Putting the power of vim into WMs: Modal Window Management? [closed] - vim

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I'm a huge fan of Vim, and I largely adhere to the extremely efficient modal editing style. After some experience with Vim, I decided to get into other software that shared its philosophy on efficient/speedy keyboard usage. This naturally led me to tiling window managers, which allows one to efficiently manage window space, workspaces/tags, multiple screens, etc. all with keyboard shortcuts.
It seems a large majority of users of TWMs use Vim, so I was wondering why there isn't a Vim-like window manager? By this, I mean rather than use some awkwardly-placed modifiers to manage windows, there is a specific mode you must enter from which all window management is simply a keystroke away.
That way, you can do all your manipulation by entering, say wm mode, hit all your manipulations with single keystrokes, and exit wm. Does such a window management style exist, and if not, well why not?


Is there any data supporting a correlation between carpal tunnels and using keyboard-heavy editors like Emacs or Vim? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have some predisposing factors to developing carpal tunnel and would like to avoid it as much as possible. I do however want to use Vim or Emacs and I would like to learn from the experiences of others.
Has there been any research showing either a correlation or lack of correlation between using a keyboard-heavy editor like Vim or Emacs and developing carpal tunnel syndrome?
Emacs uses a lot of combination key strokes, especially ctrl. Many emacs users bind ctrl to the caps-lock key to make it easy to access with the left pinky. Still if you are worried about carpal tunnel I think less one combo keys would be better, especailly if you tend to do them one handed.
I haven't used vim intensively but from what I remember from mys sysadmin days, it's mostly single keys, although esc is frequent and is a stretch. You could move the esc key and end up with a fairly neutral typing position for most tasks in vim.

Vim-like window manager [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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In my daily work I use a lot vim as my editor and the tiling window manager awesome. In my opinion both are great tools. What I don't like about awesome (and multiple other tiling window managers) are the unpleasant key-combinations like WIN+ANY OTHER KEY.
Is there any tiling window manager, which behaves like vim with its normal- and insert-mode? Where you can hit for example the windows-key to get in the window-manager-mode (like vims normal mode), do some window-arranging and -moving stuff and hit windows-key again or some other key to get back into "insert-mode" where every keystroke is catched by the active window?
If not, is it possible to let the win-key or any other modifier-key behave like Capslock?
So that you keep in Win-mode until you hit the windows-key again?
To be clear: I do not mean a window manager which behaves like vims window management, but which haves two different modes, which you can reach with a simple keystroke. One mode in which every keystroke is a window-management-command and the other mode, which sends every keystroke to the current active window.
I already saw this question, but I think it was misunderstood and closed without any meaningful answer.

Position of fingers for better productivity in Vim [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I am an absolute starter with vim. Right now I am learning vim through vimtutor. To get better productivity where should my fingers be placed while using H,J,K, L keys . Any diagram will suffice here . I want to learn it correctly the first time.
You should hold Your fingers on home row.
Vim key positioning try to take advantage of this and positions commonly used functionalities around home row. By doing this you can quickly switch between navigation and edition.
You should learn touch typing.
There are lots of tutorials out there.
Once you do this you will be much more productive, not only with vim but with any other application which requires typing as well.

Is it possible to generate glyphs for the Linux terminal on the fly? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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For example, Impulse Tracker for DOS was a nice music production app that was among the first to create a smooth mouse using glyphs generated on the fly in the characters located near the current position of the mouse. (Read here for a better description of what I mean).
So, I'm just wondering if that can be done in Linux terminals (e.g. the tty1-6 terminals or Gnome Terminal). Is it possible?
(EDIT: Should I post this on unix.stackexchange.com instead?)
Seeing as the terminal itself (and not the application) usually sets the font being used, I don't think this is possible. For the tty1-6 terminals, you could use a framebuffer to accomplish this, if you were that dedicated to the idea. With a terminal emulator on a desktop environment, I do not believe this is possible.
Would GPM accomplish what you're looking for, with a lot less hassle?
GPM Link 1
GPM Link 2

Linux, Unix or OS X tool for displaying what keyboard typing outputs? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I'm looking for a tool that will tell me what my keyboard is sending to the operating system when i push different keys.
This is to help me answer this question How to get Cmd-left/right working with iTerm2 and Vim (without requiring .vimrc changes)? which has me trying to figure out why Vim treats my iTerm2 mapping of Cmd-left to Escape-[H differently from Home.
I tried unix's read, and it says that Home and Cmd-left both produce "^[[H". I'm hoping that read is misleading me, and that some other tool will show how Home and Cmd-left are different (note: when I say, Cmd-left in this paragraph, it is when iTerm2's mapping is turned on).
You're doing all this in a terminal, right?
I'm afraid you're not going to do much better than read (my preferred approach is to do cat > file, type, press ^D, and then look at the file in a hex editor).
With regard to the underlying question, it's worth hunting for options in your terminal emulator. Right now it's emulating a terminal which doesn't distinguish between HOME and CMD+LEFT. It may be possible to tell it to emulate a different terminal, which does.
