Setup a Windows Azure Private Cloud - azure

I want to use Windows Azure. However, my admin guy is fighting against me using it. From my understanding, I can setup a private cloud so that I can use Azure's features, but on an internal environment. I have convinced him to let me try it. I have one Windows Server 2008 server that I can try this out on. Unfortunately, I don't know how to setup a private cloud.
Does anyone know of a step-by-step walkthrough of how to do this? Or am I misunderstanding the idea of a private cloud? Thank you so much for any insights.

As #Alan pointed out, you can not create a Windows Azure private cloud. However: If you're a hosting service provider, you can now start working with two Windows Azure services on Windows Server+System Center: Websites and Virtual Machine provisioning, along with service management API and portal. More details are here.
Also: You can create a hybrid environment: Windows Azure services in the cloud, and local services in your own data center, bridged via Virtual Network VPN. Here's some info on Virtual Networks from MSDN.

You cannot set up a private cloud using Windows Azure.
If you want to set this up internally on Server 2008 you should look at System Center or Hyper V for hosting VMs. It will be quite a large underatking to do this reliably, and if you are new to the technology there will be a lot to learn.
If you would like to use Windows Azure you can currently hosy Virtual Machines in the Windows Azure data centers. This is very easy to get started with, will be much more productive than creating an on-preimise solution.
You can register for a free 90 day Azure trial account here:
There is some information on Windows Azure Virtual Machines here:
There are some VM labs in the Windows Azure Training kit here:
It will probably take you about 15 minutes to get your first Windows Server 2008 Virtual Machine up and running in Azure.

If you own the data center, you can setup a private cloud with the help of windows azure pack.
WAP is simply a control panel of managing your cloud. It offered an option to create and manage VM"S on your data center.
Vconnect with vm ware and billing integrations on azure pack details are available on the following link. Register here for free demo trial access
From my personal experience, I am suggesting Cloud Assert, a team made of founders who are ex-Microsoft managers with many years of hands-on experience in designing, building and running truly large scale hosted services on Windows Azure.
They helped me in setting up my own private cloud and educated through customized solution that works best for my use cases.
Also, Cloud Assert will help to create hybrid cloud environment as well. For more details

Microsoft Azure is for public cloud. For private cloud, Microsoft's solution is Azure Stack ( Take care checking the hardware requirements before taking actions.


Create virtual machines with Windows Azure php sdk

I am trying to figuring out how to create virtual machines with windows azure php sdk , I can't seem to understand on how to do this as there is any mention about virtual machines in the sdk.
Any help will be very apreciated.
The Azure-SDK-for-PHP offers Service Management (see to spin up app services or VM’s. I’m not sure if it already includes support for managing Docker containers, but since it’s all REST API in the background, it should not take too much time to write a few lines to have it do the same thing. But for VM’s you can definitely manage them through the SDK.
If you need code samples, ping me. I’d love to share my knowledge.
I think azure-php-sdk is for using azure storage etc. it's not for creating VM.
Normally to create VM throught management portal and Windows azure powershell.

Azure VM and SQL Azure

My web project uses an software, which need to be installed on destination PC. So, I have to use Azure VM and no way to use Azure Cloud Service, right?
Also, can I use SQL Azure with Virtual Machine?
You can install any third party software on Azure Web/Worker roles (Cloud Services), as long as the installer supports a quiet/unattemded install from a command line with switches. Learn more how to do this via StartUp tasks here.
As for Azure SQL Database - you can use with any combination of services. Even with on-premises only solution. You have to take care of Firewall rules.
Azure SQL Database tends to be much less expensive than a VM with SQL Server installed. It won't run on a VM but you can access an Azure SQL database from an VM or web application in the same way you access local databases - You just set the connection string to the Azure SQL connection string.
There is an excellent post that can help you with in order to understand how to configure customization with cloud services.
As the link explains there is nothing persisted on a cloud service VM but this is not a limitation instead a good practice which allows easy scaling out by adding more instances if required.
You can use Azure PaaS SQL just like a SQL server installed on a different server then your web server with some limitations. Please have a look at the link below from MSDN to understand these limitations.

