Loading web role in Azure emulator results in a BadImageFormatException - azure

I have an ASP.NET MVC project that loads fine when I start it directly. When I try to run it vai the Azure SDK's emulator, I get the following exception:
Could not load file or assembly 'file:///C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\Temporary ASP.NET Files\root\62253e0e\13ba4ff3\App_global.asax.a-wnopwm.dll' or one of its dependencies. An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format.
This usually indicates something like a reference to a 64bit assembly on a 32bit system, but I've never seen this error on a ASP.NET project dll. The project configuration is set to AnyCPU. What gives?

The problem was due to the assemblyPostProcessorType attribute added to the system.web/compilation element of the web.config file when I used VS 2012's performance analysis (profiling) tool. It doesn't appear to clean up after itself very well and the config was left in place, causing an apparently assembly platform mismatch. It also caused problems when publishing to Windows Azure because the post-build assembly wasn't available.
The solution was to add a transform to the web config transform to remove the attribute (assemblyPostProcessorType).


ASP.NET Core BadImageFormatException for libuv.dll

We recently migrated an ASP.NET Core project from the old project.json format to the new .csproj one.
Everything runs fine on our development machines. But once the application is deployed on the server, IIS fails to launch the application with a 502.5 (Process Failure) exception. The Windows event log mentions a BadImageFormatException for libuv.dll.
Has anyone encountered this? What could be the source of the problem?
Apparently, when an ASP.NET Core project is migrated to the csproj format, there are certain conditions under which the resulting csproj will not receive an explicit <PlatformTarget>.
And Visual Studio doesn't seem to behave identically when doing a usual build vs. publishing.
In both bases, it will build an PE32 executable with the 32BITREQ flag (32-bits only). But when publishing, it will deploy 64-bit libraries alongside, leading to the aforementioned BadImageFormatException, while it doesn't do that in a non-publish build.
Solution: In the project property page, reselect the platform in the dropdown list. Event if it doesn't have any visual effect, an explicit <PlatformTarget> will be added to the csproj on save and this solved my problem.

Using PInvoke to load a dll in Azure Service Fabric

So in my application, I have an actor that uses Pinvoke to call some functions defined in a win32 dll. I also have a front end webservice that calls these actors.
When I run this locally, everything works perfectly. The win32 dll is found and loaded correctly and my actors can call functions from there.
However, when I deploy my solution to Azure, I just get an internal server error when the actor tries to load the dll. Theres no descriptive error so I think that the actor either can't find the dll or can't find one of its dependencies.
I already tried using dependency walker to figure out the dependencies. Most were typical windows binaries with the exception of vcruntime140.dll. I added this to the VS project as a resource file by right clicking on the Project and then navigating to Add>Existing Item and then editing the "Copy to Output Directory" property of the resource in the solution explorer to "Copy always". Is this the right way deploying a native dll to service fabric? I'm also running in release mode so there shouldn't be any debug dll's needed.
Some extra information - My project was initially ported over from a web api project and I was able to successfully call functions in the win32 dll when hosting my web api on Azure in release mode.
Let me know if I need to provide some extra information
So I figured it out. For people who may stumble upon this later, here is how:
When I used dependency walker, I saw that I had immediate dependencies on vcruntime140.dll and msvcp140.dll. However, by digging deeper, I noticed that msvcp140.dll has an additional dependency on concrt140.dll. When I copied this over to my server's bin folder, I didn't get an internal server error anymore and I was able to call into my win32 dll.
All of these are visual studio c++ redistributable binaries that are usually found here "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\redist\x64\Microsoft.VC140.CRT".

How to create a x64 (instead of AnyCPU) build of .Net based Azure Cloud Service?

