Traversing directories with vim file name completion in insert mode (Ctrl-X Ctrl-F) - vim

I’m trying to use vim’s compl-filename feature (Ctrl-XCtrl-F) to complete paths in INSERT mode, but I can’t work out how to traverse into directories without (temporarily) ending the completion mode:
Let’s say I want to complete the path /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup.
I would like to be able to do something like:
The issue is, as soon as I start typing* after a path match (like /etc/), it ends file name completion. I would like it to stay in file name completion, so that I can still use Ctrl-F, Ctrl-N, etc. Since it ends completion, I have to type Ctrl-XCtrl-F again to restart it, and the helpful completion popup menu disappears in the meantime.
Is there an option I can set to change this?
* By ‘typing’ here, I am referring to characters in 'isfname' -- of course, typing other characters (like space or punctuation) should not continue file name completion.

I'm not sure exactly what you're saying, but you can just press Ctrl-XCtrl-F again on a directory while you're in the completion menu to expand it. You don't have to close out of the menu first. I just keep Ctrl held down and tap xf to traverse a directory, n and p to move up and down and w to go back up.
If you don't use :h i_CTRL-F then you could remap it. For example,
inoremap <C-f> <C-x><C-f>

Simple remap would be
inoremap / /<C-x><C-f>
So when you type slash(/) in insert mode you will get that auto completion popup :)
Place it in your .vimrc file (for vim) or in init.vim (for neovim)

Vim doesn't do auto-completion.
For that, you'll need a dedicated plugin like AutoComplPop or NeoComplCache

Please use insert "i" first before using cntr+x+f. I was in similar situation. :)


VIM keybinding to jump back to initial position after indenting the whole file

I have created a keybinding that should indent a whole file.
My first solution looked like this:
map <F4> gg=G
The problem is that after pressing F4, the cursor jumped to the first line of the file. So I have tried to improve my solution with the feature of markers, look like this:
map <F4> mzgg=G'z<CR>
I expected this would have resolved my problem, but the command do the same as the first. When I try to jump to the z marker manually vim told me "marker not set".
After changing the keybinding, I have or course restarted vim! I am using the GVIM 7.3 on a WIN 7 machine.
Thank you in advance for your Help!
After trying to get my keybinding working by tipping it directly to vim commandline. I find out that the keybinding was working quite nice. I think problem is that I create a session some times ago (with mksession) and if you load a session I think vim ignores the vimrc-file. Is this assumption right?
In these thread I find a soultion to make mksession save less options.
Another lightweight approach: set the ` mark, format the buffer and jump back to the mark afterwards.
:nnoremap <key> m`gg=G``
I would recommend the use of CTRLo and CTRLi which allow to go respectively backward and forward in the jump list. See :help jumps.
The following mapping
map <F4> gg=G2<C-o>
works. (It jumps back two times in the jump list)
But generally, the jump list is a great way to navigate in a file, this is likely the shortcuts that use the most in my daily use. It is also works if you jump to a tag to go back to your original location.
You might also want to use nnoremap rather than map, this way it will only work in normal mode, and you could potentially reuse F4 in combination in another key binding without having recursive mappings.
nnoremap <F4> gg=G2<C-o>

How can I explain this behaviour in Vim?

Vim is so awesome. For example, you have a file, called 'test0.html', stored in a folder.
In the same folder, you store the folder 'test' with the files test1.html, and test2.html.
Then you put in test0.html the following content:
In vim, you put the cursor on the filenames. You open the files under the corsor with the keys gf. Thats why Vim is so awesome.
I would like to open in a new tab. That's possible with the keys gF.
But what if you want to stay in the same file, but open the file in a background tab, like Chrome does?
So I'm mapping the key.
noremap gf <c-w>gF<c-PageDown>
So, when my cursor is on test1.html, it open with the key gf in a background tab. Wonderful, now I'm a satisfied man.
Then I want to open test2.html under cursor.
Vim jumps to the tab of test1.html, instead stay on test0.html
When I tried to debug this weird behaviour, by only mapping gf to gF, and then do manual CTRL+pagedown, I get the expected behaviour.
My guess is that Vim is much faster with executing the command before he opens the new tab (gF), and so I get to the last tab from the first tab.
Am I correct in my guess explaination?
<c-PageDown> or more commonly used gT will got to the previous tab. <c-w>gF on the other hand will open the file under the cursor in a new tab. That tab will be last tab. So doing a gT will not always make you go back to the previous tab.
You can change your mapping to go back to the previous tab like so:
nnoremap gf :execute "normal! \<lt>c-w>gF" . tabpagenr() . "gt"<cr>
However I would personally suggest you avoid using tabs in such a manner and use buffers instead.
noremap gf :tabe<cfile><CR><c-PageUp>
This is even better. When the file doesn't exist, Vim will create a new one.

