Image Uploading in Meteor , uploading empty files - node.js

I am working on meteor framework and trying to upload images in one of my app using the code from the link
Everything works good , except that it uploads the empty file in my public folder of app .
I checked console and it shows 503 error there after I select a file to upload
Here is the console screenshot
It keeps on looping and the number of errors keeps on adding in console
I am using meteor on windows .
Does anyone has managed to get file uploads work in meteor on windows platform ? and if yes can you please share the code which worked for you .

The reason you are getting a 503 is that when anything in the public folder changes meteor reloads. Because your uploads are going there the server is resetting. Change your code not to save it to public but rather somewhere else and you should see the error go away.


Problems Deploying Node App With

I would like to post a simple stripe integration on render. I apologize in advance for my ignorance on the topic but, since I'm more front-end oriented, it's the first time I've attempted to do such a thing so I would like to ask you
if the repository is ready to be published, if there is some error that can cause the deploy to fail or if some preliminary operation is required (in the server folder I also have an .env file with the stripe keys and I specified STATIC_DIR = "../client/")
In after clicking on "new" - "web service" and connecting the github repository and considering that from the terminal I start the server.js with the following commands:
cd server
node server.js
how should I fill in the "root directory", "build command" and "start command" fields since it's still not clear to me? Is the root directory the folder that contains the server.js file inside? In my case it would be for example "folderName/server" or simply "server"?
I tried to upload the repository to render but i get the following error message
Failed - Exited with status 1 while running your code.
It also tells me "error cannot find module express"
then I reinstalled express in server folder with npm install express and verified it was already installed. I therefore believe that there is a path error in the phase in which I create the web service.
error snippet
I hope I have provided enough data and I thank anyone who is willing to give me a hand in advance
I solved the problem. I had to specify in in advanced the key - value pairs of my .env file
I noticed it thanks to the Cyclic app which, after loading the repository, warned me that if the app doesn't work it could be because of that
I hope it will help someone

Manifest error in react app when using build for deployment

I'm running build for a react app and using the index.html file path on my node server. Everything is working fine but on routes where I am using slugs are giving errors:
path is like: /blog/:id
/blog is working as it should but
/blog/someID is throwing this error in console and browser just gives a white screen.
Things are working fine in my react app locally. I believe it is an issue with the build process.
I have not seen this error before. I've used this process multiple times and it works fine but this time it is throwing some error. Can someone guide me why it is throwing this error?
Thank you.

Angular application files upload

It's a first time I'm doing this so got some trivial (I think) problems with files upload.
I have a pair: Angular 7 app + NodeJS (express) backend. I successfully uploading files (images) through the Angular page, NodeJS save it with correct format, but I don't know what can I do to be able to target just uploaded images in my web-service and where should I store new files. Should it be : src/app/uploads or only src/app ? Can someone explain the idea behind.
Do I need to do any extra actions in Angular? Because it shows me 404 page if I try to target something out of scope of the app.
I think that src directory should store only source code (or something change when you update your version of code)
In my opinion, uploaded file shouldnt be stored in src directory.
Root dir
- docs
- migrations
- node_modules
- src
- tmp
- uploaded

Load new images from assets while server is running in Angular

I'm building a nodejs + angular application. On the server-side I have a function that uploads a new image to my angular folder under assets/images/uploads, it also saves the path of where i have uploaded it to a database.
In my angular I want to be able to show that image right after I have uploaded it. I'm trying to do this by saying:
<img mat-card-image src="../../{{users.profilePicture}}" alt="Test">
my users.profilePicture contains the correct path to where my image is stored. This doesn't work because the path is not found. However, if i restart my angular application with "ng serve" the picture will be found and displayed as desired.
I've drawn the conclusion that this must be because the assets of my application are loaded once the application starts, and cannot detect that new ones have been added while the server is already running. Is there any way to bypass this, so that I can get my angular to reload my assets folder and detect that there has been added a new picture to the folder, while the application is already running?
Ng serve loads your app in memory, so newly added items won't include in your compiled app.
You can find some solutions in this SO post:
Serve assets as they are dynamically added

Err_connection_refused using meteor uploads

I am deploying a meteor application to a digital ocean droplet with meteor upload. Everything goes well, the application gets deployed, database works, seeding of data works etc. But there is one problem i can't seem to be able to solve.
I use the meteor-uploads package ( for file uploads. Locally everything goes well, the file gets uploaded, finished callback gets called etc. But once I have deployed the application to the server it keeps giving me on of these errors, :
POST http://*ip*/upload net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED
POST http://*ip*/upload net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE
POST http://*ip*/upload net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET
Any ideas are welcome, I have searched all over for a solution but none seems to fit my problem. I also installed to a fresh droplet but that didn't help. In none of my browsers (Mac Chrome, safari & firefox) does it work, on my phone (Android 5.0) I get the same errors. I am using the newest Meteor version
On local host you don't need to set the environmental variables, but the host services provides you should.
Check this tutorial to see how to put the environment variables.
Because the file-upload needs a startup-server-configuration, like this.
Meteor.startup(function () {
tmpDir: process.env.PWD + '/.uploads/tmp',
uploadDir: process.env.PWD + '/.uploads/',
checkCreateDirectories: true //create the directories for you
But im not sure if putting this on a startup will work on digital ocean, like i say you you enter it, run printing and check if the /.uploads/ exists
