how do i create a text on path? - text

i really want to know how to create texts in a background using corel draw 4, for example on some currencies and certificates, you may have, "Bank of Ghana, Bank of Ghana", written plenty in a wavy style with small sized fonts in the background or if its a school, you have the name of the school written plenty but small small font size in the background. Any help please??

How to Create Text on Path as per Example
Draw a path
Type Text
Select Both Path and ext
Click Text from Menu and Click Fit Text to Path
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You can add any text along the path of an open object like line or a closed object like squre or circle.
Draw any path (cirlce, squre, lines)
Type Text
Type Text
With Pick tool , select a path.
Select Path
Click Text Fit text to path.
Text-> Fit to Path
You can also edit fit text to a path by clicking these icons.
Edit Setting


Display approval sign/check mark (✓) on Kivy Label

I am working on a Kivy(Python) Project and I need to display approval(✓) and cross(X) symbol in different scenario. I can display cross symbol but unable to display other one. Is there any way to do this ? Thanks.
Note: I have tried, writing text:'✓' and text:u'2713' under Label in .kv file but it doesn't work.
The font supplied with Kivy doesn't include the tick mark. You need to use fonts that include those symbols. Tick is available in fonts Arial Unicode MS, Wingdings and Wingdings 2. You can download the font ttf file and have it in the same folder with your script.
Link to download the font
Then include the font and use it in the label as follow:
text: "This is the tick ✓"
Bro I was also troubling from same problem from morning but now I figured it out actually so I would like to share it with you.I used below code:
def wrong_btn(self):
self.ids.wrong_button.text = u"⌫" self.ids.wrong_button.font_name=r"C:\Users\95532\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Fonts\Arial-Unicode-MS.ttf"
I used this to specify the folder in which the font is stored so you can also download the font you want and just specify the path and don't forget use a r i.e raw string mark or else it wont work I wasted my whole day searching for that hope this helps you bro

Absolute Positioning of Text in a Dynamically Sized SVG

I have an SVG graphic that I want to put some text on from my PHP variables. The graphic was generated in Illustrator and resizes in my web page to 100% width. Here is a representation of it:
How could this be done for the 8 text items? Does something special need to be done in Illustrator, like creating an anchor point for the text? How do I update the text item? I've done research but haven't been able to find a similar situation.
Thankful for any information that could help me narrow down my search.
Being someone who has never worked with files of .SVG file type before, this was a misunderstanding.
If you design a graphic in Adobe Illustrator, save it as an SVG and edit it with your favorite text editor, you will be able to see the SVG mark-up. It all makes sense now, and here you will be able to change the text at the code-level.
For my application, I saved the SVG as a PHP file and did an include on it, while changing the raw text to PHP variables in said file. This allowed me to pass my dynamic text as variables to the graphic.

HTML/CSS/JS translation - is this grid in my project? If not - do I need one to code this project?

I need to translate PSD file into HTML/CSS/JS...
Here is this project:
QUESTION What are those 1.vertical and 2.horizontal sky-blue lines and how are they supposed to help me as for somebody who translates this PSD into HTML/CSS/JS ? Don't they seem a bit chaotic?
Despite being blue in your example, these are called "Redlines". The lines are meant to help you see the alignment, sizing, and spacing of elements.
For example, there is one center line down the very middle. You can use that to see that the "Creative Digital Solutons" text is centered, as is the the "Personal Services" text, "Responsive web" section, and "Latest project" section.
You can also see that at the very bottom of the second image, certain pieces of text in each column should line up with certain pieces in other columns.
Usually you will find a particular element or group of elements like this:
With the red lines I added you can see that the icons should all be the same width, and the left side of the icons should align with the left side of "Latest Posts".
Sometimes these redlines contain specific measurements (font: 14pt, margin: 10px, etc.), but this one doesn't, so you just have to use the lines to help you visualize
Yes it is chaotic, but that's how it goes sometimes

Creating a multi layered psd file with "editable text" using command line

I am trying to create a PSD file using command line (linux/osx).
I have 5 blocks of text
I need a way to take these 5 blocks of text and generate a psd that will have 5 different layers for each text block and i need them to be editable after the psd has been generated and opened in photoshop.
Are you guys familiar with any software that can do this?
I tried GIMP and ImageMagick and i was able to generate a psd with 5 layers with the text blocks in there but unfortunately imageMagick seems to turn the text into an actual image so this makes the text non editable once opened up in photoshop.
You can use Applescript or Extendscript to script Photoshop itself - there is a guide available here.
You can do something like this using the Applescript version:
tell application "Finder" to set thePath to (home as string) & "TestText.tif"
set thePosix to quoted form of POSIX path of thePath
display dialog thePosix
do shell script "touch " & thePosix
tell application "Adobe Photoshop CC"
make new document with properties {name:"Testtextlayers"}
make new art layer at current document with properties {kind:text layer}
make new art layer at current document with properties {kind:text layer}
tell text object of art layer 1 of current document
set {contents, size, stroke color} to {"Hello", 30.0, {class:RGB hex color, hex value:"913b8e"}}
end tell
tell text object of art layer 2 of current document
set {contents, size, stroke color, position} to {"World", 48.0, {class:RGB hex color, hex value:"339966"}, {3, 4}}
end tell
set myOptions to {class:TIFF save options, image compression:none, byte order:Mac OS, save alpha channels:true, save spot colors:true, embed color profile:true}
save current document in file thePath as TIFF with options myOptions appending no extension without copying
end tell
The Extendscript version may be more portable across Linux and Windows.
Indeed - most software able to manipulate PSD images can only work with a subset of it. GIMP itself will only open text PSD layers as pixels.
My hint for your workflow would be to script this from inside photoshop, and create another kind of file, with text-markup, that would be rendered there. Doing that would not be possible through the command line, though -
(maybe it could be automated with GUI automation tools).
Ah - it just hit me - maybe you could work with the SVG file format, and have it converted to PSD later (the conversion would still require manual interaction inside Photoshop though - but maybe the SVG file is close enough you can ship it directly to your final users, isntead of a PSD)
As for an SVG approach: create a new template file in Inskcape, and possition
your 5 blocks of text wherever you like. The final result will contain your text in XML blocks looking like this:
y="123.79075">MyText here</tspan></text>
Replace the actual text (My text here) whtih a markup such as {}, and then you can create your svg files with a python oneliner such as:
python -c "import sys; open(sys.argv[2], 'wt').write(open(sys.argv[1]).read().format(*sys.argv[3:]) )" template.svg drawing.svg My other text file shines
The advantage of this approach is that you can actually style and format the template in very detailed ways. (hmm..browsing around, it looks like photoshop can't simply open SVG files...too bad anyway - maybe you can swithch your needed workflow away from it?)

Raphael.js convert text to path

I've setup a drawing utility with Raphael.js. The user can draw shapes, paths and enter text. Once a user adds text -> Paper.text() to the svg the svg goes into a selectable state. Meaning, if I add text and switch to the pen tool, moving the pen around the svg will cause adjacent dom elements to go into their ::selection state.
So I'd like to convert the text to a path to prevent this from happening. I don't see anything like this in the documentation.
if you use print() instead of text() for text printing, then the text will be a raphael path object. (print() use a cufon javascript font that renders to a raphael path).
Try tweaking the pointer-events property on the text elements with .attr(). none might fit your needs. There are some good background info links on MDN.
.attr({pointer-events: none})
