node js implementation of end function - node.js

var flag= ""
request.on('end', function ()
var query = azure.TableQuery
for (var index in entities) {
if (flag==="555")
send success
console.log("the flag is ");
send failure
This is a Pseudo code.
I want to get the 200 OK send based on the flg.
But I see that always I receive 200 OK with data not present.
I kept some console logs and see that always:"the flag is " is printed first and than the console logs in if(entities[index].RowKey==xxx) are getting printed.
I feel from debug logs that azure query is taking time and by that tine node is trying to execute the rest of the code
I also want to know if I am missing something ?


Chrome Plugin Manifest V3 - strange behavior of a promise function in popup.js

I'm trying to create a small plugin to make my day-to-day job easier. I have faced a very strange situation within the popup.js script. The promise function randomly refuses to get executed. I have spent some hours trying to debug or at least understand where the issue could be but without any results.
Here is the skeleton of the code:
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
// some initialization
document.getElementById("signinbutton").addEventListener("click", function(event) {
try {
// some more initialization
var user_email = '';
var advertiserId = '';
var checkibm = '';
user_email = $('#emailfield').val().trim();
advertiserId = $('#advertiseridfield').val().trim();
checkibm = $('#checkibm').is(':checked');
if (advertiserId && checkibm) {
_act = 'getTokenIdByAdvId',
_data = advertiserId
else if (advertiserId && !checkibm) {
_act = 'getTokenIdByAdvId',
_data = advertiserId
else if (user_email && validateEmail(user_email))
_act = 'getTokenIdByEmail',
_data = user_email
throw new Error("Valid input has not been provided");
act : 'getTokenIdByAdvId',
data: '16910'//encodeURIComponent(user_email)
catch (error){
//doing some error catching here
The code above works perfectly. However, as soon as I fill in the real values in sendMessagePromise e.g
//_act and _data show the proper values when inspected
act : _act,
data: _data//encodeURIComponent(user_email)
the flow skips execution of sendMessagePromise and any other chained function, except the last one ".then(show_ok('Done'))", i.e the only result is the "Done" message on the screen.
I made sure the values are correct. I'm able to debug step-by-step and see the values being properly supplied. I have also put a bunch of console messages inside the chain promise functions to see where the execution gets stuck, but it seems like it doesn't even start executing sendMessagePromise.
As soon as I replace expression back to hardcoded values i.e
act : 'getTokenIdByAdvId',
data: '16910'//encodeURIComponent(user_email)
it starts working again. I'm really stuck and not sure how to debug or which steps to take further.
Please assist

Trying to write a function to use callbacks to send a Facebook Messenger message

I'm trying to write a function to use callbacks to send a message in Facebook messenger. I need to do this because I'm having problems sending text from an array. The messages are sent, but not in the correct order. I THINK this is because Nodejs is looping over the elements faster than it can send the text. See my question about this here.
So now I am trying to rewrite my send functions using callbacks, in the vain hope that I can somehow FORCE NodeJS to actually WAIT before jumping to the next element!
So far I have the following code:
Main send function:
sendWithCallback: function(messageData, callback) {
uri: '',
qs: {
access_token: config.FB_PAGE_TOKEN
method: 'POST',
json: messageData
}, function (error, response, body) {
if (!error && response.statusCode === 200) {
let recipientId = body.recipient_id;
console.log("Message sent to recipient '%s'", recipientId);
} else {
console.error("Could not send message: ", response.statusCode, response.statusMessage, body.error)
Function for sending a "multi part" message (i.e. an Array of text):
sendMultipartMessage: function(recipientId, textArray) {
let messageData, msgPart, msgLength, count = 0;
msgLength = textArray.length;
while (count < msgLength) {
msgPart = textArray[count];
messageData = {
recipient: {
id: recipientId
message: {
text: msgPart
self.sendWithCallback(messageData, function(sent) {
if (sent) {
console.log("Message part %s sent.", msgPart);
else {
console.log("Couldn't send message");
In my head, this code works properly! It sends the text (taken from the array), then increments the count until it is equal to messageLength. But in reality it DOESN'T do that. Instead, it just goes into an infinite loop (which I can't see happening in my logs) and then crashes the app.
WHAT am I doing wrong?
If we simplify your loop it essentially becomes this:
let count = 0;
while (count < msgLength) {
messageData = data;
You never increment count.
I think that you intend to move the self.sendWithCallback call inside of the while loop. However, this still won't do what you want and will run forever. Even if it did do what you wanted, it wouldn't solve the problem of sending messages out in order.
JavaScript's concurrency model uses an event loop with "run-to-completion." You can pass messages to the event queue using something like request which you call by sendWithCallback. This only adds a message to the queue, but that message is not processed until the current running block completes. That means that your while loop actually has to complete before any of your requests start running. We can construct a simpler example with setTimeout:
let count = 0;
while (count < 1) {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000);
console.log('while loop completed');
In the above the while loop never completes because count never gets incremented in the same block (console.log will never be called). It needs to complete before it can start processing the asynchronous messages you are creating with setTimeout.
You could actually just rewrite it like this:
textArray.forEach(msgPart => self.sendWithCallback(msgPart, sent => {
if (!sent) console.error('Could not send message');
However this doesn't guarantee the order that the messages were sent and it will send messages even if one of the messages triggers an error. If you want to send them in order you will have to recursively call sendWithCallback within the callback for the next message once the previous one completes. That might look something like this:
let count = 0;
const sendMessage = (textArray, count) => {
self.sendMessageWithCallback(textArray[count], sent => {
if (sent && count < textArray.length) {
sendMessages(textArray, count);
sendMessages(textArray, 0);
If you were using promises and async/await you could write this much more simply as something like:
for (count = 0; count < msgLength; count++) {
await self.sendMessageAsync(textArray[count]);
However this would require a larger rewrite of the surrounding code and using something like request-promise instead of just request.

