updating the JDK on a linux machine [closed] - linux

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm sure this is just my lack of experience with linux but I just cant seem to figure it out. I'm using XUbuntu annd I have the JDK6 installed and the full screen issue is really starting to bother me so I'd like to upgrade to version 7. I've tried installing it in the software center, I've tried 'sudo su apt-get install openjdk(whatever the rest of the package name is), I've tried using a package manager, I've even uninstalled version 6 then installed it and some how I end up with version 6 still. I'm sorry, I know I'm probably missing something entirely obvious but I cant figure it out.

When you have several java versions in your machine you could use below command to change the version you required.
/usr/sbin/alternatives --config java
This will ask to choose you a number and number contains the version belongs to it.
Hope this helps you.

Try these commands:
$ java -version
$ which java
You will find out which version of JDK you are currently using. That said, install new version of JDK and make sure that it comes first in your PATH environment variable, i.e. update PATH like this:
export PATH=</path/to/new/jdk>:<current PATH>
To make it permanent, update .bash_profile or .profile file. Running again statements mentioned above should now give you new version of JDK.


How to stop ubuntu pop-up "Daemons using outdated libraries" when using apt to install or update packages? [closed]

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Closed 6 months ago.
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I have newly installed Ubuntu 22.04 LTS recently and I found that every time when I using apt to install or update packages, it will ask me about Which service should be restarted ?, I don't konw which should be restared and actually I don't want to restart any service when I'm using it.
This annoys me and I want to know how to disable this when using apt in Ubuntu 22?
This is new in Ubuntu 22.04. The trouble in this case is with the needrestart command, which is part of the apt-get upgrade process in Ubuntu now. By default this is set to "interactive" mode which causes the interruption of scripts.
To change this behavior, we can edit the /etc/needrestart/needrestart.conf file, changing the line:
#$nrconf{restart} = 'i';
$nrconf{restart} = 'a'; (if we want to restart the services automatically) or $nrconf{restart} = 'l'; to simply list the services that need restart.
Source: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1367139/apt-get-upgrade-auto-restart-services

Didn't choose default option while installing KDE in arch linux [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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As I wanted to learn Linux better, after using Fedora for a while I installed Arch Linux. Install was ok and working fine. But while I was installing KDE desktop environment, I didn't choose default(all) option, rather I choose randomnly a number for every step. KDE got installed and working. However I didn't used KDE before. I'm suspecting everything didn't installed. Did I made mistake choosing a random option instead choosing default? Can I install those packages for KDE?
It's recommended to choose "all" from the group plasma under Pacman to have a full working desktop environment.
But, not choosing "all" is not a mistake at all.
You can at any time install the package you want one by one with:
pacman -S nameOfPackage
or install all non-installed packages from plasma with:
pacman -S plasma

What is a Debian based distribution? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm running through an AngularJS tutorial, and in the get started section it says:
In Debian based distributions, there is a name clash with another
utility called node. The suggested solution is to also install the
nodejs-legacy apt package, which renames node to nodejs.
apt-get install nodejs-legacy npm
nodejs --version
npm --version
I don't understand what a Debian based distribution means, even after going to https://packages.debian.org/sid/nodejs-legacy
As a side note, I've used Angular and Node before in other tutorials, so I am not sure if I should follow this get-started part. I'm sort of going with it now because I installed nvm without intending to or understanding what it is for.
Loosely if the Linux distribution is using dpkg and using the apt package manager you could consider it a Debian Based distribution ie Debian/Ubuntu. There are quite a few, you can see a list here...
Wikipedia has a good page with more details on Linux distributions. The Debian list can be found here...
It's worth clicking on the image to see just how many distributions Debian has spawned.

Linux Mint 15 refusing to boot after errorless install [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Installed Mint on a brand new Lenovo Z585 Ideapad alongside the pre-installed Windows 8. Everything seemed to go fine, until the reboot, which simply dumped me at a Grub prompt.
I tried the usual ls investigations, but my Mint partition (/dev/sda9) returns an error along the lines of "invalid file name ''." - sorry I can't be more precise right now.
I've booted back into the LiveCD and run boot-repair, which generated the following summary - http://paste2.org/Owy3XNpH.
os-prober recognises my Windows installs (the real install and the recovery thinger), but no Mint.
As far as I can see, browsing the partition through the live cd, the install itself is fine, but I'm more than willing to be corrected. Can anyone help?
Adding the answer in case others have this problem.
Turns out that SecureBoot was in the Security section of the Bios, and not in the Boot section, where I was looking for it.
Disabling it and running boot-repair fixed the problem.
No boot loader is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda

How to confirm RedHat Enterprise Linux version? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I am a bit confused by the fact that although I installed RHEL 5.1 from DVD (RedHat/5.1.x86_64), when I issue command:
cat /etc/redhat-release
I got:
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.5 (Tikanga)
What does this mean? is this to be the release version or kernel version? Is there another way to confirm the real version of RHEL?
I am asking this question because there will be certain applications that would depend on this.
Many thanks in advance.
Avoid /etc/*release* files and run this command instead, it is far more reliable and gives more details:
rpm -qia '*release*'
I assume that you've run yum upgrade. That will in general update you to the newest minor release.
Your main resources for determining the version are /etc/redhat_release and lsb_release -a
That's the RHEL release version.
You can see the kernel version by typing uname -r. It'll be 2.6.something.
That is the release version of RHEL, or at least the release of RHEL from which the package supplying /etc/redhat-release was installed. A file like that is probably the closest you can come; you could also look at /etc/lsb-release.
It is theoretically possible to have packages installed from a mix of versions (e.g. upgrading part of the system to 5.5 while leaving other parts at 5.4), so if you depend on the versions of specific components you will need to check for those individually.
