Desktop (content) editing software for ExpressionEngine - expressionengine

I know there are two apps on EE official page, Marsedit and Ecto, but both seems outdated, can someone confirm me that they are working ok with EE2 for publishing etc, or there is another app doing the same job?
I found this article but the tutorial is gone I guess :(
Thank you


How to create add-on for Mozilla Thunderbird desktop app?

I am beginner to Mozilla Addons Development. I want to create add-on Mozilla Thunderbird desktop app. I researched how to create it but i found only browser extension.
Where should I start?
Thanks. I would be very thankful to you.
The documentation for add-ons development has been updated very recently, you can find it here:
I'd suggest subscribing to this mailing list and announcing what you do, it's also a useful place to ask add-on development questions and make suggestions about it:

blog vs custom website content update

i have a project with a friend and its about developing a website which will provide the users with some courses on certain topics.
And we were wondering on how we are going to be updating the lessons notes and posting new ones without any problem. And he said the cpanel provided by the host company will provided a means to post just like on blogs. So i doubted and i'll like to ask if it true or i'll have to code a new page for every topic on the site.
Please i'll appreciate if any one helps me with the truth or a guide on how to do it.
A good starting point for you is to use github to host a code repository you start with git. If you use github, you can utilize github pages to host your content for free.
If you already have a hosting framework in mind like WAMP or heroku, let us know and we can provide more specific information on how to push your code up to your application depending on how you're hosting it. But the best starting point for you is to use some sort of version control and the leading version control option is git. You definitely never need to rewrite the same code all over again and version control is essential for managing updates to your code and collaborating with other developers.

Need help learning Liferay 7 MVC

Are there any basic tutorials for creating my first liferay 7 portlet like a Hello World App?
I am new to Liferay and need some help getting started. I have read over the liferay 7 tutorials and I have tried following the Liferay 7 Creating An MVC Portlet, but having trouble understanding where everything goes and how it all works together, and I feel that it is not a comprehensive tutorial.
About Me and My Liferay Aspirations:
I have experience with JAVA, JavaScript and Node.js.
I'd eventually like to be able to display a google map and display content on it, but just want to make some baby steps understanding portlets. Correct me if a portlet is not the right thing for me to be focusing on for this goal.
There is an excellent book "Liferay in Action". It helpls a lot, but there are a lot of mistakes in code. On the other hand, there is "Portlet in action", but it doesn't have free pdf-version :\
Also, you can visit, I don't like this forum but there are good questions from time to time.
And any other issues you can only google, google and google again. Unfortunately, there is no alternative way.
The tutorials are not going to give you all the details, because they must be as short as possible. That said, the Creating an MVC Portlet tutorial should get you pretty well on your way. Which parts, specifically, are you having trouble understanding?
Have you read the Liferay MVC Portlet introductory tutorial? It's even sparser on details but it might fill in a few gaps.
If you are first time developing using liferay then this link might help you. It is guide to liferay 6.2. Creating plugin portlets is same in liferay 6.2 and 7. Just setup is different.
For creating liferay modules refer liferay 7 documentation.

Github and Drupal

Pardon me if this question is not a good fit but i am unable to find relevant material. I have searched across the net and have found many answers but i still want to ask the question.
I am developing a Drupal 7.23 website. It will mostly use views. Not too heavy site. Now, can i host the site on github. We would be two people working on the project and so i thought of using Git. However i am unsure how to do this or if this can be done. hosting the drupal site, the db etc...Can you guide me on this or provide some links...i can carry it from there.
Apologies again if not the right place to ask this question.
GitHub pages could host only static pages, without any database backend.
And generally, GitHub is hosting service for software projects, which means it could help you store your code, but not for websites, because it will not run your code.

Does anyone know of a feature filled forum package for Umbraco 4.03?

I was wondering if anyone has built or know of a decent forum package for Umbraco 4.03??
I've had a little play with this but its a bit basic
I've found this article on how to integrate YAF forum but would rather have one which fits a bit better..
Of course I know one answer, write or extend one of the above :) Any help would be gratefully received.
uForum is used to power the Our Umbraco community - so that's the current recommended forum package.
YAF is a fully-featured forum/bulletin-board web-application, which can be integrated with Umbraco (using an ASP.NET Membership Provider). Aside from that YAF is standalone.
Update: There is a new package called nForum.
I guess it depends on your requirements.
What features are lacking, clearly you know what you want so any guidance on what the forum should include will help.
Pretty much any based forum software would work with Umbraco. I guess the main thing would be the integration with the Membership provider in Umbraco. In this case Any forum software that could use a custom ASP.NET membership provider would integrate pretty much seamlessly.
There are plenty of opensource and commercial forum packages available for ASP.NET, just find one that matches your requirements and look at integrating it or running it alongside Umbraco.
