in linux kernel 3.x module how can i count system calls with Kprobe? [closed] - linux

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Closed 10 years ago.
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i need help to write a kernel module to count the linux system calls at kernel 3.x
i want to implement this with kprobe but earlier ways do this with *sys_call*.
please help me.

In this site you may find useful details for Kprobe!


mind mapping tool in linux [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I want to do mindmaps which are of the quality of mindmeister that you could include picture and links etc and would be able to export it reasonably well and print it.
I love X-Mind. I don't know if it does what you need, but I only use a small subset of it and still it rocks!
It has a very complete free version that never expires and doesn't contain crapware.
I prefer Freeplane but FreeMind can do the same things:

System calls in linux kernel [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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What are three of the basic file operations provided via system calls in the Linux kernel?
I would say the most basic are the four: open(), read(), write() and close().

Is there a way to view who viewed/accessed a file in linux? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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Hi I am a noob with linux server stuff.
I was wondering if there is a command in linux or there is a way to see which "user" has viewed or accessed a file in linux?
is there a such command?
I thought 'stat' command works could be a possible option, but after googling, I found out that someone posted here at the bottom:
that there is not a way to view 'who' accessed a file. Is this true?
The audit subsystem can tell you who or what has accessed a filesystem object.

how to make a multi boot dvd for linux [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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Is it possible to make a single bootable dvd with multiple linux distros in it? we should be able to select which os to boot by a menu.
There are several tutorials for this:

RAM value of a computer in LINUX [closed]

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how can we determine the RAM value of a computer in LINUX ?
Inspect output of
Good luck
