How to delay an animated sprite in Andengine? - delay

I have an animated Sprite that is drawn on the screen when I press the button. However, I want to the animation to start after 5 seconds. Technically, the ver first PNG in the "animation set" is shown and the animation starts after 5 seconds.
I have tried to used the DelayModifier as follows, but without luck:
mySprite.registerEntityModifier(new DelayModifier(500)); //doesn't work
I would appreciate your input.

I found the solution to my problem from this tutorial:
The idea was to use a TimeHandler and not a DelayModifier.

actually , you can do it with a delaymodifier too , like this
DelayModifier dMod = new DelayModifier(5f){
public void onModifierFinished(IModifier arg0, IEntity arg1) {


LibGDX very strange bug - objects are disappeared

When I was creating my first tiled map creator in libGDX, I noticed a very strange bug. I creating grid of objects like this:
private static final int GRID_WIDTH=2400;
private static final int GRID_HEIGHT=2400;
private static final int CELL_SIZE=60;
so you can see there are 2400/60x2400/60 objects or cells. I am creating my map like this:
private void createMap(){
for(int i=0;i<GRID_WIDTH/CELL_SIZE;++i){
for(int j=0;j<GRID_HEIGHT/CELL_SIZE;++j){
cells[i][j]=new Cell(textures[0],i*CELL_SIZE,j*CELL_SIZE);
I also have coordinates for my debug in the screen so I know where they started to disappear. Y coordinate is ok there are from 0 to 2400, but on the X they started to disappear at 1500. When I start to draw there some texture every column will be visible to that texture for example (when I start to write texture at x=2100 every disappeared column will be visible to 2100) and when I will delete that texture every column will disappear again to 1500. So the objects are there but they are not visible. It is so annoying does anyone know about this bug?
As you can see coordinates are at the bottom left this is at the beginning:
and this is when I will add there some texture
[Edited] Code with camera:
private float x=GRID_WIDTH/2,y=GRID_HEIGHT/2;
public void render(float delta) {
batch = new SpriteBatch();
camera=new OrthographicCamera(CAM_WIDTH,CAM_HEIGHT);
viewPos = new Vector3();, 0, 0, 1);;
viewPos.set(Gdx.input.getX(), Gdx.input.getY(), 0);
if(Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Input.Keys.RIGHT) || Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Input.Keys.D))
if(Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Input.Keys.LEFT) || Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Input.Keys.A))
if(Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Input.Keys.UP) || Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Input.Keys.W))
if(Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Input.Keys.DOWN) || Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Input.Keys.S))
The camera is correct. The problem is the batch.begin() and batch.end(). As you might know you cannot do batch.begin() and then shaperenderer.begin() directly after each others without closing one of them. Reason for this I am not 100% about. stage works similar. This means we have to close the batch before drawing the stage
// draw your batch stuff here
Also it's terrible to do this
batch = new SpriteBatch();
camera=new OrthographicCamera(CAM_WIDTH,CAM_HEIGHT);
inside the render method. Instead, put it into the create() method or some of your own initialize method. The important thing is to not create a new SpriteBatch every frame as the batch isn't collected by the GC. So you have to manually dispose it using batch.dispose() or it will leak so much memory your RAM will be gone in no time.
I hope this helped you out, good luck.

How can I add button to top right corner of a Dialog In libgdx?

I want to add close button to top right corner of a dialog box.
I tried using setbounds with addactor and just add and setposition with setsize and addactor, but nothing works. I know that dialog works with table layout, it has a table for content and for buttons. I don't want to use this layout and put the button outside this layout like on the border of the dialog.
How can I do it?
This is how it should be:
The easiest solution I could come up with now, is to use negative padding for your button to move it "outside" of it's cell.
Button closeButton = new TextButton("X", skin, "default");
getTitleTable().add(closeButton).size(60, 40).padRight(-30).padTop(-20);
With this padding hack you have the problem, that the button will be outside of your Dialog, and by default, Window checks the bounds of your window when it performs Actor.hit(...) evaluation.
We need to disable clipping for that reason, but the rendering of the window depends on it. That's why we use another hack to enable it, just for the rendering:
public void draw(Batch batch, float parentAlpha) {
super.draw(batch, parentAlpha);
Do this:
private Stage stage;
private Window window;
private Table table;
public void show() {
table = new Table();
table.setSize( / 2
, / 5);
window = new Window("", skin);
window.setSize(table.getWidth(), table.getHeight());
Button btnWindow = new Button(skin, "close");
btnWindow.addListener(new ClickListener() {
public void clicked(InputEvent event, float x, float y) {
btnWindow.setSize(50, 50);
btnWindow.setPosition(window.getWidth() - btnWindow.getWidth()
, window.getHeight() - btnWindow.getHeight());
table.setPosition( / 2 - window.getWidth() / 2
, / 2 - window.getHeight() / 2 +
, Actions.fadeIn(.1f)
, Actions.moveTo(+50, +50, 1)));
I had a similar problem. After a bit of searching this thread helped me.
Basically to tell the alignment of the actors inside a table, and to tell the alignment of the table itself are two separate things. Setting the alignment of the table top top-left would produce the desired behavior.
table = new Table();

Remove an object for a short period of time?

