TortoiseSVN switch Branches - tortoisesvn

I have used svn for a while but recently a couple teams were added to the project. One of the teams made a new branch and has asked me to check some of their changes. I went to the directory, right click, svn->switch and chose the new branch. I went in and tried to echo something to the page I was on to see if I was working in the new branch and I wasn't. This is a little beyond what I do but with the project getting so big I need to learn this.
Based on that, my there something more to this that I am not doing? After switching the working copy to this new branch how do I work on it?

The difference between checkout and switch might be adding to the confusion. I think that in your case it would be simpler to just check out the branch to a different folder since you're just doing review and it may be the most straightforward way to proceed regardless.
See this section from the Tortoise docs:
To Checkout or to Switch...
...that is (not really) the question. While a checkout downloads
everything from the desired branch in the repository to your working
directory, TortoiseSVN → Switch... only transfers the changed data to
your working copy. Good for the network load, good for your patience.
To be able to work with your freshly generated branch or tag you have
several ways to handle it. You can:
TortoiseSVN → Checkout to make a fresh checkout in an empty folder.
You can check out to any location on your local disk and you can
create as many working copies from your repository as you like.
Switch your current working copy to the newly created copy in the
repository. Again select the top level folder of your project and use
TortoiseSVN → Switch... from the context menu.
In the next dialog enter the URL of the branch you just created.
Select the Head Revision radio button and click on OK. Your working
copy is switched to the new branch/tag.
Switch works just like Update in that it never discards your local
changes. Any changes you have made to your working copy which have not
yet been committed will be merged when you do the Switch. If you do
not want this to happen then you must either commit the changes before
switching, or revert your working copy to an already-committed
revision (typically HEAD).
If you want to work on trunk and branch, but don't want the expense of
a fresh checkout, you can use Windows Explorer to make a copy of your
trunk checkout in another folder, then TortoiseSVN → Switch... that
copy to your new branch.

In the regular "Properties" dialogue (right click on Windows explorer) you have a "Subversion" tab that will tell you what URL the file or directory points to. Use that to verify that you actually switched to the correct branch.
It's also worth nothing that any non-committed local changes will still be in your working copy.

There might be a misconception about svn switch :
At first I thought that the existence of a switch command would imply that there were a "current" or a "selected" working copy for the proper functioning of SVN. Like I'm currently working on trunk, then I'm working on a branch B, hence "switching" from a working copy to another. The truth is : there is no such thing as a current working copy ! There are just many local working copies : one for the trunk, one for a branch another for a tag and so on. But none would be "implicitly selected".
As Paul Sasik quotes : switch would allow, for instance, to have only one working copy of say, the trunk, and then, merging that local working copy with a targeted branch or tag from the remote repository. switch only sync differences between local and remote, hence avoiding to do a whole check out of a solution. Past exectution of command, every further commits on the working copy will occur on the distant repository folder which's been switched to, which's been targeted. No matter what the initial check out was for that local folder.


How to temporarily apply (or archive) PATCH/DIFF changes from Tortoise SVN?

I've been using Tortoise SVN + Visual SVN for about a year since left the corporate world to do my own startup. There's one feature in Tortoise SVN that I've never figured out:
How can I bundle up a bunch of changes into a PATCH or DIFF file and either: A) share them with my co-founder; or B) archive them into a standalone change that I can either "apply" or "revert" on my dev box?
At my previous employer, we used an internal tool that let us build so-called DPK files that contained a set of local changes. You could add changed files to the DPK and then share it with colleagues. They could either review the changes in a Diff tool or apply all the changes from the DPK to test your change on their box. After the review was complete, you could then check in these changes. You could also have multiple DPK's applied at the same time (provided you didn't have overlapping changes).
I want to achieve the same thing with Tortoise SVN + Visual SVN in the VS2010 IDE.
My real-world scenario is that I have some extensive change pending but uncompleted on my box. I want to ZIP up these changes and store them in a DIFF file, revert the changes, move on to something else, work on that, and in a few days reapply my changes from the archived DIFF file.
Reluctantly answering my own question. This feature is available with Tortoise SVN. Basically, you make a PATCH file, distribute it or archive it, and then you apply the PATCH. The only trick is to make sure you're in the right location in the WC (Working Copy) when you do the "apply". When you apply, you'll get a popup menu to the left with a list of all files in the changelist. You can apply the patches one by one or in bulk. Seems to work great. I should have drilled into the docs more before posting this question.
Here's the text for picking the location:
"Patch files are applied to your
working copy. This should be done from
the same folder level as was used to
create the patch. If you are not sure
what this is, just look at the first
line of the patch file. For example,
if the first file being worked on was
doc/source/english/chapter1.xml and
the first line in the patch file is
Index: english/chapter1.xml then you
need to apply the patch to the
doc/source/ folder. However, provided
you are in the correct working copy,
if you pick the wrong folder level,
TortoiseSVN will notice and suggest
the correct level."
Be sure to pick the location carefully. If Tortoise SVN can't find it because you selected the wrong node in the VS file explorer, it will try to find a matching location and that might be wrong. In my tests, the Patch feature actually tried to map to a branch (!!) when I specified the wrong location.
Here's the relevant link:

How do I check in a different branch than I check out from in perforce

I wish to check my changes into a different branch than the files were check out from. All the files there are the same “version” in each branch, Perforce should know this from tracking the integrations that have been done. (So no merging need to be done)
According to the Perforce Blog, the p4 move -f command will move your edit from one branch to the other. From the blog
This can be a real lifesaver if (as I did a few weeks ago) you start working on a fix in your mainline, and then decide that it needs to go into your release branch instead. Previously you would have needed to save a copy of your work, revert it, open the files in the release branch, and copy your edits back in manually — now you just “p4 move -f main/… rel/…” and all your edits go where you need them.
This is a new feature added in version 2010.1 (this year I believe) so that's probably why tech support didn't know about it.
Use "p4 move" if you have version 2009.1 or later. Just move to the new branch and revert from the old branch.
I just got an answer from
You cannot check files into a branch
that they weren't checked out from.
You need to open those other files for
edit and copy your changed files over.
(I am now beginning to understand why pressure is building up from some the programmer I work with to to move to Mercurial)

Is it possible to create a branch from a tag in TortoiseSVN without first checking out the tag from SVN server?

Our trunk directory contains about 100mb of code and we create tags from the trunk directory. Normally, this is not an issue because a tag takes up no space until you need to use it for something. Since branches are created from tags in SVN, how can I create a branch from a tag wtihout first checking out the tag? It appears I need to do a Tortoise Update from Windows Explorer to get the tag down to my local machine before I can use Tortoise > Branch/Tag... to create a branch from it. This seems illogical since we don't make changes to tag folders, and it requires that I check out 100mb of code, only to create a branch, and then check out another 100mb of code in the branch folder, where the changes will actually be made.
Ideally, I'd be able to create a branch directly in the repository via RepoBrowser - but I can't see an option for it there.
Am I missing something?
Creating a branch is just a matter of copying the desired directory to another location. This can be done directly in the Repo Browser.
There is nothing special that differentiates a branch from a tag as far as Subversion is concerned. It is just a convention to store them under separate parent folders, named 'branches' and 'tags' accordingly.
The only difference between tags and branches is your attitude towards them -- they are equivalent behind the scenes -- shadow copies made in the repository.
You don't even need a working copy to create a branch/tag. For example, you can use this command-line:
svn copy http://server/test/trunk http://server/test/branch -m "make branch"
(assumes you have SVN.EXE in addition to TortoiseSVN, otherwise, use Ben's answer)

Using tortoiseSVN, how do you tag the code?

