I am currently working on a project for mapping every possible keyboard and mouse interrupt.
The mapping is done in linux environment and with ncurses library.
The question is how to catch the following keyboard keys :
page up / down
when pressing those keys the terminal itself is catching them and the program itself cant see them (spent a few hours of configuration and found no solution yet)
pause/break (above page up in standard keyboard)
Num Locked keys (0 to 9 and < . >).
Windows button
the following just not getting any response at all, neither from the terminal or the program.
short: you cannot catch all keys with ncurses
long: the usual problems lie in a failure to initialize things properly:
you probably forgot to call keypad(stdscr,TRUE) (or whatever window you might be using with wgetch). That will allow an application to read any of the keys defined in the terminal description as an integer.
If it is not in the terminal description, (n)curses will return the sequence of bytes which make up the key as sent from the keyboard.
That's two likely problems. There are other keys (or combinations of keys) which the terminal will not send (in a way which makes distinct keyboard sequences). For instance, using the Control key with other keys may change the sequence sent by the keyboard, or it may not. To see this, use experiment with the control key with comma, period or the other punctuation keys in that area of the keyboard.
On many older laptops and some compact keyboards there is an integrated numeric keypad in the main keyboard area. This alternate keypad is activated with a special 'Fn' key next to the left Ctrl key.
As a programmer I learned to use the cursor movement keys (arrows, PgUp, PgDn etc.) and found it greatly improved my programming speed. And the benefits were not bound to just a single application as is the case with specialised shortcut keys.
On conventional PC keyboards, the 'Windows Key' can be used to emulate the 'Fn' key and a corresponding integrated numeric keypad. When I used to use MS Windows I found Autohotkey was able to map the keys using a simple script.
Recently I learned about xkb and how it can be used to map keystrokes at a very low level.
What is the xkb keyboard mapping profile that will emulate an integrated numeric keypad using the windows key as the fn key?
Hint(?): I suspect the file will look a lot like the '/usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/keypad' file on a Debian-derivative linux distro. This 'keypad' file is included at the top of the '/usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/pc' file.
The corresponding autohotkey script for reference (# == WinKey):
;(Scroll with the left-over keys)
Note that all these keys need to work with any combination of Ctrl, Alt, Shift as well as the Windows Key.
Steps to install numeric keypad-like cursor keys on the main keyboard in Linux / XKB...
xkbcomp $DISPLAY original.xkb (just in case ;)
xkbcomp $DISPLAY custom.xkb
Edit custom.xkb
Add the following at the end of section: xkb_types "..." {
type "WinKeyAsFnKey" {
modifiers = Shift+Super;
map[Shift] = level2;
map[Super] = level3;
map[Super+Shift] = level3;
level_name[Level1] = "Base";
level_name[Level2] = "Caps";
level_name[Level3] = "Fn";
Add the following at the end of section xkb_symbols "..." {
key <AE07> {type="WinKeyAsFnKey",symbols[Group1]=[7,ampersand,NoSymbol],actions=[NoAction(),NoAction(),RedirectKey(key=<HOME>,clearmods=Super)]};
key <AE08> {type="WinKeyAsFnKey",symbols[Group1]=[8,asterisk,NoSymbol],actions=[NoAction(),NoAction(),RedirectKey(key=<UP>,clearmods=Super)]};
key <AE09> {type="WinKeyAsFnKey",symbols[Group1]=[9,parenleft,NoSymbol],actions=[NoAction(),NoAction(),RedirectKey(key=<PGUP>,clearmods=Super)]};
key <AD07> {type="WinKeyAsFnKey",symbols[Group1]=[u,U,NoSymbol],actions=[NoAction(),NoAction(),RedirectKey(key=<LEFT>,clearmods=Super)]};
key <AD09> {type="WinKeyAsFnKey",symbols[Group1]=[o,O,NoSymbol],actions=[NoAction(),NoAction(),RedirectKey(key=<RGHT>,clearmods=Super)]};
key <AC07> {type="WinKeyAsFnKey",symbols[Group1]=[j,J,NoSymbol],actions=[NoAction(),NoAction(),RedirectKey(key=<END>,clearmods=Super)]};
key <AC08> {type="WinKeyAsFnKey",symbols[Group1]=[k,K,NoSymbol],actions=[NoAction(),NoAction(),RedirectKey(key=<DOWN>,clearmods=Super)]};
key <AC09> {type="WinKeyAsFnKey",symbols[Group1]=[l,L,NoSymbol],actions=[NoAction(),NoAction(),RedirectKey(key=<PGDN>,clearmods=Super)]};
key <AB07> {type="WinKeyAsFnKey",symbols[Group1]=[m,M,NoSymbol],actions=[NoAction(),NoAction(),RedirectKey(key=<INS>,clearmods=Super)]};
key <AB09> {type="WinKeyAsFnKey",symbols[Group1]=[period,greater,NoSymbol],actions=[NoAction(),NoAction(),RedirectKey(key=<DELE>,clearmods=Super)]};
Save custom.xkb
xkbcomp custom.xkb $DISPLAY
I'm still working on the mouse scroll with 'i' and ','.