res.send() is not sending current response, instead keeps last one

This is some of my code that I have in my index.js. Its waiting for the person to visit and then it loads up my proxy page, which is really just a form which sends back an email and a code. From my MongoDB database, I grab the users order using the code, which contains some information I need (like product and the message they're trying to get). For some reason, it seems like its responding before it gets this information and then holds onto it for the next time the form is submitted.
The newline in my res.send(product + '\n' + message) isnt working either, but thats not a big deal right now.
But.. for example, the first time I fill out the form ill get a blank response. The second time, I'll get the response to whatever I filled in for the first form, and then the third time ill get the second response. I'm fairly new to Web Development, and feel like I'm doing something obviously wrong but can't seem to figure it out. Any help would be appreciated, thank you.
app.get('/proxy', function(req,res){
res.sendFile(__dirname+ "/views/proxy.html");
var message = "";
var product = "";'/getMessage', function(req,res)
//res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain');
res.send(product + "\n" + message);
function returnMsg(code, email){
MongoClient.connect(url, function(err, db){
var cursor = db.collection('Orders').find( { "order_id" : Number(code) })
cursor.each(function(err, doc){
assert.equal(err, null);
if (doc!= null)
message = doc["message"];
product = doc["product"];
else {
// error code here
console.log(email + " + " + message);
var document = {
"Email" : email,
"Message" : message
You need to do lots of reading about your asynchronous programming works in node.js. There are significant design problems with this code:
You are using module level variables instead of request-level variables.
You are not correctly handling asynchronous responses.
All of this makes a server that simply does not work correctly. You've found one of the problems already. Your async response finishes AFTER you send your response so you end up sending the previously saved response not the current one. In addition, if multiple users are using your server, their responses will tromp on each other.
The core design principle here is first that you need to learn how to program with asynchronous operations. Any function that uses an asynchronous respons and wants to return that value back to the caller needs to accept a callback and deliver the async value via the callback or return a promise and return the value via a resolved promise. The caller then needs to use that callback or promise to fetch the async value when it is available and only send the response then.
In addition, all data associated with a request needs to stay "inside" the request handle or the request object - not in any module level or global variables. That keeps the request from one user from interfering with the requests from another user.
To understand how to return a value from a function with an asynchronous operation in it, see How do I return the response from an asynchronous call?.
What ends up happening in your code is this sequence of events:
Incoming request for /getMessage
You call returnMsg()
returnMsg initiates a connection to the database and then returns
Your request handler calls res.send() with whatever was previously in the message and product variables.
Then, sometime later, the database connect finishes and you call db.collection().find() and then iterate the cursor.
6/ Some time later, the cursor iteration has the first result which you put into your message and product variables (where those values sit until the next request comes in).
In working out how your code should actually work, there are some things about your logic that are unclear. You are assigning message and product inside of cursor.each(). Since cursor.each() is a loop that can run many iterations, which value of message and product do you actually want to use in the res.send()?
Assuming you want the last message and product value from your cursor.each() loop, you could do this:'/getMessage', function(req, res) {
returnMsg(req.body.user.code,, function(err, message, product) {
if (err) {
// send some meaningful error response
} else {
res.send(product + "\n" + message);
function returnMsg(code, email, callback) {
let callbackCalled = false;
MongoClient.connect(url, function(err, db) {
if (err) {
return callback(err);
var cursor = db.collection('Orders').find({
"order_id": Number(code)
var message = "";
var product = "";
cursor.each(function(err, doc) {
if (err) {
if (!callbackCalled) {
callbackCalled = true;
} else {
if (doc != null) {
message = doc["message"];
product = doc["product"];
} else {
// error code here
if (message) {
console.log(email + " + " + message);
var document = {
"Email": email,
"Message": message
if (!callbackCalled) {
callback(null, message, product);
Personally, I would use promises and use the promise interface in your database rather than callbacks.
This code is still just conceptual because it has other issues you need to deal with such as:
Proper error handling is still largely unfinished.
You aren't actually waiting for things like the insert.One() to finish before proceeding.