Using TortoiseSVN, how do you tag the code?
Is the process to branch exactly the same?
I know you have to just copy the code to the /tag/ folder, but how?
i.e. I want to copy revision # to a tag#.
Will it affect the /trunk/ at all?
The answers here were missing some key information for getting started with SVN and braches.
Step 1: You need to make sure you have a suitable branches/tags dir. e.g. if your project has this structure:
you also need:
To do this, don't "add" the directories and commit them, or tortoise will give you an error. Instead use the tortoise svn repo-browser, go to myproj then right click and "add Folder".
Step 2: Right click on your trunk folder, select "tortoise SVN" then "branch/tag". The copy branch/tag dialogue now pops up.
Step 3: Set the "to Path" to "/myproj/tags/myversion" where myversion is usually something like "1.0". Select "Head revision in the repository" and make sure "switch working to new branch/tag" is not checked. Hit OK.
Step 4: Unfortunately, next time you do an update, it will pull down the branches and tags as files. This means your HD will get filled with every file from every branch and version created. One solution is to only checkout each individual trunk dir, which is not always convenient (as you have to manually update 30 trunk dirs if you have one repo with 30 projects).
Personally, having used CVS, SCCS, PVCS, VSS & Rational for 30 years, I find SVN much harder to work with.
Right click on your project folder and select Branch/Tag
Point the URL to whatever you want the folder to be called inside the /Tag/ folder
Select Specific revision in repository and choose the one you want
It won't affect the trunk at all.
How to create a tag :
Right click on your repository local copy
Choose Create a branch or a tag...
Choose URL of the tag (normally at the same level that trunk you have a tags folder)
Choose which revision you want to tag
(Usually, you will choose HEAD revision. Why ? Because normally tags are to mark a state of your repository typically for release management, and then when you have the repository state wished, you tag it and then continue the development.
Yes, it's almost the same process that for branches, the difference is "conceptual".
No effect to your trunk !
Here's the official documentation.
Creating a tag won't affect the trunk nor your working copy (you'll still be pointing to trunk) unless you switch to the newly created tag or branch.
Answers below:
The process is almost exactly the same as a branch.
A branch is a tag which is updated essentially.
Right click on the folder you want to tag, click on RepoBrowser, then branch/tag.
Modify the ToURL, with where you want to place your tag
Enter your comment/tag in the box below.
This will tag the code in the folder, without moving it.
This will not effect the trunk at all.

Merge branch with trunk

Using TortoiseSVN, I need to take changes I've done in a branch and then merge them with trunk.
I am the only developer on this project, so I know trunk hasn't changed. I am learning SVN so that eventually my team can use it.
Basically, I want my trunk to look exactly like the branch.
In pre-svn world, I would just copy the files in my branch folder, delete the files in the trunk folder, and then copy branch into trunk.
In TortoiseSVN, I've tried Reintegrate a branch, Merge a range of revisions, and Merge two different trees. Nothing seems to actually change trunk. I've also tried branching on top of the trunk. This gives me an error, saying that the trunk already exists.
In your case:
Switch the working copy to the trunk (SVN Switch)
Merge the branch into the working copy (SVN Merge)
Make sure everything still compiles and works
Commit the working copy (the trunk)
Consider killing the branch
In a team environment I would suggest that you first merge the latest modifications from the trunk in your branch, make sure that everything compiles and works, then do the above steps (which will be trivial since you've already tested the changes).
In step 5, I mention killing the branch. That's because once a branch from a feature is in the trunk, it should be considered as part of the trunk. In that case the branch should be killed so that no one keeps working on it. If major modifications are needed for that feature, you should create a new branch for that.
The only branches that I don't kill are maintenance and release branches, unless a particular release is no longer supported.
No matter what, you always have access to every revision so killing a branch is only used to prevent other developers from developing on a dead branch.
I think in TortoiseSVN 1.8.5, Merge | Merge two different trees should work. When you merge a branch/tag back to trunk, the trick is that the From URL is the trunk and the To is the tag/branch. Weird but true.
Source: Merging
For directories that not in your working copy but are in the tag/branch you may get conflict errors. Just accept the conflict and redo the merge.
First switch your working copy to the trunk.
Then do a merge range of revisions, from the branch to trunk.
Once this dialog is complete the differences will be pending changes in your working copy of trunk. You'll need to commit them just as if you manually made the changes on your working copy.
In my usage, its more typical to keep trunk running and spin branches off at the times of builds. So then the only merge I ever need to do is to get a bug fix out of trunk and put it on the latest build branch and re-release that branch. The easiest way for me to do this, since as you have found merging is clumsy at best. Is to keep the latest branch and the trunk checked out to my machine, and to quite literally copy the files from trunk to branch and check both in.
I am using TortoiseSVN 1.9.3, Build 27038.
Follow below steps in order to merge branch into trunk.
1) Right click on trunk working copy and select the below option.
2) In case of Branch Merging into trunk select option second as shown below and click next
3) In the From: field enter the full folder URL of the trunk. This may sound wrong, but remember that the trunk is the start point to which you want to add the branch changes.
In the To: field enter the full folder URL of the feature branch.
4) Click next and do the test merge
5) If test merge is successful then click on Merge button.
6) Once merge is successful then commit the changes on trunk.