I'm using Azure 2.7.
I created a C# cloud service that only contains a single worker role. After it's done, the solution contains
A ccproj
A csproj
Both are using the setting of AnyCPU.
I then added the PropertyGroup "Debug|x64" and "Release|x64" into both projects. Also changed the default to x64 for both. As a result, an x64 build.
However, whenever I select "publish" on the "ccproj", I notice that it always builds AnyCPU instead of x64. I cannot find how to force it to build x64 for packaging and deployment.
I then edited both proj file again, and removed the PropertyGroup for "Debug|AnyCPU" and "Release|AnyCPU". After I did this, and when I tried to build x64 again, I got error as:
C:\Program Files
error : The OutputPath property is not set for project
'AzureWorkerRoleExample.ccproj'. Please check to make sure that you
have specified a valid combination of Configuration and Platform for
this project. Configuration='Release' Platform='AnyCPU'. This error
may also appear if some other project is trying to follow a
project-to-project reference to this project, this project has been
unloaded or is not included in the solution, and the referencing
project does not build using the same or an equivalent Configuration
or Platform.
I could not figure out how to work around this error.
Any idea on how to force VS to make a x64 build of cloud service and deploy it?
One workaround I found is that: keep AnyCPU property groups, but also put
in the group. Thus the AnyCPU assembly are actually targetting to x64. But this sounds hacky.
Any idea?
Thanks a lot!

Entity Framework 6 with Sharepoint 2013

I tried without success to get a SharePoint 2013 application page or web part to work with Entity Framework 6 (6.0.1 to be exact - the version installed into Visual Studio 2012 by default using NuGet at time of writing).
My code was very simple for test purposes, just reading data from one table.
I could install the package just fine, create models, see that the they were properly configured etc, no problem - but whenever I tried to load the page I got the error:
Event code: 3008
Exception type: ConfigurationErrorsException
Exception message: An error occurred creating the configuration section handler for entityFramework: Could not load file or assembly 'EntityFramework' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified. (C:\inetpub\wwwroot\wss\VirtualDirectories\[sitename]\web.config line 36)
I copied all of the config settings from the App.Config file in VS (created by the EF install), into the web.config, verbatim.
I tried every suggested fix I could find on the interweb (e.g. changing the EF assembly ref to "Specific version = false", changing version refs in the config file to the specific version... all sorts) but nothing worked.
I created a console app using the same settings and it worked fine, so I know it's not a server-specific issue - looks like a compatibility issue with SP2013, anyone have any ideas?
I installed EF 5 using the NuGet console, and finally got it working with that... but I'm very curious as to why EF 6 refused to play ball.
You need to deploy the Entity Framework assemblies (EntityFramework.dll, EntityFramework.SqlServer.dll) as part of your SharePoint solution package. You can reference external dlls in the package.

How to find the dependent dlls to run an EXE file created by a VC++ project

In my vc++ project I am using boost , OpenCv and JRTPLIB libraries , I have created an exe file and when i try to run it on another PC(the pc has no vc++ or the libraries mentioned) I get the error message...
"the application has failed to start because its side by side configuration is incorrect .please see the application event log or use the command line sxstrace.exe tool for details"
I am new to creating exe files and could you please help me in understanding the error. will there be dependencies which I need to copy with exe file?
For running sxstrace.exe, go to Visual Studio command prompt and type sxstrace.exe.
Usage is as follows:
Before running your application, run sxstrace in trace mode:
sxstrace.exe Trace -logfile:C:\MySxSTrace.log
Reproduce the error by starting your application
Now stop the trace by using the below command
sxstrace.exe Parse -logfile:C:\MySxSTrace.log -outfile:C:\MySxSTrace.txt
Open output file from C:\MySxSTrace.txt
What is Side by Side Configuration?
A side-by-side assembly contains a collection of resources—a group of DLLs, Windows classes, COM servers, type libraries, or interfaces—that are always provided to applications together. These are described in the assembly manifest.
Why is it Important?
In many cases, it is possible to update existing applications to use side-by-side assemblies without having to change the application code. Developers are encouraged to use side-by-side assemblies to create isolated applications, and to update existing applications into isolated applications for the following reasons:
Side-by-side assemblies reduce the possibility of DLL version conflicts.
Side-by-side assembly sharing enables multiple versions of COM or Windows assemblies to run at the same time.
Applications and administrators can update assembly configuration on either a global or per-application configuration basis after deployment. For example, an application can be updated to use a side-by-side assembly that includes an update without having to reinstall the application.
for Side by Side Configuration Incorrect,read this Article...........