I have this statement in my Draw method:
public void DrawSprites(GameTime gameTime)
spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.FrontToBack, BlendState.AlphaBlend);
if (shieldPowerUp == false)
// Draws the Original ship
player.Draw(gameTime, spriteBatch);
if (playerIsHit == true)
// method Draws a blinking ship for a second
PlayerIsHit(gameTime, spriteBatch);
if (shieldPowerUp == true)
// Draws a ship with a Shield for 5 seconds
playerShield.Draw(gameTime, spriteBatch);
// the rest of the method is left out
My problem now is that when a new Ship is drawn it Draws over the top of the prevoius one.
I dont know how to remove the original ship object for a short time while the blinking or shielded Ship object is Drawn. Do you guys have any ideas for how I can proceed ?
It solved, the problem was in my Sprites Image file, not in my code. sorry.

How to place image using SDI application when the dialog first appears?

I am developing MFC based SDI application using CFormView class in VC++. My problem is that I need to load image when the dialog initially appears. How to place image in an SDI application..I know for dialog based applications it can be done using OnInitDialog application.But for SDI application there is no such function. I tried placing the image using OnInitialUpdate() and OnPaint() function. But it failed..What should I do to place the image to dialog when it first appears? Please Help
Thanks in advance
Code as I placed in OnInitialUpdate()
void CECUSimulatorView::OnInitialUpdate()
hBitmap = LoadImage(0,_T("F:/ECUSimulator/ECUSimulator_New/res/LedOff.bmp"), IMAGE_BITMAP,0,0,LR_LOADFROMFILE);
Code for the function ImageLoading()
void CECUSimulatorView::OnInitialUpdate()
HDC hDC, hDCToDisplay = NULL;
hDC = CreateCompatibleDC(hDCToDisplay);
hDCToDisplay = ::GetDC(m_picture.m_hWnd);
BitBlt(hDCToDisplay,0 , 0, (picRect.right - picRect.left), (picRect.bottom, hDC, 0 ,0 ,SRCCOPY);
HANDLE hBitmap;
CStatic m_picture; //Picture Control
CRect picRect; //Picture Control Rect
I removed the code from OnInitialUpdate() and placed it in OnPaint() function as follows:
void CECUSimulatorView::OnPaint()
CPaintDC dc(this); // device context for painting
hBitmap = LoadImage(0,_T("F:/ECUSimulator/ECUSimulator_New/res/LedOff.bmp"), IMAGE_BITMAP,0,0,LR_LOADFROMFILE);
Calling LoadImage() in OnInitialUpdate() is ok, the actual painting needs to be done in one of the two following ways:
a) in CECUSimulatorView::OnDraw() -- easier, but may introduce flickering
b) override the OnPaint() function of the m_picture control using ClassWizard and draw the picture there
[the comments in the previous answer was getting very extended, hence a new answer]
a) derive a new class (say CMyPicture) based on CStatic, change m_picture to this new class
b) in CMyPicture, create a handler for WM_PAINT, this will normally be called CMyPicture::OnPaint()
c) change your ImageLoading() function to take a CDC *pDC as parameter and use this DC to render the image
void CMyStatic::OnPaint(void)
{ CPaintDC dc(this);
ImageLoading(&dc); // or even move the painting logic here
NOTE: you can load the image in OnInitialUpdate(), no need to load it each time you are painting
An example (for a dialog, but the painting logic should not be affected) in this SO Answer.
I found the answer for my problem.
I used CBitmap class as follows:
CBitmap m_bBitmap1;
In OnInitialUpdate() I wrote as follows :
In OnPaint() I wrote as follows:
Wherever(In which all functions)need to load image just call the above line of code in corresponding functions..

Nokia N97 realted to orientation

Myself shweta dodiya.I am facing problem with nokia N97 related to change orientation for my game application.
I am using J2me technology.I want to pause my application when i open my slider.
Thanks in advance
I don't know what code are you using, or are you using Canvas to draw the game on screen, or some other API that does that for you...
If you have something like this GameScreen extends Canvas and you use GameScreen object to draw and display the game, you need to add an override to sizeChanged method to it and check the new width (w) and the new height (h) of the GameScreen, and do the things you want in regards to that:
public void sizeChanged(int w, int h)
if(h > w) //NORMAL
if(paused) resumeGame();
This is a simple pseudo code, I hope you are getting the point. If statement is checking the relation between new width and the new height. If the phone is in landscape mode, H is less then W...