readline with console.log in the background

I'm having problems with node.js' readline. Shown below is the console output: the stuff in bold is what I am typing, the rest is what is being logged by the server.
> Teslog message
> Testinlog message
> log message
log message
Tlog message
estinglog message
> 123
Put simply, my code looks like this
setInterval(function() { console.log("log message") }, 1000);
var cli = require('readline').createInterface(process.stdin, process.stdout);
cli.setPrompt("> ", 2);
cli.on('line', function(line) {
How can I get the prompt to shift down to give the new output room, without completely trashing whatever I am typing?
This appears to somewhat solve the problem - the prompt at least gets redrawn after the console is logged to.
var log = console.log;
console.log = function() {
// cli.pause();
// cli.resume();
However, the interrupted prompt does not get cleared.
EDIT: adding cli.output.write('\x1b[2K\r'); made it work
EDIT 2: More complete solution, making other things like util.log work as well:
function fixStdoutFor(cli) {
var oldStdout = process.stdout;
var newStdout = Object.create(oldStdout);
newStdout.write = function() {
var result = oldStdout.write.apply(
return result;
process.__defineGetter__('stdout', function() { return newStdout; });
#EDIT 3: Looks like cli.pause() and cli.resume() before and after the call are redundant.

node.js redis async query

Hope someone can assist with a (simple) async question on node-redis. I'm trying to load a set from a hash in the redis db and then use that populated set further on. Here's the code snippet :-
var redis_client = redis.createClient(REDIS_PORT, REDIS_URL);
// get the "name" from the hash
if (e){
console.log("Error occurred getting key: " + e);
else {
// the following line prints nothing - why ??
When I examine the contents of "newset" in redis it is populated as expected, but at runtime it displayed as empty. I'm sure it's an async issue - any help much appreciated !
hgetall is an asynchronous call: when it receives a reply from the redis server, it will eventually call your callback function (target) { ... }. But within your script, it actually returns immediately. Since hgetall returns very fast, Node will immediately run the next statement, smembers. But at this point the sadd statements haven’t run yet (even if your system is very fast because there hasn’t been a context switch yet).
What you need to do is to make sure smembers isn’t called before all the possible sadd calls have executed. redis_client provides the multi function to allow you to queue up all the sadd calls and run a callback when they’re all done. I haven’t tested this code, but you could try this:
var redis_client = redis.createClient(REDIS_PORT, REDIS_URL);
redis_client.hgetall(target_hash, function(e, o) {
var multi = redis_client.multi();
var keys = Object.keys(o);
var i = 0;
keys.forEach(function (target) {
// get the "name" from the hash
redis_client.hget(o[target], "name", function(e, o) {
if (e) {
console.log("Error occurred getting key: " + e);
} else {
multi.sadd("newset", o);
if (i == keys.length) {
multi.exec(function (err, replies) {
console.log("MULTI got " + replies.length + "replies");
redis_client.smembers("newset", redis.print);
Some libraries have a built-in equivalent of forEach that allows you to specify a function to be called when the loop is all done. If not, you have to manually keep track of how many callbacks there have been and call smembers after the last one.
You shouldn't use multi unless you need actually need a transaction.
just keep a counter of the transactions and call smembers in the final callback
var redis_client = redis.createClient(REDIS_PORT, REDIS_URL);
var keys = Object.keys(o);
var i = 0;
// get the "name" from the hash
if (e){
console.log("Error occurred getting key: " + e);
else {
if (i == keys.length) {
redis_client.smembers("newset", redis.print);
