I have to intercept a DLL that calls a function in the coredll.dll of Windows CE 5.0. The DLL is not in ROM. How can I hook the call of the testee and redirect it to my own function?
Example: When the DLL code calls RegFlushKey I don't want the actual code be executed because it's very time consuming.
I definitely think it's non-extensible, not maintainable, likely to cause problems in a real-world deplyment and generally an insane thing to be doing, but you could hook the RegFlushKey API directly, so that all calls to it get re-routed. It's too complex for a SO post, but there's a decent explanation over on Codeproject.
I'd be far more inclined to find any sort of workaround, be it background threading calls to the DLL or whatever long before I'd resort to API hooking.
I wonder how I can implement an async/await version of the Directory.CreateDirectory method in the System.IO namespace?
CreateDirectory is an odd scenario. It would be ideal to have an asynchronous version built-in, particularly for opening/creating directories on a network drive.
Normally, you would be able to P/Invoke an asynchronous Win32 API if the BCL doesn't support async directly. However, in this case, the Win32 API does not actually expose asynchronous APIs for directories. So you'd have to go even lower - probably calling the file system driver directly (all device drivers support async I/O, so that would certainly work).
So, although it's not ideal, you're probably better off in this case just making a fake async method, i.e., wrapping the call in Task.Run.
On a side note, the Windows Store-style directory APIs are asynchronous. It's possible that they're calling beneath the Win32 API, but I actually rather doubt it - I'd expect they're implemented as fake asynchronous methods.
I have an VOIP application i'd like to implement, that requires me to process the audio from a call in real time during the call.
Currently, I'm using Asterisk to handle my calls, and it looks like there's a functionality built in called Audiohooks which is designed to let me access the audiostream, and process it from the dialplay
However, I can not find any documentation whatsoever on how to actually create my own audio hook, nor any recent examples on how it should be done. Are there resources that show how I could use this?
That api is availible when you do c/c++ modules for asterisk. No external API.
For examples you can check MixMonitor,func_volume,app_conference and other similar application already developed.
Hint: after work done, you have test for memory leaks and hi-load/concurrent load. Code must be thread-safe.
I want to make a program (more precisely, a service) that periodically scans directories to find some video files (.avi, .mkv, etc) and automatically download some associated files (mostly subtitles) from one or several websites.
This program could run on linux or windows as well.
On one hand, I know well Qt from a long time and I know all its benefits, but on the other hand, I'm attracted by node.js and it extreme flexibility and liveliness.
I need to offer some interactivity with the end user of my program (for instance, chose the scans directories, etc).
What would be the best choice in your opinion in 2013?
I advise against Node.js for "small tools and programs". Especially for iterative tasks.
The long story
The reason is quite simply the way Node.js works. Its asynchronous model makes simple tasks unnecessarily convoluted. Additionally, because many callbacks are called from the Node.js event loop, you can't just use try/catch structures so every tiny error will crash your whole Application.
Of course there are ways to catch those errors or work with them, but the docs advise you against all of them and advise you to restart the application gracefully in any case to prevent memory leaks. This means you have to implement yet another piece of code.
The only real solution in Node.js would be writing your Application as a Cluster, which is a great concept but of course would require you to use some kind of IPC to get your data back to a process that can handle it.
Also, since you wrote about "periodically scan"ning a directory, I want to point out that you should...
Use file system watchers for services
Almost every language kit has those now and I strongly suggest using those and only use a fallback full-scan.
In Qt there is a system-independent class QFileSystemWatcher that provides a handy callback whenever specified files are changed
In Java there is the java.nio.file.FileSystem.getWatchService()
Node.js has the fs.watch function, if you really want to go for it
We have a large c++ codebase that I'm porting onto Android. We had the foresight to abstract various platform-dependent features (threading, file access etc), so the process involves the gradual implementation of Android-appropriate code functions in the NDK
I was getting on reasonably well until I realised that semaphores (used in our core code) don't appear to have an implementation in the NDK.
I was wondering if it were possible under this (and possibly other) circumstances to implement the required functionlity (if it exists) in the SDK, e.g a 'Java' Semaphore and pass it down to the native code via the JNI interface for the native code to operate on it via appropriate callbacks.
Is there a reason why this might be inadviseable for synchronisation purposes?
Have a bad news guys. Semaphore isn't implemented on android version of pthread google source
As for me flock(2) is an answer. But there is potential problem where you are trying to lock same file from different users.
Probably the worst consequence of using a Java-based implementation that you pass to your native code is that your semaphore operations will be very slow since they have to cross the JNI boundary.
Is there any reason why you can't use POSIX semaphores? See semaphore.h from the NDK's headers.
I'm writing a .NET 4.0 library that should be efficient and simple to use.
The library is used by referencing it and using its different classes.
Should I use .NET 4.0 Tasks tot make things more efficient internally? I fear that it might make the usage of the library more complex and limited since the users might want to decide for themselves when and where to use tasks and threads.
If your answer depends on the kind of library, here is more information:
The library is Pcap.Net, which is a wrapper for WinPcap and includes a packet interpretation framework.
It only is an issue when the user can 'see' the threading, ie you give out access to data that could be accessed (by you) on another Thread. Probably not a good idea.
But when the parallel processing stays completely inside your application then there is very little chance your users would object.
Should? Dunno. How about giving people an option by providing extension methods that use tasks against the library and push that out in a separate DLL? If you want to use tasks, reference the extension library and go crazy. Otherwise, stick with the core dll.
I believe there are many projects that follow this pattern with Linq. They provide their core library and a separate .Linq.DLL which has extension methods...