Command line completion to enter into a folder in Vim

When I do :edit C:\ and keep tabbing, vim will cycle through all the files and folders. When I want to enter a folder, I think I can do Ctrl-E. But just by chance, I typed another backslash after the folder I want to enter, e.g, :edit C:\Documents\\. This also seems to work. Now if I hit tabs, vim start cycling through files/folders inside C:\Documents.
I wonder what is the reason behind this. Could Anyone point me to the reference manual where this behaviour is fully explained? And does there exist even better way to stop completion in the current directory and start command line completion inside another directory?
It is not documented, however, when you modify the text (for example, insert a backslash) during completion, vim will only auto-complete the rest of the string. This is because it starts a new completion cycle taking the current entry as the base.
I use this mapping, analog to concluding insert-mode completion:
" c_CTRL-Y Yes: Stop wildmode completion. Useful when completing
" directory names and wanting to use the currently
" completed directory and now complete its contents,
" instead of continuing to iterate the directory names.
cnoremap <C-Y> <Space><BS>
But Ctrl-E works as well when you're at the end of the command-line.

vim completion deletes typed letters

I've come to a vim completion behavior that is very annoying for me and I cannot figure out how to configure vim to behave differently.Maybe it is not possible at all.
Suppose I'm editing file with following content:
Now I want to add another entry (say MyCompanyABC) so I type My and hit Ctrl-N, so now I have
Now I hit backspace, then A so I'm at
No I decide to try completion again so I hit Ctrl-N and vim takes me back to
So is there a way to make it so that the last step keeps what I already have?
I gave the completion sequence wrong. The problem I describe appears if one first hits Ctrl-P. Then in the above scenario you get and the rest as above.
This doesn't behave like this on my machine (Ubuntu 10.10, vim 7.2.330 here). If I do this:
Open vim by typing vi
Type the text you gave above
Open a new line below
Type "My"
Press Ctrl-N
Choose MyCompany2
Backspace (get "MyCompany" after that)
Type A (get "MyCompanyA")
Ctrl-N does nothing - as expected, status bar says: -- Keyword completition (^N^P) Pattern not found.
Is it possible you have some plugin that is changing the default behavior? You can also try vi -u NONE to check whether you have something in your .vimrc that is changing this behavior. Best if you have some other system to check it out.
Are you sure that you want to use Ctrl-N directly without hitting Ctrl-X beforehand? Ctrl-N will also search in all opened buffers.
Maybe hitting CTRL-X CTRL-N or CTRL-X CTRL-P will result in a more stable completion.

When in Vim insert mode, is there a way to add filepath autocompletion?

I write a lot of shell scripts and I am constantly having to enter in filepaths. I am wondering if anyone knows of a way to get Vim to autocomplete filepaths while in insert mode, just like when you are in your favorite shell you tab to complete the path of the directory or file.
Extra credit if you can get CTRLD functionality of the shell into Vim insert mode (i.e. to see what files/directories are in the current path).
For file name omni completion, you can use:
There's ctrl-x ctrl-f
:he compl-filename
To build on #CMS and #michael excellent answers
When using ctrl+X ctrl+f command sequence it will display a list of files in the current directory. I spend a minute looking for the right key to move up and down between the different filenames. The correct keys are Ctrl-n and Ctrl-p. You can use almost any other key (like Space) to select and continue typing.
In addition, if you are not already at the file/directory you would like to insert, you can go down a file tree structure as follows:
Optionally enter some part of the directory. You can even use ../../ for example!
Press ctrl+X ctrl+f and select the first item in the tree from the list.
Next press ctrl+f again while the correct item is highlighted to display a list of the next level down the directory tree structure.
You can keep doing this until you find the directory/file you would like to insert in the document.
I experienced similar problem. I found solution like:
sudo apt-get install realpath
And in VIM naviagte to file with in normal mode type:
:r !realpath /path/to/file
When you are navigating in non-insert mode after !realpatch you are able to use our key button.
VOILA! TAB is working again!
edit: excuse me, I landed here from a google result for "vim insert file absolute path"
(first leave insert mode with esc or ctrl+c) ;)
from normal mode, on a blank line
!!readlink -f #
this will run a command, and substitute # with the current file name, readlink will resolve a canonical name, and !! will write the output where the cursor was
note, this needs to be done on a blank line, as the content of the line will be fed as stdin to the subcommand.
