Accessing raw file permissions(Linux) - linux

As far as I am aware(correct me if I'm wrong), Linux is storing the information about each file's owner and permissions in a couple of bytes at the beginning of the file.
I know that there are plenty of ways to get that information about a file(both using shell commands and the GUI), but what I'm really wondering is if there is a way to access(view) those permissions in their raw form.
Maybe a more correct way to ask this question is whether there is a way to view the complete file contents(I've seen the binary output of a file using hexdump -C test.txt, but it still doesn't contain those) including the owner/permissions data.
I guess that this information is only accessed in it's raw form in deep-core code, but I'm really curious if it's possible to access it in a different way.

>>As far as I am aware(correct me if I'm wrong), Linux is storing the information about each file's owner and permissions in a couple of bytes at the beginning of the file.
This information is NOT stored in the file. It is a part of the filesystem's storage. Different file systems will store the binary data in different places. Some file systems will store in the information in the directory file. You should read more about filesystem permissions here, on Wikipedia
If you want to read permissions, since they are usually accessed from directory listings, look into the ls command.
If you really want to look at the "binary" data in it's "raw" form, look into opening and reading directory files in a programming language like C.


I have ext2 formatted file system Images. I like to read in terminal all the file system structures data in Linux specifically Ubuntu.Is there a tool>

So I have file system ext2 formatted image files. I like to view Inode, super block, filenames, etc. in the images for formatted file systsem . I like to know is there any tool for this. I need to view these structures like inode, superblock, file, related info like names of files, deleted inodes etc. In terminal, posssible some tool with available code in Linux. So can be editted the tool. Would be best if tool is coded in just C languange. Can anyone please do tell me this, Thanks again. Just opensource tool
I'm not certain I understood your question, but I think you probably just want to "loopback mount" your filesystem in a file. See here.
Failing that, I think you can use e2tools to access the contents. See here.

How can I combine many files into single file without compression, keeping the same behavior across platforms?

I have a folder which includes a lot of subfolders and files. I want to combine all those files into one single large file. That file should be able to get expanded rendering back the original folder and files.
Another requirement is that the method to do it should render exactly the same output (single large file) across different platforms (Node.js, Android, iOS). I've tried ZIP utility's store mode, it indeed renders one file combining all input files and it doesn't compress them, which is good. However, when I try it on Node.js and Windows 7Zip software (ZIP format Store mode), I find that the outputs are not exactly the same. The two large files' sizes are slightly different and of course with different md5. Though they can both be expanded and return back identical files, the single files doesn't meet my requirement.
Another option I tried is Tar file format. Node.js and 7Zip renders different output as well.
Do you know anything I miss using ZIP store mode and Tar file? e.g. using specific versions or customized ZIP util?
Or, could you provide another method to realize my tasks?
I need a method to combine files which shares exactly the same protocol across Node.js, android, and iOS platforms.
Thank you.
The problem is your requirement. You should only require that the files and directory structure be exactly reconstructed after extraction. Not that the archive itself be exactly the same. Instead of running your MD5 on the archive, instead run it on the reconstructed files.
There is no way to assure the same zip result using different compressors, or different versions of the same compressor, or the same version of the same code with different settings. If you do not have complete control of the code creating and compressing the data, e.g., by virtue of having written it yourself and assuring portability across platforms, then you cannot guarantee that the archive files will be the same.
More importantly, there is no need to have that guarantee. If you want to assure the integrity of the transfer, check the result of extraction, not the intermediate archive file. Then your check is even better than checking the archive, since you are then also verifying that there were no bugs in the construction and extraction processes.

How can I open a .cat file?

I'm looking for a way to open a .cat file. I have not a single clue about how to do it (I've tried with the notepad and sublime text, without results), the only thing I know is that it's not corrupted (it's read by another program, but I need to see it with my eyes to understand the structure of the content and create a similar one for my purposes).
Every hint is well accepted.
If you can't make sense of it in a standard text editor, it's probably a binary format.
If so, you need to get yourself a program capable of doing hex dumps (such as od) and prepare for some detailed analysis.
A good start would be trying to find information about Advanced Disk Catalog somewhere on the web, assuming that's what it is.

Saving a program and loading a program in use

I'm trying to create a program that moves a little man forward by walking or running etc.
I need to be able to save the state of the little man and load it at any given time and I have no idea how to do this. Could anyone please help me get the ball rolling?
You will probably have the state (the position of the character, maybe something else) stored in some sort of Python data structures. You could create a file storing this information. The most obvious ways are:
Create a plain-text file with text/numbers needed to recreate the state. You will need to parse it to load the state, but you can choose any file format you like.
Use pickle to dump your Python objects to a file directly. You will then read them using pickle.load and won't have to bother parsing the file.

