz, loads those values into the corresponding circular buffers on my "context" object, each with ~25000 elements, and then at 60 Hz sends those arrays out to OpenGL for waveform display. (Thus it has to be stored as an array, or at least converted to an array every 16 ms). There are also about 70 fields on my context object that I only maintain the current (latest) value, not the stream waveform.
There are several aspects of this project that map well to Haskell, but the thing I worry about is the performance. If for each new datapoint in any of the streams, I'm having to clone the entire context object with 70 fields and 15 25000-element arrays, obviously there's going to be performance issues.
Would I get around this by putting everything in the IO-monad? But then that seems to somewhat defeat the purpose of using Haskell, right? Also all my code in C# is event-driven; is there an idiom for that in Haskell? It seems like adding a listener creates a "side effect" and I'm not sure how exactly that would be done.
Look at this link, under the section "The ST monad":
Back in the section called “Modifying array elements”, we mentioned
that modifying an immutable array is prohibitively expensive, as it
requires copying the entire array. Using a UArray does not change
this, so what can we do to reduce the cost to bearable levels?
In an imperative language, we would simply modify the elements of the
array in place; this will be our approach in Haskell, too.
Haskell provides a special monad, named ST, which lets us work
safely with mutable state. Compared to the State monad, it has some
powerful added capabilities.
We can thaw an immutable array to give a mutable array; modify the
mutable array in place; and freeze a new immutable array when we are
The IO monad also provides these capabilities. The major difference between the two is that the ST monad is intentionally designed so that we can escape from it back into pure Haskell code.
So should be possible to modify in-place, and it won't defeat the purpose of using Haskell after all.
Yes, you would probably want to use the IO monad for mutable data. I don't believe the ST monad is a good fit for this problem space because the data updates are interleaved with actual IO actions (reading input streams). As you would need to perform the IO within ST by using unsafeIOToST, I find it preferable to just use IO directly. The other approach with ST is to continually thaw and freeze an array; this is messy because you need to guarantee that old copies of the data are never used.
Although evidence shows that a pure solution (in the form of Data.Sequence.Seq) is often faster than using mutable data, given your requirement that data be pushed out to OpenGL, you'll possible get better performance from working with the array directly. I would use the functions from Data.Vector.Storable.Mutable (from the vector package), as then you have access to the ForeignPtr for export.
You can look at arrows (Yampa) for one very common approach to event-driven code. Another area is Functional Reactivity (FRP). There are starting to be some reasonably mature libraries in this domain, such as Netwire or reactive-banana. I don't know if they'd provide adequate performance for your requirements though; I've mostly used them for gui-type programming.

Haskell arrays vs lists

I'm playing with Haskell and Project Euler's 23rd problem. After solving it with lists I went here where I saw some array work. This solution was much faster than mine.
So here's the question. When should I use arrays in Haskell? Is their performance better than lists' and in which cases?
The most obvious difference is the same as in other languages: arrays have O(1) lookup and lists have O(n). Attaching something to the head of a list (:) takes O(1); appending (++) takes O(n).
Arrays have some other potential advantages as well. You can have unboxed arrays, which means the entries are just stored contiguously in memory without having a pointer to each one (if I understand the concept correctly). This has several benefits--it takes less memory and could improve cache performance.
Modifying immutable arrays is difficult--you'd have to copy the entire array which takes O(n). If you're using mutable arrays, you can modify them in O(1) time, but you'd have to give up the advantages of having a purely functional solution.
Finally, lists are just much easier to work with if performance doesn't matter. For small amounts of data, I would always use a list.
And if you're doing much indexing as well as much updating,you can
use Maps (or IntMaps), O(log size) indexing and update, good enough for most uses, code easy to get right
or, if Maps are too slow, use mutable (unboxed) arrays (STUArray from Data.Array.ST or STVectors from the vector package; O(1) indexing and update, but the code is easier to get wrong and generally not as nice.
For specific uses, functions like accumArray give very good performance too (uses mutable arrays under the hood).
Arrays have O(1) indexing (this used to be part of the Haskell definition), whereas lists have O(n) indexing. On the other hand, any kind of modification of arrays is O(n) since it has to copy the array.
So if you're going to do a lot of indexing but little updating, use arrays.
