Excel: overlap bars of bar graph tool - excel

I would like to make a bar graph similar to a Gantt Chart (see figure)
but only showing one row, with every bar overlapped with the others. I want to do this supposing that I have non-overlapped periods, and the final figure is only one row with several red periods.
How can I do it?

You should be able to accomplish that with a sideways stacked bar chart:
And you can adjust the axis minimums and maximums to make it look better - as well as fool with some other stuff. But that is probably how I would do it. Good Luck.


Stacked bar graph showing only every other column

I am trying to create a 100% stacked bar graph in excel, however the resulting graph is only showing information for every other x-value. The x-axis is 134 values so I am not sure if the size is the problem or if it something else.
The X axis labels of a category axis (like in a a column or bar chart) is dynamically adjusted to the available space. When there are many columns/bars, not every column/bar will have a label. You can test that by making the chart wider/higher, to see how the X axis labels appear and disappar.
Having over 130 categorical items on an X axis is not good data visualisation. It's a rather horrible experience for the poor reader. Excel's behaviour is actually useful here. By not displaying all labels, it makes such a chart fairly unusable, and you may be inspired to think of better ways to visualise the data.
Maybe several smaller charts for segments of the data would be an option.

Add line to Scatter Plot

I did a scatterplot with two data series (blue and orange in the picture).
The orange line you see that connects the dots I did manually and I am looking for a way to have this automatic through the chart menu in Excel. Any idea who this can be done?
I am using Excel version 2013
The chart type you are trying to create is called a Step Chart. Unfortunately Excel doesn't natively offer this chart type, but there are several ways to fake them in Excel. You can use an XY chart with Error Bars to produce the horizontal lines, or you can use a column chart with extra in-between data points to fill the gaps between your actual data points, and you can probably also use another hack where you tell Excel that the x axis is a date axis.
It's a bit hard to advise which approach would suit you best without knowing whether your actual data matches the example you've posted or whether it differs in some way. If you can elaborate further I'll amend this answer with some examples.
Edit: Since your data is as described, you should be able to use the approaches outlined at https://peltiertech.com/Excel/ChartsHowTo/StepChart.html
Or alternately, just add in extra coordinates to direct Excel where to draw the line:
...and then delete the markers of the data points you want to hide:

Creating a histogram with numerical x-axis in excel

I would like to create a bar-chart (or a histogram?) with vertical bars and a numerical x-axis , but I do not know how/where to start. I have MS-Excel and Origin-plot available with me. My intended chart would look like this:
You can more or less get what you want by adding and styling error bars appropriately to a scatter plot. The error bar is a simple way to force Excel to draw a line under/over the point.
Chart with data and error bars
Couple steps
Make an XY scatter chart
Add the error bars and delete the horizontal ones that come up
Set the negative error bar for the points to be equal to the same value that is being plotted
Set the positive error bar to 0 so it does not show
Change the formatting on the error bar to be thicker
Possible hide the initial dot shown so that it is bar only
You could take these steps and codify them with some VBA to prevent the tedious nature of doing this multiple times. Setting error bars is one of the worst activities to have to do continually.
I believe you should also be able to get your desired colors by adding multiple series. Possibly all the more reason to do this with VBA.

Excel: Color Code Subset of Pie Charts

Hello, I was wondering if it is possible to color code groups of the pie chart together, but not manually do it slice by slice. For example, Apartments would be grouped together as light blue, and then Self Storage as dark blue. The pieces would retain their original percentage still though. This would make it easier to identify groups of data more easily. Any input?
Thanks in advance for the help.
Any input? Well, first, don't use pie charts for charts with more than two or three data points. They are hard to interpret. Use horizontal bar charts instead.
The data seems to be sorted by value. If you want to group by category, you will need to sort by category, too.
Excel will automatically apply a different color to each pie chart wedge. You can manually change these colors. You can use VBA to automate that.
A horizontal bar chart will give you a lot more tools to visualize the data and turn it into information.

Excel chart with countries in y-axis, % in x-axis, circles as markers and control groups

Do you know if this chart, as shown in the following image, can be done in Excel?
I don't even know how this kind of chart is named, so I cannot search in the web for tutorials. I don't need to display three points on every row as in this chart (one is enough), and even I can mark the control group manually.
Yes this can be done in Excel.
If you want vertical orientation like on the picture above, then you should probably use the Scatter chart with quite some modifications. You would set the x values of the series to your values and the y values can be just 1,2,3,4,5.... The biggest problem with this approach would be how to display the correct categories. There is a tool to help you do that and it is discussed here: https://superuser.com/questions/485883/how-to-create-dynamic-scatter-plot-matrix-with-labels-and-categories-on-both-axi
For horizontal one you can use a normal line chart - with hidden line and only markers visible (Excel doesn't support vertical line graphs).
Even three groups are easy to do, you just need to add three series and format them accordingly.
The lines are also quite easy to do, you add minor / major gridlines to the chart and then format those as well.