Combining resources into a single binary file

How does one combine several resources for an application (images, sounds, scripts, xmls, etc.) into a single/multiple binary file so that they're protected from user's hands? What are the typical steps (organizing, loading, encryption, etc...)?
This is particularly common in game development, yet a lot of the game frameworks and engines out there don't provide an easy way to do this, nor describe a general approach. I've been meaning to learn how to do it, but I don't know where to begin. Could anyone point me in the right direction?
There are lots of ways to do this. m_pGladiator has some good ideas, especially with seralization. I would like to make a few other comments.
First, if you are going to pack a bunch of resources into a single file (I call these packfiles), then I think that you should work to avoid loading the whole file and then deseralizing out of that file into memory. The simple reason is that it's more memory. That's really not a problem on PC's I guess, but it's good practice, and it's essential when working on the console. While we don't (currently) serialize objects as m_pGladiator has suggested, we are moving towards that.
There are two types of packfiles that you might have. One would be a file where you want arbitrary access to the contents of the files. A second type might be a collection of files where you need all of those files when loading a level. A basic example might be:
An audio packfile might contain all the audio for your game. You might only need to load certain kinds of audio for the menus or interface screens and different sets of audio for the levels. This might fall intot he first category above.
A type that falls into the second category might be all models/textures/etc for a level. You basically want to load the entire contents of this file into the game at load time because you will (likely) need all of it's contents while a player is playing that level or section.
many of the packfiles that we build fall into the second category. We basically package up the level contents, and then compresses them with something like zlib. When we load one of these at game time, we read a small amount of the file, uncompress what we've read into a memory buffer, and then repeat until the full file has been read into memory. The buffer we read into is relatively small while final destination buffer is large enough to hold the largest set of uncompressed data that we need. This method is tricky, but again, it saves on RAM, it's an interesting exercise to get working, and you feel all nice and warm inside because you are being a good steward of system resources. once the packfile has been completely uncompressed into it's destinatino buffer, we run a final pass on the buffer to fix up pointer locations, etc. This method only works when you write out your packfile as structures that the game knows. In other words, our packfile writing tools share struct (or classses) with the game code. We are basically writing out and compressing exact representations of data structures.
If you simply want to cut down on the number of files that you are shipping and installing on a users machine, you can do with something like the first kind of packfile that I describe. Maybe you have 1000s of textures and would just simply like to cut down on the sheer number of files that you have to zip up and package. You can write a small utility that will basically read the files that you want to package together and then write a header containing the files and their offsets in the packfile, and then you can write the contents of the file, one at a time, one after the other, in your large binary file. At game time, you can simply load the header of this packfile and store the filenames and offsets in a hash. When you need to read a file, you can hash the filename and see if it exists in your packfile, and if so, you can read the contents directly from the packfile by seeking to the offset and then reading from that location in the packfile. Again, this method is basically a way to pack data together without regards for encryption, etc. It's simply an organizational method.
But again, I do want to stress that if you are going a route like I or m_pGladiator suggests, I would work hard to not have to pull the whole file into RAM and then deserialize to another location in RAM. That's a waste of resources (that you perhaps have plenty of). I would say that you can do this to get it working, and then once it's working, you can work on a method that only reads part of the file at a time and then decompresses to your destination buffer. You must use a comprsesion scheme that will work like this though. zlib and lzw both do (I believe). I'm not sure about an MD5 algorithm.
Hope that this helps.
do as Java: pack it all in a zip, and use an filesystem-like API to read directly from there.
Personally, I never used the already available tools to do that. If you want to prevent your game to be hacked easily, then you have to develop your own resource manipulation engine.
First of all read about serializing objects. When you load a resource from file (graphic, sound or whatever), it is stored in some object instance in the memory. A game usually uses dozens of graphical and sound objects. You have to make a tool, which loads them all and stores them in collections in the memory. Then serialize those collections into a binary file and you have every resource there.
Then you can use for example MD5 or any other encryption algorithm to encrypt this file.
Also, you can use zlib or other compression library to make this big binary file a bit smaller.
In the game, you should load the encrypted binary file and unpack it. Then decrypt it. Then deserialize the object collections and you have all resources back in memory.
Of course you can make this more comprehensive by storing in different binary files the resources for different levels and so on - there are plenty of variants, depending on what you want. Also you can first zip, then encrypt, or make other combinations of the steps.
Short answer: yes.
In Mac OS 6,7,8 there was a substantial API devoted to this exact task. Lookup the "Resource Manager" if you are interested. Edit: So does the ROOT physics analysis package.
Not that I know of a good tool right now. What platform(s) do you want it to work on?
Edited to add: All of the two-or-three tools of this sort that I am away of share a similar struture:
The file starts with a header and index
There are a series of blocks some of which may have there own headers and indicies, some of which are leaves
Each leaf is a simple serialization of the data to be stored.
The whole file (or sometimes individual blocks) may be compressed.
Not terribly hard to implement your own, but I'd look for a good existing one that meets your needs first.
For future people, like me, who are wondering about this same topic, check out the two following links:
