.htaccess invisible redirect to page within subfolder - .htaccess

I've tried many options in .htaccess without success. What I want to do is this:
I have Wordpress residing in its own folder, like this: site.com/folder
I want all users visiting site.com to be redirected to site.com/folder/page but in such a way that the URL doesn't change in the browser. All other URLs, such as site.com/folder and site.com/folder/page1 etc shouldn't be affected.
How to do this, in as SEO-friendly way as possible?
Thanks everyone.

You can't redirect a user to a other page from serverside without to show this to the use.
But if you need, you can use the HTML tag <frame> http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_frame.asp
But the bad side with this is the use always will be show "site.com" and not the real page.
But I think the best way is to proxy the result, in Apache you can do this by something like this.
RewriteEngine ON
RewriteRule ^/$ folder/page/index.php [L]


Redirecting to a different directory with htaccess without changing URL

I would like to add some htaccess so that when a visitor goes to:
They would see the content (without the URL changing) from
Also any subcontent would show... like visiting
would show the content from:
I know that can be done, I just haven't figured out the htaccess code for it yet.
Here's the extra part I'm not sure can be done- sometimes those pages may have full URL links pointing to "/yyy/zzz/inner-page"
I would want anyone going to one of those pages to be redirected (changing the URL) to the equivalent "xxx" url... hopefully without causing a loop of too many redirects issue. Is that possible to do?
You may use this rule in site root .htaccess:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^xxx(/.*)?$ yyy/zzz$1 [L,NC]

.htaccess rewriting URL to add a character to a URL

I'm doing this to fix an error with my AMP pages. I'm using the Automatic AMP plugin, and this plugin lets you access the AMP pages using 2 different methods
Using the AMP Page validator (https://validator.ampproject.org) I see that all AMP pages using just /amp/ get multiple errors, while /?amp is validated correctly.
Unfortunately, Google is checking /amp/ for all my pages, hence I'm getting tons of errors.
What I'd like to know is how to use the .htaccess redirect rule to add the ? to the AMP queries so all /amp/ requests are redirected (with a 301) to /?amp/
I'd appreciate suggestions on this. Thank you
Something like this:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^(.*)/amp/$ /$1?amp [R=301,L]
This will redirect any URL ending in /amp/ to the same but with ?amp instead, which seems to be what you want. To go in your root .htaccess file.

.htaccess redirect to page within folder leads to repeating url segments

I'd like to do the reverse of this issue. I am trying to redirect users from a subfolder to a child page. This is my current rule that doesn't work:
Redirect 302 /boston /boston/info
Using this, if I go to example.com/boston, I get redirected to example.com/boston/info/info/info/info/info/info... and it keeps going.
I imagine I'll need to switch to a RewriteRule in order to prevent this duplication. How should I go about this?
"/boston/info" - This should be the full URL you are redirecting too.
eg. www.website.com/boston/info

What to do with dynamic url after rewrite?

After you've been able to successfully create a url rewrite how do you handle the original and other possibly ways to access a page. This of course to prevent duplicate content. For example if I have this:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^blog/(\d+)/([\w\-/\.]+)/?$ blog.php?id=$1&article_title=$2 [L]
I'm able to access the page by the url
https://www.mysite.com/blog/10/mysite.com (the mysite.com is the article title)
The problem is I'm also able to access the site by going to
How are you supposed to handle those particular urls.
Also should I change the blog.php?id=10 to the rewritten url? Can I rely on something else and just start using the full rewritten url now? The site is new.
For my web site, I have the script that gets called from inside the rewrite detect the URI they were fetched from (using the "REQUEST_URI" variable that at least Apache sets), and redirect to the canonical one if they ever get called with the internal one (outputting a 301 direction).

Redirect to a page if URL contains string

My business has been bought-out. As such we are re-branding and changing the URL's of our sites. I have 2 URL's pointing to one web server (the old, original URL and the new URL) and what I would like to do is have script on my pages to see if my user has visited the old URL. If they have I would then like them to be redirected to a particular html page to tell them that the site has changed and that they need to update their favourites. I do not want the redirect to be automated.
Basically any time the old URL is detected I would like them redirected to the redirect page to inform them
IF URL contains 'dls.myOLDwebsite.co.uk' THEN REDIRECT to: 'dls.mywebsite.co.uk/redirect.html'
The reason I would like to do this is because if the user is going to the new, correct address (example; dls.myNEWwebsite.co.uk) then I don't want any redirects or messages.
Can anyone assist?
I believe you're looking for this.
You need to add the following to the .htaccess file of your site
Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{REMOTE_HOST} dls.myOLDwebsite.co.uk ^
RewriteRule ^/$ http://dls.mywebsite.co.uk/redirect.html [R=301,L]
