Paging Gmails Atom feed - pagination

I am currently working on a JS application using OAuth 2.0 to access the gmail atom feed I am able to successfully sign the request, and retrieve the emails, however I am only able to access the first 20. Is there any way to access more than 20 emails in this feed? If not, is there any way using a different feed?

You cannot do that as he atom only provides access to the very latest 20 unread messages


invalid/missing permissions trying to read leadgen data in webhook Facebook Graph API

I use the version 9.0 of the Grapph API. The leads retrieval was wroking ok, but the last 3 weeks I am not able to retrieve lead form information, using the endpoint :${leadId}/?access_token=${process.env.FACEBOOK_PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN}
The page access token as well as the facebook app has all the permissions like leads_retrieval, pages_manage_ads, pages_manage_metadata, pages_read_engagement, business_management, public_profile, pages_show_list.
When I create a lead form id from the page that is connected to the app, and then use the testing tool ( to check if the webhook works, everything works ok !!
The facebook and the connected page that are connected and were used for testing purposes, do belong in different businesses.
The problem is that when someone submits a lead from paid campaigs, then the following error message shows:
An invalid response was received from the Facebook API: {"error":{"message":"Unsupported get request. Object with ID '1223289864932223' does not exist, cannot be loaded due to missing permissions, or does not support this operation. Please read the Graph API documentation at","type":"GraphMethodException","code":100,"error_subcode":33,"fbtrace_id":"AIQ5Q-yJo249IZwdn10dfhi"}}
Is there an error in the set up of the whole system? Something that needs to be changed? Why suddenly did it stop working ?

MS BotFramework Temporary token issue in WebChat URL

I have developed a chatbot using Microsoft BotFramework and node.js and deployed it in webchat. As per this documentation, it is written that the bot's secret 's' can be replaced with a temporary token 't' which is valid for one conversation only.
But the problem is the life span of this token is 30 minutes and within this time window, if some intruder accesses the entire URL: "" then it is just a child’s play for him to get all of the user’s data because it mimics the chat of the actual user in the other machine.
Is there anything in the BotFramework (apart from DirectLine) that can be done that restricts the URL with the same token to be opened in another machine?
There is an issue on GH which is facing the same event with you, and with the comments, we can found that this situation will not be changed currently.
However, we can get some hints from the comment:
Ultimately, you can't hide the secret/token from clients.
If you want to remove it from the URL, you can host the JS control on your own.
If you want to remove it from page source, you can pass the value in a cookie >and read it in JS in your webpage.
However, in all cases, the value will be available in memory.
I think you can build another simple web site yourself as the bridge from the iframe and yout bot application. You can restrict your user whether is unique in this website's session. And also you can verify your user before instantiate the Bot WebChat.

How do I fetch my own Instagram media feed

I have a use case that Instagram does not seem to acknowledge. I am hoping that someone else has an idea for what I can do.
The website that I am maintaining has been using the API endpoint:
And I am aware that Instagram has recently stopped supporting this endpoint. So I am looking for a replacement.
My use case is that I do not want to allow the users of my website to authenticate and browse their own photos. Instead I want to show only the latest 20 images that "I" (aka my employer) have posted, one at a time in a loop.
Instagram's API documentation seems to be entirely focused on the use case of allowing users to authenticate and share their photos.
Is there an API call that will return the last 20 images that I have posted?
From its specs, the Sandbox will work fine for me, I cannot find a way to register with Instagram that does not require me to build a user authentication work flow that will NEVER be used.
You would want to use self feed endpoint.

nodejs - how to fetch email from gmail

I have developed web application in node.js, and now I want to fetch email(s) from gmail and store in my application database. I have read/checked mail-listener2, but it give me some error about authentication. I have raised issue for that, but I am still looking for a trusted library like this. Does anybody worked with this library, or any other solution for the same? In short I am looking for a code/sample/library which is fetch email(s) (including attachment and header detail (I need uniqueid/threadid of email, so I can make a ticketing solution) from G Mail account.

Enable user to send text to specific Gmail contacts

In our website, we need to achieve a seemingly simple task: Enable the user to send a specific text to all or some of his/her Gmail contacts (including contact selection).
We don't actually need the contact data itself. We prefer some kind of "Gmail Plugin" (if there is one) that asks the user to login and does all the work. Alas, we couldn't find any.
We did find several different Google APIs related to this task. Some of them seem to give us contacts data. Others seem to handle sending email:
There is "Contacts API" under
There is "Contacts Service" under
There is "Gmail Service" under
There is "Gmail Platform Integration" under
Each of the above looks different and there seems to be much overlapping between them.
So what is the recommended method to achieve our original task? Is there a plugin that does it all? If not - should we use separate APIs for getting the contacts data and sending the emails, or are there Google APIs that combine both sub-tasks? In case those are separate tasks - is it possible to email via Gmail, or are there other recommended services for the email sending part?
To directly answer your question: you must use the first API you pointed, Contacts API under
Basically, you want to use the Google Contacts API with OAuth2 authentication in your website: user will be prompted by Google to allow your website to read user contacts.
First, read a bit about OAuth2 authentication flows here:
Second step: register your app on Google Console and get your key/pass for the Contacts API (you'll need contacts.readonly permission):
Then, as you'll use the OAuth2 for Web Servers, check this Google documentation:
Alternatively, you can use third part libraries to easily import contacts to your website. There are free libraries, like PHP, Ruby OmniAuth gem, and paid alternatives, like (multi-language).
Disclaimer: I work for
You could achieve this as you say with Google APIs and a Chrome Extension for example.
The user can add a Chrome Extension from the Chrome Webstore. The Extension will provide the user with a user interface to allow them to compose their message and send to the selected contacts.
The users contacts can be retrieved with the Google Contacts API.
The message can be sent to the selected contacts with the Gmail API.
There is a lot of documentation and examples for all of the above which together will give you what you want.
Depending on how much use this is going to get, you could use a contextual gadget which is browser agnostic - but visible in all emails in Gmail.
This is wrong the idea is to post the text to buffer a and submit pointer to array on buffet a and copy it to class b pointer a 0 than release the array and buffer so new allocation can be done
