truly persistent localStorage or workaround for history clear - google-chrome-extension

For my company I've created a RSS reader extension for our internal blog. The reason why I've build my own is irrelevant, I know there are many existings extensions. Suffice to say that the blog is completely sealed of from the outside. And let's not forget that it's simply fun to try new things like this :)
The extensions works almost perfectly. It shows a nice popup with the latest 10 posts and it shows a counter if new posts have been added to the blog.
However, since most of my collegaes are webdevelopers like myself, some of them use firefox ( the extension is being ported by an automated script for use in FF ) and have the "clear history on browser close" option enabled. This does however delete the localstorage as well. I know that this setting is the issue and not the porting because my collegae that do not have the option selected don't experience any of these problems.
I use localStorage to remember which posts have been read and which haven't. So for these people the result is that every browser restart the extensions says there are 10 new items regardless of any items they may or may not have read.
I've thought of a way to work around this issue by using a MySQL database through php and ajax. But I'd still need to reliably be able to store a userId or something to personalize the read/unread list.
There must be an easier and better way. I know many extensions with similar functionality that do not have this issue but I've got no idea how and can't find anything about it.
Do any of you have an idea ?

I just tried my own Chrome extension using API.
The storage won't be deleted if you clear all the history and local cache.

I've only built Chrome extensions, not FF ones, but if you have access to the file system, you can store the data in a simple text file. To be honest, I'd blame the developers for clearing their history. ;)


Retrieve History of a specific Tab in chrome [duplicate]

I am developing a little extensions called "Tab Bundler", which in short saves all the open tabs in a window into a bundle that can be opened with the click of a button. When a bundle is opened however, no history of how the user got to that url is saved, ie. the user can't click back to see how they got to that url. This is functionality I want to implement. I looked for a while, googling, looking thoroughly through the google chrome extension documentation: But I couldn't figure out how to get this information without tracking it myself. Is that the only option I have? Any thoughts would be really appreciated.
Look, many people tried this before. You are not alone in this quest!
At the moment the answer in Google Code was: anybody asked for it when they where developing the History API. Then there's no elegant way to access tabs' history.
Of course, you can hook chrome.tabs.onUpdated to record every page and make your own tab's history...
You could probably hook as well as some state or focus change hook to correlate.
I really want this, please make it!

Way to launch a browser w/ specific webpage without using ShellExecute? (Visual C++)

I want to add a button to my visual C++ form that will open with a specific browser. So far for links I've been using:
Which, as standard, opens with whatever your default browser is.
I'm wondering what the process would be to force the URL to open with a specific browser and if it's possible without the use of ShellExecute?
Edit - You are correct, this is C++/CLI. Removed the C++ Tag.
Edit Edit - Apologies if it came across as misleading. Some slight elaboration;
The buttons will launch to application URL's, some of which can only be used in Internet Explorer, others that CAN (and should) be used in Chrome. This is why I need to avoid using the default browser and have different buttons using different browsers when launching URLs
Before answering the 'how', I'd like to ask the question "should you be implementing this?"
By not launching the user's default browser, you are subverting the user's decision.
Perhaps the user prefers a particular interface, and is willing to live with the incorrect renderings that come with it.
Perhaps the user has a browser addon that they really need, such as a screen reader for the blind.
You are requiring additional software installed that the user may or may not want.
Perhaps the user doesn't want Chrome. Perhaps the user prefers FireFox.
You are saying that you know which browser is best, now and forever.
What if the next version of IE makes it work with the sites that are currently Chrome-only? What if the next version of Chrome fixes the sites that are currently IE-only?
What if the site changes so that it works in more browsers?
Do you go back and release a new version of your software that changes the browser for particular sites?
You're trying to solve a problem that may already be fixed.
Both Chrome and Firefox support a addon that will render a tab using the IE engine. It can be set to automatically activate when certain URLs are seen.
Perhaps there is a browser that already works with all your sites, that you don't know about.
Therefore, my recommendation is no, do not do this. The user has decided which browser they want to use, respect that decision and use the default browser.
That said, here's how you would do it: You could use the CreateProcess method, but you're in managed-land, so you might as well use it. Use the Process class to launch the new process for you.
Process^ browserProcess = gcnew Process();
browserProcess->StartInfo->UseShellExecute = false;
browserProcess->StartInfo->FileName = "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Internet Explorer\\iexplore.exe";
browserProcess->StartInfo->Arguments = "";

How can I fix this javascript with some chrome plugin

So if you are any sort of clg fan, you'll occasionally visit to watch them. If you go into the chat, using chrome, you can't change your text color. The reason is in line 689 of the chat js. (it's best to pop it out since it's in an iframe). There is an extra = in the comparison that works in firefox but not chrome.
I did not code this site. However, is there anyway to use a chrome plugin to permafix that function? I've already sent out a code update request to the admin -- a month ago. I've been just opening up the javascript console to do it manually but I'd like to help others.
I isn't expected people to develop extensions (or plugins) to fix web pages' .js, because it would take a lot of effort in reverse engineering and development, and the extension will become obsolete as soon the server administrator fixes his own js.
Extensions can do it, but are a very odd way to do that.
I don't know who voted you down without a comment; it's not the way we used to do it here.

Disable chrome extensions for visitors of a certain web-site?

Chrome extensions can interfere with how a site is rendered and/or its behavior. This introduces unnecessary states and potential sources of errors.
So: Is there a way to disable all Chrome extensions for visitors of a certain website?
I dont think such API exists (we are taking about webiste scripts, right?) However you could determine if specific extension installed and update your code accordingly. Check this topic how to do this.
Even better and actual topic if you are fighting with adblock plus ;)
The best way to handle so far is to disable Extension sync in that specific browser.
Steps to follow:

Adding an 'paste screenshot' option to Mantis bugtracker

We're using the Mantis bugtracker (version 1.1.8), which is based on PHP. To ease the workflow of adding bugs we'd like to add an option to paste screenshots from the clipboard directly into the 'new bug form'.
Screenshots make bugreports much more valuable for developers, so I'd like to make adding them as easy as possible. Preferably without using an external application, but right in the browser.
I've looked all over for a way to add this, but no luck. How do other people do this? Am I missing something obvious?
edit: The bugtracker is a private one, in a small company, so I'd be willing to accept the security risks that for example Java applets present.
There isn't really a way to do this short of using ActiveX, applet or Flash-type technology on the client. Even then, there are numerous security roadblocks. A browser has no easy way to convert stuff from the clipboard into a suitable format for upload to a website, and even if it did there would be security concerns. For example, malicious code in a page could copy sensitive information from your clipboard and send it to the page's site without you even knowing it was happening.
Update: There is a standalone screen capture utility which claims to work with Mantis (and a whole bunch of other bug-trackers). This is probably your best option.
There is a drag n drop image attacher Java applet for Atlassian Confluence which has the functionality you need. It only supports Confluence but as the sourcecode is freely available under BSD you should be able to customize it to your needs.
Forgot the link:
I've managed to build my own solution that works quite well. It places a Java file upload applet on the pages where you'd want to attach a screenshot. The applet has two buttons:
'paste screenshot', which pastes an image from the clipboard into the applet
'upload screenshot', which uploads the pasted image to the /tmp dir on the Mantis server and uses a javascript callback to place the autogenerated filename of the uploaded image into a form field.
Once the form is submitted, a new function in Mantis uses the filename in the form field to move the image from /tmp to the final location and processes the image just like other attachments. If the form is never submitted the uploaded file remains in /tmp and will eventually be purged by the server.
It works well, but has one drawback that I cannot avoid: I'm using Java to get access to the client's clipboard, but that requires breaking the JVM sandbox. Apparently, this can be done if you digitally sign the applet, which requires a rather expensive yearly payment (something like $500) to a company like Verisign (currently free options like are still limited in their usefulness).
Another way to allow Java applets access to the clipboard is to create a file called .java.policy in your home or profile directory. This file should contain the following (Replace the domain with the domain that hosts your Java applet):
grant codeBase "" {
permission java.awt.AWTPermission "accessClipboard";
Thankfully the solution is cross-browser compatible since the JVM always checks the same file regardless of the browser used. Since my solution requires having this .java.policy file on each client computer I don't consider it ideal, but workable in a controlled company environment.
I looked in to this also. No real easy way, so instead I allowed them to upload an unlimited number of files and those files would then be "attached" to that bug. It actually turned out to be better because they can upload screenshot, spreadsheets, word docs, etc.
Like yours, this is an internal only site so security is light. I did this in ASP.Net, but the general idea is that when they are looking at a page for a bug they have an upload box. When they upload something I pre-append it with the bug id. So ScreenShot.jpg becomes 233_ScreenShot.jpg.
Also on that page is a grid (GridView) that is bound to all of the filenames in my upload directory that start with that bug id.
To see what this looks like click here.
For tech-oriented users, there's always to possibility of using Eclipse + Mylyn + Mylyn-Mantis connector.
Then uploading screeshots is very easy:
Screenshot upload