The above solution does not play nice with Google Chrome and Chrome-based apps (like Slack).
Alternative approach is to use a programmable keyboard. I use an after-market PCB for a CoolerMaster Masterkeys S keyboard. The Easy AVR layout is available online (although currently the left win-key now doesn't work by itself...I use the right one).
I am writing a small game program in c++, which requires user to press some keys from keyboard. The problem with 'cin>>' or cin.get() is that it requires user to press enter to read data into memory. So, please help me to read key strokes with out pressing enter key. I work on Linux.
maybe you can use ncurses library?
By default the terminal is buffered and is in "cooked mode" where individual key presses are not sent to the application immediately.
You might be able to use something like GNU readline for input, or you could use ncurses for input and output, or if you just want to receive every key as it's pressed you could put the terminal into raw mode and do everything manually using the cfmakeraw function.
Forgive me if this is a silly question but I am a novice programmer, and I'm hoping there is a novice solution to this.
Is there any programming language that will quickly allow me to write a simple program to show a notification on Windows 7 when CAPS LOCK is pressed?
My laptop doesn't have an indicator light and I have no program on my computer to do so, although I'd be open to suggestions. The only partial solution I've found is through accessibility settings in Windows which plays a god-awful beep every time the key is pressed.
Try Auto Hotkey. It is a great program just for that. It runs scripts in the background that can directly manipulate your keyboards input.
I changed capslock to require ctrl+capslock to work otherwise pressing capslock by itself does nothing :)
You can also do a bunch of other things. You are able to set a custom tone for when you push capslock (however a simple popup or key remapping would probably be best).
Here's an example from the site:
"Capslock::Ctrl Makes Capslock become a Control key. To retain the ability to turn Capslock on and off, also add the remapping +Capslock::Capslock (this toggles Capslock on and off when you hold down the shift key and press Capslock)."
I understand that new keyboards can be ordered online, but now that this problem has proven to be hard I am completely fascinated by it.
Many old laptop keyboards as they wear develop consistent shorts which cause multiple keys to react when a single key is pressed. For example, on my little sister's computer if you press "r" the system outputs "vr", "i" outputs ",i" and so-on.
Assuming the user is not a vim/emacs power user, the keyboard still seems salvageable. It seems that if the keyboard driver was changed so that pressing the "r" key resulted in the computer accepting "backspace r" the "v" would disappear and not be such a hassle anymore.
Xmodmap XKB and other systems seem to assume that each single key depression will result in a single command. Does anybody understand the missing link where more than one character can come from a single keypress? There seem to be many places in the stack where this can be pulled off, but none of them are particularly clearly documented. Another fun fact is that you can't force this in the ubuntu keyboard shortcuts editor, ubuntu will stop you from entering the changes there under the premise that "this will make it impossible to type."
Hacking around in xev shows that the computer believes that when you hit and release 'r' that it gets a keypress event for 'v' then a keypress event for 'r' then a keyrelease event for 'v' then one for 'r'. If you could change the configuration to ignore a first keypress if there is no corresponding key release before the next key is pressed, that would work too.