Testing a website in safari without installing safari on your machine - browser

I was thinking of a situation where in I might need to test my website in safari or netscape or any other browser.
But the catch here is that I don't have anything else except Chrome and IE and FF.
Is there any possible way that a website can be tested in a browser without actually having to install the browser.

I am using this:
This is good to have a preview with each browser


Which of the browser is best for development purpose? Firefox and Chrome?

Just want to know what browser you guys are using mostly for dev purpose from this listed - Chrome or Firefox?
Which of the browser is safe too?

What browser can update the webpage live as I edit HTML in the inspector?

I used to use Firefox and the beloved plugin Firebug to work with web pages, since you can edit the HTML-code, and see the result on the page as you edit it.
The last version to support this and firebug was Firefox 49, and all newer Firefox, Chrome and Safari version doesn't have this. You can edit the code, but you have to click outside or CMD/CTRL-Enter to confirm the changes.
Why isn't this implemented in newer browsers, it doesn't seem that complicated, and it's so useful. I can't believe I can't find anyone else discussing this on the Internet.
Is there any browser version and/or plugin to Chrome that can do this?
As far as I know, no browser allows this and there isn't any extension for that, unfortunately.
Though there is a feature request for the Firefox DevTools asking to add live editing.

node http2 and safari

I am well into building an single page application using nodejs and the http2 module. The client end is using Polymer and is a progressive web app, with a fairly minimal index.html. I have been doing most of the development in chrome, and am reasonably happy, since this is an intranet application and I can dictate the brower.
I would like to support the ipad, albeit perhaps at lesser performance. I have to borrow my wife's if want to try anything, and I couldn't get it to work at all. I do have a mac laptop and tried accessing my (in development) site using safari on that (I also have chrome on it and that works fine). With Safari it doesn't get anywhere. In fact with the web inspector open it doesn't even appear to have loaded the basic index.html file.
I am assuming that safari doesn't support http2. I am not sure what I should do about it through. How do you gracefully fall back to something else?
Safari does support http/2. Test your site at https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/ and see if you've a cipher config that safari supports.

Embedded Signing with Safari on Mac not working as intended

I successfully (with much frustration) got our c# embedded signing to work on our site, however, that was before I tested with Safari on a Mac. Safari does not allow Third party sites to open in an iframe without already having a cookie for that site stored. If you either open the site beforehand or allowing all cookies, the document will show embedded. However, even messing around with that, the redirection after completion is not working. The please wait popup does not redirect back to my site. I am looking for any embedded solution that supports mac.
The process works great on windows, but does not work on Safari for Mac and is intermittent with Firefox and Chrome on mac.
I am looking for any non-iFrame embedded solutions that I could implement that should work on all platforms and browsers.
Since you have embedding working in terms of generating a URL token, it's up to you how to access that URL. We've seen developers write their own programs to view where they have complete control over the iFrame and can do whatever they like with it, and another solution we've seen is to use a web browser control.
see this SO link
The only workaround that I know of is to pop up a new browser window. I know there is work being done to make it work without cookies, but at this time the new browser window is your only choice.
Sorry about that.

How can I simulate my site?

I have a website that doesn't work in IE8, due to a ton of issues.
Apparently, some people don't understand. There is no way my site will ever work natively in IE8.
As a workaround, I want to place a Java applet on it that simulates a browser. This way, people - 25.8% of people - can see my site in IE8 by viewing the site through the applet.
Basically, it would work something like the emulator at http://www.opera.com/developer/tools/mini/ - except not Opera Mini.
Thus: Are there any emulators that I can put on my site that emulate other browsers? They could be JS/HTML5, Java, Flash, whatever.
{Opera Mini doesn't work with my site - so unfortunately this otherwise perfect example from Opera doesn't work, but any of the current versions of the Big 5 (IE, Chrome, FF, Opera, Safari) would work with my site flawlessly.}