Epicor in Windows Azure

I was wondering how can I use Epicor 10 in Windows Azure.
I want to install the app server on Windows Azure, all the Epicor 10 components, when it's all done and ready, I would like to use normal PC's to conenct to the app server[Windows Azure], download Epicor Client and use it on the client PC's.
Is there any way to achieve this?
Thanks a lot for your time.
This seems like a reasonable setup to me. Epicor 10 hosted on an azure vm should work similarly to an install on a conventional server. Here is some microsoft documentation on creating azure vms:
For a standard install, you should follow the microsoft tutorial as necessary along with the specifications set in the Epicor 10 hardware sizing guide (apply this to your vm creation) and Epicor 10 server implementation guide available on Epicweb.
You're probably aware of this if you're already in process for implementing E10 on Azure, but for preliminary concepts of Epicor on Windows Azure and explanation of Epicor working on azure, there's a presentation which is useful for slides 17-20ish and 37:
You'll have to login to your epicweb account.

Virtual server vs Azure or migrate infrastructure to Microsoft

I'm interested in the new proposal from Microsoft. And before I do something I'll ask some important questions.
Because I haven't found direct contact with Microsoft support I'm here.
What we have now
It's 4 virtual machines:
Windows Server with SQL Server;
Windows Server with 4 our services (.net 3.5);
Windows Server with our services (Bitrix(Apache on Windows with some features));
Linux as vpn server.
Main question is what's the best way to migrate our infrastructure to Microsoft.
It's some considered aspects
easy setup
cost (it doesn't matter now)
Will it be better to stay on virtual machines or try to migrate in azure as app services?
Will it be difficult to migrate from windows service app on .Net 3.5 to cloud app?
As I know Microsoft has its own offer for data storage and I don't need to get virtual machine for it do I?
Can it be private access to SQL DB only from my services or virtual machines (just paranoid)?
Ok... here we go...
Q:Will it be better to stay on virtual machines or try to migrate in azure as app services?
A:Depends on your application. If your application is cloud ready then azure services is your answer, if not, go for traditional hosting...
Q:Will it be difficult to migrate from windows service app on .Net 3.5 to cloud app?
A: Impossible to say without checking your source code. Thumb-Rule? No, it wont be a problem...
Q:As I know Microsoft has its own offer for data storage and I don't need to get virtual machine for it do I?
A:Depends. If by data storage you mean blobs then no you don't but be careful because the storage on the machines are not expansible! You should consider refactoring your code to use blob storage. BUT if by data storage you mean SQL Azure storage you have to be extra careful because of the 150GB limit... consider major refactor for database "sharding" in this case...
Q:Can it be private access to SQL DB only from my services or virtual machines (just paranoid)?
A: Depends. If by SQL DB you mean SQL Azure then YES, this is a native thing BUT if by SQL DB you mean the one that you're going to host on your VM, you CAN too but it's not a native solution. You'll have to get your hands dirty messing with the virtual network...
EDIT1: My personal recommendation is: Migrate your app to a cloud native app, specially if you have a multi-tenant scenario or you want to better deal with usage peaks or save on hardware/infra-structure investments. Remember "your business is to build and run software, not hardware"! (I don't know if that's your case... but its mine...)

Azure platform install

Can we install a version of azure locally? In other words, can we manage an independent azure cloud? I am using the emulator. But I want a real azure system. This question seems meaningless but my professor asked it unfortunately.
If you're big enough, then there's the Azure Appliance -
On a smaller scale, many of the Azure facilities are available through "Server 2008 AppFabric" products and Microsoft's management platforms are striving to make private datacenters and public Azure clouds interchangeable.
Your question isn't meaningless, as it's important to understand what's offered via Windows Azure. Currently, Windows Azure offers a public cloud. There are a "very" limited number of Windows Azure Appliances that have been built for use by enterprises such as eBay (see the link Stuart provided). However, these are not for general sale, and these are extremely expensive.
